A Dinner And A Debate

Our heroes have recently completed a quest from the hunter's guild. It's time to celebrate (and recover HP) with a hearty dinner!

Plot Room 1

Our heroes have valiantly fought to clean the ritual grounds for the Sher Kar from the monster ants that have been invading it of late. It was a succcess, and like it often happens in such situation, the group has headed to a local tavern. Rooms were booked for those who wished to remain in town (which would be a good idea, considering how it's after sunset by now), and people had the time to clean themselves up there.

Despite the war, the candlelit main floor of tavern is packed, mostly by Landers; a yellow tint dances on the thick wooden beams and large stone arcs. At the massive table they're sat at, Uta is chugging down large chunks of meat as if there was no tomorrow. Those who would bother to check her HP bar out of combat could see that it's still firmly in the yellow, but growing steadily with each bit of food.
Plot Room 1

Schneider exited the mission kind of low on HP, but after a chance to take a breather and to recover, taking a bath and relaxing before coming down to dinner, the wizard is at full HP, though his mana bar is low, implying he dumped a lot of healing magic to recover his HP. Still, one of the Three Useless Things are 'HP you haven't got right now'.

Watching Uta eat is certainly an interesting thing. And a cautionary tale, in the vein of 'Keep hands clear at all times'. Being down mana rather than HP, he's concentrating on drinking, and he's spared a bit of coin for the good wine. Luckily, as a hybrid type, he hasn't got a lot to regenerate, and it's coming back at a decent rate.
Plot Room 1

It was the ants. It was the monster ants. The monster ants. Haru tries to remember a catchy tune about ants and hums it a bit as a way of not thinking about all the ant bits that are on him. He was rather happy with the chitin he found for minor accessories. It is a more exotic material and one worth practicing on if nothing else during his venture as a traveling Accessory Forger. The Artificer needed to clean up, though, and it was the first thing he went and did. There is the whole looking in the mirror with a 'get it together' monologue best paced for another time. When he is making his way down to the tavern table, he is renewed in spirit and appearance. No ant bits are going to get in the way of his tavern time!

It is innate how Haru eats. Very regimented like he would be better suited to a steak house over a tavern. Sip. Gulp. Chew chew. Swallow. A bit of a habit of cleaning his hands periodically to keep them in mint condition. Life blood of a crafter! Both his health and mana or low, so he is pacing himself for the long haul of restoration. If only Enchanters had good ole Mana Battery abilities, but alas.
Plot Room 1

    Fuka has been perhaps a bit uncharacteristically quiet during the trek back to town. That is to say, she had a bit of a tendency to go moody for a moment, then drop out of it to lighten the mood with a joke, a tease, or some outright stupid observation or speculation. Those latter things are perfectly normal for her at least but the lapses are what's unusual, and noticeable to anyone familiar with her usual silliness.

    She too was a little low on HP, thanks to some facetanking and failed shielding, but it's nothing a little time, mana restoration, and food won't cure. She has light magic after all, and is more than willing to spend some mana. Especially since, as she solemnly insists, sweet desserts are the only suitable cure for serious mana depletion.

    Fuka's not a whole-hog food shoveler, but she's not fastidious by any means! She attacks her food with methodical precision and no small amount of enthusiasm, with more attention paid to speed than fastidiousness. Her bouts of moodiness seems to have been cured by good food at least!
Plot Room 1

As it is customary in such situations, Uta gets a bit of meat stuck in her throat. Her cheeks and eyes bulge, and she reaches for her tankard (of lemonade, of all things!), which she quickly gulps down, with slight punches on her upper chest to facilitate swallowing.

She exhales once the bite has been dislodged, and smiles. "Ah, man, does this feel much better," she says, and takes some time to look around everyone sitting at the table. Now that her HP bar is out of the critical area, and possibly her pangs of hunger not as bad, she slows down, and reaches for some edamame with her chopsticks. "So, here we are. The long promised chat session.", she says, before the edamame disappear into her mouth.
Plot Room 1

    "Don't choke, Uta!" Fuka warns, alarmed as her friend inevitably suffers the consequences of her actions. "I'm not sure this inn is equipped to handle the consequences of three extremely hot people all trying to give you CPR to save you all at the same time!" she teases. Her heart's not entirely in it, but she tries.

    She glances around at the others at mention of the chat session, then sighs. "It's a good thing I'm not drinking lemonade." she notes, picking up her mug once again. It's not wine either. She's got mead, having found she quite likes the contrast of sweet and bitter it provides. As for getting drunk, well, she hasn't had a lot. But then again she is rather small.
Plot Room 1

Schneider is sitting back in his chair and feeling pretty good, all things considered. He looks up in alarm as Uta starts choking, but the problem is resolved before he has to try and remember the heimlich maneuver he'd heard about some years back. No proper training, but it could help. Maybe?

As to feeling much better, he nods. "/Not/ having giant ants trying to claw your guts out is almost always better," he agrees, leaving it a mystery what circumstance would make it so that it -was- the better alternative. And the long-awaited chat. What were we going to chat about? He's gotten so wrapped up in immediate things, he'd lost track of what was going to be discussed.
Plot Room 1

"So it has been written, so it shall be," Haru offers with his voice a bit more tired than it is polished. The encounter took a lot out of him and he was already resolving a form of an internal conflict as well as ants. He takes a deep breath and exhales to blow on the tavern mug he is drinking from. It is a stout, a dark substance in the cup like tar. "A bit of a debrief about the situation with the Crowned and Uncrowned when it isn't as threatening to our lives." One that doesn't come with spells going all over the place in the process. "Thinking of the best place to start. How about 'The Uncrowned are people too' and 'Crowned are a more direct force. Move into what we learned about death and memories. How one becomes Crowned. What this means to our actions." Its almost like he is reading from a meeting agenda page on the napkin in front of him. No, it is empty. More an etiquette tick.
Plot Room 1

"It might be almost always better, but I would hazard that it is always good," Uta quips back at Schneider.

Fuka's teasing catches Uta in mid-chew, and- well, there she coughs again. Red in the face. Possibly because of the choking, but almost certainly not.

More punching, and the second bit is dislodged. "You -know- you have to remove the blockage before administering CPR, right?", she exclaims, looking around at everyone with wide eyes. And still blushing. "Those of you who didn't know are not allowed to administer CPR!"

Haru sets the 'agenda' for the meeting, and Uta nods along, this aura of order and organization seeming to soothe her embarrassment.

"That is what I have heard," Uta mentions at the end, with a slight motion of her chopsticks. Kept point down, rigorously. "The Uncrowned. Right. So, what I got is pretty much... the Uncrowned called for a meeting. People met at the Tavern in Alne, and spoke with them. There was some chaotic chat on the Olympus channel about what was discussed, and I am under the impression that a lot was left out, and some of the discussion jumped to and fro." This time it is the turn of some sort of steamed carrot-like vegetable to go prop up Uta's HP bar.
Plot Room 1

Schneider nods to Uta, he is prepared to accept that not having giant ants clawing your guts out is always good. He nods about not doing CPR, though. He took a Red Cross course once upon a time, but doesn't remember a ton. He hrms as Haru reads out the agenda, but it seems there's more exposition to be had?

And he nods as Uta adds to that. He sips his wine, says, "Someone from Scale went to the meeting, there was a summary posted on our bulliten board. It leaves a few questions open, unfortunately."
Plot Room 1

    Fuka bites her lip and murmurs a throaty 'mmhmmmm' in reply to Uta's demand. It's probably intended to be sensual and, to be fair, it might actually have been... if she wasn't so obviously close to cracking up over her own joke. One might wonder just how she intended to dislodge the blockage, except then one would have to accept Fuka's teasing at face value. This is just not to be contemplated.

    She gets serious though, somewhat, when Uta puts them back on course. "That's a lot of it, yes." she agrees. "There's also the bit about the Crowned being under the control of the Palace Lands rulers, and most of them being forced into it against their will. Either through some sort of Leader power or through repeated deaths and recaptures. The Uncrowned are outside control. At least... outside direct control." she says, seeming a bit ominous. "They've given me no reason to distrust them, but it's possible they could be lying. But if they're telling the truth, I can't imagine the leaders letting them say this much and roam freely when they could easily just force them to wear a crown and we'd know no difference."

    Fuka sighs. Distrust doesn't come all that naturally to her, but she's clever and still considers such things. At least when there's so much on the line. "There was also something about the princess Hairy Fanny or whatever her name is. How she was murdered by Adventurers and came back to life as an Adventurer and now she's been crowned too. I, uh, didn't really understand all that." Fuka admits.
Plot Room 1

Haru settles on Uta and the embarassment of Fuka's tease for a moment. It doesn't need to progress into the serious. The one blue eye not behind the monocle blinks slowly. No. It does. Resigned mono-eyed blink. Is that a wink? Is Haru winking at Uta? How could the difference even be told? "They met several of us. It was well represented across the guilds, organizations, and unique personalities." He stops for a moment to get a drink of his stout. Mana bar goes up a little bit. "Fuka and I were there in person. So it'll be a good cross reference of information. I recalled there were three Uncrowned there. Tian, a Cait Sith that uses sign to commuinicate. Gao, a robed human. Shenmi, a well dressed human. For our side there were more than I can rattle off."

The man gives a healthy pause with Fuka's account of things, drinking his stout. Hearing another side of it is reassuring to a point. It was so chaotic in there that he wondered if there were nuances left out. Haru lowers his mug, "I struggle to think the Palace Landers are so completely unified that there are not factions that oppose the thought. Sure. It could happen. Hundreds or thousands of people could all agree with something when six people together struggle for the same favorite table appetizer." He pauses. Looks at the edamame. Grabs one. No, this IS the correct choice. "Conjecture aside, they did go into light detail on how one is Crowned and the process sounds rather oppressive. Fear based rulership." Of that, he is well familiar of.
Plot Room 1

Uta shrinks further into her shoulders at the mmmmh and the... apparent wink, with an appropriate amount of flushing. But luckily this is far milder than what came before, and she's quick to recover as soon as a different subject of discussion comes into play.

Uta mumbles at Schneider, "Typical Olympus. Plenty of chim chatter, no written documents at all about this. I will have to see about compiling a dossier with this information myself." She digs into her dish, and chugs down some more meat, while her other hand goes through the motions of opening her menu and summoning her inventory.

"Tian... Cait Sith... sign...," she begins to scribble, relying on the pencil and notebook she's recently shimmered into existence. "Gao... robed human... Shenmi... well dressed..."

"The crowning process. I am very, very interested in that subject. I have heard something about that. And I have seen a couple of people who have been Crowned. Sheriff Shirin, no doubt, is one ofthem, as must Yuri, who accompained Queen Laira Lorelei during her visit to Eas."

She looks up with the kind of serious, focused determination in her eyes one does not see often. "Please do elaborate." She glances at Fukaziroh, then back to Haru. "And princess-" Hesitation. "-Whatever-Her-Name-Is. That sounds like an interesting story." She taps her lips with her pencil. "As for whether or not we should trust the Uncrowned... I admit there is uncertainty in this choice. But we have little choice. I suppose that sending fake allies our way -might- be a tactic of our enemies. Yet, if it isn't, this could be the first major breakthrough for us in this war."

Silence. "I suppose we should not outright ditch the possibility that they are, indeed, helping us. But we will, at the same time, have to be very careful."
Plot Room 1

    Appearing pained due to the effort of thought, Fuka adds something. "Tian was, apparently, the wolf that appeared to save Merek's life when our people were retreating from the betrayal at the tenth wave." she claims. "Rizadoman confirmed it. And the wolf told him 'Don't die', which they repeatedly signed here."

    It's a consistent element, one which seems to underline the whole warning about what happens to memories when you die. Not to mention the even more unpleasant things that can happen to someone who dies too much, like being unable to return or losing one's identity completely.

    "Actually, I'm sure there are divisions." Fuka agrees. "Like, Kallamore does things one way, Thor another. The Uncrowned still get to do things like participate in events, as long as they don't act against the way Lumina Cloth runs at least. But ... it looks like all of the kingdoms rule their Adventurers by force or threat, and there's not many uncrowned... left." she says.

    "Also you can have the favourite appetizer." Fuka observes, turning a baleful eye on Haru. "But if you steal my dessert I'll stab you." she warns. She's smiling when she says so. Maybe it's a joke. Maybe the thought of stabbing Haru is enjoyable. Who can tell?
Plot Room 1

Schneider hrms as Haru lists off the Palace Lands attendees, ignoring the byplay pretty much entirely as he hrms about it being well-represented. That'd explain how a summary got posted on Scale's bulletin board so quickly. It didn't have anything about princesses, though. Or swaperoos. And fear-based society. "Sounds about right, for China," he observes.

He's not going to fight for food, though, it's not -that- important. As far as the crowning process is summarized, he nods. "Did they say if there was a way to undo it? That sounds like it could be important." The princess thing gets a shrug, though, he's not sure how that story fits into anything else, and things are already way too complicated.
Plot Room 1

The white haired Artificer is waving down the wait staff when they come to check in for more noms and drinks. "Another Stout and two," Haru looks past the smiling, baleful eye of Fuka, "nix that. Three more meads. I need someone's hand-eye coordination sufficiently impared for when I eat desert." He mocks dramatic to the staff, "my life is in your hands." He is kidding. Maybe. He turns to Fuka with a more genuine smile and a glint on his purple monocle lens, "desert is the final boss which can not be denied." Dun dun duhn. Debuffs! Really Haru is such a sweet-tooth guy that he probably would do the 'last grab' for it with Fuka. All in good fun.

Holding off for a future time when they reach the boss battle of food, Haru looks to Uta's information processing persona. "I dont know much about the princess. That part went over my head except for the part where if you get killed enough times you become a Lander. Inspect that way and the whole deal." He takes another drink, relaxing more into an information sharing mode, "I honestly think they are the best chance we have at going to the heart of the matter instead of the brawn of it. Force wise, its not that good if we lost a beach head like Shibuya." Now, Haru isnt militant, but his past does recall a painful amount of education, including history. Instead of going down that road, he turns to Schneider's question.

"They didn't say how you can become Uncrowned. Tian did say that it has happened. Once. So not easy to do, but hope exists for a method. It didn't seem like it was a story willing to be shared. We were very fortunate they shared anything at all," Haru says to Schneider, "and they all reinforced the important of defending the churches."
Plot Room 1

"I have met Tian," Uta comments to Fuka. "In Alne's main square. When he invited people to the meeting. I have made sure to inform whoever needed to be informed. I-" A pause. She was about to say that she would have loved to take part to the meeting, but she was too busy regrowing her legs, but then realized it would not be a nice thing to say with Fukaziroh around, so she simply stays silent. Only to finish with, "-remember they were deaf. That would explain the signing."

Uta nods along at the discussion about death causing the Lander Fate. She apparently was aware of that bit. "I agree with you, Haru. I want to look deep into this matter. I would love it if we -all- looked deep into this matter. I do not think we can win this war through superior force. We have to outsmart them."

Uta slurps in all the information tossed her way. And she shares Schneider's opinion that the bit about reversing the crowning process is of special importance: her brain latches onto the explanation given by Haru, and her metaphorical cranial gears seem to grind with extraordinary intensity: they won't let go until this nut is cracked.

This appears to happen when some unvoiced thought shifts her expression from concentration to concern. "Do we... do we have Crowned prisoners we can examine?", she ask.
Plot Room 1

    Fuka wonders at Haru trying to get her drunk. It's a scheme that could backfire. Sure she might try to stab him in defense of her dessert but she wouldn't actually try to hurt him. Probably. But drunk? Well, she might not be quick enough to hold back properly!

    Or, you know, he could be trying the dastardly scheme of getting her drunk, lowering all her inhibitions, then inviting her to his room to 'talk'. The monocled cad. Fuka eyenarrows suspiciously, but seems to have no qualms accepting the drinks at least. Maybe she doesn't suspect Haru's base intentions... to steal her dessert! Muahaha?

    "We lost Shibuya because we were defending our people, not our land." Fuka notes, annoyed. Not annoyed at Haru but at the war. "I was in the tower at the time. So were a lot of our people. We were caught out of position, and they sent in a single targeted attack force without warning. Like, I don't know, like a chess knight going all the way across the board to capture a bishop."

    Her confused metaphor aside, she seems to have perhaps a bit of military insight at least. Maybe she's also feigning confusion about some of the weirder details of the discussion. Or maybe not? It can be hard to tell just how much of Fuka is an act and how much is carelessness or foolishness. "They did say the crowns can be removed. By force, I guess, or maybe by powerful magic. You know, the usual way?" she shrugs. "Also maybe it's possible to become the king of one of the nations I guess, and use the power over the crowns to free all the crowned at once. But that's likely to be kinda tricky. Maybe that's what the adventurer princess's trying to do?"

    She glances at Uta, considers. "I don't know, Songbird." she says, perhaps a little drunk by now. Relaxed enough to test out a nickname at least. "I think there was some mention of prisoners, but I don't know if they were crowned, landers, or adventurers killed enough times to become landers. I ... think if we captured anyone with a crown at Shibuya though, I'd have heard."

    Once again she pauses, then sighs. "Oh and I was asked to give my thanks to the other alliances when I could, for their help in the Shibuya battle. Since I offered to carry messages. It's embarrassing though, since no one could tell me anyone that actually fought there." she sighs, burying her face in her hand. "So, you know, thanks I guess." she grumbles.
Plot Room 1

Schneider ehs at Haru's reply, and protests, "If they said it's possible, but didn't say how, they almost certainly don't know how. If it was hard, but possible, they'd say so, in hopes that it'd be used. There's no reason to hold back that sort of information. It's not like it'd be used on /them/. Unless they'd gotten turned, and then I'd expect they'd want it used them."

As far as being lucky they shared anything, he will agree with that. "Still, if the Palace Landers will be attacking churches, that's good to know. That tells us where to defend. And that means.. churches are inside root towns, yes? So, won't the system attack any players who try to PVP there?"

He hrms at Uta meeting one of them, and nods about having prisoners. "They're held way up in the Tower," he explains. "You'd have to talk to Proph if you want to examine them, he's got that situation under his personal investigation."

As far as thanks for the Shibuya battle, he says, "I hadn't even heard about it until it was well past. I dunno who might have been there from Scale."
Plot Room 1

Haru gives Schneider a raised eyebrow from his one eye that can raise an eyebrow well. "With the uncrowning skepticism, are you factoring in that people don't like talking about things that are painful? No one needs to share anything with anyone, we're not entitled to it. People are not system call - system response command line interfaces. Again, grateful they shared anything, at great personal risk." He seems to have a deal of respect for people willing to take risks for others. A little fire there, cooled with a drink. A deep breath. A head shakes, "You know," he admits, "its worth talking to Tian about it, Schneider. Maybe you can find out, yeah?"

There is a hum from Haru's voice as he offhandedly chopsticks one of Fuka's eggrolls or small-bread-like equivilent on the table. "You know," monch, "I don't know about the Crowned. When the beach got assailed around festival times, didn't Merek do a thing with one? The ones I have come across were not huge on talking instead of posturing or conquesting." A side head gesture, "but I haven't also been going looking for them. Generally if they show up its evac the Landers and wounded protocol. Enchanter life." Clenched fist. Debuff magic, ho!

The Artificer thinks for a moment longer. Hmmm. Chew. Swallow. "I believe that covered all the high point topics. Lingering questions or theories?"
Plot Room 1

"I -definitely- want to speak with Doctor Prophylaxis after this dinner," Uta says, and chugs down some more lemonade. "If Doctor Prophylaxis has any Crowned in his hands- wait, Songbird?" She seems taken by surprise by the nickname. It further doesn't seem to help re-normalize her complexion.

"You actually make an excellent point, Haru," she exclaims, snapping back to Haru. In the (probably vain) hope that Fuka will forget the nickname soon. "-Excellent- point. Why doesn't the guardian system slay people who try to force-crown Adventurers on respawn? Have we found a weak spot in their story?" She looks up and thinks. "...or have the Landers found a way around it?" She frowns. "...does the assault system smite only Adventurers? Or does it smite Landers too? I... I am a bit of a newbie, not familiar with the mechanics."

"I don't really know who was there myself," Uta mumbles. "But I'll make sure to pass on the message, Fuka. Is this an official message from the New World Alliance?"

When prompted about theories, Uta quietly sets her chopsticks down on the designated stand. She reflects for a few seconds, then begins: "As I have said, I have met a couple of those Crowned people. They sound like they're in a cult. Absolute, blind devotion." She shivers. "And we're not talking drones or puppets here. Based on my experience, the crowning process does not seem to wipe their feelings and will. It seems to hijack them. Sheriff Shirin, the Palace Lander who attacked me and-" Empty, shocked stare. A shake of her head, and Uta continues, "-went on a tirade on how we were the bad guys, and his exact words, on the subject of Queen Laira Lorelei, were 'the last war brought her tears, I will never allow another tear on her face.' I seemed to -really- strike a nerve when I spoke in unflattering terms of Queen Laira."
Plot Room 1

    Fuka snorts at Haru's response, either a muffled laugh of amusement or snort of dismissal. She doesn't seem to make it clear what her belief is on the subject. After a moment though she heeeeeeeys in annoyance, having belatedly noticed Haru's theft of her roll. Giving him the old side-eye, she shrugs and settles back into her chair, sprawling. "Support Life." she agrees. Not dismissing the duty, but accepting it as the most important possible thing they could both be doing at that given stage of a battle.

    Lazily she arches an eyebrow at Uta. "Songbird." she confirms, not going into details. "Uh... it was from Rizadoman, so it does have some weight. But if it was official I'd have it in writing with names. So... call it unofficial. He did say that despite us not succeeding in the defense, lives were saved because of the help. And ... y'know, despite all the chaos meaning we couldn't really say who was there and who wasn't, I'm sure it made a difference. Please, sincere thanks to those who helped... and a request from me personally to find out who was actually there, so we can offer thanks properly maybe? I wasn't there myself, but I appreciate any efforts to cooperate to fight this war, even in battles where it's not my actual home at stake."

    Fuka sounds actually genuine, saying this. Mellow and warm, possibly from alcohol. "I do have a lingering question though." she states. "Who has the guts to steal food from me, and the belief they can get away with it without DIRE consequences?" she glowers. Not entirely sincerely.
Plot Room 1

Schneider sighs at Haru. "I'm not factoring in the fact that they're uncomfortable. I'm factoring in that it's dangerously stupid to not share information like that if you have it and it could free allies from servitude. How can it be painful to share something that /might/ happen to a /stranger/, anyhow? I'm not asking them to drop their drawers...If they know but won't share because they're /uncomfortable/," which he says with a faux-prissy voice, "then they can go to hell on a broomstick." He glowers, but shakes his head about lingering questions. "Not that hasn't been addressed."

He hrms as Uta explains about her fight with Shirin. "I hate fanatics. There's no reasoning with them. None at all. Though at least here you can kill them. I mean, you could in real life, but it's illegal in real life."

He suddenly remembers, "Oh, I'd considered people being locked out of alliance chims by combat and I've worked out a spell to send a flare, like if you need help in an emergency. I'm trying to teach everyone I can. I've got people in Scale, and I've taught Rizadoman from NWA. It's a bit tricky, but I hope a lot of people can learn it."
Plot Room 1

"Noted," Haru says to Schneider, letting his opinion on the matter drop. Difference of perspective. He monches on the covert acquired nom with an echo of, "Support Life," with food still in his mouth. Swallow.

Then there is the matter of birds with song. "Songbird," the young man raises his tankard to that. He says it a couple of more times on his lips. Songbird. "Its pretty catchy. It also means I have to rework the pin I made for you." A finger snaps. Oh no, he has to do MORE accessory work? Something he LIKES to do? Also a draw a way from the more drawn topics of the battle of Shibuya. Totally not responding to Fuka's defensive food ire. Until. Slow head turn. Chopsticks clank. Western BGM starts to play in his head. "Songbird sends her regards," chopstick snatch, oho!
Plot Room 1

    "I truly have a way with names." Fukaziroh brags shamelessly, looking extremely pleased with herself. Then, abruptly, she flashes straight to cross. "Like... CHOPSTICK! Have I introduced you to chopstick? Do I have to now?" she threatens, pushing herself out of her seat and assaulting Haru with a chopstick.

    Fortunately for him it's the finger-manipulable kind, not the axe that's almost as big as Fuka herself, that she chooses to defend her food with. She proceeds to do this with much enthusiasm, if no particular malice or brutality.
Plot Room 1

Uta pulls her chopsticks very, very close to her chest at Fuka's outburst. Nope, no threats to people's desserts here!

Uta looks between Haru and Fuka, more confused than anything else, "...why Songbird?"

She turns to Haru, this time, and she seems even more surprised. "Pin?"

She looks down at the snatching. Songbird sends her regards? "I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS?!" In mild panic, her breathing accelerates. She flicks her menu open, and materializes a squishy ball, the size of a baseball, which she begins to squeeze. Squeeze, release. Squeeze, release. Steady breathing. "Haru, don't mess with Fuka. She's ruthless. Cross her, and she'll make sure you go from 'Support Life' to 'Life Support'."

Uta, now calmer herself, attempts to, in turn, calm Schneider. "Please, please! This is neither the time nor the place. It's a celebration, let's keep it festive." She has no fire, so she can't learn that spell. It is not mentioned further.
Plot Room 1

Schneider will let the matter of what the uncrowned know drop. It's the same in any case, us knowing nothing. Fukaziroh's continued antics draw a weary sigh, but it's not aimed at him, so he will ignore it. He looks to Uta, trying to figure out what it's not the time and place for? "I'm festive. It's just that my ninth birthday was /ten years ago/, so I can't quite get into the spirit here." And so saying, he will get up and depart.
Plot Room 1

What is amusing is that Haru does seem to be having a good time with this. The future splinters in his arm may disagree, but that is a problem for FUTURE Haru. Present Day Haru presents the ETO annual chopstick duel. Snap snap. Snap! Believe it or not. He laughs. Now there is a rare occurance. Even goes to give Fuka's nose a honk with the chopsticks. All that fine handywork with accessories leads to some fine tuned chopstick chompers. He took the ruthlessness to heart, but isnt as easily shaken. Odd. But he has been drinking, too.

Haru does let his guard down rather aptly to look to Uta, "Yeah. I made something for you and for Fuka while doing crystal resonation research. Want to see?" Rather excited about that. Proud. He does love his profession.
Plot Room 1

    Fuka duels with skill and precision. Oh wait she's a heavy blade and drunk, never mind. She duels with enthusiasm and treachery. Like Haru she believes problems are for future Fuka to worry about, and doesn't let them distract her from the joys of the moment. This is kind of her life philosophy, though she also takes some pains to protect herself from the future by rigorous training and preparation. When she's not having fun, that is.

    Needless to say she loses the duel of finesse and skill, being both under the influence of alcohol and not exactly a dexterity build. She might, however, get her revenge by launching herself at Haru and turning it into a straight-up strength contest. Though she might forego trying to grab and arm and twist it in favour of a devastating tickle assault. Who knows? It probably seems like a good idea to her at the moment. In cooler times she may think better of it, but thinking better is probably not going to be a thing while drunk.

    By the time that match is over though, she tries to catch her breath, grabbing hold of Haru's arm or shoulder to steady herself as the room spins. "Whatever you're showing off, if it's good, I'll consider forgiving you." she states magnanimously, grinning fiercely.
Plot Room 1

"Bye Schneider... a pity you had to go," Uta says, sounding genuinely sad at one of them having to depart. And doing so in... not the best of moods.

"A pin? Uh. Please do show?", Uta exclaims at Haru, curious, at the mention of crafted items-

And then things break out in an all-out tickle war. Uta sighs, and props her hand up with one hand, cheek squished and all. "Good thing we're not in a Root City either of you is a citizen of... you never know what the Guardians might do." Grab meat. Munch.


"Oh, which reminds me. In case you need to know for future reference, my home kingdom is the Eastal Free League. My Root City is Fort Ouph."

A pause.

Taking advantage of the fact that people are fighting, she takes her opportunity to lightning-quick snatch some dessert from- well, hard to tell if it's Fuka or Haru at this point.

It doesn't really matter.
Plot Room 1

"Well prepare for you to forgive me to the extreme," Haru says as he lends an arm and shoulder to steady the woobly Fuka. He is a bit short of breath himself, as is only fitting a duel for the ages with the smallest of instruments. Fast, but not exactly wrong. Time with Accessories makes him nice and precise but ultimately its that Caster life which makes for a graceful, not strong, build. "Drum roll, please," he asks, looking to Uta since the idea of Fuka drum rolling might come with a tumble and she is currently attached to him for the steady-times. Otherwise known as Haru tumbles too in that case.

The Artificer opens up his menu with a swipe and scrolls down to the cosmetic accessory. Tap. A small pin appears in his hand. The material is a cool silver metal lining out two eighth notes. Combined the pin is slightly smaller than a coin, meant to be pinned to clothing. The inner material is a smooth blue-like resin that looks glossy almost like it could be clear gel or the surface tension of water. The circular notes have little slime eyes and smiles carefully placed into them. A musical slime pin. "I had to chip more than a couple enchanted crystals to test resonation," the Enchanter explains, "and I used the material to make these." He hands them over to Uta. It is then he realizes that some of the desert has been snatched. "Well played, Songbird, well played," he says as he looked at it. He is happy to see Uta get in on the fun of the great desert boss battle.
Plot Room 1

    Fuka considers the pin admiringly while she actually slowly comes to the realization that she's clinging to Haru. And this presents a dilemma. She totally doesn't mind flirting. Enjoys the hell out of it really, but she doesn't do more. Touching is more. Clinging is definitely more.

    The problem is, she can't just abruptly let go without making it awkward. She's no tsundere, but this is kind of weird and she has no idea what it's implying, if anything. Haru doesn't seem to mind, and no one's making a big deal of it. Except Schneider who seems to think it's childish. Well that's fine, Fuka loves playing, at least after she's done duties and Duties for the day.

    Fuka leans over to take a close look at the pin, not letting go entirely, but at least taking her weight off Haru. Stopping herself from clinging to him in a way she kind of hopes isn't too obviously uncomfortable. She's a bit uncomfortable with the contact after all... but she doesn't want to admit her belated discomfort. She'd rather embarrass him than herself after all. "All right, I suppose you are forgiven to the extreme." Fuka observes gravely. "That is super adorable, so it's perfect for Uta!" she says.

    Yep, on the one hand she didn't use the nickname. On the other hand, praising Uta's cuteness. There's no winning for the Spriggan beyond getting her ... Just Dessert.
Plot Room 1

Uta admires the item already when it's handed to her. And she places it on her-

She looks down fora good place to pin it on. She has no lapel to speak of: the whole front of her gi/nurse's-uniform is one solid piece, with a relatively snug fit. Looking further below- there.

She fiddles with the right side of her belt sash a little, and shortly after, the pin is on proud display there, opposite to the fountain pen clipped to (her) left side.

She takes her hands away from it, as far as possible, to check if it stays up on its own, mostly, and then, probably, to see what it looks like as well.

"...I am not -adorable-", Uta protests with a frown. "I don't know where people keep getting that idea from!"

Her complaint is intterupted by a yawn. "Oh, man, is it getting late... I think I will have to sleep soon... but still, thanks Haru! This is some amazing handicraft." Back to looking down at it.

"Sliiiiimes...", she mutters under her breath, excited.
Plot Room 1

Haru is definately more relaxed than usual. A couple stouts and good company have that effect on him. He is not that flustered at Fuka clinging. Somewhere he thinks its part of her plan on a larger play at something. That and it is not altogether too uncomfortable for him. The lot of them have been in closer and more varied circumstances. Plus its Fuka. This time around he is harder to embarass than the beach. He has taken the nova rush before, whats a little closeness?

"Glad you like it," the Artificer says with this at-ease sincerity in his voice, "that response makes it all worth while. If you need a different color to match, let me know. It was that or red on copper, but Fuka's accessory got that one." Oooh. Thats right, he has one for Fuka, to. Head turns, making the clinging very noticible now. "Yours pops," he says, making a gesture with his hands like 'boom'. He probably means color that pops. Probably. A real smile before closing with a turn to Uta once more, "Sleep well! This was a good time. Making good memories with stuff like this." Hey, if they can lose memories, maybe they just need to make new ones, right?
Plot Room 1

    "Good night, Songbird~" Fuka trills fondly. "She really is adorable." she notes quietly, directing those words purely to Haru this time, her words quiet and tone affectionate. Admitting she adores Uta isn't hard. Uta very much reminds Fuka of her best friend from another lifetime, shy and smart and so very decent and easy to tease. Admitting any other affection however... well, that would be trickier.

    Haru's sudden reposition makes Fuka release him abruptly, in a way that makes it probably clearer than she wanted to that this wasn't her plan at all. Yes she's comfortable messing around with Haru, but it really depends on which sense of the words that actually means. She does like playing around. Getting serious now... that's tricky.

    Perhaps trying to cover for her action, she frowns. "Copper? You went cheap on me?" she asks, working up at least the pretext of outrage. She's also intensely curious though now, so the outrage is not only tampered down but also insincere.
Plot Room 1

The white haired man couldn't agree more with Fuka as Uta heads off. "Really is," Haru says on the topic on how adorable Uta is. Its one of those truths. Fire is hot. Water is wet. Uta is adorable. Its a Law. There is a certain 'aha' moment with Fuka's release. Little by little he is starting to figure things out with her. Part of the need for the two of them to have a chat. There is a good understanding of who they are with the masks on. Both of them are adept at empathy. But beyond it? Well. There is a lot there he wants to know better.

"For you," the Accessory Forger says as he squares his shoulders. A sort of Appraisal, taking the time to get Fuka in a pose too as if she was being fitted for clothing. "Lets see here. What does someone make for the girl of mischief. The lady of fire. But still behind it all," he pulls up his menu and scrolls, selecting an item. It appears in his hand and he slowly opens them. Earrings. A pair of warm-toned copper metal that provides a hook and base. Curiously there is a small circle that separates the gemstone from the metal as if a magnetic force holds the two together. No. Enchanted resonative attraction, not magnets. The gemstones are oval in nature and cut in such a way that they glitter like flames. "Still a pretty girl," he continues. A hand motions if its okay for him to equip them on her. He moves in to put them on if she allows, otherwise hands to, as he continues, "copper is a warm metal. Conductive for electricity, too, and the basis of networking equipment, showing the subtle warmth and conductivity you have going on from ear to ear. The red is part of an enchanted fire crystal. Together." He steps back giving Fuka good look down to the short blonde, "They really bring out your eyes. And if it ever gets too uncomfortable having something that gorgeous in full view," he trails. A smirk of mischief crosses his face, making a hand gesture against his own ear that says 'tug them' as the gem portion can detach. "Little replaceable snap crackers." It isnt gunpowder, but a simple enchantment sound-light effect, to mimic pranks of the world they came from.
Plot Room 1

    "Lady of lightning." Fuka corrects. She'd actually like that title sometime, once she's had a chance to really earn it. There's no heat behind the correction though; she's pleased to be called lady of fire. She just hasn't properly demonstrated why it's truly the lightning she needs to be respected for.

    And the little jewels are breathtaking. Mostly because, well, she's not used to getting presents, especially not jewelry. Also definitely not from guys. So she's fascinated, and ... well, there's a flash of uncertainty in her eyes. This is something she's not at all used to dealing with. She's not sure if Haru's flirting with her, or if he's sincere or teasing, or... or what. It's so much easier to deal with when she's the one flirting outrageously and making it entirely clear it's supposed to be a joke!

    She does allow Haru to do what he will, however, her head tilting to allow access. And her upper body leaning away from him, her foot turned away, not in aversion, more in an unconscious desire to open up room to flee.

    When Haru steps back, Fuka turns once again to face him. She didn't flee... but then, she's shown herself to have no shortage of courage. "Waaaaaiiiit." she drawls. Pleased, but narrowing her eyes as she draws out the word. "You're telling me you're putting LITERAL EXPLOSIVES on either side of my head??"

    It's probably the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for her who wasn't literally her family member. But ... you know, putting it THAT way...
Plot Room 1

Haru does the chef kiss to the hands and out to Fuka. "Magnifique," he says, uncertain how the translator handles that level of nuance and rolls with it either way. He is ninety nine point nine nine repeating that Fuka is not a family member. Add another nine for good measure. When the light hits just right, the purple tinted monocle will show one of Haru's eyes. Its blue, just like his demonocled eye. Both of those eyes look thoughtful just now. "Lady of Lightning," he repeats, "don't start giving me ideas on one." A few words to ease the discomfort. He has some of his own. Lowering your guard and just -talking- is difficult.

"Fuka," Haru starts, and like all good interactions with start with a person's name and a degree of 'the next things are going to be important' tone to them, the continue a bit imperfectly, "I wanted to talk to you about. Things." Things. Things is a good word. Broad enough to be anything. Specific enough to mean that thing. That one thing. Yeah, that thing. He taps he side of his head. New approach, "I'm just going to talk for a little bit and if you don't want to listen, you don't have to. You can walk away or throw one of those snaps at me." He stops and looks to those brown eyes that look a little more red than before thanks to the gift. "But I really would like you to listen. I..." he trails,"... like you." Its the only words that made any sense. "We were sitting at the Uncrowned counsil a few days ago. You were there. And people were being themselves. And I get it. We are all reacting to this differently and Im not going to agree with every bit of that. How others are treated and getting extra 'all that matters to me is smashing the thems, and thems the thems' is a hot point for me. Kaydon and Robert were coming on that point so strong in a peace talk. It was annoying but it wasn't until you said something that it hit me."

Haru takes a breath. Yeah. He is not as put together as he sounds. A hand behind him to hide a shake because he does not know what happens after this. He could die of embarassment on the spot, but he continues on, "You said something that sounded like you agreed with them. That what all you wanted to do is just burn 'em all and thats that. Even though they are people too and it'd make us just like the Crowned. And I hope thats not the case and I'm just being stupid about what I heard or the way I heard it. But, um," he pauses again to get the narrative on track, "its the fact that what you said did matter to me. I cared about what you thought and what it is you believe in. And that there is a lot about you I just don't know and cant know because we are really good at hiding that sort of stuff. And those things together are, just, facts. So." A pause again, "I wanted to talk to you. Masks off for a while. When its okay," he shakes his head, "if its okay. I know that you can see I have my own kind of mask. The smile at Uta's Songcraft seminar was pretty eye opening. And hey." Hands up, "this isn't exactly grade A 'cool guy' material right now. But." A settled look at her, "mask's off. I can't expect you to consider it without showing I'm willing to do the same. Right? Right." And then the silence after. Each little second being a reminder of 'Was I right?' that you just have to let it play out.
Plot Room 1

    Fuka likes Haru, though she's not sure she likes Haru. She knows he's got secrets he's hiding, naturally. She's fine with that. She doesn't know however that she'll like him if she learned those secrets, and is inexperienced enough to mistrust herself. That, perhaps, she'll find out she was wrong and that scares her more than it probably should.

    Her mind goes kind of blank though, when Haru says he likes her. That's just wrong, right? All the stuff about her being pretty, that's just nonsense talk. She's never had anyone say that about herself in this world, not with any seriousness. Not unless they're perverts anyways. And she seems to remember, vaguely, that she doesn't believe Haru's some pervert. She's not sure why she believes this, the events of that day are a bit fuzzy in her distracted mind, but she still retains a piece of it at least.

    So, just listen? Well, as much as Fukaziroh loves to talk, she can listen. She's good at it, especially when a friend rambles on about something they're passionate about. Okay, wrong term. Fuka's cheeks flush a little. But she's willing to listen, sitting back down, turning her head away uncertainly. Listen, that's all. Not look. Not show her own doubts and uncertainties.

    She does look over, however. Abruptly and directly, when Haru mentions that he thought she wanted to burn them all and that's that. And she looks angry, like she did that day. Like she really does want to burn them all...

    She shakes her head, clearly upset, but she continues to listen. She didn't promise it, but in her own mind she agreed to listen. She keeps her promises, even if only to herself. It's important, even if she's smouldering while Haru continues to speak.

    Not all of it sinks in, honestly. It's too much, too quickly, and Fuka's mind short-circuited at mention of a certain event. But Haru finally finishes, and Fuka takes a breath. And another. And another.

    Finally she speaks.

    "You are SUCH an idiot." Fuka states. Not angry, but clearly annoyed. "I have *no* idea what I said to make you think that, but I do NOT go around destroying people for fun or even for revenge. I HATE that sort of crap!" she insists hotly. Hot enough to earn the title Lady of Fire, quite probably. But she doesn't explode, not now. Instead she simmers. Passionate, annoyed, but controlled. "Sure I understand Bob and Kaydon. They're angry and they have every right to be. I'm angry too! They took my home! They attacked and tried to kill my friends! And even before what we knew that day, some of those friends wouldn't come back if they die, because they're not Adventurers like us!"

    There's no real room for a mask right now, honestly. Any such mask would burn off in the heat of anger. Anger at the attackers, anger at Haru... mostly though, anger at her helplessness. "Sure, I'm going to fight. But I won't fight to destroy like some stupid *hacker*." she hisses venomously. "I'll fight to save those I care about!"

    At that, there are finally tears in Fuka's eyes, hot tears that slowly begin to fall. Not of sorrow itself, but of impotent fury. She ignores them though, hands held low at her sides, fists clenched tightly.
Plot Room 1

Haru has zero idea how any of it going to go after he stops talking and momentium of his monologue end. He is present. He is ready to take responsibility for being honest. It would be easier not to be honest. Just throw that mask back on. Ignore it or play it off. But there is something more important here. It wasn't something he was looking for. It just happened. Like a small miracle. A flower in the desert. If it means burning, then he burns. His face remains as calm as it can. He doesnt hide behind a mask of indifference. It stings to be so wrong and foolish. The words like burning embers behind his skin. To drudge up a topic that made Fuka tear up?

Thats the straw there. The tears. He kneels down on the tavern floor in front of where she is sitting. He takes off the monocle, his Relic, and puts it away. Two blue eyes looking up and one hand moving up to brush away those tears. What little he can do, he tries, mistakes and all.

"I was being stupid," he admits, "and I was wrong. I understand better now." His voice is somehow softer. Like the wind during a Spring night when the cold has fallen away to thawed climates. Calm, warm, and hopeful. "I see you, Fuka, clearer now," he says and he is not talking abnout the avatar. Not the digital construct. "You care about people, deeply," he blinks his eyes slowly as he feels somewhat weightless when thinking about it all and not thinking about it at all at the same time, "you could lose yourself in this conflict, too. You risk that for the people you care about." He offers a short laugh at himself, one of those 'how could I have been so stupid' laughs, "That is what I see. How could I not like you with that kind of heart? Never stood a chance. And I go and accuse you of being heartless."

He takes a moment to orient himself. Haru is talking about himself but missing the point. "If you want to talk, I'll listen. Really listen, Fuka. I don't want to make that mistake again. And..." a bit of a pause, "...it is really nice to see you."
Plot Room 1

    Maybe at some other time Fuka'd reject the gesture of someone trying to brush away her tears. An unwanted gesture, an intimacy that she would expect from no one but her own mother. Something says it's fine though, that this is something safe to accept. That she would probably accept more of a gesture, scary as that seems, but this itself is safer. She's still crying, but the helpless anger gives way to something closer to relief or cleansing grief. Gentler somehow, as her fists unclench.

    "I... I guess I did say the hatchling had a point." she allows, and her body shakes once. A hiccup, or perhaps a laugh. "That was pretty funny. Hatchling." she points out, probably unnecessarily, but at this point she's going to babble a little. Sometimes too much information is what Fukaziroh delivers, and while she's been invited to talk, not all of that information is going to be ... entirely relevant. It will, however, probably be entirely Fukaziroh.

    "They were being really stupid about it though. Being angry is fine but they were wasting it on the wrong people!" she insists. Seemingly hoping to make Haru understand that she wasn't at all agreeing with them, even though he's already made it clear he understands.

    She's shuddering again though, but it seems like it's laughter. Of a sort, at least. Not a happy sort of laugh, but something more poignant. "Lose myself." she laughs, painfully. "I can't lose myself! Maybe I could once, before everything changed. But now I can't! Now I'm all I am!" she complains.

    Her mask. She was the mask, once. An online persona to hide herself. Losing that safe retreat nearly broke her, once. But she decided to be herself. To hide part, sure, but to not be afraid just because she lost a path of safe retreat. It's something she can't entirely articulate, perhaps even something she can't explain even to herself. It's a path she's chosen however, and one she'll follow with an unyielding heart.

    Not that the mask won't go back up, of course. Masks aren't a bad thing. Everyone needs secrets from time to time. But the mask is gone for now, for a time.
Plot Room 1

Not all of the information needs to be big. Haru hangs on the words all the same as each one has something important to listen to. Like how despite being angry at parts of it, Fuka still sees things from their point of view. Even finds levity in it. The gait in the way the mind and heart wanders through difficult topics. Its small, but all of it matters. He nods his head and he treads down that path with each line.

Haru nods his head a little bit, a couple of times now, about reaffirming that he understands that Fuka wasn't agreeing with the antics of blind anger. Its more complicated than that. There were parts that were agreed with. The rage and the loss, the reason. Not the outlet for it. Save that fire for the fight. Save it for the people that need to feel the heat of retaliation.

"Lets avoid losing ourselves, if at all possible," Haru says with a smile. Not Haru Smile. Not Smile.exe. Haru's natural smile is unremerkably pleasant. He would be sad at the memory loss. Uta would be said. The two ladies get along very well. Like sisters, practically. Losing the thing that makes you more than a digital construct? Your identity? The world here would be less for it. Diving too deep into that thought can be suffocating, heavy. The mask is going to be needed in the future. Just. Not right now. There is a lot to take in, like a solar eclipse. "I thought the same, when I learned," he echos in something she said, "that losing my memories wouldn't be so bad. But things change." He gives a little nod up to her there where he kneels, "And suddenly they all became precious. Even the bad ones."
Plot Room 1

    The laughing doesn't hurt, not really. Not for long. There's a little sting of bitterness, but Fuka's never been one to dwell on such things. That little spark of humour is irrepressible, and she finds things amusing even when they should probably feel bleak. And, naturally, when Fuka finds something funny, her first instinct is to share it. To make things better for everyone, even in a little way.

    "I couldn't believe this character when I first rolled it, you know." Fukaziroh chuckles. It's still not a strong laugh, but it comes a bit more easily now. "Cute sure, but almost like a child! It was so much fun! Especially with those fat old ugly men playing cute young characters so they could hit on me!" She laughs, and now there's something genuine there. Something amused. "It was so funny, going out to find people to hit on me because none of it mattered and it wasn't *really* me! I mean... until it was. Don't you think that's funny?" she asks, looking up with reddened eyes.

    Probably not really funny, no. It might explain a bit about how she's always joking about how unspeakably pretty she is. Saying it to cut off those who might actually say it in a way that'd actually be super creepy. Not that she's had to worry about that really, not since the game became real at least. People tended to behave differently once the game became real. Still, it was another mask. A safety mask to hide behind.

    She peers at Haru, a shadow of doubt crossing her features. "You aren't some kind of weirdo like that, right?" she asks, with a narrow edge of an attempt at self-control. At not blabbing literally anything that pops into her head. "I mean, you wouldn't actually hit on me would you?" she asks. And ... well, there's something behind the question. Some suggestion that not even she's sure what answer she wants, or even if she wants an answer at all.
Plot Room 1

Haru can absolutely see Fuka going around seeing how many people would hit on her that in a one hour period. Messing with people and having a good time doing it. Just imagining the scenario gets an amused smile on Haru's monocle free face. It is quickly colored by Fuka's laughter. This is a good time, a good thought.

Now to the topic of if Haru is a weirdo and a creeper. Tough one! "I am definately some kind of weirdo, Fuka," he admits. He knows that he is a bit of an oddball here and there. Nerdy jokes and computer science references from his college days. "But would I start hitting on you like a creeper?" Eyes cast upwards. He thinks back to when he first met Fuka. She had a towel on. Ok. Can't count on that one. Another time, the beach. Duties when they were slaying monsters for the Hunter's Guild. "No I think I'm the brand of weirdo that wouldn't hit on you just because of the avatar you picked, albiet cute and a quick reminder that I have seen you in little more than a towel before," he says, knowing the difference from a digital alter ego and their player. "But I am the kind of weirdo that would hit on you after getting an idea of the person you are," he says as if reaching a conclusion in his noggin, "because thats more. Real? I guess in a way I'm doing that now, huh? Or I skipped past it and confessed my interest in you."

Its a real mind bender. Haru's two blue eyes look up and to the side to scour his brain before looking back to Fuka, "It feels like a crafty trick question though. So let me answer it in a different way. Imagine we were not in this game. And we both saw laser tag and went 'oh cool, laser tag'. Complete strangers." They still do laser tag? "And we end up on the same team. Pew pew. We have a good time. When the match ended I'd ask if you wanted to get something to eat. Yeah, I'd hit on you." He gives it a label, "Laser tag weirdo."
Plot Room 1

    It probably was a trick question, to be fair. And not one that Fuka had a good answer for. "Okay, I *know* you're a weirdo." she says in a near-reflexive deadpan. It's true enough, and she's never had a reason to dislike weirdos. Quite the opposite really. Look at her obvious affection for Uta. The true question, probably, was just what kind of weirdo Haru is. And that... he answered. And did he actually just ask her out on a date.

    Fuka pauses, trying to process it. He said they'd play laser tag, have a good time, and he'd ask if she wanted to get something to eat. Yes, that sounds like he's asking her on a date. Never mind it being a complete hypothetical, he's also saying he'd hit on her! And she has .... no idea, quite honestly none, about how to respond! After all she's never been hit on. Well, not seriously. Not by anyone who knew her anyways. Most of the time, her brashness would turn off anyone who was even a little interested, given the nature of her culture.

    Yeeeeah, Fuka's kind of panicking, even if only a little. It's not like she's never hit on anyone. But ... is it serious? She never hit on anyone seriously. Well, not *too* seriously at least!

    He's not a creeper though, and that's good. She believes him despite having no particular reason OH WAIT TOWEL...

    Her brain just ... stops. For a moment at least. Then her face goes red. Did she do that? Yeah, she's kind of got no shame, not about her body at least. Neither of her bodies. No taboos to speak of. But she *is* conscious of what's appropriate, and that's generally speaking NOT. Everything is okay in the right place and time, but that... yeah, that was neither.

    So yeah, Fukaziroh's brain just kind of shuts off for a bit. And she sits there, blinking. Trying to restart it. And panicking, because she's pretty sure Haru's asking her out and she is just SITTING there not answering.

    Finally though, she does manage an answer of sorts. "Can I say... uh... maybe?" she asks tentatively, clearly not at all sure of what to think or do. Not wanting to say no, scared to say yes.
Plot Room 1

Its all going great until a Fuka overheats and needs to do a hard reboot. Haru can practically hear the POST beep, which may have actually just bit a whimper of embarassment, coming from her. He doesn't have nerves of steel. Not invinvible. He is kneeling there for the lower position of a sitting Fuka at the tavern while there is a crash. The blue eyed man's eyes look around her just to make sure its not his own senses. No. Other people are still moving around. Haru does a quick inspect to make sure she didnt get inflicted with an odd status effect. Nope. Good there too. Then, suddenly, the Fuka returns!

"Sure, I can work with maybe," Haru says with relief in his voice to hear that she can still speak, "I sprung it all on you out of the blue and pretty heavy, so I'd be a bit of a jerk not to give it space." He didn't get an answer just yet, but it shouldn't be as unbeknownst now. It is in the open. "You ok, though," he asks with a touch of concern after the shut down. "You sound like me after you teased me on the beach." Yeah, she got him good that day. Caught him totally off guard.
Plot Room 1

    Okay now she's blushing again. Teasing Haru was FINE! She had nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever. But with context just shifting like that... actually, what did she say at the beach? She can't even remember but she's pretty sure it would have been a good tease. Especially since Haru seems to be saying it worked.

    Still, Fuka's not completely senseless either. She kind of realizes that, as weird as this all is for her, Haru seems to be going through something too. Doubt or uncertainty. Not to mention she hasn't seen that weirdly fixed smile of his. He's been... genuine, and that isn't necessarily a comfortable condition to sustain. Not to someone used to wearing a mask.

    "Oh I'm fiiiine!" Fukaziroh claims, her voice going a bit shrill. "Just, you know, long day and I kind of want to go to bed!" she says. Then abruptly, "To sleep! To sleep! I mean Uta already went off to sleep and I should go to sleep with her. I mean like her!" she says, her mind bouncing hard in the gutter with no clear path out.
Plot Room 1

Haru's face may never be the same after sustained time away from the mask and Smile. A true challenge of the ages. Taxing, as well, as the mention of sleeping suddenly makes him aware of the fatigue. It looks like it hit her too. And then those words.

The young man laughs. It starts as a snicker and then he has to put his hand over his mouth. "You like Uta," he asks lowering his hand to his heart, "its a strong competition. She is cute. We did agree on that." Oh cruel words, thy teases karma hath returned on thine day noweth. He has been in a low position for a while now and so he slowly starts to stand back up. "I should get some sleep as well," he says down to Fuka as he gets his monocle back into place. A moment to compose himself. A moment to lean past Fuka and... grab a spoon full of the pudding they brought as desert, "Sweets for life." He takes the spoon with him as he heads to check back into his, but did leave a spoonful for Fuka. The real desert winner was Uta, who got sneaky desert time in before she left. A hand raises in a wave, trying for a composed exit, "It was nice," and he stops. Oh no. Fuka is infecting him. He is going to use the wrong verb isnt he? He realizes it and looks at Fuka like a deer in headlights. "-ing with you." Crap. He missed the verb entirely. The WHOLE THING went missing. A finger waves up like 'wait, I can fix this' then it goes down. "Man, now I'm doing it," he says defeated but in a kind of happy way. Not the worst quick to tumble into.
Plot Room 1

    Fukaziroh does like Uta, much like Miyu likes Karen, and for many of the same reasons. The music, the intelligence, the shy charm... and yes the absolute refusal to believe how adorable they both are. Were she a boy, she'd doubtless make a pass at either. A heavy pass. Alas, it's never to be. She's okay with that really. Being friends without that tension is perhaps even more rewarding. Sure it's hilarious to joke about, even Haru getting in on that one... but what was he just saying?

    "Ing?" Fuka asks, startled. And a bit incredulous as well. "Ing? You'd BETTER have meant talking!" she insists in mock anger. Well, maybe messing. No, not messing. She's not sure her heart would surivive if he were to turn around and say he'd just been messing with her. Flirting? Hm, flirting is good too. She kind of likes the idea of that one, but her declaration will have to stand.

    That said, she scoops up the remainder of the dessert. Delicious, of course. And she wins, having gotten the last of it. That's a win, right? Well, okay, maybe not. But at this point, she doesn't really care.
Plot Room 1

"Ing!" Haru says as he absconds. Its too late now. He has tempted the fate of the great word gods and come up silenced for his efforts. The system admins have watched this play out and censored him at the wrong time. Thats it. It wasn't an overthinking of it. Not at all. "All verbs, all at once. We Inged," he says as he hastens to the stairs. Might as well lean into it! A finger to himself and then back to Fuka, "A quality Ing, at that." Oh no. No. Don't make it a th-ing. If you say it three times it becomes a thing. Its hard to say if Haru winks at Fuka before he heads up or blinks. Why? Monocle. Best to assume that one was a wink. Yes, he was flirting.