A Break in the Storm Season

Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

Between the war, projects, and Hunter Guild requests, the life of an adventurer is busy. It is in the name. Adventure. Haru had been chimming up more people as of late, but the chims-o-metrics would put Fuka at the top. After an adventure with some frosty maidens, he pinned her down... er... coerced... er... asked if she was available to check out a field in Yamato before the next major storm rolls in. Help with gathering stuff. Totally not sus.

Totally sus.

The place is full of rolling hills. Flowers dot the landscape like an artist brush. Noon or so Haru said, but he is already there. Correction. He has already fallen asleep on a blanket and there is a six legged black cat sleeping on top of his chest. Not because they are friends, no, but because he is warm and warms are good. Eve would be the first one to notice Fuka if she rolled in, but monster cat don't care.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    Gathering stuff and checking out a field aren't terribly high up on Fuka's priority list, but spending time with Haru is. Even if they aren't... whatever it is they are right now, she enjoys time spent with the artificer. He's brave, kind, and nutty. Plus he confessed he likes her. Rare qualities to find all in one person, to be sure. If that means risking a little bit of boredom helping Haru to find stuff that's important to him, it's important to her too.

    That is, at least until Fuka actually rides up to discover Haru there, apparently sleeping on the job. She dismounts, seeing to Sandy's needs, and then makes her way over to where Haru lies. She gazes down at Eve, rolling her eyes. "You probably have the right idea." she murmurs, smirking. "That looks like a fine pillow. But if you've been summoned, he probably set you to guard him, and if I get closer..." she frowns, considering.

    Fuka's not afraid of Eve. It's not like the little summons is a serious risk, but of course if it DOES go on alert, it'll be a bit of a rude awakening for Haru. Which would serve him right, being asleep like this instead of awake to greet her properly. But if she's going to actually mess with him, maybe she should do something more amusing? Just making him freak out might be fun, but maybe she should do something more memorable? More... enjoyable?

    That all depends, of course, on just how much Eve will let her get away with. Or for that matter if the monster cat is actually on guard against a nominally-friendly Fukaziroh. So, to test, Fuka approaches closer... clooooser, trying to see if and how Eve's going to react, if at all.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

Fuka has the right of it. Eve is there to 'guard' Haru. It is a comical act of one red eye opening as the Sylph approaches. That one 'I see you' eye of a monster. Haru is laying on his back with both arms streched over and under his head as a makeshift pillow. The cat slowly stands up with a stretch foward with her paws on the human and then back paws. She sits. Long black tail flicks behind her. Long shoulder tentacles flick in front of her. Those are playful flicks, she has seen Fuka around many times. Haru has monologued about Fuka to his monster cat more than once.

Eve rolls up onto her back paws, batting at the air in front of Fuka like she was a mouse. The way down comes with a small impact onto Haru's chest, but it doesn't seem to wake him up. Seem to. Haru woke up a couple seconds ago when his summon decided to stretch. Something about a bunch of little razor claws going into his skin during a stretch. He has the same idea Fuka does. Maybe he can time something amusing. Cat toss? No, too predictable. Something more... romantic? Maybe. But how? The fifty percent more candles have yet to be deployed! The Artificer is using this time to plan his prank. All while trying to ignore Eve who is playing cat CPR on his chest.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    A dozen pranks flit through Fuka's mind, but she's not a cruel person. Playful, sure, and she likes making things weird. But pranks really aren't her thing. She might tie Haru's bootlaces together while he sleeps, but only to then tell him he's not allowed to run away from her.

    She frowns down at Eve. Is the summons alerting him? Protecting him? She's trying not to simply see it as a cat. Haru summoned it deliberately, presumably to watch over him as he rested and waited for Fuka to arrive. So... does that mean she would have been expected and would be allowed to approach?

    Really only one way to find out. Fuka continues to come closer, closer... then she lowers herself to the edge of Haru's cloak. Lamenting that Eve is on his chest where she'd have happily put herself, she leans back across his thighs instead, using his legs as a pillow. "I see you invited me here to help you look for clouds." the little Sylph claims at the first sign of Haru stirring. "Or did you have .... something else in mind?" she says, her voice turning suggestive, teasing. Or at least playful.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

Eve watchs Fuka with those red eyes as if she was a laser pointer. A paw comes out to put those soft toe beans on Fuka's face. Paw. Paw. The monster walks in a circle around Haru's chest and lays back down. It looks like Haru either knew Fuka was coming or all of his summons regard Fuka as friendly.

Haru slowly begins to open his eyes. The jig is up! "Cloud gazing would be a fun date," he admits, clearing up why he really brought her out here. "But a bit tame for your tastes, isnt it?" he muses, voice still dry and raspy from having fallen asleep out on the hill. "Thats it, extreme cloud gazing. First person to find a bunny in the clouds has to do a thing," the crafter says, his nouns coming up generic at the end. What he does do is reach a little further down to find Fuka's head. No, not like that, he rests his hand top the blonde and combs her hair with his fingers.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about stuff for us to do. So even if its a little boring, I'm trying, its hard to compete with the thrillers of near death adventure we run across all the time." Haru says as he combs and keeps his eyes cast to the sky. "I had a pretty awesome three step plan today," he yawns. Unlikely. "Step 1: Find a lame reason to go out and do something. Did you know this is how I spent a lot of the early months? You'd think I would have picked up some Gathering abilities for my avatar. Nope. Low tier mats." His other hand begins to pet Eve, who promptly gives him a monch on the hand. Just a monch. Then unmonches. "It feels kind of nostalgic going to places like this now."
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    Fuka lets ouf a soft giggle when Eve paws at her. She tenses when Haru begins to pet her hair, but relaxes, enjoying the sensation. Listening, she snorts, but it's not a harsh exhalation. "I don't mind doing something quiet on occasion." she claims. She's not an adrenaline junkie, though it's true she does like a little excitement. "Is this a date then? You and me, we're not the ones who have to be on the front line. Doing something important is fine even when it's not glorious." she says. "I mean, I spent over a month figuring out how to make ice cr... ah, refrigeration when we first met."

    "Or maybe not something important is fine sometimes." Fuka claims, wondering if Haru caught her little slip there. Oh well. "So I don't mind just... relaxing sometimes. But I also wouldn't mind doing something a little more..." she pauses, considering the words. And grinning, definitely grinning. Enjoying the moment. "Pulse-pounding. With you. Or... to you." she claims wickedly.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

"This is a date," Haru confirms. Demystifying the event that has two people, a bird, and a cat on a flowery hill looking at clouds and teasing one another. He lets a little laugh out at the first time they met. "Yeah I think you had this thing going on with someone about how to track." With rat poop. "And there was coffee and cookies. Not the towel incident. That came later." The grand towel incident.

A thoughtful 'hmm' from Haru's chest. Its funny because Haru always thought the refridgeration idea came for the need of frozen sweets. Smoothies, ice cream, milkshakes. "Then you will appreciate Step 2 involved trying to recreate ice cream and chocolate." He actually did have a plan? The Artificer's head rolls to the side to look where he left the basket. "It looks like Karen has decided to abscond with those treats, though," he isn't even mad at it. Good for her. Shes a big bird! "Kinda just take a bite of a few diferent things and chew em at the same time. Step 2 was cullinary adventure."

All those more heated teasings come with a pet. He isn't ignoring or dodging those. "The doing things to you was Step 3," he states almost matter of factly. Head rolls up as his eyebrows waggle, "New code: Step 3." He also looks at Eve, who is more than a little in the way. Cat life. She don't care. "Eve," he deadpans. Don't give a care stare back. He goes from petting her to scritching behind her ear. But Eve is not an animal. She is a monster. She monches his hand again. "I feel like there is a really inappropriate joke here," Haru turns his head to Fuka. Or appropriate joke. Eve finally does hop off, having had her fun.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    Not even Fuka's entirely sure which came first... the idea of using refrigeration to preserve food for the good of all, or it being an essential step along the way towards ice cream. Sure one might have inspired the other, but Fuka's not entirely sure whether her original goals were noble or base.

    "Hmmm. Food. Or experimentation with sticking things in my mouth." Fuka grins. "Take a chew, see what I like? Mmmm." She's not sure if this is flirting, teasing, or what. She doesn't mind. Fuka's decided she won't be the sort of person to do something then beat themselves up over it later. "Step three might be fun too! And so what if the joke is inappropriate? I have little interest in what others tell me is appropriate. It's why I never really had friends... before."

    She meant it lightly, but that's a bit of a heavy topic, isn't it? But okay, Fuka's not going to regret it. She's still sticking to that decision of not regretting.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

The white haired young man doesnt mind either. It is part of what Haru sees in Fuka. It can be a bit of a maze at times, but it is a fun maze. The ones with mirrors. Haru moves from combing through Fuka's hair to putting his hand down over her face, cupping it. The initial response to being petted wasn't lost and he doesnt need to rush any of it. The heat from his hand. The pulse. As much as those things exist here. "I could think of a few things to stick in your mouth," he teases right back, letting that linger as he goes on, "caramel, bananas, shaved ice." He looks at the sky, "Some of those things even exist here."

A carress of Haru's hand against Fuka's cheek. Its cute. Endearing. "And now you have Uta, myself, and many others. Course I like to think my friendship has more benefits," as he teases behind an elvish ear to tickle against Fuka's neck. "Mm. I think its more complicated for me," he admits, "it goes against my upbringing to not care about what people think. That was expected of me every minute of every day." He looks at the clouds. They can share some heavy topics. This is the sort of thing they dont get to talk about when dodging lightning bolts or running from trap boulders. "I care about what some people think is appropriate. The idea of saying or doing something that would hurt you is chilling." And it goes back to Fuka's topic of friends, of people close to her, "because past all the wit and mischief is someone that can be hurt. And I want to make sure Im the person worth being in that bubble."

"You are special. I'm not the only one that sees that," Haru says thoughtfully, "and sometimes you take your jokes too far, its true, but if someone close to you had a problem with it then can just tell you and you can go from there." He sounds he has it all together. He doesnt. "Alright, this is getting too deep, c'mere," his hands reach further down to the small Sylph on his thighs, motioning her to come further up now that he is de-catted.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    It's not that Fuka doesn't like touches, more that she wasn't sure what the intent was. Play, caress, tease... but she's not examining Haru minutely right now. In a way her back's turned, or at least she's looking away. She trusts him not to do something terrible. Tickling now, that's low. She laughs, squirms, then relaxes ... or at least tries to. "You're a pretty good benefit." she agrees. And listens as Haru drops his own heavy words... carefully.

    She agrees, to an extent. About how it's important not to hurt others with the things you do. She plays around, and is a dumbass from time to time, but she's always extremely careful to draw the line between a tease or a playful word, and a demand or suggestion that crosses a line into something that would hurt or scare someone she cares about.

    She murmurs an agreement to that. "I haven't known you long, I guess..." she muses. "I've known Uta longer. And she's a lot like Karen, so I know how it's safe to tease her, but never... well, you know." Fuka claims. Something Haru might or might not know, especially with how vague she's being. "She trusts me though, and I won't betray that. And... I'm pretty sure you wouldn't either. You're careful." she muses. "Maybe more careful than you need to be. I was given a lot of freedom, I guess. More than most kids, so long as I did what I was supposed to."

    Fuka's rambling perhaps, a bit at least. But that's okay, they're kind of dancing along the edge of things that are important. And maybe it's safer to be a bit rambling, rather than attack things head-on. But at Haru's suggestion, Fuka cranes her head back to look at him, testing his suggestion. "Too ... deep?" she grins. "All right, you can be shallow with me then." she agrees, pushing herself up and back a bit so she's no longer laying on Haru's legs. What he has in mind, she's not sure. But then, that's kind of a metaphor isn't it? She doesn't seem to mind letting him guide her, and letting her find out.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

The white haired man can't resist that setup. "As tiny as you are, pretty sure I'll have to go shallow anyway," he teases her with a waggle of his eyebrows and a grin. Arms reach out to her when he is laying down, but them noodle arms don't have the sort of reach he needs them to. Instead he stretches upwards, a slumbering tall human that has to look down to the blonde Sylph. "Like this," the man pounces, reaching out to grab her and pull her by the waist into his lap. Mini sized! If it fits, it sits! "And this is for making me sit up," he tickles along her sides, giving her a 'punishment' for hot making good use of a Haru bed's full potential.

Haru rests his head atop of Fuka after the assault, wrapping around in a warm embrace. "I feel like we hit one of those old school video game axioms: What happens when you apply too much Law to your children? What happens when you apply too much Chaos?" There is a laugh there, since its clear which is which here. Every minute of every day was to a schedule. When he thought he was given free time it was just manipulating free will to a different schedule. Groomed. "Mm," he hums, "come to think of it, I should be making all the big moves, huh? I confessed to you. Reached across the table to hold hands the first time. First embrace." His head rolls down to bonk against Fuka's. "No pressure," he gives a side tickle. "I'm probably being careful more for me than for you," he admits, "here is this girl who can do anything. You clearly won that Peko race without even trying. Pretty sure you were in first and I was in last there. Even Divine Beasts that would turn most to ash are calmed by you." He squeezes, "sometimes its like reaching for the stars just to touch the starlight and I can only take so much failure in a day. Which, uh, if you haven't noticed, is pretty common." Not that it should matter.

"This is my shitty way of saying Im sorry for not asking you out on more dates," Haru says, "and I know I dont have to. And I know if I asked you to do something as boring as watching flowers grow on a field, you'd come." Case and point, field of flowers. He wants to say something else but there is a hesitation. A bit of being guarded. But then there is this relaxing. Like he did pay attention to what she just said to him. "A... uh..." he slows down to talk about it "lot of people just... kinda... leave. When they have what they want from me." Money, usually. And what do you say to people about that? Sorry for being wealthy? That goes over well. A laugh. "Wow. Date mistake number 1, right? Drone on and on about yourself to your date," he notes, "even though." Even though. "I feel... comfortable... around you. Like I can be me. Even the parts that ramble like this. And you'll say something like 'Rookie move, H' and I'll say something like 'I'll show you who the rookie is' and thats how we will share our first kiss. And all of this will be like sand on the shore, just washed away."
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    Fuka doesn't resist as Haru pulls her into his lap, though she does let out a little giggle as he makes his intent known. She tries not to discourage his act... at least until he starts tickling her! It might be a bit tricky considering her armor but there are definitely unarmored places and... well, she's not actually fighting back. Just going defensive, laughing, and trying to avoid having her more ticklish parts exposed! As many siblings as she has, you find out quickly where those are... and that's a secret Haru's going to have to struggle to reveal!

    Fuka's own life was unstructured. She had her chores, she had her schoolwork. So long as she never neglected those, she could spend her time as she wished. Paradoxically it's led her to be very diligent when it comes to doing work, but she does such things so she can enjoy herself freely without any further expectations.

    "Isn't the guy supposed to be making all the big moves?" Fuka asks casually. That's the way it tends to work in ... well, in stories at least. Certain kinds of stories. It's not like she's got any guide to go by past that of fiction really. She smirks. "Are you trying to tell me to make a move? That if I see something I want, I should just reach out and grab it?" she asks lightly, suggestive and flirting. She laughs. "Oh no, I can't do just anything. I've never even come close to beating Yuu... not in anything! She's been beating me every time we met since before the apocalypse! And that's okay, because I don't need to win. I just need to get better every time. And if the next time we compete she still wins, that's fine too. Because I'll be better then than I am today!"

    Flushed, both from laughter and from a certain suggestiveness about various pulse-pounding potential activities, Fuka gets a little more serious as Haru goes into his past. She pays attention, not pointing out that she did come join him, simply because he asked. She feels more than sees him relax, and she eases back against him, expecting the tickling to be done... for now at least. Serious or relaxed... or both. She accepts both.

    "I don't want anything from you though." she finally says. Leaving after getting what they want? That just sounds silly. "Except just... you. I mean, being with you." she corrects herself. Embarrassed, but not particularly caring. Just saying it for the sake of propriety. She does have such a thing after all, even if it's not what others usually accept.

    She looks up, trying to catch sight of Haru, trying to judge his words or just his meaning. First confession. First embrace. First... first. She may be new at all this but she's not a complete fool, and sometimes you just have to reach out and take what you want. She turns in Haru's grasp, putting arms to either side of him and turning to half face him from atop. "Why don't you show me then." she suggests, voice quiet, playful... and more. Interested.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

"Skipping to the end is cheating, Miyu," Haru says as he looks to the blonde Sylph. Some things come naturally. The jokes and wit slide without effort. The way Haru looks at her comes with a slow, dream-like blink. His hand on her face, cupping it as fingers roll deeper against her hair. The rolling in to kiss Fuka's lips matches a warm breeze during the Storm season. It is not without tilting up or down, being taller, but the lap situation helps even the score. It wouldn't matter to him anyway, he would lift her up if he had to, even in her armor. His blue eyes only open half way when he draws back, giving her jawline a kiss second. Neck third. "Well I will always be me," as he gives a tighter squeeze around her, "so there is that." The human rolls back and leans forward to rest his forehead against hers.

Nothing needs to be said in those moments that follow. Starlight can be caught from time to time. Haru's heartbeat can be felt. Heat and sound. The amazing insanity of how a swimmer's build like Haru's has noodle arms. "That something you are into," he asks after a while, "big romantic gestures? Because I'll get a whole room full of scented candles for a few of our firsts." The eyebrow waggle is worse when someone is close enough to feel the waggling. "But the whole Physical thing is all you. This world has destined me to be an Enchanter. And Enchanter life knows not the labors of the land," he mocks the system, because ultimately he made those choices. A kiss on her forehead before he gives a little bit of space.

Somewhere nearby there is a black cat watching them. Eve hasn't left. Tail flick at the two of them being a couple in a field of flowers.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    This has never been something Fuka - Miyu - has sought out. Not that she hasn't been interested, not that she doesn't enjoy that sort of thing, but she was okay with being someone these sorts of things just don't happen to. And as she anticipates Haru's actions, well, she's okay with it happening too. More than okay with it. In the heat of the moment it's hard to imagine being okay with this not happening.

    The kiss ends, though not without Haru seeming to be eager to go for more. And yet he stops... or at least pauses. Not pressing things too far. And Fukaziroh has to consider if she wants this to end or if she wants more.

    This closeness is quite nice too, she decides. After a bit her eyes open slowly, and she gazes at Haru. "Games never taught me how to ... well, I mean, there are THOSE games..." she notes, cheeks colouring faintly. Ahem. Maybe don't mention THOSE types of games. "That does sound nice but..." she shakes her head, lowering her eyes. "I don't need that. It's enough.... more than enough, to know you want to. No one... no one ever has, not anyone I'd actually take seriously..."
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

There is practically a mirror of the sound of 'those games' from Haru as he teases her about it. Not that he isnt very aware of them. "Would you be mad if I did it anyway," he asks as those fingers roll gently through the blonde hair. The other hand comes and craddles the other side of Fuka's face. "Would you be mad if I got us a nice large bath and had all these candles there for us to share?" The man leans down for another kiss. More than the cloudy press of electricity before. A mix between what he says and what is happening right now. "Or warming up in the blanket of a bed during a cold night." His voice is soft spoken like a whisper.

"Finding you teasing me with something pre-tay suggestive one moment," the man says as he gives her lower lip a little bite to accent the sort of spice that he could easily see Fuka surprising him with one day, "that leads to the nearest means of privacy for us." A bit of a tug from Haru. "I do want to," he finally rests his forehead against her tenderly. "And I want it to be special for you and for us. Even if it doesnt need to be. For you, I feel it deserves to be." A quick steal of a kiss and he rocks the little Slyph forward. Onto her back with the incredibly (not) heavy Enchanter atop in a playful tussle. "Taking me seriously now?" he grins, "Should I be concerned?" He shouldnt be and the expression on his face shows he is not. That she does take him seriously, and where they are going as a couple, seriously.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

    Fuka's mostly saying she doesn't need that sort of thing. She's definitely a big romantic though, and wouldn't be upset at all if Haru were to make that kind of gesture. "You know if you did that, we'd probably burn the place down..." she suggests, leaning in to the kiss. She's not sure if she means all the candles are a fire hazard, or if she means getting her hot is liable to lead to a fire... of one kind or another.

    Her breath catches as Haru bites her lip, and she considers just pushing him back. Whether to make distance between them or to push him over so she can have her way with him... well, she's not entirely sure. Fuka does like her indulgences, and she's not the sort of person to indulge in half-measures.

    At the same time though, she understands the wish for it to be special. It's the sort of thing you can only do once. Or at least, the sort of first that only comes once. There's worth in wanting it to be special. Not some roll in the field, however eager they both seem to be for that sort of thing.

    After all, it's not just a physical thing. The closeness is welcome too, as is the trust. The feeling that someone wants things to be better than they are, that your happiness matters to them. She nods, understanding, and for once not blathering on about that understanding in a way-too-revealing manner.

    She lets Haru manhandle her, putting up only token struggle more in keeping with her appearance and playful nature than the true power of a mighty battle fairy. Trusting him even as he steals a kiss and suggestively implying more. Okay with that, and willing to make it special... for both of them. "You'd best be well rested when you do..." she says playfully, throatily. "Because I won't let you get any sleep that night!" she promises.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

The truest adventure: Fuka and Haru in the Cavern of Candles. Only the Cavern is a bath house and the real challenge is not setting the whole thing on fire. The idea of it all makes Haru laughs a little. "You know, if we lit that many candles we probably would," he says as he steals another kiss, hands roaming along her side. But not too much. He doesnt plan on escalating this in a field of flowers. It should be a little more special than that! Enough for him to go down and squeeze her hips through all that armor, which isn't much. The tickle that follows on the weak spots, more so.

"See now that I believe. Will have to enchant the walls against fire with Water magic. Against sound with Song magic. Depending on how physical we get, have to reinforce the durability with Earth magic," the white haired man teases the precautions as his eyes ping pong from point to point. They finally stop and settle back on Fuka's as he eases himself down, another kiss before rolling onto the side so the two can face each other. "Hydration," he adds in, thoughtfully. "Lots of that. And sweets. Lots of those too." His mind wanders to fruits like strawberries but recalls where things like that might still be found. A deep breath and contented exhale as he goes back to combing through the blonde hair just like he did when Fuka was resting on his thighs, "and this turned out to be a stellar date, if I must say so myself. Gives me high hopes for where the next one lands us." Eyebrow waggle.
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    "Definitely enchant the walls so they're soundproof." Fuka agrees solemnly, giggling slightly at Haru's roaming hands. Not shy to touch, or of physical closeness for that matter, but also not exactly used to this sort of thing. Experiencing, and enjoying, the novelty. And yes her armor definitely has weak points. Articulated plate is so not Fuka's style. She prefers the flexibility of plate-and-chain, and to cover her weak points with skill... which isn't very helpful when it comes to Haru's form of exploitation.

    "Mmmm. You're making me hungry." Fuka practically purrs. Not to mention thirsty. She returns the kisses and grins. "I'll have to see if I can surprise you in spite of all your preparations, but by all means plan~" she teases. Only is it teasing or just playful promise? "But don't take so long planning everything that you grow too old and weak to follow through~ Sometimes you just have to let... it... ride... and see what happens next. And hold on, trusting your skills to ensure you'll survive~" she says, biting her own lip in something a bit more than merely playful, something smouldering in her eyes that's probably not a fireball. Probably.
Yamato - -21 - -9 - 0

Probably not a fireball. However! Could still be something plenty hot. The big benefit of the light Haru garb is that it is nice and flowy cloth. Linens and cottoms. Alas, no denim yet. The rediscoveries keep on rolling. Haru rolls his head back to where the basket was that had the food for the culinary experiment. Right. Karen ran off with it. "On that note, we should get some real food since my best bird went off it." She isn't all that far, either, warking from a distant hill further down the field. Eve has moved to laying down and watching the two carefully.

"Mmm, that feels more like us," the white haired man continues, "seeing who can surprise who with a good thing. You'll have to act pretty fast, though." He goes full Palpatine voice, "Preparations for the Miyu Star are nearly complete." A hand rolls beneath him to pop the man upon his side. Nimble, he rolls to a sitting position. "Hydration," he points down to Fuka as a reminder to himself. "Key to surviving a surprise attack from my girlfriend. Oh," he gives one last tickle before he stands up and offers a hand, "you'll have to update the status from Maybe to Yes. You know. For the records. Very important stuff. Can't have the attribute set wrong around here, the world may collapse in on itself." Dropping a lot of serious words and implications there.
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    Girlfriend? Well okay, Fuka can live with that label. She smiles cheerfully, and if she's a bit slow to rise to her feet, it's mostly just reluctance to stop being lazy and playful and ... seductive? Fuka seductive? Well okay, she didn't really expect it, but it seems Haru for some reason thinks she's attractive. That might make him weird but that's okay, she likes weird.

    She grins, and now that's more like Fuka's usual playful look than a look of hormone-induced foolishness. She accepts Haru's hand up, though she pulls herself tight against him for an embrace, nestling her head into his chest even as he tries to tickle her... the success of that somewhat uncertain as she giggles, muffled, into his cloth. "I look forward to your next challenge then, oh knight." she says gallantly. "Ooh night. Oooooh NIGHT~" she moans, not even caring she's making no sense.

    His last words give her pause though. "Did I never update that maybe?" she asks, sounding actually uncertain. "I mean, I never said no, did I? To ANYTHING?" she notes. Playful yet actually serious at the same time. If she hadn't wanted the attention, she'd have said no in no uncertain terms. It's not like she's never done so before. Sometime she might have to tell Haru about the last person who seriously hit on her. "Poor H, did it bother you I never actually said yes~? If so, I'll update that answer.... maybe~"