Meet the Landers: Roswaal J Mathers

Setsuna returns to the Mayor of the 4th floor to report on his findings.

Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    It was a nice quiet day up on the fourth floor of the tower, things are in fact quite peaceful, until the scale member with the loudest mouth has made his appearencce. That is right, on this day at this time Setsuna of the Odysseia Knights walks up the pathway with a wolfgarm in tow. The necromancer is sure he is missing some level of formality or anything like that but well that is for Baronesses and Doctors to worry about. Instead unless stopped Setsuna will walk straight up to the door, knock loudly, and then shout, "WOLFGARM DELIVERY!"
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

"You're loud, stupid-Setsuna." The redhead that opens the door stares at him with an angry look. "Don't make me eat you." She quickly adds in a childish tone that makes it really hard to tell if she is just joking, or legitimately might eat him. She then steps outside and motions for him to move along the side of the mansion. "Lord Roswaal isn't in today. He's out meeting with King Gilgamesh." She points out.

"Follow." She demands, and begins to lead the way, closing the door behind her. "And keep your animal at bay. It stinks." The red-headed maid crinkles her nose, as they pass by the front gardens. A kid in what looks like a tracksuit is talking to a white haired young Pooka, making boisterous commentary. Which results in eyerolls from Ram. "Stupid Subaru doing stupid things. Ignore the stupid man."
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    Setsuna grins proudly at being called loud, "However it got you to answer the door in a timely manner." Following behind he frowns at the mention of the lord of the manor still being downstairs with the old man, it feels like they have been there for a while. " The animal happens to be why I am here today, your lord asked me to catch one and bring it to him," Setsuna adds and is just casually taking things in. At first he almost passes over the kid in the tracksuit before the name is mentioned, "Subaru Natsuki?" The name comes out before he can get a grip on his thoughts, it was a name he commited to memory to ask about next time he was around the manor. Now at least he knew where to find the track suit wearing person. Taking a much longer look at the guy in the track suit he then turns to Ram, "So what did the Mayor want with this wolfgarm? Is he a private monster collector or something?"
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

Setsuna is led to what looks like a 'Pen' of sorts. Something you would expect to be for animals. Ram then demands the 'leash' by which to control the Wolfgarm while staring up at him. She's shorter than Setsuna after all. "Yes, that is stupi-baru natsu-dumb." Ram points out, huffing at him.

"And he is curious, because he wants to know why they are showing here now, and how they have changed. Wolfgarms were not around in such large numbers, and some of them are strong enough to ignore some of the wards we have around the village as you might remember. So he wants to inspect them and learn what is going on." Ram points out.
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    Setsuna tilts his head for a moment as he looks down at Ram and begins to work to take a plain brass ring off his finger, " You have certain strong opinions about people I see. Anyways here you go, " Setsuna says s as he gives a final tug pulling the enchanted ring off his finger. The wolfgarm would have a matching brass collar around it's neck to act as the leash. With a little flair he kneels down and offers the ring up to Ram in such a way that anyone who saw it without context would absolutely get the wrong idea. The knowing smirk on the necromancer's face means he obviously knows exactly what he is doing but does add, "One wolfgarm per requested." Once the 'leash' is taken he stands back up, "I do indeed remember the attack on the village but hopefully with the hunter's guild help their numbers will be reduced. I do wonder if whatever caused them to appear is the same as what caused the goblins to appear a floor above us."
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

Ram takes the leash and turns the leash a few times, considering it, and then looks to the brass collar... and glances aside to Setsuna. "What are you doing, stupid-Setsuna?" She asks as she sees him offering the ring up like that. She then slaps it out of his hand, and turns quickly to the Wolfgarm.

"SIT." She demands, her eyes glowing in that moment. And the Wolfgarm immediately SITS. She then huffs and looks aside at Setsuna. "Strange Adventurers." She comments, before tilting her head.

"Goblins? There haven't been goblins near here in centuries. What do you mean Goblins?" She demands to know from Setsuna.
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    Setsuna blinks at Ram's control of the beast as he watches her control the monster as if it was a dog. "That's impressive, " the so called monster handler says under his breath before he opens his mouth. " Well on the floor above this one in the tower. The fifth floor of the tower, the city up there was over ran by goblins. The majority of them have been cleaned out now but it was definately a goblin infestation. They even had a king and queen. I mean the queen I think got away and would have had to run through this floor to get to the bottom. That whole thing was certainly weird, especially the ominous song they sang too." Shaking his head as if thinking of it freaked him a little he looks in the direction of where the stairs up to the fifth floor would be. " I mean you say they haven't been near here but they have simply been one flight of stairs away for who knows how long."
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

Ram huffs, "Ah right. I forgot that the Adventurers have been moving around between our Worlds so easily." She points out. She looks up towards the skies, then back down to Setsuna. "I remember the day taht Goblin Queen came through. But she did not stay." She points out, grimacing a bit as she mentions an 'ominous song'.

"Monsters do not travel between worlds as easily as you Adventurers do." She points out, and then sighs. "Hmm... anyhow. I guess my Lord wanted me to give you this. You better take good care of it!" She declares, and puts something into his hand. It's... a hairpin. A hairpin that looks like that of a Green Butterfly. "There." She remarks. "That is your reward."
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    Setsuna looks at Ram with a bit of confusion , "Worlds? Not floors? Wait how far from Rovia have you been? Do you eventually hit a wall if you walk far enough?" So many more questions spring to mind, so many damn questions as he rubs at his temples for a moment trying to process it all. Then he is being offered a reward, a hairpin of all things. The necromancer had been hoping to request more informations on the rider, however he has came across the Subaru that had given that book to the libraries so perhaps he was getting two rewards instead of just one. Looking at the butterfly hairpin, the necromancer performs the usual pattern of appraise everything and blinks. Then he blinks again before he looks up at Ram. " Are you sure the mayor wanted me to have this?" Setsuna makes no effort to give it back infact he is already fiddling with his hair and working to set the hairpin in his hair where it will hopefully never leave.
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

"I can go wherever I wish in this world." Ram answers Setsuna, as if he just asked something stupid. "But if I travel far enough, I end up at the edge of this World of course. As you say, we are in a tower. This World is not endless." She starts to lead the Wolfgarm into the pen, and ties it; "Stay." She demands. It lays down immediately there-after.

She turns back to Setsuna and says; "Yes, the Mayor explicitly wanted you to have this." She points out. "He says it is very important to him. And that if you do not wish for it anymore, that it must be returned to him." She declares. "I guess he trusts you for some reason."
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    Setsuna tilts his head and mouths the last words Ram says with a question, "He trusts me?" Shaking his head he doesn't fully understand the why behind that either. It's not like he has done anything he feels deserves it, however it is what it is. "I will absolutely return it to him if I ever find myself no longer wishing to have it." He is still in a state of shock over the item but does remember one last thing, "I don't suppose you know what the Mayor and the King are talking about at the moment do you? Have you been in contact with him since he went to talk with the King?" There was some concern that two of the more important landers that at least somewhat liked, or tolerated, Setsuna seem to have been in close door meetings for so long.
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

"The Lord is talking with the King about the threat to the Tower that the Palace Lands offer. It's clear that this 'Harifunas' person isn't what he used to be. And that is concerning." Ram explains. "I don't have more than that to share." She remarks, closing the gate, and turns to step away.

"Now stop making so much noise and go make yourself useful or something." She adds as she just starts to leave on him.
Aincrad Tower: Rovia

    Setsuna blinks and gets the hint, "Yeah I will go find something useful to do." Taking the hint the necromancer won't stick around to long, at least not at the moment. Now that he knows that Subaru is around though he would certainly be back to pick that persons head about children fairy tales. For now though he needs to get to the train and make some phone calls. So many things to do and so many more confusing things to think about.