Batty At Church

Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Well, things could of gone better. But they could of also gone worse. The Ash Wright causing the disturbance had escaped deeper into the old caverns, but they at least had put a stop to the immeadiate spawning of undead at the location. After which Shiruba had tried to get some sleep, but after a fight of bad dreams and constantly being disturbed by her health dipping back down again, it was a lost cause. So instead she had shuffled her way up to the Church in Dun Loireag to see if there was anything to do to help.

As is the wolf girl was sitting on a bench, twiddling her toes in the mist drifting about the floor while a Lander Priestess was examining the spot on her neck where she was bitten by the bat. Not that Shiruba is hard to find, most of the people that would possibly need her have her either on their chim friend list, or can look at the guild registers.
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang has heard there have been mysterious goings on around this holiday, analogous to Halloween in the Real World, she's been told, and she's also found out that some of the victims have come to the church to be seen to. As semi-official Honcho, or perhaps honchesa of the Red Chain, she figures she ought to investigate, and so here she is in the church, which she hasn't been to before, luckily. Well, this isn't even the one where she's bound, so there'd be no reason to be here, but she heard people may come here, so she came to see if she could help.

"Hello," she calls out, seeing her Guildmaster here. She has her both on friend and guild list, of course, but it's polite to greet people when you see them. She takes a look at the situation, and guesses, "They're taking care of you, then?" Which is good, as her own healing skills are terrible. Healing skills in name more than fact.
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Shiruba tilts her head at the familiar voice, doing her best to look up to Yeowang without disrupting the priestess. "Hello, Yeowang. And hopefully. There were a number of... odd occurances within that chasm, which had opened up into an old forgotten mineshaft. Or something akin to. Most of us wound up with unusual status effects of some kind..."

"Vampiric," the priestess speaks up as if to add to part of the conversation. "You were bitten by a vampire bat. They do not spread actual vampirism, thank the Goddesses. But their bite does have a curse-like effect that weakens the constitution of the victim, making them easier to wear down and drain blood from." She steps back and bows briefly. "Excuse me, I shall fetch some blessed salve to treat the wound." Then turns and heads into the hallowed chambers of the Church.

"Well, that answers that." Shiruba turns her attention back to Yeowang. "What brings you here?"
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang nods slowly as Shiruba explains what happened, and again as the priestess explains what happened. "I see," he says. "But not actual vampirism?" she confirms. "That's good, then." As to why she came, she explains, "I had heard there was a strange encounter and injured players had come to various churches. I was closeby, and though our Red Chain contingent is in a village some days away helping Landers, I thought I ought to come and see what aid I could give."
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Shiruba shudders a little at the thought, and then puts it out of her mind. She doesn't even want to think farther about what being infested with any sort of undead state. It only reminds her of poor Gabrielle.

"Even if they can treat the issues they will probably need help restocking the stores spent on doing so," Shiruba replies with a nod. Her ears droop a little, she's still feeling on the tired side, but she'll deal with that issue after she's not dealing with the health DoT. "The settlement near were that chasm was probably needs some help too, they had to deal with it until it could be closed up."

The priestess returns, and starts dabbing a light salve against Shiruba's neck while murmuring blessings under her breath to ensure it clears the vampiric drain infliction.
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang nods once as Shiruba describes the settlement in need of help, and the supplies needed here. "As it happens," she says, "I'm doing an overhaul of our supply management at the Red Chain, and I think we can get our hands on what's needed quite quickly." She smiles, though it's a bit ragged, seen close up, and there's the usual hunger debuff from strange moods, but she doesn't seem to know, or at least not to care. "Actually, sending out aid supplies would be a good test of our new procedures, to see if they do result in an increase in efficiency," she explains.

To the priestess, she says, "If you'll let me know what you're short on, I can have supplies delivered by the end of the day tomorrow." To Shiruba, she says, "The settlement will obviously take longer. Would Landers going there need an escort, do you think?"
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

After a moment or two of being fussed over Shiruba perks up a bit, no longer feeling like a bit of her life force was slowly trickling out of her. "Goddesses be praised!" the priestess cheers. It takes her a moment to realize that Yeowang was addressing her, at which she quickly nods her head several times. "We will turn away no effort to maintain our capability to tend to the peoples' needs," she replies. "I will ask my sisters of the Church to help compile our needs for you, kind miss." Her work here is done and she hustles off to tend to her other tasks.

Shiruba gives a shake of her head. "I do not think there is an immeadiate threat, and there are guards stationed there on watch. But those people have had to deal with that chasm so close to their settlement, after everything else the Undead have done to terrorize Ninetails, they will certainly need some help and reassurance. If it helps you finalize your efficiency efforts, that's two objects at the same time."
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang nods to the Priestess about getting her the list, and to Shiruba about sending supplies. "I'll see to both things as soon as I gte back to the branch office," she promises. "I had thought things would be a bit smoother here with less Palace Land influence, but it seems the problems here are merely different, not fewer." She offers a look that may be sympathetic.

"But I'm glad you're getting back on your feet, at least. I have volunteered for a scouting mission to Shibuya, but no word back yet on any specifics. There -is- a plan?" she asks, concern in her tone. "Only, sometimes I expect a plan and there is none. This is one of the reasons I was hoping to help the Silver Sword with day to day operational matters, to free you up for the leadership stuff."
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Shiruba leans over to grab her boots from next to the bench and slip them back on. "If we're going to take our home back we need to find out if and how strongly they've enforced the defenses after taking over. Preferable to drive them out without destroying the very thing we're trying to save." She glances off to one side, then to the other. "The Church is most likely safe since they've got guards posted to keep potential spies out, but probably shouldn't speak more about this in public."

She scoots off the bench and onto her feet. Then reachs over to put a hand on Yeowang's shoulder. "Trust me, I appreciate it. I'm sure you've noticed I'm not much of an 'office' person. And knowing I have people like you and Haru to keep things in order helped when I was focused on the demon gnoll matter."
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang nods about not saying any more about the Shibuya project in front of strange ears. "Loose lips sink ships," she agrees, though she hasn't spoken loud enough to be overheard, she thinks. She nods about the guards, though, but it's Scale, which ... well, she doesn't know well enough to comment on, to be honest. But they're here and not in the Tower, so that's a good thing.

She smiles at Shiruba's hand on her shoulder, and admits, "Haru's been doing a lot of the Alliance-wide organization. I'd tried to run things down with no luck, but poeple seem to respond better to him. It must be something to do with being a gamer," she guesses.
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

"Maybe. Knows how to speak to his own kind, as it were. But you're a stellar organizer Yeowang, even if it's more in the background keeping things smoothly, or seeing to the matters of the Red Chain. Every effort helps in the long run." Shiruba withdraws her hand to stretch lightly, then smooth out her coat. Which also involves finding a few gold in a pocket, and tossing them into the Church offering basket. Only fair after healing one of her lingering conditions. "I should be on my way, now that this problem is dealt with. I have a few other personal things to do," including making a stop by her friend's memorial while she's passing through, "before heading to Eastal."
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang nods at being a good organizer. "In real life, the details get complicated very quickly, it's all done at a much higher level here. At a level of less detail, I mean," she explains. "But yes, what's the point of success if you're not in a position to take advantage of a victory?" she asks rhetorically.

She nods about Shiruba being on her way, and agrees, "I should bet back to our office and get the supplies sent out." She arches a brow about a memorial, and seems surprised. "I didn't know we'd lost anyone?" she asks. But she's headed to Eastal, and get get the full scoop on the road. Or on the ship, anyhow.
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Shiruba shakes her head. "No, one of the Landers we had rescued from the Undead Army. That I had befriended, only for them to... be taken from us in a fit of pity revenge by one of their higher ranks." For a brief moment her hand tightens, creaking the leather of her bracers. "Who is no longer a problem, either." Then she relaxes again, exhaling softly. "I promised Gab I would do everything we could to stop the undead from making others suffer like she had to. And like to stop by to check on her memorial when I'm in the city."
Dun Loireag - The Church Tower

Yeowang nods gravely about the memorial. "I see," she says. She hasn't got any relationships with Landers that are that close, but she generally avoids associating with them except in a business capacity. It seems cold, perhaps, but she thinks of it as a normal sort of professional detatchment. If you get /too/ close to a thing, your judgement clouds, so she's always kept well back. Not that it's een difficult, exactly. "Take care, then," she says, and will head out as well.