The Morri You Know

Knowing is half the battle, after all.

Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

It is no mystery that embarassing Gwen has become one of Haru's new favorite hobbies. He is quick to give Fuka and Uta a chim that he is heading over to do so. The Artificer grabs a quick drink along the way, a smoothie of some sort, to really sell the urbanite look when it occurs to him that he should see if there is interest in doing some information sharing. Lots of good investigations are going on and sometimes the needs of the war or the Hunter's Guild trump a sit down and share. The next chims go out to the guild, alliance, and friendos to stop by Gwen's to talk about something he learned about the Crowns and other such sharing of new things people are up to.

Haru could do this for a year and still never feel caught up.

It is with (possibly too much) dramatic flair that Haru enters the door to Gwen's shop. "Arrived, we have," he Yoda voices to whomever is tending the front of the shop in the Pantdragon household. "Discuss and shop, we must." Smoothie in hand, sip sip. Siiiiipppp. Empty. Drat.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Shiruba has been staying at Gwen's until they win Shibuya back so it's no surprise to find her here, trying to relax after another limit pushing training session. "I had to send the old panda another take-out of bao buns and sake to ' apologize' for not returning to his training sessions yet." She pauses and looks up to the door as Haru enters dramatically.
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It might or might not be known that Uta has been de facto adopted by Gwen's family, so, whenever Uta is around Alne and needs to crash, Gwen's house is always ready to welcome her, to provide a bed and a family.

And so, Uta zips out of whatever counts as her bedroom, "Sorry, sorry, got a chim got a place to be see you later!", she exclaims, darts downstairs, leaves the shop, stops, turns in place, walks back into the shop, and returns where all the people are gathered. "Hi, I got your chim to show up at Gwen's place for the purpose of thing sharing. Here I am."

A beat. "Oh, hello everyone!", she smiles.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    What a coincidence, one of Fuka's favourite activities is embarassing her friends. Gwen, Uta, Haru... each is fine. And she just knows any activities involving one or more of these is likely to end up in something hilariously fun, so she was enthusiastic at the invitation.

    She's slightly breathless as she pulls into the aforementioned pantdragon shop, having made some good time from her current hangouts which fortunately weren't too far away. She didn't stop along the way for smoothies however, which is a terrible shame. That's fine, the people here include cooks. She can probably get something tasty somehow.

    Bursting upon the scene comes the little Fukaziroh, actually not in her armour today! Instead she's wearing a nice green dress, tight at the waist to show off her figure while somewhat decorated at chest and neckline to both look nice and frilly and to hide her lack of figure. It's all relative after all. She barrels in just after Uta's about-face and reentry, bouncing into the Spriggan and grabbing hold to steady them both. She peeks out from around Uta's side then. "So what'd I miss?" she asks enthusiastically.
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Haru gets a reply from Gwen who is in her maid outfit at the counter and just looks at Haru.

"Daggobath this is not." She nots wiuth a bit of a smirk she's had house guests and doesn't mind. The worst Uther has done is a few stories about Gwen and also a few about Shiruba. Something about a camping trip and fannel. Morri has been out /shopping/ god knows what she's up to. Gwen doesn't want to know honestly.

She puts on a big old smiles and then says "Hello, Uta you want something to to eat? Same to the rest of you?"

"Oh the Horde is invadind and now we have to deal with Green Skins and a legion of gold farming bots."
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Haru freeze frames as he shares a 'wut just happened' moment with Shiruba's gaze on him. Smile! The young man holds out his empty cup, shaking it a bit in front of Gwen before he properly disposes of it in his menu. That is one thing he finds useful with items. When they no longer have use they can be easily removed. No waste! "I could go for something light," the tall and svelte human says over to maid Gwen.

Of course thats a complete set up for, "Oh, hey Fuka!" But he would be remiss to not notice her choice of clothing. The white haired man has to walk a circle around Uta to see it all, which makes him look like a shark circling around an Uta. "Nice dress, I like," he eyebrow waggles, though at this point he is standing behind Uta and Fuka. "We all just got here, more or less. Well," a hand motions in a weebly wobbly circle that threatens to extend the great noodle arm technique to his hands, "some were already here. Like Gwen. Because. Shop."

"Thanks Uta," Haru notes, especially with all the effort to be prompt! "Yeah, I wanted to share some thing I learned about the Crowned stuff and it was a good excuse to see my friends." And get free food. And embarass some of them. Fuka in a dress is a bonus. "Also! Figured everyone else was busy with things too. Good time to share. I was looking into the actual Crowns they wear." The monocle'd man taps his forehead to indicate the accessory location, "as a Jeweler, accessory crafter, enchanter, and all around Haru kind of guy, I was wondering about how they worked exactly. I did find a few things out, sort of a milestone in the investigation."
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Shiruba sits up as Haru mentions having more information about the crowns, her ears at attention. "Please by all means enlighten us Haru."
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"Who... what..." Uta turns to look at the minute Sylph that took hold of her. "...Fuka? What... what happened to you? Is-" Her wings stiffen. "Is Gwen around? How did she finds us here?"

That is, inside Gwen's own house.

"I wonder what kind of- Oh. Hi, Gwen!", she says, waving. "I was talking right about you, although-" She frowns in concentration. "...I forget what it was about." A pause. "Oh. Food. Yes! Food is always welcome!", she exclaims with a huuuuge smile. "Thank you, Gwen! I'll always be indebted to you!"

She frowns in puzzlement at Gwen's mention of the Horde and gold farming bots, and makes some confused Spriggan noises to express this.

But then, it's Haru time! Noodle arms as a foreshadowing of food to come. The discussion of Crowns is enough to cause Uta's ears to perk up, along with her wing. "How do they work?", she asks.
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    "Oh yes, I'm hiding from Gwen!" claims Fuka from Uta's shadow, as she unrepentantly waves at Gwen cheerfully. Fuka's claims and Fuka's deeds are often in conflict, and now is no exception. "Food sounds wonderful~" she chimes in.

    "You're being trained by a panda, Shiba? Hmmmm. Martial arts?" the littler sylph asks. "Or climbing? Do tell all the details... once Haru's done with his explanation." she adds, turning her head to keep Haru in view as he inspects her. She even poses for his inspection, because of course she does. It's somewhat subtle for her at least, but she goes and spoils the subtlety by actually doing a little wing-flutter when he's staring from behind. Sort of a 'my wings are up here' thing. Don't think she won't catch the lecherous eyebrow waggle either! She's got her eye on H!

    That's not to say she's ignoring his words. "Better question. How do we remove them? Or destroy them?" she asks.
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Gwen nods to Haru as she'll go start making up some food. she looks to Uta.

"I'm right here this is my shop and home Uta. You came and crashed here last night." She seems very amused as she trots off for food and comes back a little while later with an western style breakfast platter. Hope you like eggs meat and spuds.

"Well you have rolled ones for hiding from me. Gwen will also flare her wings out fully today as well. "DEstroy what? Oh the crowns... We need to take out anyone who knows how to make and used them as well."
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There is a degree of distraction in Haru's visible blue eye. It jumps from person to person as they are talking, but Fuka gets the most attention. Them wings. They distracc! Waggle. The gaze finalizes without a rush to Gwen's comment before he unleashes glorious lore. It is more a lore pellet. Lore light? Diet Lore.

"It is only a milestone, I do not have the full fact sheet on it," Haru tempers the topic to start. He did not find the answer to the big questions and isn't certain those are going to present themselves that easily. The tall human begins to walk around as Sherlock Holmes as possible in the store, "but between this point in the investigation and the next point, it is going to be a much deeper dig with much more time involved. So before I get lost in /that/ kind of rabbit hole, the deets." His hands find a nearby counter and rattles off a drum roll. "The object's official name is the Crown of Control." Ta da! Show is over. Mystery solved. War can be ended now. Roll credits. Everyone can live happily ever after. Another two taps on the counter before Haru straightens up. "Curiously it was created by Helba, the Queen of Darkness, in order to fight the Cursed Wave." Chapter 1, Crown Time with Haru, reaches its conclusion. "Thats all. Did not yet find a way to safely remove, distrupt, or destroy." He points up, "yet."

Chapter 2: Haru Boogaloo. "I'll be getting materials to replicate a Crown as the next step in research. It will be appearance only and theoretical Enchantments. Something about how the magical circuitry and resonance might give away the nature to the 'big three' that would have more utility." His mind wanders for a good second, observing, "Taking something apart, putting it back together again, and building an imitation should give more insight either way," the Artificer says, rather confident in his ability to do these things. "So," the silvery voice of the crafter looks to Gwen's desire to destroy all Crown associated people, "consider that research and don't destroy me for that. I have enough death threats for ten lifetimes." So true. So true.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Shiruba turns her attention to Fuka a moment. "Li Ho is a Godhand, yeah. Guardian of one of the Ninetails farming regions. But apparently he knows a thing or two about long range combat as well, and when he found out I was working on my archery skills decided to put me through some rather ... vigorous training sessions."

"Food yes please!" is added towards Gwen.

Then her attention is on Haru, going over it all in her head.
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Uta -stiffens- at the name. Helba.

"...Helba? Helba is called the... Queen of Darkness?"

She rubs her forehead. "-That- Helba?!" She leans over, her brow so furrowed it might appear she has a headache, if it wasn't pretty obvious that she has none.

Not a literal one, at least.

"...Okay, I... I have no idea of what or who the Big Three are, and I'd appreciate if you told me. Same with Helba. I don't know who she is, exactly, but I know she's somehow very important and I need more information on her. And another thing..." A pause. "...but first things first. I think it's time you guys should be introduced to... something I've been meaning to discuss with highly trusted people as soon as I had the time. And remembered to. But, you know, at times I can be... distracted."

Uta sighs, rubs her temples one last time, and asks, "But first things first. Does anyone here know what a Sonograph is?"
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Gwen says "Wait /Helba/?" Gwen notes as she set the platter of food down for all. Then Gwen seems very disturbed about this news related to Helba. She's not on their side then, if that hacker has made it? She's sealed her own death warrent. "She rescued a the tower raid team when we wiped to the bugged boss. Looks like she may have been setting us all up."
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    Fuka finally releases Uta as the Spriggan leans over at mention of Helba's name. She's been frowning at Haru's announcement however, though she seemed mollified somewhat by his explanation that he isn't *actually* planning on making one for mind control.

    Still, she continues to frown, if only a little, and it's a marked contrast to her normal state. "You should let me help, when it comes to the enchantments." she claims, rather subdued. It's a heavy topic, but she understands. It's important to know how such things work, in order to come up with the best counters. She may not understand artificing or accessory crafting like Haru does, but she can theorize and design runes with the best of them! Or at least with most other enchanters.

    Fuka abruptly snaps her fingers at Gwen's words. "OH YEAH that's when I heard that name!" she claims happily. "Yeah, Helba showed up when we were like... moments away from a wipe. Opened up a portal for us to escape!"

    Did Fuka never mention that she was part of that crew, facing the tenth floor boss? Yep, she was.

    She frowns, puzzled, at Uta's question. "Yeah, I had one of those as a kid." she claims. "Made pretty pictures when you stuck a pen in one of the holes and spun it. Not sure what it has to do with this though..."
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"Or the Palace Land Nobles stole it from her and found a way to replicate it," Shiruba points out to Gwen.
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"Let us not jump to conclusions," Uta is quick to reply to Gwen, then nods, in agreement with Shiruba. "This thing has been -created- by Helba, but we don't know if it has been -misused-." She taps her chin, and looks up and away. "Although... that might kind of tie into..." She shakes her head. "No, no... let's... let's not wander. Let's focus."

Uta sighs at Fukaziroh. "That is a -Spirograph-, and..."

She blinks. "You... you have met Helba? What... what is she like? How... I need to know anything you folks know about her!"

She inhales. Deeply."Anyway, A Sonograph is one of the many devices used in order to create Relics by the Alv...." Uta begins, and proceeds to explain everything she knows about the Sonograph. Which isn't much, possibly, but it might sound tantalizing enough to the audience present.
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The white haired man looks to Uta and offers to clarify, "by the big three I meant the 'Big Three Useful Things to Learn' about the Crown. How to remove it, how to disrupt it, and how to destroy it. I learned none of the above." Haru shifts his stance and takes a moment to smooth out a line on his jacket arm. "I had a hunch Helba meant something to the larger information network that is The Detective Squad," he dubs them. Look he already has a monocle, they just need a cave and outfits. There is a bit of a jump when it is just him that had no idea who Helba was. Well, he does now!

"I thought sonographs were the sound recording devices," Haru thinks, wondering what the things were called that do the pictures. View Masters? Kaleidoscope? His brain gears are turning on this one. A finger snap as Uta says it. Spirograph! His blue eye settles on Fuka as he eyebrow waggled, "I could use a hand or two. If I start making breakthroughs on my way towards world domination you can punish me before my evil plans begin. Muahaha." The, probably least likely villain, puts his hands out in a classic Gwah hah hah laughter pose. It settles down.

Haru heads over to at that point, moving to ruffle her hair in a 'yeah, mind control isn't my thang' sort of way. "If someone created it off of Helba's design, it begs that it can be created by another. And," he gives Fuka another rustle, "reverse engineering is vital to countermeasures. Or we could get lucky, but I don't want to get lucky with someone's noggin. Maybe the Crowned legitimately want to bash our faces in. Maybe not. I think they should at least have free will to make that choice and it not be made for them." If there was any question on where he stood on the whole imperial crown thing. "Plus that thing is giving accessory forging a horrible name. Do you know how many tiara style accessories got returned in the last month because of the war?"
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Gwen pauses "A good point I didn't think of that." It's good thing Gwen has Shiruba and Uta to calm her down or she might have gone on Crusade in that instant. "Tie into what?" She nods. "All blonde woman, white mages outfit liek the sort I'd design, hidden face behind a rubuy visor built into her hat."
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Shiruba cusps her hand to her chin. "Still, it's more than we knew before. That the Crowns do have a source in some manner. They're crafted objects. In some manner that we don't know yet that they were able to replicate so many, but still. If they're made, that means there's something to them, something specifically how they work, and if we can figure that out we'll be closer to figuring out how to break that control." Not that she knows how to do any of that, but the thoughts are being aired all the same.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    "Oh I'm sure there's *lots* of reasons I could punish you!" Fuka claims, cheered by Haru's acceptance of her offer. She squirms under his hair-ruffling but, clearly, never to the point of actually trying to escape it.

    "It also suggests these items CAN be destroyed." Fuka observes. "If they can be copied, that is. It means they're not relics, or at least not the sort of thing we commonly consider actual relics."

    Fuka's actually made a study of Alv creations, though she hadn't known the actual role of the Sonograph. Good old Uta, wise in the way of so very much... and not at all wise in the way of others. Fuka looks on fondly at her friend, considering what she could contribute. It's a bit of a secret desire of Fuka's, to relearn the art of making relics or perhaps replicate them using enchantment. She's gotten absolutely nowhere in the process of researching Alv enchantments however, except to learn that there's no known link between enchantment and relics. No, not much that's relevant to the discussion really. She shrugs. "Honestly, can't add anything much about Helba. That Facecliff guy didn't seem to like her though." she observes wryly.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

"Oh, my sound recording device is called a Phonograph. Completely different cylinder game.", Uta replies to Haru. And then she frowns at the mention of tiara returns. "...No, I don't know, but I can guess," she says. And thinks. "...Time to buy, I guess?"

"Heathcliff?", Uta replies to Fuka. "I was pointed to him as a possible source of information. He's apparently too busy with the War, and apparently my not being a member of the Scale Emblem Alliance further cuts off my options for meeting him." She levels her eyes at Fuka. "Are we -sure- they are not Relics?" Eye Haru for good measure this time.

Uta shakes her head, and ponders where to reprise the previous discussion. "As part of our research group... you know, the Loosely Organized Open Network of Students..." Uta looks down, mumbles, "...we need a name with a better acronym- wait, is that what you call The Detective Squad?...", then looks back up, "...Schneider found a Sonograph in the Tower. It's got what looks like a place for putting a hand on, and it looks like it might be activated by sound. Many of us tried to get it to work. Schneider couldn't his hand was too big. I and Erufu tried, but we felt like we were lacking... some sort of quality to activate it. We're at a loss at to what it's needed." She sighs. "At least Schneider has been able to identify it through Appraisal, and I have been able to identify that it's been made by Helba through my innate Loremaster power, but... I specialize in Events, I couldn't find out more about the item itself. One thing is for sure though: I tried to Loremaster the event 'last use of the Sonograph', and it turns out I went as far back in the past as I could, and -still- couldn't hit it. This thing is -ancient-..." She looks up and away. "I wonder how old Helba is..." She turns to the rest of the group. "-What- is Helba, anyway? An Alv? A Lander? A Traveler? A Divine Beast? Something else? Has anyone inspected her?"
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Shiruba achems softly into a fist when Uta goes on about Loremastering but points out she has the wrong aspect. But she's too polite to say something.... mostly because she's also busy chowing down on Gwen's provided meal.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Fuka wriggles uncomfortably at Uta's question, then shakes her head. "They ARE relics." she has to admit. "At least from my understanding. They can't possibly be enchantments, not unless they're constantly being renewed somehow. But they also might be *copies* of some actual relic, possibly tied to an original? So far as we know there's no way to make relics now, and no way to copy them either!"

    It's an exciting prospect, and Fuka does want to learn more. That's been one of her long-term goals after all! "Heathcliff! Yes, that's his name!" she agrees. "I got confused because his face looks like he smashes it into cliffs for fun. And as for Helba yeah I inspected her. Let me tell you she's very .... upfront. And impressive. Oh, and tall!" Fuka observes. "Not sure what race she is. Could be Pooka or human I suppose. My eyes never made it high enough to check." Fuka claims. Of course the hat Helba wears, covering her ears, might also be responsible. But never let it be said Fuka refuses to say something scandalous.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Gwen is sitting thinking as Morri comes in with several linnen bags full of food. she looks at Gwen grins and to everyone else. "Hello eveyrone. Ah gwen if you and your harem break any furiture while having passoiate fun? Your paying for it." With that Gwen's mother trots of and Gwen looks mortifed...
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

There is a sad, well mock sad, look on Haru's face as his pestering of Fuka has resulted in him resting his head atop of hers as he looks at Uta. "Its not a stock market item. Its reducing demand on something I supply and if you need any hints on how well business is going, note that I get most of my material by doing Hunts. As a crafter." As an Enchanter. Artificer, really. Much like Fuka, Haru has a rather steady drive to create magical items. It drew him to the class selection way back when. Slight surprise that he can't get to the level of Relic crafting, but he isn't Alv level, either. "Ahhh, Sonograph. Need me one of those," wistful sigh. Wistful sigh and a tickle against Fuka's sides before straightening up. Look, dress Fuka is a lot easier to harass than armored Fuka so he is taking every option available. Haru is always in cloth wear, slightly more accessible.

"The inspection didn't go into details on if it was a relic," Haru validates for Uta, "it could be well crafted enchantment with hacker modifications. It could be Alvish." Alvish. Alllvviviiiinnn! Then he snerks a moment. LOON. "Oh, I didn't know we had our hands on one. Loosely 'we', the royal 'we'." The we that he can touch the sonograph. "Maybe its a sword in the stone situation. The great chosen one must be found in order to weild the great and mighty... sonograph!"

"Never met her. At first I thought she was some mythos based off of Hel. You know, Norse mythology," Haru notes. He is no loremaster.

"Dark thought, Fuka, is if its an Enchantment that pulls the user's own resources to renew. Can't rule it out. The idea that there are /so many/ of them makes me think mass produced and lesser quality than relics, though." Another name he doesnt know. "Heathcliff? Isnt that a candy bar?"
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"The original may of been a Relic, but the knockoffs the Nobles mass produced are hopefully made of less sterner stuff." Shiruba works on finishing her food, but then stops in mid-bite and stares after Morri as she walks off into other parts of the building. ".... Did she just call us what I think I heard her call us?" That was enough of a shock that she kind of forgot the conversation until it comes back around to the Songaphones and such. "Apparently, Uta, you and I need to get together and trying working some co-op lore magic. I know you locked up a lot of your stuff to keep it away from the Palace invaders."
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    Fuka squirms under Haru's relentless assault. Yes, she's much easier to tickle when not in her armour. She makes a grab for Haru's wrists, seeking to pin him so he can't actually tickle her, though she keeps those arms around her regardless.

    Haru's thought is a dark one, and Fuka nods in reply. "If it's an enchantment, I'm sure we can trace it." she notes. "I'm a Moonlight Enchanter now, whatever that means. I guess I'd better help in studying it. Though I still have to find out more about the whole enchanter thing."

    She pauses, glances sideways at Shiruba from within the prison of Haru's encirclement. "You mean you're *not* in Gwen's harem?" she asks playfully.
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Gwen pauses "So like I am to Tailoring then Fuka? You should keep pressing your skill with that and wait are you sure? You all don't belong to me?" If she's going to be embrasse she'll try to make everyone else as embrased as possible "Or are you afraid of getting crushed?"

"He's a leader in SEA now about the harem...."
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"But the item I researched was one of the knock offs," Haru lets Shiruba know, "if the appraisal level information pulls from the source object, being the Crown of Control? Sure. But the object I went deep into Appraise was the knockoff." He begins to go to rub his temples when his wrists are snagged by Fuka, "makes me wonder if the information on the object is taken from the source code it was compiled from or if is a local copy. Though even then you can just copy it that way when you branch and it leaves a trail to the original." He stops, ending with, "I can see it both ways." No way of knowing for sure yet. Plus he gets distracted by Morri. One, because its Morri. She really draws visual attention. Two, she draws audial attention. "Bring water, Miss Pantdragon, we need to stay hydrated," he adds on rather shamelessly to the harem bit.

The Artificer looks down to the entraped Sylph. "Exactly so. If Enchants, it Disenpants." There is an 'ayyy' to that. "Thats right, Moonlight. I think at this point you are as good at is as I am, and thats my main Class. We will crack it in no time." He needs to get on this Moonlight train, its more a moonlight shadow right now.
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Uta blinks. "Oh. Shiruba. Right! Loremaster. You can do The Thing. Can you do The Thing?" She turns to the rest of the group. "Do you think she can do The Thing?" Without waiting for a response, she turns to Shruba again. "I think you can do The Thing."

"Will you do The Thing?" Puppy eyes. "Pleeease?"

She then turns to the rest of the group. "If you need to, or just want to, I can take you to where the Sonograph is. Just like with the Song Hunters, anything the Loosely Organized Open Network of Students finds..." Low mumble, "we -do- need a better name...", and back, " intended to be shared responsibly, but freely, among people interested and wlling to help. It's a research group based on openness and inter-alliance cooperation."

Uta taps her chin. "I... I know of people who have the same relic. Maybe we can invite Schneider back, and all together try and research that further? It might provide interesting insights?"

She turns to Shiruba. "Oh, yes, I'd love to discuss shop." A blink. "What's that about locking things up? Oh, you mean I don't have much else to do? That is true. Co-op'ing could give me something to work on..."

"...Hi Morri!", Uta waves, enthusiastic. "No, no, see, Morri's my adoptive mom, which would make Gwen my adoptive sister, and Shiruba's my indirect adoptive sister, nd Gwen's direct adoptive sister. So neither of us can't be part of Gwen's harem," she explains, an index finger moving about to point at Shiruba, Gwen, and herself in turn, before starting the cycle around. "It'd be incest."
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"She's my adopted older sister!" Shiruba retorts to Fuka in exasperation. "It'd just be weird." Pause. "... Not that it ever stops Morri."

She shakes her head and all too gladly gets back to the other matter. "Yeah. We need to get together and start going through this stuff. My attunement is to Know Object, after all. Maybe I can read something yours can't."

A pause. "At least it's not an Organization Without a Cool Acronymn."
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"I am easily motivated by the ability to craft magical things," Haru tells Uta as he thinks about sonograph times, "preferably ones that don't equate to the 'One Crown to Rule them All'." There is a pause. His Lord of the Ring reference justs sounds like any given monarchy after he thinks about it more. "And speaking of cool things." There is a look downwards at the Fuka, he can't exactly get eye contact because he is using her has a headrest for his own head, but there is a shuffle nonetheless. "I'm looking into the Feng Haung that Middray has. It looks a lot like the sort of bond you and Kirin shared. So, I was thinking, using my amazing and better half's method, what I need to do is to go up to it and give the big fire bird a hug. Unless there was more to it." A grin and a squeeze, "If I die, just know all my memories were trash and I wouldn't forget you all anyway."

As for the harem thing, Haru observes, "I don't think Morri minds all that much about the incest thing. Pretty sure everyone in here is related in some way by the Pantdragon adoption logic." Except Haru. Haru is a bystander.
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    "'Just as good' he says." Fuka chortles, teasing lightly. Considering how she's actually a heavy blade main, it's actually nice praise to be at his level, but of course Fuka thinks quite big about herself.

    She seems rather intrigued by Uta's offer of investigating the Sonograph. Her hidden desire, after all. But there's one thing they have to get clear first. "Well, that group name's rather long. It needs a snappy acronym, I think." she observes. Grinning. "Maaaybe we should be called Scholars and Musicians instead? It's shorter." she says.

    Anyways, that aside, she tries to follow the familial relations. "Wait you're all sisters?" she muses. "Well, I guess you'll all have to join my harem instead. Or Haru's, as long as he doesn't get burned up by anything he gets close to." she notes, still pinning Haru's arm so he can't get away. Or take her words as anything but teasing. "And... oh! Gwen, you're a moonlight tailor? I NEED YOU!" she exclaims. "Do you know what the quest means???" she presses aggressively.
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Shiruba gets up from where she's been sitting to eat, clearing up her dishes as she does. "Thanks for the chow, Gwen. And the rest of you for the information. But even if I'm avoiding that panda from overworking me, I do need to get back to my own training. Let me know when you want to analyze stuff, Uta." She wanders back into the kitchen area to drop off her dishes before heading out.
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Gwen looks at fuka "Fuka but the short for that would be S&M are you crazy what would people.... yea I am a Moonlight tailor! Wait what Not entirely but my skill has increased as a resulst Uta said I was intune with the world while I wasin my mood. You'd wnat to ask her about it...just chase after it and make something amazing."
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Uta and Shiruba down! Haru is attached to the Fuka with his arms around her from behind. Plus gets all that wing time. "We would need a whole new wardrobe with your idea," Haru says to the name of the group. He didn't object, though. "Look, it'll be fiiiinnnneee. I friend requested the birb and we talked about guy stuff like sportsball and our taste in wings. Turns out the Chinese Phoenix likes em hot, who knew?" Anyone. "So now all I need to do is smash a god-tier level Palace Lander, high five him, and return to my harem like the total protag I am." Because his Japanese heritage hasn't steered him wrong, yet. "Its kind of funny because my Angel back in A.L. was also based off of Chinese mythos. Guess it works better because of my Fire affinity. And Earth. So," a grin, "high affinity for the hot and hard elements."
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Fuka doesn't complain about Haru getting in her wings, as long as he doesn't do anything super uncomfortable to them at least. They're pretty good at laying flat against her when she's sleeping or whatever, a lot like ears against a pillow. But like ears, they're not to be treated too roughly! She's not exactly into...

    "S&M?" Fuka peers at Gwen, speaking WAY TOO LOUDLY (hi Morri!) "Why would you even suggest a thing!?!" she says, shocked, scandalized, and entirely innocent. Which is of course a clear clue she's lying. "I know I said I'd model fashion for you, but ... it's not going to be THAT is it?" she asks, mock-scandalized.

    A beat. Then, "So did you get a quest notification for the moonlight tailoring thing? Follow in the footsteps sort of thing? I'm really interested to know more, and I'm trying to find others who've had similar quests and followed up..."
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Gwen shoots Fuka a look that could melt steel. "I'm not /Darkness/." She then looks at Haru for a moment. She seems to be debating something. "Yes I did, aye i did. I'd suggest seeking out a workshop of enchanters of eld." She seems serious but won't say more. "Or examples of their work."
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Fuka frowns at that response. Not... very helpful, to be honest, and she was kind of hoping to have an answer handed to her. But that's not fair is it? Gwen's a tailor after all, not an enchanter. There's no way she could give more guidance to Fuka's own profession.

    After a moment of thought, Fuka's expression clears and she begins smiling again. "Alright, thanks! I'll do that!" she agrees. "And it's a good thing you're not planning on that sort of fashion modeling. I mean, I'd do it if a friend asked." she says. She'd do much for a friend, indeed. "But I'm fairly sure I wouldn't be, you know, super into it. Although they say you never know until you try!" she beams.
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Gwen grins at Fuka "Oh I have ideas for you I'll have to talk to Haru about the enchantment parts of it." Also she may be plotting a Fuka cosplay now who knows. "Right we'll see what happens if I find out anything else from other moonlight crafters I'll let you know."