Air and Water...

They don't mix. OR DO THEY?

Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    It's been a long day, and Fukaziroh needs breaktime. Or at least the little Sylph is about to get breaktime whether she needs it or not. Work hard, play hard, eat ... well, not hard. Soft is fine too. Regardless, it's her time now and she intends to enjoy and indulge herself, something she does quite often.

    Pushing her way into the tavern, Fuka makes herself into a center of immediate attention - something else she does quite often - by being exuberant and loud. "Ahhhh! Time to RELAX!" she insists, striding forward towards the bar enthusiastically. "What do you have that's hot? Besides me, you don't have me!" she insists to the innkeeper. Not that she's all that hot, unless of course she means temperature-wise. She is wearing heavy armour after all...
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik sitting at the bar humming a Sea Shanti to himself with a glass of whiskey in front of him he takes a sip adjusting the cutlass upon his hip he sputters and almost coughs at the exuberant little Sylph. Laughing as he swallows down the whiskey and glances over to Fukaziroh raising his brows and giving a smile with a nod.

    "The Lady's meal and drink are on me." He turns his eyes to Fuka and flashes a smirk. "Yer sure they don't have you, or that your not on the menu, bein' hot and all?" Eirik teases with a mirthful laugh.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    Of course the Sylph does that sort of thing to get attention, so she's not surprised to be hailed. Or teased for that matter. She goes out of her way to exaggerate after all, frequently saying clearly outrageous things so no one can think she's possibly trying to be serious. Fuka gives the Undine pirate lord a quick once-over, smiling in return. "I'm here to eat, not to be eaten!" she retorts. "Say, you look like the guy who might've been running that sunken ship I looted a while back. Pretty sure I already spent that loot, so you can't get it back!" she claims cheerfully.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik laughs and shakes his head. "Nope not I. I don't have a sunken ship." He says patting the seat beside him. "Come sit, and why not come to eat and be eaten?" Eirik says with a flirty smile and a wink. "Never know how good it can be." Grinning the Pirate Lord takes yet another drink. "Besides you look rather tasty."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    Fuka doesn't laugh so much as practically cackle at that comment, not taking it seriously or at least not literally. "Some things sure seem to think so! Fortunately I have a REALLY BIG SWORD!" she claims, reaching over her shoulder to pat the hilt of a sheathed blade, one with a rather broad and curved sheath. The sword isn't quite bigger than she is, but given she's not very big, it's a close thing indeed.

    She sits though, either interested in the flirting or in the free meal. "I like seafood." she says. "I see food, I like it!" Fuka smirks. Yes, lame joke. "Oh, call me Fuka. Most people do when they're not really mad at me!" Of course a brief Inspect would see her full name, but Fuka's never been one to be overly formal.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik laughs and shakes his head. "Now now, that's what this is for." He smirks patting the basket hilt of his cutlass. "Besides I don't mean in a way that will harm you I mean to feast on you in the most pleasurable of ways." Laughing again. "I'm The Pirate Lord Eirik lover of fine women and whiskey. And you may call me Eirik." Chuckling he nods. "Order what you want."

    He glances at that huge sword and smirks. "A mighty large sword for such a little Lady. You able to handle a huge weapon like that?" Eirik winks playfully.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    What Fuka really wants is ice cream, but of course there's none of that here. It IS a marina though, and she's not entirely kidding about seafood. Only mostly kidding, and why not go with it?

    "Pie rat lord? Okay!" Fuka claims gleefully. "Don't get me wrong I like pie. But I'm not sure even that so-called TASTY rat is something that I'd choose to eat even if it was made into a pie!" she says, mouth seemingly moving on autopilot. Still she smirks, and gestures a server over so she can place an order . "I'm in the mood for something fishy! And no I don't mean you!" she notes. "And by the way it's not the size of the sword that matters, it's how you handle it that counts!" she claims boldly. "And let me tell you when it comes to handling swords, mine's HUGE!" she winks.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik laughs loudly and shakes his head. "Not Pie Rat, Pirate." He clarifies. "I don't eat rats that's not something I deem to be a creature worth eating its rather gross actually." He says tapping his chin before proceeding.

    "Why not me? I don't taste or smell overly fishy after all." Eirik teases back. "OH you may think it's not the size of the sword but how you handle it that counts. But it takes a long time to take something down with a short sword." He teases with a wink. "And I assure you Fuka I'm an expert when it comes down to handling a blade." He winks back.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    "It's settled then! No eating pie rats!" Fuka declares, raising her fist into the air as if making it into a cheer. Well, unless Hifumi makes it. That man could cook mud and make it tasty. Or Pela, Fuka's favourite pie maker. Fuka is no stranger to exceptions after all. Sometimes you just have to break the rules!

    Fuka pauses, lowering her fist, her expression going somewhat serious. "So you're ... fast, are you?" she asks, sounding troubled. So much so, it's probably faked. "I just BET you have a lot of practice with your blade!" she claims, smirking. Then her voice goes all creaky like that of an old man. "Don't worry, sonny! As you get older and more experienced you can last longer in combat!" she croaks out, like a sage dispensing wisdome, only of course it's not wisdom it's Fuka.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik smirks and shakes his head ordering a mead next. "Yes we don't eat pie rats
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    "Life's too important to enjoy to eat bad food!" agrees Fuka. "Unless it's like ... ice cream or pizza, when it's pretty great even if it's bad." she claims, grinning. "I haven't put anything to the test for like... two years now! My school is now just the school of LIFE!"

    Continuing to smile cheerfully if not playfully, she shrugs. "You probably are older." she says, making a face. Sour, perhaps a little, for the first time. "That's the thing, none of us know for sure what the others are really like, do we? But yes, clearly I am young and carefree and innocent! Or... you know, at least one of those!" she adds, grinning once again.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik laughs as his drink arrives and the server comes back around with Fuka's food. "Well no we don't, but until this becomes permanent or we find a way out we should enjoy everything we can yes?" He grins and getting bolder he pats the Sylph's leg. "Well no time like the present to change that dry spell." Eirik teases playfully trying to get back to lighthearted and not the whole riddle of life here.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    Oh, Fuka didn't have THAT kind of dry spell. Two years ago, her social life was almost entirely nonexistent, and she was cool with that! When she speaks of testing, she means it quite literally.

    "Hmmm... maybe you're right!" she says instead, glancing down at the contact. Not bothered by it, but not encouraging it either. "Maybe I *should* go back to school! So much to learn. Why, the other day I was working on trying to figure out pneumatics and I swear if I was a bit smarter I'd figure out the runes to constrain air without such a huge mana drain! I mean, I should just use something like earth instead of air, so it ..." she pauses, blinks... and then stares off into the distance, eyes seemingly defocusing.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik blinks and laughs taking his hand from her leg. "Oh Fuka I wasn't speaking of schooling. I meant good old fashioned Primal and carnal fun." He teases taking a long drink. "Because you see passion flows and can be as beautiful and powerful as the ocean tides."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    Fuka frowns absently at that statement, her expression oddly lacking in animation compared to before. "Noooo, not flows. RIGID expansion!" she states, eyes focusing. "Runes to make it expand! Then you don't need to sustain the flow, just maintain the size! YES! That would do it ohgodineedtogettoeasrightnow!!" she blurts out, the words tumbling into one another. Yeah sorry, Fuka's mind just went there. And by 'there' it's not the sort of there anyone would normally mean by going there. No, she's just had a eureka moment, and the obsession over it is about to utterly consume her to the point that she literally can't think of anything else!

    She abruptly gets up. "Thanks, uh... pieguy!" she says, smiling in a distracted way. "I *really* need to go! Long ride! Spell forms to construct! Nice meeting you!" she says, and turns to head for the door. No, she hasn't even eaten yet. If anything, she seems to have forgotten the prospect of food entirely.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

Eirik blinks. "Well damn that went weird." He laughs shaking his head. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you too I'll see you around."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Tavern

    Fuka waves distractedly. She was enjoying herself, and Eirik's flirty company, even if she didn't take it seriously. But no woman controls, not in this world at least, when inspiration strikes. People entering into Strange Moods tend to forget all kinds of things in their obsession, and Fuka's no stranger to obsession! She'll forget to sleep, she'll forget to wash.... and yes, she'll forget to eat. Fortunately she knows people who will ensure she does all three, when she can be torn away from her work at least. But she won't be free of it entirely until that work is done.

    Making it go weird, yeah, that's Fuka all right. She nods absently. "Aunt Elly will have some space for me to work. And make sure I'm not interrupted too much. Yes, time to head for Eas..." she muses, heading otu the door in a seeming daze.