Canoeing With Uncrowned

The Uncrowned, fearing what will happen if they die here in Yamato, start to look into finding new places to call home. Their first stop is Mac Anu and possibly running into the residents there in.

OOC: Social scene mostly. Uncrowned explicitly invited, as well as anyone who might be wanting to meet them that hasn't.

Mac Anu - Main Square

After various meetings with the Yamato Adventurers, the small group of Uncrowned had decided that they had a need to explore the rest of what this server has to offer. More specifically, some among them had been looking for other Kingdoms they might come to call 'home'. There is a huge risk should they perish, ending up back in their aligned Kingdoms where the Landers are in control and Crowns await them.

There is still some hesitancy from Tian, who had been the most reluctant about the whole journey. They had little idea of the current movements of the Crowned, which means that there is danger that could lurk around every corner. Then again, the Blade Dancer had always been one to give in to the needs of others. So, where Gao and Shenmi went, so did Tian, at least for now.

They touch their index finger to a thumb, then tap against their painted chin, followed by other signs to form their thoughts. "<The water here. It reminds me of Rosenheim.>" At least, in Tian's mind there were many similarities. A naval focus, heavy emphasis on water and it's uses and functions. As they explore the city, the Cait Sith's tail remains tucked, a sure canine sign that they are not entirely comfortable.
Mac Anu - Main Square

"You know, Tian, it's a good thing that all our card games back home were..." He does not continue. Rather, he looks around. Even if no crowned are in direct sight, one cannot tell what could be going on behind unfamiliar walls and windows.

"...the way they were," Shenmi teases the Cait Sith, casting a quick glance at their tail, a gesture he makes sure Tian will catch. "Some time or other we should try playing poker for real. I'd like to see if you wag your tail when you have a good hand."

Shenmi would say this regardless of Tian's actual proficiency at controlling their 'tells'. There's some tension, and a little humour is what one needs to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

"It is kind of like Rosenheim, yes...", Shenmi concedes, one hand behind his back and the other twirling the tip of his goatee. "Plenty of opportunity for undines to jump out of the water and ambush you. But also, if you run a place like this, you'd better make sure you have an impenetrable defense. Powerful port cities have been among the most well defended strongholds in history...", Shenmi considers. "Water is not really my thing, but one has to admit..." He looks around, at the roofs of the buildings as he proceeds. Admiring the architecture? Checking for snipers? "...the place is gorgeous."
Mac Anu - Main Square

Tian gives an exclaimation of breath that is probably the closest thing to a laugh that one can get out of the Cait Sith. They brush two fingers off the end of their mask's nose in a familiar gesture of amusement. With a shake of their head, Tian makes a sign that covers their fist with an open palm, followed by shifting it to an 'L' with thumb and forefinger and striking it with that same fist. "<I'm good at hiding. Not deception.>" There is a fine line between the two in some cases, but despite the mask and cautious ways, the canid does seem easy to read.

"<It would be nice to just play... for fun.>" They take two fingers touching their nose and tap them across two extended fingers, though the gesture is slow. The idea of doing anything for fun just seeming... a bit foreign to someone who has largely spent the last year on the run.

There is a nod from the Blade Dancer as they move their hand around in a gesture that frames the face. "<It is beautiful.>" Then, seeming to think over the same things that Shenmi is noting about the city and it's positives and negatives. "<I don't like water.>" It seems Tian is fairly well decided on this fact. They tap at their head, "<The flooded church.>" Though Tian is not from Rosenheim, it is fairly well known how they handled their Adventures. That is something that most would not likely to experience.

Still, looking around, there is some puzzlement on the Cait Sith's features. "<The Landers do seem... different, though. Kinder.>" Which seems hard for them to wrap their head around.
Mac Anu - Main Square

Miho has been running orders all over the place, trying to get things locked down before she went full on into military production. She was still in a very bad mood about the Palace Lands. She had done some shopping while shew as in town, why not? Hit up the merchants here while she was here. She wasn't thinkingt too much at the moment, her tail was swishing as she went. She might just end up bumping into one of the palace landers. So she wasn't so much not thinking but was plotting out an idea to put heat on the Palace Lands in their own lands.
Mac Anu - Main Square

"For fun. Yes...", Shenmi himself trails off, looking into the distance but maintaining an alert composture. "No strings attached. Just good old fun," the magician says, he himself finding it hard to believe his own words.

"Kinder, yes. This place is full of surprises," Shenmi comments ans he looks at a passing young woman carrying a jar over her head, following her movement with a flourish of his hand. No mention of the Churches of Rosenheim. The implication is clear. The timing of his sentences... well... it is clear from what is not said, and for how long it is not said, that the matter was addressed, considered, and politely kept silent about.

When dealing with matters such as those that have befallen the Palace Lands, one learns to keep one's mouth shut.

And still say a lot anyway.

"Speaking of which...", he brings up, almost as an afterthought, as the previous jar-carrying woman disappears behind a corner. "A Lander," He comment. That fluorish from earlier- he's apparently been practicing operating his menu in a way that doesn't look obvious to other Adventurers. Merely overdramatic gestures worthy of a stage performer, which happen to actually hit the right boxes of the menu.

How good he's gotten at that, it's anyone's guess. "I think we should try and communicate with the local population. Hear their opinions on the general situation. Pick up some of the local color-"

That is when Miho appears into view. "Oh, hey. An Adventurer...", he whispers to Tian.
Mac Anu - Main Square

Just at that moment that the jar-carrying Lander moves around the corner, that's when there is a sound of a #CRASH# as the jar goes tumbling. Inside, apparently, were some fruit which goes rolling into the street. The source of the impact? Well, Miho seems to not particularly be looking where she is going.

Tian makes a gesture of impact, then offers a smirk and a flash of canine teeth in amusement. While Tian might otherwise have been more cautious to approach one of the Landers, despite Shenmi's encouragement, this seems to offer some opportunity to ease into that sort of thing.

Bending down, the Cait Sith begins to pluck up the fruits, offering them out to the poor Lander who seems to be trying to gather them back up. Unfortunately, without the jar, it is hard to hold them all.

Tian signs to the obviously confused Lander, "<Are you hurt?>" It's possible the Lander has never seen someone talk this way, so they sort of stare for a moment. "<Here. Fruit.>"
Mac Anu - Main Square

Miho is going over her plan it's might be shockingly ruthless but it was a macro one. Miho's name and basic info is easy enough to inspect from the looks of her. She's fairly high level for one from Yamato as well. She thinks the plan is likely to be more of a desperation but to protect Yamato in general? There may be no choice in the end. That thought goes crashing off a cliff as she impacts with the landing she goes sporawling herself and looks a little dazed.

"Wha... who ugg..."

It takes Miho moment to peel her face off the stret and she does something the two Uncowned might not expect. She does not yell at the lander she looks concerned.

"I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."

She's doing the whole bowing thing for a moment before she start helping to pick up lander's fruit.

"Look I'm sorry I'll pay for the jar I wrecked..."
Mac Anu - Main Square

    Merek is about, while he takes the time to walk along in Mac Anu. Eventually, he comes upon Miho and it looks like the Palace Land Uncrowned. He will nod a bit, waving to the people while he considers, "Good evening. Are... You the Uncrowned?" he asks, only noting a little bit of the conversation. He does take a drink from the whiskey with him while relaxing a little bit.
Mac Anu - Main Square

Shenmi keeps pace; when the Wolf-Fox Cait Sith Seems like there is enough commotion going on already, so he politely keeps to the side of Tian. He helps pick up the fruits, but does not otherwise say much, unless he's explicitly addressed by the Lander. Or this Adventurer from Yamato.

That is when Merek shows up. His inspect option still active, Shenmi smiles while he keeps gathering fruit. "Well," he mutters as an aside to Tian. "There goes our hope to be discreet about this, I guess."

"We are Adventurers, just like you!", Shenmi says, removing his hat and bowing at Merek with a flourish. "Simple visitors to these lands, trying to take in the local color, mingling with the local population and helping whenever we can."
Mac Anu - Main Square

Tian remains in a crouched position that seems to suit the Cait Sith, their hand moving as they look through their inventory. Eventually, they find whatever it is they happen to be looking for, tapping at the air emphatically. Out of nowhere, pops a simple bag with patches on the corners. It's the sort of basic equipment that they sell to help with inventory management and organization. Offering it out, Tian motions, putting the fruit into it and then giving it to the Lander.

It's clear that the Cait Sith can't talk and use their hands at the same time, so they are quiet until this is done. There isn't even a twitch of an ear when Merek asks the question about who they are. The wolf's golden eyes look up, regarding him briefly, then finishes gathering the rest of the fruit.

Tian does seem to be watching the Lander's reaction to Miho. Likely trying to see if there is any aggression. There is not. The Lander just seems flustered and apologetic, themselves.

Pushing up onto their feet, Tian looks over to Shenmi, then back at the other two Adventurers. They motion two fingers as if looking at something, "<Watching.>" Then, Tian lays one hand flat and seems to almost pluck 'thoughts' up from it, touching the side of their head. "<Learning.>"

It seems that among strangers, Tian leaves much of the talking to Shenmi. For those who have not experienced the Cait Sith before, however, it may be a bit strange. Though they do not speak, the understanding comes none the less.
Mac Anu - Main Square

Miho looks to Tian. "Thank you."

She'll help the Lander lady clean up then hand her a fair amount of gold, more than the cost of getting a replacement jar. She seem to be able to work thing out. Also if one pays attention to her tail it's down in a fashion that really does suggest Miho's mortifed at what she did. Once things are woeked out she'll turn to Tian, Shemi and Merek.

"Hello Merek and to the rest of you I'm Miho Mithrilscale one of the best Blacksmiths in Yamato. Was one too before I ended up here."
Mac Anu - Main Square

    "Merek," Merek will mention as his name, then he nods to Tian and to Shenmi. To Miho he will wave a little, "It is good to see you," the man notes. "Either way, it's a pleasure to meet the people from there, I actually came to look for you all. I was busy when you all came by, I will admit. You all taught a lot to us, I am grateful, although it brings a lot of questions."
Mac Anu - Main Square

There is hesitation in the man with a goatee. "It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of such a charming young woman. The pleasure is mine, Madam Miho Mithrlscale!", Shenmi offers, and bows his head at her, hand held across his chest.

As it is common for them, amid the flourishes and flowery language, a secret message is encoded for Tian. The woman says the truth. The inspect confirms it.

Which means she considers it completely safe to give out her name in front of a Lander she's just caused damage to.

"So, uh, how... since we are learning... what... what happens now?"

As a stage magician, it is important to read the attitue and body language of your audience -- and in the case of Miho, well, she's acting as if... being a nuisance to a Lander, in this particular place, is not going to result in serious consequences?

A thing that Miho might have picked up on -- Shenmi has not given out his name yet. Despite it being relatively easy for an Adventurer like Miho or Merek to inspect him.

Or perhaps, exactly for that reason.

Once again, some distinguished surprise surfaces on Shenmi's features when Merek drops his own name in front of the Lander as well, without thinking twice about it. "Worry not, worry not, Merek. Having questions is intrinsic in human nature. As part of our journey, we have many ourselves."

He casts a disbelieving glance at Tian. How can these people be so cavalier with such information?
Mac Anu - Main Square

And well, there has been a good question that might have come up. There's three Uncrowned. Where's the third one been?

Apparently a bar had caught his attention, and while the other two explore he had a few drinks. A few hiccups along the way, someone stole his hat, he had gotten it back, and then he had the wonderful idea of getting one of those boats on the water rented or bought or something.

That is whenever there is a lot of singing from the river. A recognizable voice for the two Uncrowned. And a bit of an oddity of a gondola being pushed along by an Uncrowned as he semi-looks like what he is doing. Upon seeing his two party members, he calls to them, "Tian! Shenmi! We can rent gondolas here!"

And he has a drink, too. Yep. This is the Uncrowned, folks.
Mac Anu - Main Square

The look at Shenmi offers is echoed by Tian with a wolfish tilt of the head and a flop over of their over-large ears. The Cait Sith seems curious, but rather than offering their own name in return, they offer, instead, a question. "<It is safe to give your name here?>" While an Adventurer could certainly utilize INSPECT to get their names, the Landers cannot.

The Lander seems happy enough to accept Miho's name and assurances as well as the bag, gathering up the fruit and going on their way. Something that leaves Tian watching them go for a moment, before turning their attention back to the group at large. "<Always questions.>" Tian confirms. "<Only some can be answered easily.>" Their hands move, continuing to sign rather than speak.

Then, after both they and Shenmi had avoided giving their names directly, there goes Gao, calling out so openly. The Cait Sith turns in his direction, rolling their eyes in an indulgent sort of way that comes from knowing someone for a long time. "<I do not like water.>" The lupine replies, the fur on their tail puffing slightly.
Mac Anu - Main Square

Miho says "So long as the damage has been covered I don't think it's going to be a problem also thank you. I generally go by Miho."

She does catch the names are not being dropped. She'll not inspect just yet. Then she gets the name and she nods for a moment.

"Aye they been rentable since back in the days of Fragment. It's a nice it's still a thing though honestly I doubt this is a game anymore. So far as I know with names yes. May I ask why your concerned about it?"
Mac Anu - Main Square

Shenmi closes his eyes at their names being called out from behind.

He stands there, with a neutral expression, after their names are called out.

An exercise in patience.

He sighs, shakes his head as well. He takes a moment to look at the approaching gondola. "No, not a fan of the stuff myself...", Shenmi segues to Tian, trailing off at the end. "Water is kind of lame. I prefer something stronger. Like a good beer. I could go for a beer right now. And maybe a card game or two with the locals..." Once again, he trails off, and raises his eyebrows ever so slightly, in a knowing fashion.

He then returns to Miho. "Oh, like... repercussions? Consequences? That sort of thing?" He hunches over by the slightest amount. "The kind where one always has to be on he lookout for?", he offers. He doesn't outright -say-, but he pretty heavily hints at... pretty terrifying consequences.
Mac Anu - Main Square

There are certainly many differences between the Yamato Adventurers and their Palace Lander counterparts. The fact that they are so free and open with information, especially about themselves, around the Landers, is a wonder to Tian. The Cait Sith lightly lifts a hand to the side of their mask, then shakes their head in response before lowering both hands and beginning to sign. "<With a name, the Landers can place a bounty on you. Or tell other Adventurers to watch for you and your actions.>"

It seems that the wonder if this interaction is enough for Tian at the moment. The Cait Sith looks to Shenmi, giving a nod at the suggestion of beer. They make a fist and bob it forward, "<Yes. Beer. Food and drink. Then... maybe...>" The wolf reaches into a pouch at their waist, shuffling through a deck of cards and quickly flashing one in Shenmi's direction. Afterwards, they are put away.
Mac Anu - Main Square

Hopping out of the gondola, Gao approaches the two. Then he seems to consider as he looks at the sign language that Tian made and sighs. "Sorry, Tian... just had a bit of a good time, and apparently they have Adventurers doing drinks at a bar thattaway." He motions back the way he came.

"But I agree on the water. I just wanted to ride a gondola. Italy's one of the best places back on Earth, but well... never been. Even if it's fake and all." He shrugs.

Then he looks to Miho and Merek. "Hello! I'm Gao, the travelling companion of these two. And yes, we have answers, but not a lot. We've been on the run just as much as doing what we can to help here and there."

Thinking for a second, Gao reaches into his inventory and pulls out a spare jug of beer before offering it to Shenmi, "There you go."

Looking thoughtful, he looks to Miho and Merek, "Say, you two from around this Kingdom? We're trying to find out more and stuff, and well... some place called Eas is supposed to be in this part of the server? Heard someone mention some Adventurer lady managed to become a Baroness or something?"
Mac Anu - Main Square

Miho says "If you attack someone outside of an in city arena? You'll get the Royal guard killing your ass be it Adventurer or Lander if you attack them. Other than that not much and no one's been dumb enough for the most part pick a fight like that in a root city."

Shrugs. "I haven't got into much trouble here really other than maybe a bit too much to drink at my favourite haunt." 5R
She loosk to Gao for a moment.

"I tend to travel between them a lot. Yes one has she's pretty good people, helped clear out a major monster nest as part of doing it. If I heard right about how the Baroness did it."
Mac Anu - Main Square

    Merek will nod a little bit to Shenmi, while he nods to Tian then as well. A wave along to Gao, "Anyway. Aye, the thing about the memories, that was new to us even if we thought we might know," he will admit, taking the time to look to Miho, a nod offered to everyone while he thinks about it. "I actually assist with Eas, though they're... Ya, she did, but they all went on the run from the Crowned. I'm from the Isles. I'm a servant of the Blind Goddess."
Mac Anu - Main Square

Gao looks thoughtful, very thoughtful on that. "So an Adventurer can become a Noble?" He asks, just to be sure it seems.

He seems to be considering some ideas. "I wonder if that is possible back where we come from, and if so how much it would help us?"
Mac Anu - Main Square

Miho says "I have no idea I went to try and stop a wave in the Palace Land and they tried to murder everyone who came to help. I never got a chance to explore the cities I was to busy doing support for those exploring and mapping." She looks over to Merek. "Run businesses as well there's Inns, Resturants, Smithies like myown, trading companies and more."