Something Borrowed

Uta visits Eas to catch up with Wake and Ayame. The three make a plan to get lander funding for the statue of the Blind One in the Palace Lands.

Arcade of Eas

The clatter of soles and heels on marble echoes through the massive halls of Eas. No matter how many times Uta has been here, she has not, and probably never will, get used to it. Mouth agape in awe at the majesty of the walls, of the furniture, she still, after all this time, looks left, and right but mostly up, at every step, head sunk slightly between her shoulders, as someone who was considering imitating a turtle, but didn't want to fully commit to the endeavour.

"Lady Bombast? Did you have me summoned?", she asks. Note that this being Uta, it does not necessarily mean that she -has- been summoned. She might or might not have been. But Uta is Uta, and sometimes has a knack for being exactly where she needs to be, no matter whether it is where she was wanted to be.
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    The Baroness has sent a lot of messages lately. Some were invitations, some were summons, but as the latter involved local troublemakers due for a scolding, Uta was simply invited. Though hopefully she has caused some trouble lately!

    "Nurse Uta!"

    The hug comes before the greeting is offered.

    The Right Clothes are oddly casual today. Today they make a cozy, fuzzy dress with a pair of thigh-high brown boots. The unusual combination is very warm and incredibly comfortable. Regardless, her posture is as perfect as ever.

    "I am so pleased you were able to come! Please, let us sit down and relax. Have you eaten? Do you need to freshen up?"

    There is (as usual) an inspection done. Uta is rather prone to strange moods, so one can never be too sure!
Arcade of Eas

Uta, by now, has learned that this Baroness is fond of hugs, and lets her friend haver her fun. The Spriggan is still surprised by the embrace, mind you: she doesn't see it coming at first, and she is not -completely- relaxed, due to a general cultural distance from physical contact in everyday interactions, but at least she is not as stiff and uncertain as she was the first times.

Baby steps.

"I have taken a menu-bath down at the village," Uta mentions, gesturing towards a direction where the village most definitely is not. Inspection, whether it is visual or system-based reports that she is saying the truth: she's clean and presentable, as per basic package provided by the menu bath. She smells 'boring', as in, of nothing at all: neither filth nor soap. It might be due to the basic menu bath package, or could it be a Spriggan thing to help them sneak better?

The same can be done of her attire. Dignified, but menu-washed-and-ironed. Today it's the embroidered nurse's uniform Wake gave Uta as a present for the Bonded Hearts Festival. She's probably seen Uta wear that one a lot. An appreciated present. In any case, probably to the relief of Wake, no sign of strange moods at all.

"A meal would be really appreciated once we had some time to sit down and chat a bit, to work up a bit of appetite," she begins, as she picks a chair and moves to sit down, as asked to. "...I can't remember when the last time I had food that tasted real was." Once she's settled, she clasps her hands and smiles wide. "And what about you? Is there anything I can do for you? You need a diagnosis? A lullaby? Help someone reach enlightenment through the mystical Energies of the Trees?"
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    Hugs are the way of things in Eas, now. The kids seem to love them, anyway. The adults are too polite to comment on the way their Baroness and Priestess shows affection. Besides, she literally makes fresh earth for their best gardens. That is hard to argue with.

    She finishes her thorough inspection of her friend and smiles. Nodding in satisfaction, she points out, "You look well. Have you been having a lot of fun now that things are more peaceful? Are you back in business with the slimes? If not, perhaps I can arrange for some hunters to find more. Or is there anything else you might like? Maybe a light-based slime with healing properties?" Sure, that is not something she has, but it is ETO. There has to be one out there. Probably a dozen varieties or more.

    She settles into a seat and laughs at the long list of offerings Uta has. "I like the singing. Perhaps you would like to perform for my people sometime? The stage is ready to serve your needs."
Arcade of Eas

"Oh, we rent those!", Uta smiles at the mention of light-infused healing slimes. "I discovered one could make them as part of my first Strange Mood. Together with the Scrub Slimes." Little blobby roombas. "Yeowang is running a rental business next to the Slime Labs. It's a good chunk of how we finance our research. We rent 'em out, together with trained monster handlers if necessary." Her tone becomes serious all of a sudden. "Never deal with monsters without being a trained monster handler. It's dangerous." This coming from the one who did exactly that until Rylen decided to teach her.

"But you make a good point. I am in the planning stage for a new series of experiments, to determine what makes viable material to morphologically direct slimes and what not. I tried to make coffee slimes. It didn't work. And Li Gan said I won't be able to make rice slimes. So... might as well science this out!" Yup, there she is. Nerding out.

"Perform? I'd love to give a lecture on Gnomish Literature!", Uta beams. "Or maybe I'll hold a conference about anesthetics. Or maybe teach the Landers daily exercise routines based on martial arts. So many possibil- Oh, you mean singing?" She scratches the back of her head and blushes slightly. "Ha! It's ironic, but... I don't know, one of my classes -is- Bard" and a Sage of Song - but she doesn't say this right now. "still, it feels so strange for me to perform in front of an audience..." Some silence. "But I'll gladly do it for you." She frowns for a moment, as if a thought hit her, and suddenly fled. She shakes her head to clear it. "Apart from that, yes, I have been having fun. Things are starting again. Unpacking my stuff from before the evacuation. Developing new techniques. I've completed my Dark training with my brother. I wanted to tackle the mystery of where mismatched socks go when they disappear in the drier, but there not being a drier seems to put a wrench in that plan." Silence. "Oh! And I've learned about there being a town of Orth, somewhere, where someone, once, got healed through the sheer use of Song! By an Alv, from what I understand." Determination! Clenched fist! "I have to figure out how they did that. And hopefully learn to do it myself!"
Arcade of Eas

Ayame is heralded by the tap of her heels on the marble floors. It's a quick little step - taptap, taptap - and familiar to those who've beheld the Secretarial Sylph. Inside Eas, her shield is still worn across her back, but her own little suitcase of the Right Clothes is held horizontally; and used to help carry trays.

Here we see the Secretarial Sylph in her natural habitat, attending on her Baroness. The little wand draws her hair back up and around, pinning it up, and her steps are constrained by the fitted attire, the severely demure ensemble surely a display of aggression and control. Across her back, a rune-edged shield glints, the Shelter ringing her face with a halo of softly shining sigils, and in her hands, a small case is held below a tray, bearing the fruits of a successful hunt. Well, the alcoholly matured fruits of a successful hunt. Well, wine. And two glasses. And snacks.

Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    Uta speaks.. quite a bit there. Elly just nods politely. After all, there is a lot to take in all at once. She opens her mouth, as if to speak, but then Uta starts up again and off she goes! The Baroness folds her hands in her lap and waits patiently for her friend to simply run out of breath. It takes a while.

In the interim, Ayame arrives. With wine and things to eat! Thank goodness. A glass is gratefully accepted and immediately drank from. It buys her time to figure out how to reply to all of that!

    "Thank you, Ayame! This is exactly what I needed." She will pluck up a snack, as well. Now, it is time to process and reply!

    "So yes, perform, Uta. It is fascinating to me. I am no master of song yet I seem to be in the minority. I picked it up for musical purposes. I love performing, and this world opens the door for that. But in any case, I do hope you have luck solving the hrm. Mystery of the socks. I have not used a dryer for some time, honestly. We hang up our garments, both here and in the place before. It always was better than paying a fortune for the energy of a machine drier. Besides that, though, I would like to learn about this healing song. It would be a great addition to my service to The Beautiful One."

    A pause, then she turns back to her secretary. "Speaking of beautiful, would you care to sit and join us, Ayame?"
Arcade of Eas

"I will gladly perform for you then! But about teaching you, I have to warn you: the wording was vague. I still do not know if we are dealing with a single healing Song, or with a completely separate and novel field of Pharmacy that intervenes on a patient in a way alternative to potions, surgery, or physiotherapy, in such a way that a special Song has to be composed bespoke, for each patient, for each aliment," Uta clarifies. "I suspect it might be the latter because finding out about its existence unlocked my progression on the path as a Moonlight Doctor."

"Oh, hi Ayame! Haven't seen you in ages!", Uta beams. Whether that is true or she's met Ayame ten minutes before remains to be determined: Uta is known for forgetting things. A lot.

"Wow. I'm sure we have so many things to tell each other, the first anf foremost of which is- are those snacks?"
Arcade of Eas

Ayame smiles faintly as she dips a slightly formal curtsy - or as much as one can when overloaded, her distinctly prim and proper attire a constant in this world, as much as anything - but moves to set things down. The reason for the slight deception is clear; some papers are set for Wake to sign and, if unavoidable, read, but she pours the Sylph and Spriggan a glass each, passing them across as she then sets out the snacks.

"They are indeed" She tells Uta with a fond little smile "Hello, Uta. It's good to see you." She assures, and smiles faintly to Wake "And of course, my Baroness" She says demure. There are lots of little, tasty, finger-foody things set out, and a cloth napkin for each. The shield is not removed, as she sits, legs crossing at the knee, and sits bolt upright in her chair, leaning back against against her own covering
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

The papers are noticed, and a look is directed towards Ayame. Just a slight curve of one side of her lips and the tightening of the other. It takes just a moment to convey 'Really?' To her credit, she does not sigh. But she will, alas, read, once Uta turns her attention to Ayame.

    It does not take long. Just more of the same. Wedding preparations, spring planting reports, trade, and what remain some vain attempts to get a huge project off the ground. The last bit is frustrating enough to earn a ghost of a frown from her.

    She looks ready to say something, but does not say much at all. "Well, I fear I am no doctor, so that use of song would do little to aid my goals, unfortunately. But I will of course help as I can."
Arcade of Eas

"Oh! That reminds me!" Uta exclaims, punching the palm of her begloved hand. "I don't have all the details yet, but from what I understand, the Adventurers met some sort of rebellion in Kallamore. In would seem that building a massive statue of the Blind Goddess there will help the rebellion. Literally. It'd have some sort of effect," Uta says. Her frown makes it obvious she's having one of her moment, and she's having trouble recalling exact details. But she's trying hard, and the basic gist is there. "I've got some of the figures of the estimated expenses. Just one moment." Her menu is flicked open, some budget sheets are flicked into existence, and extended to Wake, or Ayame, whoever will take the mfirst. "Here, you can- oh, you already have some papers." Silence. Confused frown.

"...Where was I? Oh, right. The budget. As you can see, it's... well, it's some -impressive- numbers there. We're going to need more than a bake sale or the date auction that Gwen is organizing to fund the Red Chain..."
Arcade of Eas

Ayame grins faintly to Wake at the look, settling back and folding her gloved hands in her lap "If I didn't sneak papers to you with wine" She points out reasonably "I'd have to chase you down, and you run a lot faster than I do" She assures, her ears levelling back as she peers over her half-moon spectacles. A little tug of her skirt to wake the point, and she raises an eyebrow at the noblewoman.

Uta, of course, is treated to a wink "I suggest you just slip it in about halfway down" She says in a stage whisper "It's what I do when I need her to sign things" and a quiet grin "I did wonder why she didn't question how a stack of eight pages needed twelve signatures, but what are you going to do?" She asks with a shake of her head "It sounds interesting, though. What else can you tell us about them?"
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    Wake really wants to say something in her defense, but she has the suspicion that even her own considerable talents might not be up to the challenge. Ayame simply is cheating to win!

    "But I do so enjoy having you pursue me," Wake says. It is effective enough to hopefully establish a playful balance. The orphanage news-or lack thereof-is a lasting annoyance to her. She deals poorly with disappointment of this magnitude. And persistence.

    And then Uta delivers the bill for this Palace Land project. Wake clucks her tongue at it. She then frowns.

    "Well, so long as you have every single alliance on this, it should be hardly any issue at all. In any case, yes, I understand the value. As much as other things here are more valuable to me personally, we can hardly ignore a chance to permanently address our overseas issues. Still, this will not come cheap."
Arcade of Eas

"I understand it perfectly. And I understand that we cannot drain the coffers of Eas. Especially now that we're recovering from the Palace Landers having just left Yamato." She moves to clasp her fingers, only to realize they're already clasped. Embarassment. Unclasp. Re-clasp. "Ahem." Clear throat. "Where was I? Right." Take food. Chew food. Take sip of drink. Gotta fortify and hydrate before tackling this thorny issue. "It turns out, the skill of Artisany seems somehow capable of producing Area of Effect buffs." Uta looks left and right, to the Baroness in particular. "Remember how, when we built the Library here at Eas, and decided to dedicate it to the Goddesses to deter the Landers from trying to pull strange shenanigans with it? And as soon as we finished it, the statue of the Blind One glowed, and we received her blessing? How people find it easier to read and study in there?", she says, and gestures in a direction which is definitely not the direction of the local Library, before gesturing in a direction that is most definitely not Shibuya. "And how the same thing happened with the statue of the Beautiful One in Shibuya?"

She leans over, and whispers. "That was -not- an isolated case, apparently! It's an actual mechanic of this world! I don't know the details, perhaps it needs a special level of quality? You'll have to talk to someone who knows Artisany and spoke with Weed in the Palace Lands for the details, probably Kita or Prophyalxis, but long story short -- they want to build a -massive- statue of the Blind One, just like we have here in the library at Eas. Except enormous. And use it to protect a safe haven to be used for trying to liberate... Kallamore, I think?" A frown. Concentration.

A shake of her head. "In any case. Do you think we could convince Lander Nobles and Merchants to donate money to this cause? I seem to remember that they were not fond of the Palace Landers being around, so, you have both the patronage of the arts angle, the religious angle, and the 'do you want the Palace Landers to come back and mess stuff up again?' angle..."
Arcade of Eas

"I assume it's an enhancement of the jewellery effect" Ayame opines politely "Like, they've often been able to provide personal buffs, so it makes sense that adorning an area - through artisany - rather than a person still provides a similar effect, just to the area instead of the person" But she smiles a little and she shakes her head "But it's just an idea. I can't be sure, after all"

She listens, considering, and nods "I do think that they'll be able and willing to assist, especially if Wake leads the way. I'll be happy to offer assistance drawing up contracts - ensuring that relative powers are maintained, so one isn't drained dry as another gives nothing."

She grins to Wake "I don't quite chase you. Usually I have to make sure I'm not being chased! I can't think why people do" She recrosses her legs primly.
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    The news is taken in. That is really all there is to do lately, so Wake has become quite accustomed to taking news in. New powers, new wonders, and now an enormous statue of religious signifigance.

    "I am uncertain if I should rejoice, or despair at the thought of non-believers making a statue devoted to The Blind One." She sighs gently. Something about it bothers her far more than she expects, and oddly enough, it shows on her face. But these things are easily put aside. At least, on the surface, and that is quite frankly as deep as most ever get with her, anyway. So it will do. She does direct another look at Ayame. An eyebrow arched. Whoever is chasing her secretary, Wake will find out. If it should displease her, they might find themselves short on memories.

    But back to work. Papers are signed. The needs of this new project flit around in the Baroness' mind. "So. I will be needed to wrangle some nobles? I can do that. The promise of keeping the enemy busy fighting and bleeding on a faraway shore will no doubt please them greatly. Especially if all it costs is a reasonable amount of investment. This is hardly a donation. I feel... compelled to go to this place, though. It upsets me. They do not care for The Blind One. This is a symbol of the Goddess, not some magical trinket!"

    So yes, her voice is raised, and she's angry. Sadly, this anger has led to a mangled crisp of some kind. Tae would be most disproving of handling food in this manner! Of course, the Baroness is rather strong, so her displeasure also leads to a shattered glass. It was empty, but it shall never bear a drink again.

Arcade of Eas

"Accessory forging does that?", Uta asks Ayame. Uta was someone who used not to wear accessories, so the question makes sense. But Ayame might notice something new on the Spriggan since the last time: for one, a hairpin in the shape of a musical note, with the 'blobs' of the notes replaced by slimes. The other, a necklace, its pendant a mechanical glowing device, framed by a 'hook' shape with two songbirds perched on it. "And please do help, Ayame. The Goddesses know how much we need someone to help with the management and accounting side of things."

"No, no, quite the opposite," Uta is quick to reply to Wake. "I will have to ask for exact quotes, but my impression is that... what they're trying to do is..." Frown. Concentration. "...allow the Blind Goddess to act? It wouldn't be a 'magical trinket', it would be... some sort of conduit to allow the power of the Blind Goddess to intervene, based on her displeasure with the Crowns of Control?" She doesn't sound completely sure she understood well, but that's the best way she can put it for now. Then she goes quieter. "The Blind Goddess apparently goes around. Watching adventurers. Interacting with them." Even lower voice. "Weed seemed to imply that Prophylaxis probably met her already."

Silence, then a nod. "In any case -- they -did- seem to believe in her." Look up, away, lost, "...I wonder if the Beautiful one does the Same..."
Arcade of Eas

Ayame merely nods at Uta's comment "It seems to be an act of worship to me, even if they're not overtly framing it as such. So something to be promoted and prized" She gives a faint smile, standing and brushing off her skirt with a flick of a gloved hand, before moving to tidy away the remnants of the shattered and broken pieces from Wake.

"Consider, that even someone fighting for the right cause for the wrong reasons, is still by your side. Consider it a good start, my lady, and encourage them on a more proper path. Perhaps one for the softer touch than the iron fist?" She says with a little smile

"But yes. This letter from Tae, as well" She sighs "She asked for a response. Again. Honestly, you two can chim, you know" She accuses, laying a further brief note before Wake as she gathers things up
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    Wake is not easily settled. Sure, she can still the expression and tone, but those that know her tempers well enough know it is far from over. Still, a calm smile and serene eyes are what the world can see. The storms inside are held in check.

    "I will go to them. I may have time before the wedding. It will have to be managed somehow. I will not tolerate anything but proper dedication and respect. And it is my duty to help them in this."

    She looks ready to just go now, but she has things to see to. And no doubt a fiance's ruffled feathers to smooth over. This is, after all, not how things were to be now.

    Ayame's comment about Tae draws out a smile, though. She looks over the note and nods in thought. "No doubt we could, but the written word conveys things that chim cannot. And it demonstrates a degree of interest that goes beyond a hasty word. I imagine she put considerable thought into this note."

    She did no such thing, and Ayame is certain to know that quite well. A hastily-written note explaining tonight's dessert options is not exactly poetry. Though they do sound enticing. That Wake draws out a pen, adds a note about how it "sounds delicious," and offers it back to Ayame to return does little to reinforce her claims. There's a very impish smile that is shared when she does, and then it is gone. Gone so fast it might make one doubt their eyes.
Arcade of Eas

"I don't remember anything in their words that might indicate unbelieving exploitation. In fact, they seemed to know more about the Goddesses than we do..." And with a nod, she replies to Ayame (but in a way meant for Wake), "I agree with you. In any case, I get the impression that they are doing what most qualifies as proper behaviour." Back to Wake. "But I do not know the details, and cannot judge further." Never contradict Wake openly. Provide data. Express opinions. But leave the final judgement to her.

"In addition to asking for donations," Uta continues, somber, taking the discussion back to the Practical plane, "We might also want to consider some form of credit." Silence. "Loans."

"This endeavour is too important to fail." Fist, clenched. Words, slow, firm, uttered with rhythm and clarity. Determination. "If we win, we can ensure healthy development. We should be able to pay things back. And if we do not-" A sigh and a shrug. "...paying back that loan will be the last of our problems."
Arcade of Eas

Ayame smiles at that, nodding as she piles things back on her case, bending genteelly at the knee as she lifts things from the table, along with the signed paperwork "I will deliver all of these to the proper people" She assures.

"And quite so, Uta" She assures "Things take time to set up, but opinions can be swayed more easily than battle lines. I'd rather ensure proper behaviour and through that, create proper thought."

"And I'll give your response to Tae" the Sylph notes to Wake with a long, slow look, before the Sylph turns to take her quick little steps away. Taptap. Taptap. Quick little steps in that severe little outfit, trotting along and leaving them both slightly more well fed and sociable in her - hah - wake.
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    Wake watches Ayame go. With considerable interest. And a smile. But, sadly, there is work to attend to. And it really feels like work at the moment.

    "I must travel there soon. I will, along the way, address these issues with lander support. I will make no promises. The Dukes and I are frequently on difficult terms and the leaders outside the Fourlands are harder yet to handle. I don't know how we mean to borrow anything. I will not put my own realm up for collateral, in any case. But I will do what I can to get us resources."

Arcade of Eas

Uta nods and stands up, having somehow managed to eat more and more finger food (and drunk more wine) "...Which reminds me. There... uh... would be another favor. Remember how the people from the Church of Alba sang that song on New Year's, 401, in Alne? And how I've been trying to have an appontiment with them, to learn more about the Primordial, Earth, and Eternity Songs?" She leans closer, and clasps her hands. "At the time they kept saying they were too busy to receive me. I was a nobody, and I got the feeling that they were politely tryingto avoid me." Inhale. "But now, things have changed. You are a Legendary Sage of Etiquette, a Noble, and a Legend. I am a Sage of Song. Maybe at some point I should ask you to put in a good word for me..."
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    "They refuse to help you?" There's a slight shift in the tone. It almost sounds dangerous. The baroness is losing her patience with landers and their ongoing prevention of learning and advancement. Somehow this offends her more than the attempt at conquest.

    "I will do more than put in a good word. I'll put a dent in their heads to allow the free flow of new perspectives and possibilities."

She would not really harm them. At least not in the city! That would be problematic. But she would deliver a sermon the likes of which no lander has ever endured to change their minds.

A glance is directed where Ayame went. She frowns. Fingers are tapped on the arm of her chair. "You know, I really should have taken longer in writing that reply. I hope it wasn't too flippant."
Arcade of Eas

"Refused. Past tense," Uta is quick to add. "Long ago. When I was much lower level. And trying to reach out to high ranking Church officials. About rather... fundamental songs. Remember, according to what we know, they were, respectively, the First, Second, and Third Song to be sung. They are the songs that people in Strange Moods resonate with. I can understand if people don't want to just drop possibly dangerous information on the first random lunatic in the street." After getting up, it's time to put the chair back in its place. "I kind of dropped the issue at the time, due to there being so much to do, but right now I think I am possibly in a better posisition to discuss this, what with having been noticed by a Goddess and having been sent on a quest."

With a quieter voice, mildly concerned, Uta adds, "Please don't be too impulsive with them. I don't think it's a good idea to have the Church of Alba as -enemies-"
Baroness Wake
Arcade of Eas

    Having Uta lecture her on impulsiveness amuses Wake to no end. "I will... try to remember to not give into my impulses for a change." Says the woman who rarely raises an eyebrow in displeasure.

    She rises, as well, and glides into her usual curtsey. Which she punctuates with a hug. Cause why not have the best of both worlds? Formality and warmth are not impossible to mix.

    "I have taken enough of your time, though. I will start the work with this statue. I have experience in the area, after all. First, though, I had best go make up for my hasty departure. Tae will need my complete attention. And a promise that this is the last deadly adventure into enemy lands. After this, I will be the priestess and baroness I want to be."