Paperwork Never Changes

Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

It's office time!

Well for Himari it is, who has finally caved in and taken one of the jobs in the HQ. It seems that the pay was slightly better than she would usually get busking for coins.

The Tanuki has cast aside her usual miko look, and has somehow or from somewhere managed to get her hands on what could be described as business attire consisting of a black business jacket, white blouse, loosely tied red tie, a knee length matching skirt and even heels.

The Tanuki-girl makes her way to the main administrative area, looking quite formal.
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

It was the triplicate form that caused paper shortages across Shibuya, forcing the logging industry to raise rates. The fifth salaryman division responded with excessive force. The names changes, but paperwork? Paperwork never changes.

"Are," Haru has stare at Himari for a moment to make sure he didnt consume Interesting Mushrooms in his meal earlier, "Are you doing ok, Himari?" While he is at it, he checks with an Inspect to make sure she isn't weird Mooding. Standard 'are your friends eatting and sleeping' protocol.

Haru is a common sight at the HQ. He crafts first, adventures second, which leaves him close to HQ to process all the logistic requirements with his position as a leader in the Silver Sword. Lots of paperwork, no matter what world.
Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Himari had hoped that she wouldn't really be noticed by anyone that she knows. But she stops and turns towards Haru offering a faint smile. It faulters and she takes a deep breath, then nods.

"I'm actually doing fine, Haru-kun," she admits. "I just thought I'd dress the part," she sheepishly admits. "If I turn up dressed as a miko, everyone thinks I'm going to go hang around the memorials. Today I'm going to look at the law paperwork."

The inspect used on her comes back clean. No Weird Mood, or anything out of the ordinary for her.
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Haru is, in fact, speechless. Himari Saito showed up to the HQ for work? If it wasn't for that muted smile of his and the white 'hullo, I iz prince' trope thing going on, it would make for an awkward silence. Finally there is a blink of the blue eye as he carries on, "I see. Do you know where we keep the contracts for each of the guilds? The last time I recall them getting a proper review was when Riza looked at them." Ages ago. Some are probably even expired by now.
Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

"They need a review?" Himari asks with a raised brow. "I don't really know where they're kept. I usually only worry about memorials, remember. I could have a look at them, but I don't know if my levels will be high enough."

She gives Haru a strange look and tilts her head to the side. "Well, there's only one way to know. Can you show me where they're kept?"
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

"I don't claim to be an expert in the Laws of Alba," Haru says as he turns and walks through the alliance corridors as he talks to Himari. "Though if you have the Law skills, you'll fair far better even if you have never seen them. It is like having an instant google on things, I hear," he continues on, making a turn to the records room. "Mercantile allows you to pull from market rates in the area to know if you are getting a good deal or not. And the one I innate I do have is Negotiation," he says as he opens the door to a room lined with shelves of books and papers, bound and unbound. "I have yet to negotiate with the papers, though."
Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Himari Saito moves alongside Haru, and no doubt is starting to feel a bit self-conscious about how she's dressed. "Oh, I've used Mercantile a lot," she admits. "Mercantile and Negotiation just go hand in hand if you're travelling and selling things."

She frowns as the door is swung open, revealing the books and papers inside. "You know how I can't make anything, in either crafts or food? Well, I make up for it with Scripture, Law, Etiquette and the merchant skills," she then admits in a once again sheepish tone. "So I'm useless and useful at the same time."
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Haru reaches over to rustle Himari's hair. It being business-professional is throwing him off. "Everyone is useful, Himari-chan, and they find their own way to making that shine," he says as he looks towards the crazy amount of records in the room. "With those skills, you are well suited to administrate an entire city or several shrines if you put your mind to it. I can't think of a larger craft than that," he looks over to the Tanuki. "I think its easy to make something good. Keeping it is harder. We lost Shibuya once before and that should have been a reminder." With that he steps inside, pulling out an old book. Agricultural records. Weather reports. "Of course when your options are fighting hordes of goblins or signing trade agreements with the kingdoms, most people find the former more fun than the later."
Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Himari's ears flatten when her hair is rustled. Usually her leaf hat would make it hard to mess it up, but she's not currently wearing it. She steps further into the room, taking the time to look at the records and the shelving. "I'll help out, but I'm nervous about doing anything bigger than just the basics." She leans around Haru to get a closer look at the book pulled out.

"I'm going to have to take over another room so that the trade reports are seperate from the law and foreign agreements," she softly mutters to herself. "Have we got a dedicated archives yet? For the really old and out of date stuff?"
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

"Afraid not," Haru says with a sense of disatisfaction on the state of things, "we have just one room, the records room. Many of the major guild leaders delegate out the responsibility based on skill or talent. None of which have gotten around to a 'deep archive' room. It was one of those 'we will get to it later' things that wasn't high on the list for the first two years we were hear in Yamato. Though looking at things now." He puts the book back on the shelf, "We should commit more space to the storage, separation, and retrieval of the documents. We are in an age before technology made it possible and our distance to the sea is not far. Water and moisture could very well wreck the paperwork and then we wouldn't have things to go off of with the kingdoms on, say, the game reserve nearby."

There is a smile, "Thinking of it like a quest, any help is going to help, regardless of the level. We are woefully behind in several areas."
Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Himari clasps her hands in front of herself, and just kind of stares through Haru. "Then I want a higher pay rate if I'm going to be spending more time doing this," she comments. "Considering that it's effectively been cast aside."

She considers the reports on the shelving again. "I think we also need a proper filing system, too. For each area." She slowly shakes her head. "Water and moisture could wreck everything." Another sigh then follows. "You know, when the virus attacks happened, I was still in school and I learnt a valuable lesson. Always have backups of your work. We also need scribes to transcribe all of this into other books, so if one location gets destroyed... Or captured again, we've still got copies."
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

Haru smirks, "Start with showing you can accomplish the first job before gunning for a higher rate, especially when you just said you are only capable of the basics." Although Haru distanced himself far from the Old World, there are more than his concepts at play when it comes to large scale management. "You'll be paid by the task, not the hour, and I'll be reviewing it before its signed off. Same as the Hunter's Guild, but with Administration," he says before looking at the shelving units when there is talk about the Virus. Dama and Flash. And knowing how at least one of them is tied to this world now. "Yes, plenty of work to do. If you want ot suggest improvement to the filing system, it can be presented. If the Alliance accepts it, it'll come with money to fund the project along with an equitable margin of profit for contracting it out. Or subcontracting if you can get the help." His gaze wanders and settles back on business Himari.
Himari Saito
Shibuya - NWA Headquarters - Mansion

For some reason, Himari actually looks thoughtful, and she looks back towards Haru with a smirk of her own. "How can you review my work, if you don't know it yourself?" she says, as she offers a bit of her usual friendly teasing.

She makes her way over towards a chair, and picks a few reports off it. She checks the covers, and notes that one pays attention to tides, and the other is about export. She places them both on a table, and shakes her head.

"I don't think I'll do anything like that. I'll just complain to you and Shibi-chan until you get sick and tired of hearing me complaining. I used to have my own changing room, so I can be a diva," she replies with a bright smile. "Though I do know something that would bring in some money for the city, and bring in more jobs. At the same time, we wouldn't need as many potential scribes in the future." She drums her fingers on the table and leans back. "Do you think we could re-invent the printing press?"