An Unuual Crafter

Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Since arriving in Yamato, the Uncrowned have only recently begun traveling, exploring what this other land might have to offer them. For a Cait Sith like Tian, the Ninetails Dominion may just seem like an ideal fit, at least at first glance, especially if the wolf-fox were looking to claim a new Kingdom as 'home'.

Today, however, the masked individual seems to be observing the oddity that is Adventurer-run establishments. In this case, Mithrilscale Ironworks is their point of call. Silent as always, Tian seems to be looking over everything, appraising the craftsmanship and taking in their surroundings.

Interest is obvious, even without words, in the perked set of their ears and the slight sway of their fluffy tail behind them.
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

The customers of the Ironworks are varied at this point there are both People of the Land and Adventurers who shop there. Some will leave with mundane things like nails, cook wear. Some leave with armour of decent quality but it's the weapons that come out of here which are the most notable things. Though oddly the kitchen knives too. There's also a big dog which looks like it might be a guard gord, snoozing out front. Though it tends to react well to the customers, only demanding the petting toll.

Finally Miho comes out, tail swishing with a pitcher to refill the dog's water bowl.

"You just want to people watch today do you?"
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

The Salamander is met with a curious look from the masked Cait Sith. Tian eases to their feet from where they were crouched, getting a closer look at some of the weapons that were in the front case. The fact that the short, blue-haired woman is tending to the dog suggests that this might be someone who works here. A quick INSPECT confirms as such.


Tian takes the opportunity to approach, making a hand signal of greeting rather than speaking aloud. "<You are the owner?>" Both hands are held close to the chest, fingers closing inward. "<These are fine weapons.>" The gestures that go along with this look like a cutting motion, followed by finger guns.
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho looks to the strange Cait Sith for a moment.

"Aye I am the owner and operator."

The dog looks confused at Tian but doesn't seem hostile. "Thank you I been at it long before any of us arrived here before. Would you like to take a look at my wares I have more items inside evne a line of accessories by Haru."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

The wolf-fox has some distinctly canine mannerisms, which hopefully would be easy to pick up on. They seem to be relaxed and comfortable in the moment, though obviously curious at the strange state of affairs that surrounds the Yamato Adventurers. "<Are they friendly?>" Tian asks through gestures, motioning at the dog, their own head tilted.

Then, at the invitation, Tian makes a fist and bobs it forward in a gesture that the system translates as: "<Yes.>" The prospect of accessories has the Cait Sith smirking slightly, reaching up to run fingers along the gold earrings in their own ears, and then across other jewelry adorning their form. "<I am a crafter. It is good to see what others can make, though.>"

Tian is careful not to make any move that could be considered a threat, but unstraps one of the daggers, leaving it sheathed and offering it out to Miho to appraise. "<I made these, as well as the jewelry.>"

When the blades are revealed, it is obviously the work of both craftsmanship and enchanting. There is a slight hum of electrical energy in the metal.
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho says "Aye he is. You can pet him if he'll let you. He just hates spiders."

She would listen some more to Tian thinking for a moment

"Oh your a Jeweler? If your looking for a place to hawk your wares we can work something out." She takes a look at the blade for a moment.

"So you enchant those? I developed some new materials to allow for enchanted weapons to be more easily recharged...I can't do a lick of it myself. I used the stuff to forge undead slaying weapons. Given the ciris we had with undead for the last while."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Tian crouches down in front of the dog, offering one hand out for him to sniff. Obviously, with hands occupied, the deaf Adventurer can't exactly communicate, but they allow the animal as much time as needed to get comfortable before attempting to pet him.

Only afterwards does Tian rise, shaking their head slightly. "<Not yet. Maybe someday.>" Motioning around while signing, the Cait Sith explains, "<It is still strange to us, to even see shops like these.>"  

This is not the first time that Tian had heard of Adventurers coming up with new ways of crafting things within the world. Things that the Lander crafters hadn't thought of on their own. "<I did. I mostly craft for the other Uncrowned. Not much market in the Palace Lands.>" Which is likely not surprising.

Then, after a pause, Tian seems to be thinking. "<I could try to show you?>" There is a shift in their facial expression, as if they'd never tried such a thing before.
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

The big dog sniffs waks his taila nd give them a lick. Tian seems to pass there as the tail wags a bit while Miho thinks.

"Yeah sounds like things went to hell real fast for all of you. Gods I did all the paper work to get set up here in town. Been worth it though and really? I'd be very eager to learn if you are willing to teach me how to enchant. It would help my work a lot!"

She wouldn't need to contract out as much for enchanting if this works out.

"I'd like to comensate you for teaching thouerh perhaps a custom order or two?"
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

The Cait Sith seems to think about this prospect, lightly stroking their chin in a thoughtful manner. The gold eyes are hard to read behind the mask, as it covers much of their expressions. "<Favor for a favor, someday?>" Tian proposes instead.

"<I teach you now. You teach me later.>" There are likely many things that Miho could show Tian in regards to working with metal. "<Fair deal?>" The fact that they are even considering the future is a big step. After living day to day, just trying to survive, the idea of planning this far out in advance... it is both frightening and exciting.

"<Sign of good faith. Hope for better days.>" Tian confirms. Afterall, it would be easy for Miho to not keep up their end of the bargain. So this, perhaps, is also a test to see if the Yamato Adventurers can keep to their word.
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho will nods in agreement and offer her hand. "You got yourself a deal then. You team me now and I'll teach you something I know later." This was a promising day for Miho, a very promising day. "Allr ight let me friend you so we can organize the lessons just let me know what sort of materials i'll need to pick up ahead of time. Same I hope things get better...for everyone."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Tian accepts the offered hand with fingers that are surprisingly deft and delicate. Perhaps it is the sort of thing needed for such fine jewelry work. The Cait Sith nods, accepting the friend request with a swipe of their fingers across the menu. "<I will send you a list of materials.>" With that, a contract is forged, and... perhaps a new friend made. Maybe.