Clothing Pickup

Jaz needs to get some clothes fixed. What could go wrong asking Gwen to do it?

Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Despite the irritation Jazz feels towards it, having arrived in Elder Tales with the 'maid' class piled on top of her has conferred a few advantages. One of those is that, much of time, she can handle any damage to her gear herself. This is, in truth, of great use when you're on the road and on the move through territory that isn't friendly as Jazz is. You're gonna take damge. Your clothes will catch on briars. Things get torn, ripped... and that's before we get to the eventuality of what monsters will do.

She had stopped by briefly and left her longcoat for Gwen, the one that covers up her very typically gothic-maid-outfit that she's largely hung onto. Oh, sure, she wears other things, too, but it's her most common outfit.

And now she's come back to pick up the coat that obscures it, in all her maid-ly glory.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen is today in a maid outfit herself. Some Anime styled french maid deal. She's behind the counter as Jaz enters, Gwen looks up and smiles.

"Welcome to the Chainmail Bikini +1. Oh Jaz? I have your order done and ready for pickup. I presume that's why your here?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"Plus one," answers Jazz to indicate her agreement.

She eyes Gwen. Her maid outfit. Then up and down, slowly. "You manage to make even that look intimidating," she remarks with dry tones.

"Yeah, though. I appreciate the fast work. Sticking to one place for too long makes me itch."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen pauses "I like to hope I'm cuter in it. Its not like I'm wearing a shirt with a boken hip bone on it." She got opne as a gift back on earth, thankfully it's not here.

"Always got to wander? I get that is there anything else you might need? I do have some food you could get for the road."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"I'm sorry. What?" she asks of the broken hip bone, peering at her with some evident confision. "What did you do? Break a promise to become a doctor?" She wouldn't be surprised if she'd broklen the hip-ocratic oath.

"Not always. But I shouldn't ever be idle that along. And... sure? If you're offering."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "An old joke from the west don't mind me. Well check the menu I have some things ready to go in my invenotry at the moment." It's fairly simple fair. Dumplings, fries, that sort of thing. Gwen would peer for a moment. "Never saw Futurerama did you?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"Only the references, really. It never caught on with me." She's checking the menu, of course, eyeing Gwen occasionally as she does. "Mmhm. Mmn. Hmm. Maybe I will. How are you holding up, anyway?" She asks, casually, as she 'thumbs' through things.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "I'm okay, glad Shiruba cleaned out Mom's shipping supplies. It slowed her down for once. Still working on some crafting lessons from Haru. Which I will be getting back to once I close up for the day. Also honestly? Thinking of the blood bath we're going to have to cause with the Palce Land noblity in all likelyhood."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"...shipping ... supplies?" says Jazz, warily, to Gwen. As if that 's a horrific possibility she hadn't considerred fully for a time. "Yeah... not loving a lot of the news about the Palace Lands, the Crowned, or anything else. I still feel ike a total fool with regards to all of that, or even ever having helped open that door." She rubs her face.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "You don't want the answer to that Jazz."

Gwen will say no more on this this at all. "Something would have opened the door eventually and if you didn't open it then? It could have been they were finished with their whole scale plans. There were still people fighting back when it opened."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"You're not wrong but it still feels like my fault even though I logically know it isn't." Jazz shakes her head. She looks down at the ribbon on the front of her maid's outfit and toys with it absently.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen pauses "Oh your coat!" Gwen will go to the back and return a moment later with the coat.

"Here you go!" She'll hand it over. "I'm not sure what else i can say on that that wouldn't sound hollow..."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"At least you didn't try to pat me on the head," remarks Jazz, dryly. She waits for the coat to be handed over and then reaches out for it, slipping it on over her shoulders. Her tentacles twitch. She clearly feels much better with it on. Less exposed, in some ways, it would seem.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "I'm pretty sure I'd lose a hand if I did. So any food you want as I take it you'd want to get going so pay for the food you want if any. I won't keep you any longer."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"... well I don't think I'm capable of doing that, anyway," remarks Jazz towards the notion of removing Gwen's hand. She does give a nod, though. She'll pay for the food, buy a few things, and then be on her way with a casusal wavew of farewell in Gwen's direction. The threat of the shipping materials has her concerned.