Meeting Maihama

Merek meets up with Chikako when they all get back from the whole rescue in Mac Anu!


    Merek is at Maihama, a bit after that rescue they made sure all the people get to where they're going, then he drives the cart to the place. It is safe, enough that they can take a moment to relax. The man wearing that dark attire he often does gets off the cart and looks along the place. He nods a bit to Chikako that came with him, "I think that's all of them," the man states.

Chikako - having returned to her human form, again sporting the horned headband - nods in reply. "Yep! We got 'em all out... at least, all the ones we know about. Who knows how many more they still have inside..." She trails off and sighs. "We gotta dig 'em out of there somehow."

    "Ya, but at least those ones aren't being executed," Merek will offer to Chikako, with a nod. "At least, not at the moment. We will do what we can," he says. Both hands go to his pockets, "Anyway, you seem to know what you're doing when fighting. Any plans for the war? I am thinking about getting people together at some point to work on a few things."

"True, true," the girl has to admit. "And yeah, I can handle myself in a fight, at least when it's smash-and-bash. Get too much weird magic going on, and stuff like that, and, well." She shrugs. "Not my thing, y'know?"

"As for plans for the war..." She pauses for a moment. "Follow where it goes, I s'pose. I'm no great strategist. You want that guy from the Tea Party for that. He been around at all, lately?"

    "Ah, you mean Shiroe? I've not seen him in a while," Merek will admit, then he nods to Chikako a little bit, "I am thinking about looking into what I can do to take back small communities to prepare the take back of Shibuya," he offers, taking the time to look about the place.

"Mmm. I heard a rumor somewhere that he'd gone off to look for his girlfriend, but that was... I think about six months ago?" She reaches up and scratches her head. "Damn, has it really been that long?"

She hmms to herself, counting on her fingers, then nods. "Yeah, it has." She shrugs. "Not like we're going anywhere anytime soon, I guess." She settles in her seat, hands together in her lap. "Never been to Shibuya, myself. Heard about it."

    Merek nods a bit to Chikako, "Well, I am hoping that we can retake it. I would like to see him back at some point, I suppose that is up to him," the man admits. "I'm not really all that happy about the war. It is like the world we came from, takes something from people."

"Meh. It's just people being greedy shits who got hold of some fancy toys. Just gotta remind 'em they aren't the big bad on the block." She swings a fist, smacking it into the palm of the other hand with a loud crack. "Show 'em we're not to be messed with."

    Merek nods a bit to Chikako, "I suppose you're right. Anyway, I am going to get to a few things, would definitely like to talk to you more sometime," he admits, while he smiles, then he offers a little wave.

Chikako nods, "Catch you around," she says, getting to her feet. "I'm gonna hit the baths, I think."