Burger Time

Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen is at a table with a half finished meal. The towering woman look half asleep as she works away at her meal.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang enters the Crescent Burger and pauses to take a look around. Seeing Gwen, she will come over and nod a greeting. "Good evening," she says, glancing up at the menu, but then looking back to Gwen. Apparently nothing on the menu calls to her, she doesn't seem to be paying it any mind. "Do you mind if I join you?" she asks, pausing by the table.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen nods "Sure, good evening to you as well." She takes another bite of her meal. "The holydazes are over for now. That was one heck of a rush of orders to get out..."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang nods slowly. "Indeed," she agrees. "I imagine it's complicated given the overall geopolitical situation. We have a number of complicated situations going on, of course, and no intel to evaluate the decisions being made by our leadership. I hope they are good decisions. I wonder if it's the same in Olympus?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen humms "You could say that. Most days it is a heard of cats. When it comes to some things people o er complicate it. Still it floors me that kfc tricked japan and beyond about what a proper holiday meal is."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang nods thoughtfully. But she says, "Japan didn't have a Christmas tradition. They imported it from America, and they imported KFC as well. Why should anyone be surprised they're linked? We are followers, in our hearts, we do not break new ground by choice, generally. It's true in business and in many things. But if a man on TV tells you which cigarettes to smoke or which laundry detergent to use, and you'll put faith in that, then why question fried chicken at a foreign holiday? Some fowl /is/ the traditional meal, I understand?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen thinks for a moment. "Good point, turkey some times goose or a holiday ham. I was thinking of doing a late dinner for a few people. Though Sendai has quite a few Christians. Still i get where your comming from."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang considers this. "I'm familiar with Christian theology, but I was not, myself, raised in a Christian home. But I have heard of turkey and goose both mentioned. Your songs go on more often about goose, but I think turkey is generally easier to find?" Not that she's accustomed to shopping. But she researches things. She could probably quote sales figures for turkey vs goose. "But on our original topic, I am not surprised you are in the same situation we are, as far as lack of intel goes. It makes me wonder where the leadership gets its intel from, and why we players, who are expected to do the actual fighting, are not trusted with the information."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen says "True, as for that i trust wake. There are some things best left unknown."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang seems quite surprised by that declaration. "I think I do not share that sentiment," she says after a moment. "In fact, I quite like to be in possession of as many facts as possible prior to making a decision. I am constantly being handed fait accomplis in this game, only to find out the decisions that were made were ill advised or poorly thought out. I am not comfortable /risking my life/ on the decision-making capabilities of these people. I am surprised that so many are, but I suppose that is the way of East-Asians in general. There is a famous joke about that, which demonstrates the point."

She ahems, she's not used to sharing jokes. "It seems a Korean ship, a Japanese ship, and an American ship were in port together on a deployment and the captains of the ships were talking amongst themselves as to who had the braver crew. The Korean captain shouts at one of his seamen to grab a line that's slipping, and he grabs it, and is pulled through narrow opening meant just for the rope, and killed horribly. The Korean captain says, 'That's bravery you can't beat.' The Japanese captain shouts at one of his sailors, 'Seppuku, now,' and the man sits down immediately and disembowels himself. They all agree that's fantastically brave. Then the American captain points to where some multiton machinery is being offloaded, and shouts, 'Seaman! Stand under that descending load!' And the American sailor shouts back a profanity and does not do it. And they all agreed that was the bravest sailor."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen does think for a moment on the joke and she does laugh at it. "Yeah that does track." What did Gwen find that she thinks should stay burried. "Still i will bring it up to Wake when we talk next."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang looks pained at the mention of Wake. "I hope she remembers that she is a Baroness. She seems to have descended into the role of a priestess." The Asian priests not having nearly the power and influence of western priests have enjoyed, it's small wonder she considers it a substantial step down. "But if she has information that is not being shared with the playerbase, you may tell her for me that I wish she trusted us enough to share. It shows poor faith in your subordinates to leave them in the dark on such major issues."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen nods once "I make no promises as to to what happens. I should get going I got a ping from Dad. Morri is up to something."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Yeowang nods gravely. "I am not sure what I'd do if my parents were both in the game. My father would not think highly of it, I'm afraid. My little brother would love it, I think." She bids Gwen farewell. "I wish you good fortune," she says, and will depart.