A Well Deserved Rest

Finishing up a major project merits a time to unwind and recover. What better place than with a cold drink, a warm meal, and good company. (Open Scene)

Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru has been working his human tail off these last few weeks. It may be why humans do not have tails. They worked them off. The tall, white haired man is back to being fully clothed and (slightly) less weird than during a Strange Mood. He sits at the bar area that lines one wall. Proper posture and on his third drink if the glasses in front of him are any indicator. He is currently by himself but is in a vacation-like hazy enjoyment of the atmosphere. The staff looks at him a moment to see if he wants something to drink or eat. "Im good for now," the silvery toned adult says, the one blue eye looking at the Lander a moment. A hand rubs across his face so it can focus right. "Actually, snacks would be good," he exhales.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko walks into the area and begins focusing on person after person. Potentially inspecting them, but it's hard to tell. She keeps her poncho's hood up, which doesn't really conceal her identity. It does provide a certain look, however. She looks at Haru for a moment, then walks to him and sits on the bar stool next to the one he's occupying. "You're Haru," she says, matter-of-factly.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru's face turns towards the mysteriously mysterious person that has sat next to him in the bar. His one blue eye looks at the person lazily as he Inspects who they are. "You're Naniko," he responds back with all the wit of a person who has just been waken up and been given a quiz on who the United States' Presidents are. A hand slowly reaches for his bowl of freshly provided edamame, popping the legume in his mouth and chewing slowly.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    "Astute," Naniko says. She pulls her hood down and waves off the offer of a house beverage held up for her. "Water," she says. As the server moves to get her some agua, she continues, "I was told I should meet you."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

"You were, were you," Haru replies with a grab of his snack of choice and a fresh chew. The one blue eye takes a better look of the aqua Undine ordering agua frio. "And these people that told you to meet me, did they tell you why to meet me?" he asks to verbally shake the puzzle box going on. He continues on with a hand gesture that includes the green beans held between them. "Was it perhaps Them who wanted The Thing. Are you with the Them for The Thing, then, fair lady Naniko Astute." Yes, he now thinks her last name is Astute. Or is teasing her. Possibly both.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko looks over and considers the man. "Something about you being able to train me in magic." She doesn't look particularly pleased with the prospect. "Perhaps it was unwise of me to come looking for you."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru moves his hand from the snack to his drink, which looks to be a stout based on its thick color. "If what you were going on was 'Find Haru, for he shall train you in magic!' then yes, I'd say being unwise is very much in the approach." He offers a smile and turns to face his drink now. "More than a touch awkward, why do you even want to learn more about magic? Plenty of physical applications out there that do the same thing." The glass is brought to his lips, taking back a good gulp of it like it was iced tea on a hot summer day. "Ahhh. That and it would depend on what kind of magic, wouldn't it?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko gets a glass of water set in front of her and narrows her gaze at the older-looking man. She reaches over with it and pours it into his glass, but nothing spills. When she draws back her own glass, it's filled with whatever he was drinking, and his glass is pure, refreshing-looking water. "Like I said," she says. "Perhaps I was being unwise."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

"Unwise and fairly rude," Haru observes as he notices the pouring of the glass into his. His own hand shifts and the glass itself covers over like a cap. The next flick covers her glass as well for good measure, making it little more than a container of the liquids bound by the solid form of the glass. His hand hits the bar counter and like magic the objects switch back. Haru pops a straw through the top of his re-acquired beverage like it was like a Bubble Tea cover and sips his drink. "Assuming I was able to help you with anything, getting on my shit list within the first hour is, one, a pretty impressive feat and two, counter productive to why you would have bothered coming here." He sips. "Unwise Naniko is Unwise, I can agree with that."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko stands. "I'm no longer interested in meeting you," she says. "Good day." She flips her hood back up and stuffs her hands in its big pocket as she begins walking away.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru pops an edamame in his mouth and chews on it. "Bye Naniko," he says as the Undine goes back to incognito mode as mysteriously as she appeared. "Oh before you scoot, who referred you?" But it is a response he is not going to get. Naught but ninja silence and a trope-like gust of wind by the door. "Ok," he nods his head a little at that as he washes his snack down with his stout.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Having been notified of Haru's success, Fuka's eager to see it. Not here though, not now. Now is more of a time for celebrating and catching up. She may have been interested in doing so earlier, but Haru expected to sleep at least an entire day. Having known that feeling, Fuka gave him that time. BUT, the time is up! Now it's time for her to intrude and be nosy! And wingy. And who knows how many other body partsish.

    "Are you weirding out girls again, H?" she asks, coming up behind Haru at the bar area, moving in and putting her arms around him from behind. "Guess who?" she says, making no effort to do anything so typical as covering his eyes to make the guessing 'difficult'.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

"Beautiful voice. Strong grip. Smells like a field of honeysuckles during a lightning storm?" Haru had to make it a little weird. That Weird Mood is only during special projects. A hand pats over Fuka's hand sweetly, "Gotta be Uta," he teases. Or a defensive mechanism, not that his noodly arms could stop being suplexed out of the stool if Fuka wanted to. He gives a broad grin from where he sits, leaning his head backwards to bonk atop the short Slyph's. "And I do not know what that was about. Clearly my plans to assemble a harem for our Moonlight Enchanting endeavors needs some work. I'm afraid my brand of weird charm only works on you." A hand is placed to his heart in lament. "Such a deep burden you must bear, but the world thanks you for bearing it. Imagine how angsty and emo I would be without my Fuka?" Don't imagine it. Edgelord Haru does not need to be a thing. Evah.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho has found there was no one working in her smithy, no one passed out. No one was there at all? Had they finished? had someone dragged the dymanic strange duo from the workshop? She went to the nearest place to eat and would walk into the doors calling out "Tian? Haru? Are you here?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    "You need your monocle looked at, H." Fuka observes in a tone probably intended to sound wise. "Uta smells more like ... um... yea was gonna say slimes but that sounds kinda rude even to me. Got to admit though, moonlight harem endeavors sounds pretty neat! Enchanting even!" she adds brightly. Not that she's looking to expand her harem but in the abstract it sounds like fun.

    She blinks, then turns her head to peer at the new arrival. Considering her head is currently being used as a prop by Haru, this probably looks really weird. "Over here, Mimi!" she calls, blinking rapidly. Why blinking? Because she can't wave because her hands are both quite busy being patted. How else could she signal?
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru enjoys joking about it, but the reality of harem management requires its own Moonlight quests. There is a moment where he wonders if thats the journey people take for Moonlight Negotiations. He is spacing out a bit when Miho calls for him. Fuka's call out snaps him back to reality. "Mimi?" he wonders on that one. "Miho?" Then sees her. Miho! "Miho!" The whole entangled mess that is Fuka and Haru gets an additional hand added with a wave. Then he takes Fuka's hand to wave with. Yes, they are a weird couple.

"I'm all done!" he announces to her. To both of them, really. Haru is three drinks in already after a day of pure sleeping and a long, hot bath. "Mission accomplished. Thanks for making your place available for it. When Tian and I were talking about where was the best place, yours was the first that came to mind."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho hears Fuka and home in on the pair as she's called out to.

"Mimi? Oh!"

She'll head over and she looks to Haru and scans him over.

"You are looking a lot better it wasn't a problem at all I also needed a way to help pay back Tian for teaching me enchanting. So it worked it's a miracle ain't it?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Fuka isn't about to call her hoho. And calling her youho is bound to cause some grief. Mimi is a fine nickname! Assuming Fuka doesn't forget it the next time she sees Miho that is.

    The little sylph grins and waves, the waving enforced by Haru. "Looking better, you say? I'm not sure I agree. The sweaty forgeworking shirtless look was pretty hot." Fuka claims. "Still it's nice that he's able to feed and clothe himself. H's all grown up now! I won't even have to enforce his bed time!"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

"Well," Haru waggles his eyebrows even though Fuka can't see it, "I'm sure that some bed times still get enforced either way." Waggle. Though its weird as he is waggling at Miho being the only person that has eye contact with his singular blue eye. "I'll have to moonlight in Miho's forge more often," he muses, knowing full well that the man travels too much to set down roots. Its a small miracle that Miho was nice enough to put up a shelf or two for him in her shop to sell his wares.

Haru did help a bit with the enchanting training too, but it was so notational and towards the end. Finishing notes! The topic of miracles and results gets a resounding, "Yes! It worked. Miracles happen. I was telling Shiruba before, but don't want it to be broadcasted out. Poor strategery. We finally have something where we can pick and choose where we play this card, I'd hate for that element to be lost when we need to help someone." An idle musing creeps in, "and then what comes of it, comes of it. Plus I think we can all agree that the credit goes to Tian. Must be an opportunity for hope to finally creep in after all thats happened so far."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho says "I won't bring it up again." Though she doesn't think there is much for them to fear from the employees and regulars here. She'll sit down with the pair and will flag someone to place an order. "Aye they do get a lot of the credit and I don't mind if you moonlight there. I'm just glad it was useful." She looks to Fuka and waggles an eyebrow. "Ah I see where your comming from."

She smirks.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho pauses and then adds. "And don't have 'fun' in the forge you two will get hurt and I'll have to find you two healers."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Fuka grins at that. "Oh no, you're a big boy now! I won't send you off to bed." she claims. Other things... well, maybe! For now, she'll just enjoy suggestive playfulness.

    Miho's comment gets a raised eyebrow. "Mimi, I have fun *everywhere*!" she explains. "What's the point going somewhere you won't have any fun?!" she says. She nods to Haru's words. "I do want to see what you did, but... you can show me later. In private." she says, and waggles her eyebrows poorly. Actually it looks more like she's suffering a sudden headache than illustrating innuendo, but oh well.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru offers a smile there about the victory cheering. Silent cheering. They know what they accomplished and it'll come out in time. The young man is a bit too familiar with how trade secrets work and placement of them. Its amazing he is in Silver Swords and not the more merchantile guilds. Then it all makes sense with a, "Oh having the healers come in is just a sign that you had the right amount of fun," he laughs. His head bounces from one side to the next to accent the point, "means you want all out in a hot forge and got burned, but not to point you are going to a hospital." Then he thinks about that last part, "church. Going to a church afterwards feels like you did something wrong." Another pause. "Or right."

"I'll do private demonstrations either way. It'll knock your wings off," Haru claims! Not literally. Probably. "Work hard and play hard. Currently in Phase 2 of the plan."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho just smirks back at Fuka about her comment. "I said what I said." She gives the pair a look, these two seem made for eachother. "Well then humm I or my forge is not going to be held resposible for this." She makes face as her order arrives "Wait Phase two?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Fuka pulls away in mock horror, arms scrunching up as if to cover up her wings. This is, of course, entirely impossible. She attempts it nevertheless. "No knocking my wings off!" she insists defensively. Then she pauses. "Private demonstrations though... you have my attention?" she muses.

    Glancing up at Miho, Fuka considers then explains. "Phase one is work hard. So phase two..." she glances down. "Well, if there's anything hard about phase two it will end up *quite* a demonstration! But playing is good. Why go anywhere you can't have fun, right?" she asks roguishly.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru gives the eyebrow waggles of waggling eyebrows. Clearly that facial expression is expressing something and its no good. Fun, yes. Good, no. Possibly. "Which, by this inassailable logic, a shop is a place where fun /should/ be had," he piles up the strawman on the arguement. "And that is how you get a Little Lumina over on this side of the sea." He didn't get a chance to check out Lumina when it was open to do so. Something to look forward to later!

There is a stretch upwards on that note. "Mm," the human yawns out, body not done with restoring the great balance anytime soon, "and Phase 2 is all about fun."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho looks to Haru and tilts her head a bit "Oh I see i can help with that if you like buty frst I need to eat and finish up a few things at the forge."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Fuka's eyes go wide at that. "You want to help him play hard?" she says, clearly shocked. Or rather, clearly faking shock in such an obvious way that she's certainly teasing, though it's not entirely clear who she's teasing. H's harem is off to a start! Not a good start necessarily, but a start!

    She catches that yawn though, unsurprisingly. "Awwww. I think stage two is going to end up being sleep hard!" she notes, amused. "Poor H, past time for bed! We really should get you out of shops and somewhere more appropriate for such things!"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Haru's Harem, growing one playful tease at a time. Legendary Negotiation and Enchanting, what the world truly needs. "Oh it'll be sleeping hard alright," the tall human says as he rolls off of his stool. He pays the tab for his drinks and snacks with all the ease of game logic menu clicks. "All part of the Phase Two," he starts with a wink (or blink, its only one eye!) at Fuka, "plan. Coming?" He starts to make his way out towards his inn room, sure to give Miho the assist tease from Fuka's earlier, "bring drinks. Gotta stay hydrated. Moonlight Negotiation Tip Number One."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Fuka's eyes go wide again, but there's definitely some pretense there, not actual shock. "That's no question to ask an innocent maiden! And here I am, soul-bonded to a dragon-unicorn!" she claims. As if that proves her innocence. Or perhaps that she's not innocent, who really knows?

    With that token protest, Fuka shrugs. "I suppose I can at least come to your room, make sure you get in to bed safely." she offers, definitely playfully. "Been looking after you for weeks now... it's a hard habit to get out of. You don't mind if I continue that for a bit~?" she grins.