Jobs Within Jobs

Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

    The Hunter's Guild was always a busy place, including with adventurers looking for their next big ticket quest. One such person was here, but he seemed very content to study the very board posting the newest of hunts.

This man didn't even look like a hunter really. He looked more like a showman, a bard, or some type of rich merchant. He did have a set of daggers on his belt, but his outfits with his leather pants to riding boots. Including even the vest to blouse shirt was not what you expected to see of anyone serious into this type of work.

His eyes though, they were predatory. Gold and almost glowing in the dim light. The tattoo on his neck, almost hidden by the collar of his shirt, was some type of mark of a Were Fang, though what kind was hard to say given him hiding in his human form.
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

If Robert had run into Vafrum on the street, he'd probably have been almost instantly on guard. However, this is in the Hunter's Guild. It's generally not considered wise to make excessive trouble in here. Thus, although Vafrum's predatory aura does set the hairs on Robert's neck on end, the man keeps his manner civil. A bit distant, but civil.

Thus it is that Robert too stands there in front of the quest board, brow furrowed in consideration, his arms folded inflexibly (perhaps almost protectively) over his chest. Quests, quests, quests everywhere, and not a one that appeals. His expression slowly shifts from contemplative to borderline bleak.
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

    Vafrum stands there, his focus on the board, but his eye blinks, then they are focused on Robert who is too, seeming to be looking over the board. Then with a blink, he is looking at the board again. "Not much is there? It seems this war has even impacted the jobs being requested." He motions to the board. "So many fearful to take risks, chances, earn greatness!"

He then crosses his arms over his chest and smirks faintly. "Standard really. War can help make profits or ruin them entirely."
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

SpritesHero's chin dips, conceivably in agreement. "Though I suppose if one's wish is to more or less live comfortably, there's no real reason to take high-risk quests," he points out mildly. One hand lifts, indicating first one row then the other.

"Or at least not the sort of risks that involve fighting off dragons or the like. Instead it looks like...well, unsurprisingly escort quests. This has -got- to be some sort of cruel joke."
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

    "Alas, no. War also means the caravan runners are concerned about their goods getting to their stops, without being assaulted by these idiots running amok." Vafrum responds back to Robert. Then he turns to face the other, "By the way, I am Vafrum, and you dear sir?"
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

"I meant more that it's a cruel joke that we finally get transmigrated into a game world, and now it is full of escort quests," Robert clarifies, his smile on the wry side. Turning towards Vafrum he shrugs, then inclines his torso forwards in a bow. "But you are right. It is to be expected given current events. Robert. Robert Lutjens. The pleasure is mine."
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

    Vafrum steps back and returns the bow in a nice little flourish. "An honor as well." He then goes to stand back up. "Sadly, such things fail to humor or saden me. As I was in this place to conduct business meetings, sadly being trapped in it was never my plan, but!" He waves his index finger a little. "When you are given an opportunity to do something new, along with grand, you learn to make the most of the situation and turn it to your advantage!"
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

SpritesHero outright squints at that, neck almost audibly creaking as his head slowly cants to the side. Silence. Contemplation. A distinctly dubious look, though whatever it is that causes said dubiousness remains very much unasked. "Well," he continues at last, "it is good to see, sir, that your spirits are not in the least dampened, even if it appears that we are all in the business of making a silk purse out of a pig's ear. But I suppose if you play your cards correctly, you can indeed end up with your very own Hearst Castle." Beat. "Assuming that is what you want." He's not at all convinced as to -what- Vafrum wants, it would seem.
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

    Vafrum chuckles a little and goes to step past Robert. "Sadly, Robert, what I am planning to do will change entertainment and also boost capital for all parties involved. One day, I will also need to hire men with brute strength. Oh yes, I have plans."

The odd man then goes to walk away heading for the door. "Either way, I should be going. Maybe one day Robert, you and I will have a chance to work together on one of these little," he gestures a bit. "Side hustles. Till then, take care of yourself!"
Alne - Hunters Guild HQ

What curious words. Robert's gaze tracks Vafrum as the man makes his way to the exit. But again, any questions he may have remain unasked. He simply bows, formally, his manner almost painfully polite rather than having any sense of natural grace to it. "Until we meet again, Vafrum," he responds. "We will see what the future holds." And then it is back to surveying the board.