A Mary Goodnight

Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    The evening has long since dwindled to memory and the night itself is well underway. Standing upon a rocky point that projects out over the falls, Wake surveys her lands. Her lands. The thought comes so easily, and yet it surprises her that it still feels so odd.

    "My lands for now," she declares to no one in particular. "And they shall be mine in the end," she adds more confidently.

    She wears a light gown with a cape that flutters behind her in the strong mountain winds. With only starglight to use, the color of her garments is impossible to tell. It might be silver, or a pale blue or green, or something else entirely.

    Even here, Wake's attention cannot help but be drawn to the greater problem that faces the world. She can see the work finishing-up on the dedication. It brings a smile to her face, though that is bittersweet. If the Palace Lands wrest this place from her, will they harm the work of her friends and her people?

Lands of Eas

The click-clack of heeled boots on stone precedes Ayame as she walks, swift little steps necessitated by her attire. The shield on her back pulls her posture straight, and the starlight gleams off the little half-moon spectacles, creating a strange effect of a momentarily distorted face before the mind reasserts and realises. She had been walking, with the easy step of the watchful, before she paused at the sight of the posing Baroness; her appearance as notable by the sudden cessation of the noise of her steps as to the slow arrival of it.

One gloved hand raises, in a polite wave, and she does not ask Wake's permission - no shouting. Unless waved away, she moves to ascend the point, unslinging her shield as she winds her way around the rocks, her freed wings fluttering to help her keep her balance, before arriving a little behind, cheeks darker under the silvery starlight. And she dips a dainty curtsy. "Baroness" She offers in tones even softer than usual; the night does seem to call for it.
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    The Baroness does not stay lost in the land of her musings. Upon hearing someone approach, she grows more alert. She's not afraid, nor startled. Hearing Ayame's introduction and seeing the polite curtsey pleases her greatly.

    "It is a delight to see you. Night here often leads to chance encounters. And those chances might just change the world."

    Her curtsey is graceful as ever, and the wind doesn't bother her in the least. With the falls roaring endlessly behind her and the stars above, it makes for a dramatic picture.

    "Are you well? Is there anything I might help you with?"

Lands of Eas

"I'm well, my thanks" Ayame smiles and bows her head slightly, the silvery light leaving the spectacles as she dips the glasses from them, though her pale skin certainly continues to catch the light. "I'm glad to see you again. I ran into someone at Eas who had been looking for you, though I don't believe she would admit it." The Sylph's nose lifts, just an inch "At least, I assume it was for you, though I don't believe I recognised the title of Baroness Wakka Wakka" She cannot quite hide the slight grin

"A small Sylph by the name of Fuka?" She watches Wake closely, for recognition "She was concerned about you. She's been seeking to assist you in your work, it seems, and was very disappointed to miss you. She was concerned about strange moods, but I must say - if you're experiencing such, I absolutely cannot tell"
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    "I am pleased to see you, as well," Wake replies evenly. She maintains her serene expression, even when she laughs at the mention of 'Wakka Wakka'.

    "Yes, poor Fuka. She missed me in the wilds. I was in a strange mood then, traveling the world with utter focus on uniting people who have long been forgotten, disowned. While the strange mood often seems a terrible inconvenience, in this case it did much good. Without I never could have succeeed so swiftly."

    The Baroness takes a few steps to stand at Ayame's side, and then turns to look at the waterfall. "The music here is amazing," she explains. For a time, she says nothing further. Wake breathes in, breathes out, and simply listens.

    "I have two questions for you. They may seem simple at first, but they need to be taken seriously. After all, most people go their entire lives without ever answering them. Are you up for the challenge?"

Lands of Eas

"I take most things seriously, my lady" Ayame nods, stepping to meet the Baroness as she approaches, and looks at the waterfall. Her movements are smooth as she slings the shield to her back, and clasps her hands together demurely at waistheight, listening "I've not met any who regretted their strange moods, you know. Though I've no experience of them, and only limited in those of others; all I've spoken to have regarded them with intrigued fondness"

She cants her head, falling silent for a few moments as she listens to the roar of water "Music is what we find it, I'll say. I do like it; the mixture of air and water. I can understand the call of it"

Then her eyes slide to the woman at her side "Phrasing it as a challenge hardly dissuades us. I'm sure you know that, though" With a small laugh "Of course. Do ask. Though I may ask questions in turn, once you have; there's no obligation, of course."
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    "Challenges are rather irresistable," agrees the Baroness. She doesn't ask her question yet, though. She goes back to an earlier point, first.

    "The roar of the falls, the wind through the stones and leaves, the strain of the boughs, and the chorus of insects. An owl's hoot. These are magical things in their own right. When I feel disconnected, or uncertain, I consult with the world itself to find counsel."

    She laughs suddenly, and her eyes flash with just a slight hint of mischief. But her first question is no joke to her, and the serene expression returns as she asks it.

    "What do you want?"

Lands of Eas

"Mmm. Most people would say that's conditional." Ayame responds, watching the waterfall with a pensive look "Their wants change and alter depending on the day, the events, their recent history. And won't answer the deeper question, the things that won't change; revealing it means revealing yourself. Though some in this place would sooner do that than answer ..." She chuckles, shifting, and then she drifts a hand to the small case secured at her back, tapping it with a gloved hand. Her mouth had been moving, but her eyes had cinched in slightly in thought as she chattered, before answering properly.

"Ultimately, I think, security. That has to be at the back of my actions. Not even for myself; but for those around me. Knowing we are safe to pursue the rest of our goals? Without that, how can we move forward?" She shrugs. The light grey shirt is silver in the starlight, gleaming and pristine in ways it never is in the sun.
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    "Well answered." The Baroness seems pleased with the answer, judging by the slight curve of her smile. It is only there for a short time, but that is enough.

    "Indeed, what we want does change moment to moment, but the over-arching desire remains. It may be pushed to the back of our mind, but it never stops whispering for our attention."

    Wake again allows silence to fall. The sounds come into sharper focus for her the longer she goes without speaking. She eventually does go on with her next question.

    "Who are you?"

    Wake's philosophical bend is rather obvious, but there is more to it than that. The full attention of the Baroness is directed to Ayame. This answer, it seems, is the most important thing in the world right now.

Lands of Eas

Ayame's foot taps, ever so briefly. She considers that question, tilting her head to the side "Trickier" She says. That same assessment she makes when fighting - that same careful analysis - carries forward, as her shoulders tighten in those rather darling puffed sleeves "But. I am Ayame. Kuroyuri is my sister, as things go. Who I was before - it doesn't matter now. What I did, what it taught me, yes, that certainly does. But who I am?"

She sighs, and looks away "I think this taught us all a lot about who we really are. Cut off from what there was before, we only had ourselves to fall back on" And she glances back behind herself, her own lips curling in a grin "Though some of us found the fall a little cushioned."
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    "Ayame, sister of Kuroyuri, you have answered well. I hope in the coming months and years, you are able to ponder these things more deeply. It is no exaggeration to say that these are the two questions that matter most in life, for they inform everything else that occurs."

    The Baroness waits once more, letting the air rush over her in another gust. She clearly likes this place and is enjoying this conversation.

    "I have built something here," she says suddenly. "I have served those who were wandering, lost, and cast aside. They are safe, for now, but this is their home, and my land."

    She is getting to a point, though she seems to be taking her time to do so. Rarely does she beat around the bush.

    "I have worked with many friends. Their efforts made this dream possible. Many times I have done the same for them. Yet I find myself.. needing something different. I need someone who is willing to be as dedicated to this dream as I am. Someone to be my right hand and my respectful devil's advocate behind the scenes, ensuring I never lose sight of what is right and true. I fear I cannot offer complete security. The world doesn't work that way. If anything, I offer a perilous way to contribute."

Lands of Eas

"Security is a journey. A locked door doesn't offer it. It only means you're ignorant of the threats beyond the door" Ayame says mildly. She casts a look at the Baroness again, a wry and thoughtful study of the woman, the cape and the gown, not bothering to hide her eyes now as the discussion deepens.

"If you're seeking to create a better place; then no, it will not be a secure path. But the goal is security, understanding. The destination is one I agree with" She sighs, and looks away, across the land, down to the water, and then up to the sky. Her shoulders have relaxed, sagging a touch down, the lines softer and less harsh than before.

"Uta can be very persuasive" She notes after a moment, a touch of a chuckle in the tone of her voice "I think most in this place agree she has everyone's best interests in mind, and a way of arranging matters. You need someone to assist you in the dream without necessarily holding it for their own; who will follow it because they've made the decision to. For that? If you need the assistance, I'd be glad to offer it. If nothing else, knowing another is there who can shoulder a burden makes it easier to bear"

That last is said with bitter feeling, as her eyes return to Wake finally
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    "The dream of Eas began as a seed, a thought of making one place safe and strong, to ensure Landers and Adventurers who just want peace would have a place to be safe. However, recent events have made the world a bigger place with greater threats. The dream of Eas must expand with them."

    The Baroness laughs suddenly at the mention of Uta. "She's a remarkable woman. Innocent of heart, but far wiser than most people will ever come to know. And yes, I need someone who can embrace this dream, who can fight for what Eas means, even against me, when the need arises. A leader with no one to remind her of the values that form the basis of her power will never be able to achieve great things."

    Wake looks back at Ayame. There is a sharpness to her expression, making it something of a glare, but juxtaposed with a smile. "I offer this to you. And if you accept it, we shall change this world together."

Lands of Eas

Ayame doesn't respond immediately. Her gloved hands squeeze one another, as the main sign of the Sylph's deep thought, before she nods slowly "I'll assist how I can, and should I find myself at odds with you and your ways, of course, I shall say. Should we disagree, as I have no doubt we will, I will not see it as the end of the relationship; only in cases where you expect things of me I am unable to give. Else? I will say my piece and accept your judgement. You'd not have risen to your current position without a sharper eye than most"

She glances down at herself, and nods. Then gives that same, wry and slight smile "I'd be delighted to help change the world. It certainly needs it." And then a look up, and a laugh "I've not even asked what I'd get from the arrangement. You're certainly persuasive"
Baroness Wake
Lands of Eas

    "The heights have their rewards. When your dreams require some power to bring to bear, I will aid you. Money isn't terribly useful here, and of course you will have quarters in the Dome of Stars. No doubt they will be finer than the inns of the land have to offer."

    Wake smiles at Ayame, this time allowing warmth to show. "Of course, we have an enemy at our gates, and who knows how long it will be before we can defeat them. We have much to think about. I do not doubt we shall soon be flying from this land. But Eas is not just a land. It is a people. And we will not be so easily conquered."

Lands of Eas

"Knowledge and friendship are ever the most important of things" Ayame agrees, and chuckles. She pats the case again, fondly "I'll look forward to seeing what sort of rooms you have to offer. A little genuine privacy will be a delight after so long in inn rooms and camping outside." She steps back, allowing Wake to lead the way down, and falling in beside her as she does so. "I hope to make the best of this unique opportunity" She smiles, as the two descend, leaving the peak behind.