How to Catch A...

Yamato - -19 - 7 - 0

Seriously, how doe she end up with these less than spectacular jobs... Oh, right, because she's the one that will actually -do- them, unlike her more bloodlusting zealous compatriots. And Daiyu was the strategist, after all. So here she was, alone on the coast south of the bay Dun Loireag stood upon, monitoring the seafaring traffic. It was mostly tradeships here, but she was more interested in surveying the bay itself, as when the time came to turn their attention upon the Ninetails Dominion this would be the most direct route of accousting the Root Town with their naval superiority.
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A discussion will need to be had by Kaydon and Xander. Are they going to try to do this stealthfully? Or are they going to just walk up to her and take action. Because that will determine the way Kaydon handles things. He's far beyond the whole 'Sneaking around' thing at this point. It's not Xander's home that was taken over, after all. Kaydon wants answers and is not going to beat around the bush to get them.
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    Ah yes, the army and marine issues. Go in with explosions! No we go in stealth like. EXPLOSIONS! -- in the end it all leads to the same thing doesn't it? Capture the target, question the target, get intel. Use that intel then to help get the Palace Landers out of their home area--- and maybe a taste of their own medicine.

In this Xander was able to get some information about such an individual maybe in a paticular area, then the hunt was on! Once they /did/ find her though, Xander decided to take the quiet approach.

Remaining low, he started to move toward Daiyu. He was keeping his hands free. He didn't want to injure her; Not yet. He just wanted to knock her unconcious.

In this-- Maybe Kaydon could be that needed distraction.
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As another tradeship finishes its pass through the bay departing the capital Daiyu opens her logbook, propped in one hand as she produces an enchanted quill in the other. Notes are added to the script in the book. The majority of the ships either fly the Dukedom's flag, or are neutral traders from Garcia. The occasional Westelande. In addition to Ninetails' own, which are likely enroute to the nations that do not keep large nautical fleets of their own. Hmph. Rosenhiem's naval force could likely overwhelm any one of the theme easily... but piracy was not what they were here for. Though losing any one of the major national ports of call would severly crimp trade and naval defense in the rest of Yamato.

Daiyu sighed, closing the logbook. "Informative, but oh so droll..." she murmurs to herself.
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Apparently the decision was made to use stealth after much heated discussion, so Kaydon had agreed. So he had been moving as slowly and carefully as he can, doing the occasional dive roll to get to the next bit of cover. He made a hand motion to Xander letting him know to move a bit to one side, in order to fully cut off their target from any escape routes.

Unless she wanted to throw herself into the sea, which he had serious doubts she would do.
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    Xander continued to move around on Kaydon's indication. He was keeping low, using the long grass to hide his movements and making sure the breeze wouldn't carry his scent on the wind.

Moving ever so closer, careful steps, careful movements. Once he got as close as he thought he could get. He made a silently had gesture to Kaydon; It was his show now. This mission was either going to succeed here-- or it was about to get messy.
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Occasionally a vulpine ear twitchs... but its just rustling grass and the water lapping at the edge of the land. Tails lazily flit behind her as the sea breeze flicks through her hair. Most of Daiyu's attention seems to remain in the logbook as she scripts down the journal entry. Biding time for a bit while waiting for the Powers That Be to decide their next course of action.

Ugh, all this time in a foreign land and she can't even properly experience it because of this so-called war. She almost regrets having not gotten a less distinctly Chinese appearance but at the time who knew something like this would ever come to pass? Of course, the Landers wouldn't really notice, but any other Adventurers with the notion to Inspect would see right through a disguise no matter what...

That said, a chance of clothes in 'local' drabness might still be of use... Idle musings, nothing more.
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Once he's close enough, Kaydon draws his custom knife and steps out of the cover he's behind, "Don't move." He says, the blade shifting in his hand as he switches stances, "I'm gonna give you one chance to surrender to me or we'll do this the hard way." He says, clearly showing that he has the drop on her and no intention of letting her go.
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    As Kaydon makes his move, that is when Xander at last starts to move toward Daiyu. The Salamander knew he had to be quick about this, there was only a small window of success to catch her off guard.

A bit closer-- just a bit more...

Then he moves out of the brush and goes to grab Daiyu, trying to move his arms around her. To use his strength and edge of surprise to put the poor woman into a sleeper hold. Even then though-- this still could fail.
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If Kaydon was expecting her to jump and scream in fright he is going to be disappointed. There's a pause, and then she claps the logbook shut in her hand. tucking it away in unseen places with a flick of her hand. "What's this?" The hulijing remarks as she turns, tilting her head. She looks the other Were Fang over. "You don't really seem to be the type to trail someone to the far corners of the land t--" She stops as an ear twitchs at footsteps rushing behind her, just moments before the Salamander jumps her. "--That's more like it."

Though Xander would find his clutch less successful that intended, on the fact that several of the vulpine's tails are swiftly between him and her, making it harder for him to get close enough to put his entire leverage into the hold. They might want to think of a Plan B quick, before she slips free completely. "I must say it's a bit refreshing to see some actual -proactivity- on your part. Defensive stalemates do not make for an interesting story at all." Followed by a taunting chuff. "You do realize I am -not- a Lander, right? If you strike me down here I'm just going to respawn the same as one of you do eventually." Of course now that she has been effectively attacked she can't chim any warnings, so there's that.
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Getting her into the 'under attack' status was a key part of the plan, as Kaydon watches Xander swoop in only for her to not make it easy. Not that he expected it to be easy.

The gnoll were fang closes the distance, intent on throwing a left hook to her gut with the hidden blade coming into play in order to just show her that he means business. He knows it won't kill her outright, but killing her was never part of the plan.

"How many times have you died, then? How many memories have you lost? Yeah we might send you back to the cathedral, but it'll take you out off the board." He assumes none of the Palace Landers have managed to capture or bind to any root town cathedrals here in Yamato or he'd know about it.

That means if they do kill her, she goes back home, and has to spend a week getting back. If it comes to that, it's one less piece in play.
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Any initial response the foxwoman might of had to make only comes out as an "OOMPH" as she's slugged in the gut and the wind is knocked out of it more than one turn of the phrase. "..touche.." Her eyes roll as she slumps in Xander's grip, not entirely unconcious but she's too busy gasping for breath to do much else at the moment. Curse all this 'as real as an actual body' nonsense they have to deal with now.
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    As soon as Kaydon slams his fist into her, which causes her tails to give him the leverage he needs, Xander moves back in and starts to place her in that sleeper hold at last.

He stares at her and speaks lowly. "You are in enemy territory... and there are those of us who been watching. Waiting. But for now," He watches her gasp for air, "... Its time for you to go to sleep, little lady."

    Once she goes unconcious, he waits a bit longer, watching her health bar, before he lets her go. "Get the rope, tie her up, we will move to the cave not far from here." He says to Kaydon, before he lets out an odd whistle.

Racing toward him is a strange beast, one with a razor tip tail, feline in nature, but also a bit draconic. Xander hops up on the beast, and pulls the reigns a little. "I'll make sure the path is clear." He'll leave her for now in Kaydon's care.
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"I have no idea what mount that is." Kaydon says in response to seeing Xander's ride, "But I've got something better than rope." He pulls out the chain he had forged, it'd been enough to hold an undead, so it should work for this too. He uses it to bind her arms, and her legs, and then hefts her up onto his shoulder.

It's not that long of a trip to the cave, but she should be out of it long enough to have no idea where she is when she eventually wakes up.
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Daiyu would not know either, if she was aware enough to really get a look at the creature. Though some of the combinations from the Palace Lands are arguably stranger. She doesn't have the endurance to hold out against a full proper sleeper hold, rendering her fully inhert long enough to be chained and carried off. At least she's not exceptionally heavy either. By the time she's groaning like she's about to come back around to proper awareness they've already hauled her off to their cave. Bravo for having thought to locate a nearby place beforehand.
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    The cave was on the coast edge, there was a bit of an odd path to get in, but the path was there if you knew were to look. There was a small campfire inside, the sound of dripping water and the ocean can be heard.

Daiyu would find herself waking up with Xander leaning against one of the rocks, sharpening his blade. His pet was missing, probably had it go run back off since the thing did consume mana to keep it in check.

As Daiyu started to open her eyes, the Salamander gave her a grin, "Well, good morning sleeping beauty. Did you enjoy your little nap?"
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Kaydon had positioned himself near the entrance, in order to block any potential escape attempts, while the salamander did his thing. For the moment, he was quiet. Truthfully he never thought he'd be kidnapping another player. Probably going to get himself flagged red for this.

Still, what Arashi and Shiruba didn't know wouldn't hurt them. He and Xander could figure out how to best disiminate the intel once they had some.
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The first response is nothing vocal, but the chains can be heard clanking against themselves as the initial reaction is to wiggle and see how well she's bound. It appears to get her nowhere as she settles after a moment, and sighs softly. Arms bound, so no elaborate arcane gestures. Legs bound, so no abrupt acrobatics to make a break for it. And she didn't have the physical strength of other more brutish Were Fangs to just break free. She's a woman of grace and class, after all! "Equally parts impressive and frustrating that you've put more forethought into this than I would of anticipated."

Dripping water. And she can vagely make out the ocean wash in the background. So they are still near the coast, but with no idea what direction they went or where, and she doesn't recall seeing a cave on her own trek. Mmm. For now she's just going to have to play the game along with them.
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    Xander walks over to her, twirling the blade gently as he does. "Now. I have been a player off the table of this little war... I figure you kids would either get bored.. Or you know, go home. However, you little 'war' games are starting to impact the way of life for not only the younger adventures that lack experience, but also the landers."

Xander then kneels down in front of her. His golden, fiery draconic eyes glowing in the dim light. "So, if you people want to 'play' war-- then we are going to treat this like a /real/ god damn war." He then takes his sword and places it gently under her chin. "... The only differences is... we have health bars and healing magic." He then smiles. "... and that means, we can spend a great deal making this either /really/ painful for you-- or you can cooperate and not experience pain."

The Salamander tilts his head, "You following so far," He then does a quick inspect, "Daiyu, is it?" Then he slides the sword away, where she only gets just slightly nicked as he stands up.
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Kaydon hmms faintly, as he listens to Xander talk and threaten. He knows that, perhaps, it isn't Daiyu's fault that she's fighting against them. But there's no way to be sure, unless Daiyu confirms that she joined willingly. She could be another victim in the games being played by the Lander leadership in the Palace Lands. Something Kaydon has to bear in mind during this.

"Look we want you to make this easy on yourself. Give us what we want and we won't drag this out any longer than we need to, okay?"
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The lengthy intimidation attempt only gets a roll of the eyes from the vulpine, and a soft snort. Having a blade to her chin doesn't seem to phase her much. Or the 'kids' remarks. Hmph. Assuming she's one of the youth playing the game, tsk. "Please. If you want to handle this 'like adults' you can start by appropriating your own attitude. Threats are counterintuitive, and torture only breaks one into saying whatever is wanted to hear in order to avoid enduring more, so it really isn't a great plan."

The gnoll is glimpsed out the corner of her eye, but her attention remains on the salamander in front of her, even though as she sits back the best she can in her binds. Ugh, can't even cross her legs like a proper lady. "But far be it for me to cut your little sidestory short. Seeing as I am still at your mercy at the moment."
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    Xander motions over to Kaydon, "He has the short of it, really. Information and we let you go." He paces a little, "Such as like, what were you writing in your journal?"
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"Observations. What else do you think I would be doing out here at a vantage point away from the capital?" Chains clink and clank as she shifts position, but still held from doing more. "That bay is the only direct coastal access, and is not the nation you call Ninetails one of your larger economic operations." She tilts her head thoughtfully. "Not unlike Kallamore in some ways... though less inclined to be concerned with Adventurer business possibly upsetting their own stability." She'd shrug if she could move freely to do so. "Though you have little to fear, I had more interest in where those ships were going rather than coming from. The limited space of bay leading to Dun Loireag and the amount of naval traffic make it a difficult proposition for direct assault..."

There's a pause, then a faint smirk. "Why do you think our forces instead laid claim to a location easier to reach, and to hold?" Or why there's been several encounters with her or her cohorts harassing traders operationg out of the Carmina Gadelica Marina.
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    Xander listens to her, he tilts his head faintly, as his tail flicks just ever so slightly. "Someone would only track movement of merchant ships, going or coming, if they were not planning to make an assault on them-- even if difficult-- or at the very least chart naval patterns in order to plan a raid."

He shifts his weight again, resting the flat of his blade against his shoulder. "So then, riddle me this. Why attack us at all? Why do you people honestly hope to gain from all this? Honor? fame? Fortune? Chicken dinner?"
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"Heh. You're not as dumb as you initially sounded." A somewhat backhanded compliment, but what else did you expect? If there is one trait hulijing share with their kitsune cousins its the tendancy to be gracious and snide in equal measures. "Denial of resources is a perfectly viable strategy, is it not? Would be nice if it did more to avoid more actual fighting..." Chains clank as she shrugs underneath them. "But it seems both sides are too stubborn to divert now that the course as been set upon."

There's a pause, a thoughtful countenance as Daiyu takes a few moments to consider how to word a response. "There are powers at play that consider your kind to be a dangerous rogue element if not under proper control. Not after the foolhearty and greed driven actions Adventurers partook of, because they simply did not know how to handle such freedom. Remember where the majority of our players come from." Daiyu shakes her head. "Your lot.. have proven to be of a different sort, but they do not care. After all that happened they see our kind as one and the same, needing to be controlled. If you intended such disruption or not, does not matter to them."
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    Xander listens to her explination a bit. He lowers his sword by his side and there is a gentle, 'huh' that escapes his lips. Maybe a thought that came to his mind. Perhaps a bit of surpise musing to his own thinking.

This is shortly followed by a raised eyebrow, "... I knew some idiots would bring about war, because most of the players here like to think their soldiers and don't have a damn clue." He then tilts his head to the side. "... But it sounds like to me," He stares her dead on. "... That you want no part in this and are being forced to do things you don't want to do."

Xander then shifts his weight, "... Am I right?"
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"It also explains why they went after Shibuya first. Think about it." Kaydon says, finally speaking up, "The other alliances have their HQs in already established towns. Shibuya was founded by, and for, adventurers. It's exactly what the Palace Land leadership fears."

He pushes himself up into a more upright position, "We need to figure out who is being compelled against their will and who is participating because of the power being one of these Crowned offers." He says, though that is mostly directly at Xander, "We'll have to try to save the ones who are victims. They're just as opressed by this as they're trying to do to Yamato."
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Daiyu gives a nod of the head in Kaydon's direction. "That made it easier to justify such a siege, yes. As well as it not having the protective measures the Capitals do. Since our forces have to sail here and back, a location that could be claimed was necessary." Chains clink as the fox actually slips out her arm... and then just gives her glasses a nudge back into proper position on the bridge of her muzzle. Pauses a moment, as if realizing she's probably getting some sharp looks for it. "Oh, calm down, your chains are quite functional. But I have experience performing as an escape artist. Besides," one of her tails flicks in Kaydon's direction. "Even if I did choose now to try and flee he still is obstructing the only way out." So it's just a demonstration that if she really wanted to she probably could escape, but she's declined doing so as of yet.

The rather pointed question Xander asks may also have something to do with her not just slipping free yet, too. Her gaze fixates on him, expression hard to read as she considers. She has to consider it carefully, she knows what will happen if she says something the wrong way. And not in how her captors might react. That's the least of her conscern. "I intended to help bring stability back to Kallamore before it completely fell to ruin after that foolhearty rebellion attempt. I -told- those idiots they didn't have what it would take, in strength or in strategy, to do so, but of course they didn't listen. This was our home now, and their self-destructive behavoir almost wrecked it entirely! I only wanted to give them order, and purpose so they didn't feel the need to want and take heedlessly." Vulpine ears lay back partial as she sighs and slumps back in the chains. "But to be able to do that, I... well... you can probably guess. We... I had no idea this would come to an actual war..."

Then she flinches, eyes squeezing shut for a few moments. "But now I have a role to fill, that cannot be turned away. Sometimes we must follow more than we once desired."
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    Xander continues to listen, his brows furrow. "You /do/ have a choice, you know." He says very calmly. "War is never fun. It is never something /anyone/ should want. Sometimes, yes, we have to fight for what we love and what we want to see kept safe-- but that is only when push comes to shove."

The Salamander actually shealth his blade, even fully aware she is free from her chains now, he actually takes a very different stance. "In the world's history, war sometimes would force people to do things they didn't want to do. Either to help a regime try to win a war-- or build things in defense of a war."

He then looks over to the fire. "Yet, there were always those who had choices. If they saw the chance, they would escape from that regime to the open arms of those willing to accept them. In hopes to end what they knew was wrong... To help free others from the chains of opression."

    Xander then looks back to her. "Maybe I am being a bit of an optimist or maybe just foolishfully hopeful as I am gaining a bigger picture-- But if you /honestly/ don't want this war... Then you have to be smart enough to understand that poeple, like us, will never give up our freedoms without a fight and history has shown what happens when you try to strip away that freedom. In turn-- we could offer you and yours that freedom. The freedom of choice.. and the freedom to help end this war, not because you are being forced to follow a path..."

Xander stops mid way before he says gently, "... but because it is a given choice that /you/ make."
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"So you got sold a bogus bill of goods by a bunch of people higher up the chain than you." Kaydon shoots a glance at Xander, whom he knows was ALSO enlisted and not an officer, "Can't pretend I haven't heard that story before." Kaydon knows, from his discussion with the Uncrowned (well after he stopped threatening them) that there's no way the Crowned can fight back against this, which is why the Landers have been forcing it on adventurers.

"She can't." He finally says in response to Xander.

"Even though she probably wants to, once that thing goes on your head, you're loyal to the Lander leadership and the kingdom they represent. They can't fight against it. Those things have turned brother against brother and former friends into bitter enemies."

He steps a bit closer to Daiyu, leaning in to take a look at the crown, even though he knows she's free, "I'm not going to hurt you as long as you don't try anything. I just want to get a look at it. I'm a metalsmith.." And an enchanter in training, but he doesn't need to mention that part.
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Daiyu glares briefly... but the scowl fades when Kaydon explains, as she doubted she would be able to do so without interference. Though it does get her to briefly cant her attention this way, as if she was going to ask how he knew that information but then decides not to. As they probably would not say anyways, and while she can get free of the chains she's still in a compromised position. "Before you ask, no, I do not know how they are made," she replies in a flat, controlled tone.

She does look towards Xander again, her expression something like 'You're right but I can't say it because of what he said'. There's still a slight flinch, like even thinking about it too long is probably not good for her.
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    Xander watches her body language. His tail slowly moves behind him. His eyes actually start to soften a little, before he makes a very, very gentle 'tsk'. It was a combination of her body language and what Kaydon had to explain.

It may as well been something like sci-fi slave collars. Do the wrong move and get a zap... and that made his jaw tense up a little. "I see." He says very lowly.

    ".. But its all code." He then adds forcefully speaking English. "There are loop holes." He adds further on that thought still forcing the english from his lips.

He stares at her, resting his elbow in one hand, his chin in the other hand. He was in deep contemplation at this point. That much was easy to see. "So," His next part is more directed at Kaydon. "If she even /wants/ to do something against the will, it will bring her harm. If /any/ of them want to do something against the region-- it will bring them harm, right?"

The dark scaled Salamander tilts his head. "So, she is the tactical mind of this stuff, correct? She needs information on us, as much as we need it on them. Neither of us can know what is truth or lies-- just like you know, the bogus stuff you said about what enlisted are fed. Thus, if you don't know the truth or what is a lie, then--" He stops himself looking at her.

Just what was he going on about anyways as he then adds, ".. Maybe." Ah, the wonderful world of a broken mind thanks to a paticular virus nearly killing a person.
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"That's about the gist of it.." Kaydon replies, as he considers a little bit while he looks at the crown a bit closer, "I figured you wouldn't be able to tell me even if you knew." That might be information he has to get from one of the Uncrowned. If they even know, "It might be code but I don't think we have any way to manipulate it..Although.." The data drain thing Merek is always talking about allows people to manipulate code, or at least read details about it, Kaydon thinks. He hmms a little bit. Considering how Daiyu has already shown she'll be able to escape any time she wants to, it'll be impossible to hold her for long enough to get someone to data drain the crown.

"Look, we understand that not all of you want to be at war with us. So we're going to do what we can to ensure that we...Well, that we win this thing without comprimising our morals. I know you can't do or say anything that may harm your kingdom, so really I'm not sure how much intel we'll be able to gather here.."
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Daiyu doesn't immeadiately respond, and that's probably more of an indicator than anything she could actually say. In the end she just gives a simple nod of the head and a plain "Likewise." A pause. "At least not that was originally intended." They have confirmed that there are likely Crowned who are only here because they have no other choice now. If they ever do find a way to remove the Crowns...

After a few terse moments Daiyu speaks up again. "I have tried to better understand your kind of Adventurers. Why you did not act the way our own foolishly did, and thus... do not have many of the issues. The lack of control. Not that I would be able to convince my peers of any of it. Call it... personal curiousity. You all seem to have a motivation ours lacked."
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"I think a lot of it has to do with the tower." Kaydon says, as he thinks about Aincrad, "While one group works to clear it, the others are working to keep the Landers safe from the threats the tower presents." And then Olympus is doing whatever it is they do, "No one runs rampant...Or if they do, well..They tend to get yoked up by somebody like me."
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"A unifying directive beyond simply surviving, then." Daiyu nods, but for her own sake does not elaborate on her thoughts farther than that. "It would do little to sway the Powers That Be, but it does sate some of my own curiousity, thank you." These Adventurers had a unifying cause and didn't need to be 'given' one, it seems... and their willingness to work together in face of another formidable force is why they've been able to at least defend themselves from the invasion, even if not save all of their locations.
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"Look you guys may have won in Shibuya, but you had several things going for you." Kaydon says, "Advantages you no longer have." He rises back up from where he had been looking over the crown, and hmms, "The guilds work together in order to keep Landers safe. Even the ones who are doing the Tower have learned to respect and work with the Landers."
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"I am respected as a strategist... but I do not have that kind of sway over what they do or do not decide to pursue," Daiyu replies. "The theater of war constantly changes." There is not much more or less to be said on the matter than that. She gives a shake of her head. "This is a march that only goes forward, regardless of how individuals may feel." Pause. Then solemnly, "I fear some do not feel at all anymore. They've been... broken."
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Now that is some information that Kaydon can use, "What do you mean?" He asks, "They just follow orders blindly?" He understands instant willingness and obedience to orders. It was trained into him when he was in the military, however this sounds like something else entirely.
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"They've been... conditioned to the point they are barely different from the native Landers." Daiyu replies, her tone of voice having that subtle hint of that's all she can really phrase the matter as without having difficulties for herself.
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Kaydon arches a brow. He has heard that, or at least a similar description, from the Uncrowned, "Hopefully some day there will be a way to return them to normal then. For their sake.." He says, as he shakes his head a little bit. He's not sure if they'll be able to get anything else out of her, though. The Crown is making it hard to get intel.
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Over the course of the conversation Daiyu has freed her other arm. Though with the discussion having not been as hot and hostile as it could of been she seems disinclined to make any actual escape attempts yet.

She did want an oppritunity to speak with some of the local Adventurers without the spitting of barbs between attacks, after all.

At a thought she tilts her head. "If you see the kitsune that communes with the stars, tell her I have kept the Shibuya library in order in her absense... as a fellow ethusiast of literary arts." Pause. "Not that you lot left anything that could be incrimidating, but the general contents are still interesting." Another fox that has a fondness for books, imagine that.
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    Xander had been quiet the entire time, perhaps moved over to lean against the stone cave wall. Kaydon was at this point doing a better job at getting some answers, while he was still pondering over the loop hole.

Once he glanced up, he tilts his head a little. "Maybe you should tell us a story. A fantasy one. Maybe about a young girl and the kingdom she comes from. Perhaps other details." What was he getting at. "After all, a fantasy story holds no value, but given we all like to read. Maybe in trade for a story like this, we could trade something in return."

He then stands up fully, "No harm in that, is there?" He then wondered silently, if she understood what he was trying to suggest.
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That gets an amused abiet short-lived chuckle out of the hulijing. Which slips off into a soft sigh afterwards, the mood deflating once more. "If only it was so easy. But what may be false in words but still holds a truth in the mind..." she adds with a shake of her head. "I already told you of the woman who found a new life for herself, but when she acted to protect that life, she got entangled in a much bigger issue. Of what happens when people unuse to choice suddenly have all the choice in the world... and ruin the oppritunity with lack of understanding." She shakes her head again. "There are no more fables... for now."
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"I think I get the gist of it." Kaydon says, as he frowns, and then moves over to take the chain back up. No sense keeping it down there if she can escape anytime she wants.

"I don't think we're going to be able to get anything else out of here." He says to Xander, "The enchantment on the crown must be more powerful than anything we've dealt with so far.." Which means that it must have required a very powerful mage to be able to cast it. Kaydon steps out of the way of the entrance to the cave as he puts the chain back into his inventory, "If you're thinking about calling any of your friends for help, you won't find much left here by the time they get here. So I suspect our best bet is to go our seperate ways for now."
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    Xander says softly, "... I see." He closes his eyes with a sigh. There was information gained, yes, but it wasn't going to be easy to undo what has been done. Though he has an idea where they may need to start. "Go ahead. Go. Leave. Hopefully next time we meet, it will still be in some essence of peace-- and hopefully never on the battlefield."

He then motions for her to go before he looks over to Kaydon. "We to should get a move on. We can discuss some things later." He says glancing over to Daiyu.
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Daiyu gets to her feet once Kaydon has picked up the chains. "As far as anyone knows, I slipped away while you were resting." She produces one of her trademark handfans from seemingly thin air and flicks it open. "... If we do, we will have to fight. But while I have no choice, I do not have the bloodlust some of my compatriots posess." That certainly checks out. While she's been reported for several confrontations, she has yet to actually PK anyone. Tails flick to balance her as she bows. "But that is only on the battlefield. Until another time, I bid you adeiu."

And by the time anyone looks away and then looks back, she's already gone.