Dinner to say I'm Sorry

Naniko dunked Miho pretty hard with water a while back and offered to treat her to dinner to say sorry.

Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Well Naniko had offered to buy her dinner, so she's taken her companion here. The place is near her home, and honestly it's a good place she'll lead Naniko in. "So if your buying I'll let you pick the order there I don't want to take you for a ride right? So Tell me a bit about yourself?" She'll spy a spot for the pair and she'll sit down.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko is just wearing the same clothes she's worn before. She's...menu showered? Probably menu showered given her opinions on menu food. Then again, she also is an Undine, so just swimming is pretty likely. At least she's dry. However, she looks more uncomfortable now that things have actually gotten here than she did as that playful scamp that soaked Miho with water magic. "What do you want to know?" she asks back. A classic answer for someone who is uncomfortable being the center of focus.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho says "I'm just curious about your story and i'm a bit conerned. You liked ... menu food. I tasted cardboard better than that, ... don't ask I was a dumb kid." She grins and sits down. "So you don't like food that much I bet you don't even bath and just use menu clean too?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko blushes a bit, embarrassed. "It's not that bad," she protests, quietly. "Just get busy doing something else to take your mind off it. It's like chewing on your pencil while you think. You don't even realize you're doing it."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho says "I's soggy soda crackers how is that not bad?! I nearly lost my mind over it myself." She's going to have to talk to Hifumi later about this as talks her tail is moving back and forth. "So what guild are you with what do you do? Class? Do you craft?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko sighs. "You know, I know this new world has a lot of similarities to the game world, but my class should be irrelevant." She reaches out and grabs Miho's water glass. She picks it up and turns it over, putting it on top of her own glass. The water inside the glasses slosh to opposite sides, run across the gaps like the whole world is rotating around them in a forced perspective, double-exposure camera trick. She then takes the glass off the top and sets it back in front of Miho, though now with the other water in it, unmixed. "Water is one thing I do very well," she says, not even a droplet having fallen from the glasses in the whole display. "I uncover secrets, open locked boxes, read the unreadable, and get in and out without being seen while doing so, doubly so if there's a way in involving water. And yet, even though that's things I do, that's not who I am. That's work. I did craft the jewelry I'm wearing." She taps the goggles sitting around her neck. "Not these, though. Relic."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho says "Fair i'm just curuious Naniko come 0on w're having a meal we should have some fun with ... and not bad at all I don't have much talanet fo water or ... magic if I'm being honest." She will think for a momenbt and looking at those grinning "Oh you make Jewelry too I'd love to see some more of it as for me Black Smith and I focus on weapons. I was also a smith back in the old world too." She grins widely at that bit. "My relics are a bit different...one's fused into me as tattoos." She'll roll up her sleeve to show them tribal like markings interuppted by her scales here and there.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    "Your memories came from a man," Naniko speculates aloud. "I think it's cool you can put that into play in the new world. There are no computers here, so I'm a little out of my element." She runs her hands over her cloth bracers and considers. "I probably should do more crafting. I've been working more on unraveling mysteries since I've been here."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho seems to have an amused look on her face. "Naw, heck I body scanned. Don't fault you for thinking that though. Given there are few like me but well I was in a good spot to learn as I was caring for my grandfather and I wore him down. A family tradtion going back to the warring states needs to stay alive, right? My forge is open to you so long as your not in the way of any jobs I have. I just got lucky with that." She smiles a bit at this. "Oh really should get you incontct with Uta and her companions who are digging into things."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko doesn't look embarrassed as she's corrected. She looks over the other woman. "Your memory donor had an amazing tail," she says, a playful smirk twisting her features. She taps her forefingers on the table. "My body is random. Ariel hair--sorry, it's a Disney movie: The Little Mermaid...main character is a mermaid named Ariel...anyway--Ariel hair constantly gets in the way underwater."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Miho pauses for a moment "Memory donor I don't quite get what you mean there and yes... I do have amazing tail in every sense of the word." She seems to ahve caught it. "That's the fate of a Undine water will stalk you no? There's a reason I tie mine back."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko rolls her eyes. "Not like that," she says. "Don't make me give you another bath," she adds, playfully. However, she looks at her hands. "I definitely look different than my memory donor. It's good. Just not something I'm used to. I remember being invisible in a crowd. Not someone anyone would look at except maybe to make fun at for being such a huge nerd." She sighs. "That wasn't me, though. I'm new. I'm beautiful in a world full of beautiful people, and I'm still kind of suffering from imposter syndrome." She takes a deep breath and shrugs. "I'm trying, but there's a reason I've been sticking to the shadows and underwater a lot and only eating menu food."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko is hesitant about ANYONE taking her shoes, but dang if she hasn't allowed herself this one luxury of non-menu food. She moves to the bar and sits next to the redhead, though not for other options. She keeps herself to herself, though, simply quietly drinking in the company for a few moments before taking her hood down and quietly breathing a few breaths to acclimate to the place. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who socializes much, perhaps to her detriment.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Once addressed, Naniko smiles as politely as anyone. "Hello," she says with an American accent but a polite bow akin to Japanese cultural norms. The woman slides a pair of chopsticks out of her right bracer as she considers the second question. "I suppose things are going well enough," she says. "Still haven't died, so that's good."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Naniko lets out a sigh and shakes her head. "I heard there was some kind of do up here," she says. She manages a smile, though this one is more of a facade than was the previous. "I've spent much of my time trying to avoid conflict. That usually means I'm underwater. Not many wars under lakes and in rivers." She shrugs. "I'm guessing it's good, what you said?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    "This isn't a game," Naniko says, somewhat seriously. She sounds like she's given this talk several times before, and is getting tired of having to enunciate it. "It's a new world with different physical laws. I avoid conflict because I don't want to find out if dying sends me to the new afterlife and spawns a new person with all my memories."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Turning the conversation to morality sours the Undine's expression, somewhat. "That's true," she admits. She looks into her water like she's trying to focus on it to the exclusion of everything else. The water in the glass turns into a translucent little person and raises up, hands on its little hips. It shakes its low-definition finger at Naniko. She sighs as it splashes back down unceremoniously into the glass. "I should do more," she says. "I'm not willing to die to do it, but I definitely could do more," she confesses aloud.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    "I've fought things before," Naniko says. "In groups, of course." She sighs. "I admit, I have precious little memories of gaming, and I was never much for combat before the new world." She looks at Goldenblade, assessing her bottom to top, but she's not using the inspect function. "You look like you're better at such things than I am," she says when she reaches eye contact again. "Perhaps I could get some pointers or something."