Red Panda Throwdown!

Tolbana - Main Square

There are a lot of places Asuna can practice her monster handling with Tomoe. Among them, Tolbana probably wouldn't rank high. Except the training is in handling distractions. So Asuna is here, mounted up. Tomoe is actually doing pretty well. Okay, she needs constant help to not pay attention to passing birds, insects, and imaginary versions of those.

"Good girl! That's it.. you are doing so well!"

Asuna knows praising a monster is useless. This is more about control and guidance with knees and heels. Still, it feels so much nicer than saying nothing.
Tolbana - Main Square

It's the end of the shift for the personnel at the Clinic of Tolbana. Uta has just clocked off for the day, and she's heading home. Home being a live-in traveller's wagon, pulled by a larger-than-average grunty, which she parks wherever is most convenient for her adventures, and right now, that wherever happens to be right -behind- the clinic. So, her commute home is pretty much getting out of the main entrance and walking around the building.

It is during this commute that she notices Asuna and Tomoe. She stops, blinks, and approaches the duo. Still not uttering a word yet.
Tolbana - Main Square

Which is probably for the best. Tomoe is.. jumpy. As is about to be clear. Because one moment, everything is wonderful! And the next, the villain of this day reveals itself. That villain is.. well, Uta probably can't see. Asuna can't even see it, but it is there. Lurking. Plotting.

... it's a caterpillar in the middle of the street.

Now Tomoe, blessed with keen senses of danger, notices the enemy, lying as it is, in ambush. Or mostly just right in the middle of the street. The only way to deal with this threat is for Tomoe to rear up suddenly, her paws going up.

This leaves Asuna holding on for dear life. She's lifted much higher from the ground, and the saddle adjustments she's made have yet to address the 'suddenly vertical' situation she's in. Again.
Tolbana - Main Square

Instinct! Dash! Soon, Uta stands right behind Asuna, ready to catch her should she fall far enough that the reins she might or might not be holding fail to function as a bungee of sorts.

Normally, at this point, the musical Kung-Fu Nurse would already be rambling about who knows what, and singing her magical spells to force her will on the misbehaving monster.

None of this happens, though. She stands, she frowns, she concentrates, hand extended, to catch her friend, with the warning of 'watch out!'

A warning barely audible, with Uta's voice being a hoarse mess. She's even wincing as she speaks.

...Well, that might explain things...
Tolbana - Main Square

With an embarassed sigh, Asuna ends up dangling from the saddle, her feet holding there, somehow, by the stirrups. Upside down as she is, she sees her friend is here. With a smile that is.. well upside down, she waves.

"Hi Uta! Sorry.. We're having some problems today."

She will drop down into Uta's arms. Cause that's just way more comfortable than crashing to the ground. With an apologetic, sheepish grin, she gets back to her feet and focuses her attention on Tomoe.

Without warning, she tugs on Tomoe's tail. One big, firm push that causes the monster to spin to face her. At which point she baps it gently on the nose.

"No! We are not afraid, Tomoe!"
Tolbana - Main Square

Uta nods in understanding at Asuna's comment about there being problems today. Every day is problem day, in ETO. "Hi Asuna," she greets.

All that physical training paid off! Asunas can be caught! And helped to stand on their own on the ground. She extends one arm towards Tomoe, and begins to vocalize a melody, except, well... as said, her voice is a raspy mess, and soon she has to stop with a grimace. "...hurts...", she wheeze-squeaks.

Seems like Uta is not casting any magic today.

A sigh of disappointment, a slightly worried wince, and with a tug at Asuna, just as she mentions not being afraid, Uta points at herself, and holds her thumb and index finger close to each other. As if for miming, "Well, -I- am a little afraid..."
Tolbana - Main Square

Tomoe, if she had an expression, would no doubt look embarassed. Perhaps even blushing. Asuna is not angry. It's just not her style. Except with a certain guy who is her boyfriend maybe but she's not sure and it's driving her crazy and.. No. She is serene. As still as the mountain pond.

"We do not have to fight the little things we see on the street."

Her voice is soothing. She's got the monster calmed down, now. She reaches out to pat its cheek. With a bit of a flourish, she vaults back into the saddle.

"You shouldn't strain your voice, Uta. And you know.. hm. If you'd like to just have a quiet ride, I'm sure Tomoe can handle two. I mean, if you aren't busy. And you don't have to talk. It's just a wonderful day to ride!"

She offers her hand, should Uta want to join her. But that ride, and what Asuna might say in what looks to be a very one-sided conversation, will be a story for another time..