One Day at the Clinic While in a Stranger Mood than Usual

Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

The place: The Tolbana Clinic. The time: just after lunch. The scene: Schneider sitting back in a chair, only half paying attention, his feet up on a desk, the other habitues of the clinic not around just at the moment. An empty plate on the table explains what Schneider's been up to: lunch. The Doc is, perhaps, out making a house call? Or ... has golf been invented yet? But at the moment it's just Schneider holding down the fort, staring at the ceiling and humming off-key.
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Ah the Tolbana clinic. Nowhere else was better than the clinic to get treatments for things that normal healing magic just couldn't seem to take care of. There was a lot more of that lately.

Which is why Kaydon had found his way to the clinic, pushing the door open and wandering inside. The gnoll were fang has himself a blood soaked bandage on his right arm, just above his gauntlet there. Spotting Schneider, he tilts his head faintly, "Not who I was expecting to see. You don't do all your healing with fire, do you?"
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Schneider snaps his head up as Kaydon speaks, and rubs his eyes. A patient! Schneider looks Kaydon over for a moment, and then considers the question. "Well, the useful bits," he admits. "Flames burn away the bad bits and leave behind the good. If it's done right, of course." He casts a spell out of the blue, but it's not an attack spell, it's purely informational. "You have to know what you're dealing with before you can deal with it, right?" he says as he peers deeply at the bandaged arm.
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

There's a few moments of listening to the explanation where Kaydon just shakes his head, "Well since I have no idea what I'm doing, I'll have to trust you do." He replies, holding out his arm to give Schneider a better look at it. Removing the bandage reveals a glowing red wound that is constantly leaking 'blood' out of it. Kaydon visibly winces as the bandage comes off, and Schneider can see his HP suddenly drop by a quarter, "Ow."
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Schneider looks over the injury critically, making sure not to miss any details. Of course the Tetanus status is the big flag here. No healing is going to help for long with that sort of debuff. On the other hand, if the debuff can be cured, then all of Kaydon's problems are easy to sort out, right? "Well, that looks like the problem right there," he says thoughtfully, his eyes getting a faraway look. "Tetanus, hrm? I'm surprised we don't see more of it, given the number of people getting stabbed all the time. I guess typical healing normally takes care of the low-grade infections any sort of combat wound gets. Does that mean you've received a /particularly/ gruesome wound?" he wonders.
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Kaydon hmms faintly as he lets it get inspected, "Lets just say I managed to find my way somewhere that I probably shouldn't have been touching things I also probably shouldn't have been." The gnoll replies, "Basic healing and potions didn't do anything but bring me back up to full HP, but the debuff seems to need specialty treatment."
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Schneider nods gravely to Kaydon, and the gnoll werefang may note the symptoms of a strange mood in his current physician. "I see why," he says thoughtfully. "You've got pretty advanced tetanus," he explains. "But it's OK, I can certainly cure it. Just fair warning, though. Just like in the real world, there'll be a bit of pain." Tetanus shots in RL are rumored to be painful, but Schneider is breaking out one of the Doc's surgical implements, some sort of metal poking device, and what looks like an old-fashioned cigarette lighter.

Putting on a leather glove, he holds the device by the far end and applies the flame of his lighter to it until it's practically glowing. "This is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me," he warns, his bedside manner not improved by the strange mood, and he's not lying, the metal tool hisses as it touches Kaydon's wound. He hasn't given him much time to steel himself, perhaps thinking that surprise might make it faster, and the metal device burns the wound badly it seems, and Schneider is holding Kaydon's wrist so he can't pull away. Finally, after several agonizing moments, he does pull away, and the wound, though looking really harsh (and Kaydon's HP having dropped further) no longer shows the debuff.
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

The warning about the device gives Kaydon reason to be concerned, but there's not a lot else he can do but wait, and watch. He winces as the device digs in. He doesn't pull back, despite the pain and sizzling of flesh. After it's over, and the debuff has cleared, Kaydon lets out the breath he appears to have been holding, "Well that was certainly...Effective." There's still a bit of pain in his voice, "I suppose that's the point though."
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Schneider admires the stoicism Kaydon displays, and he nods gravely. "I had to get a tetanus shot before. I scraped my arm on an old wooden fence that had nails sticking out. But you'll be okay now, I think. Let me check. He peers critically at Kaydon, examining his status, then nods slowly. "You should be able to recover normally, now," he says. "That must have been a bad thing you got scraped up on. I guess you'll know now to be careful in places like that." Or you'll be better prepared when you do what you have to do, more likely. Still, a bit of pain might be worth certain rewards. "Eat well," he prescribes, "and get extra rest for a couple days, and you should be fine."
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

"Yeah I had so many injections when I was in the military." He replies, as he does rub his arm a little bit where the wound had been. He chuckles, "Don't worry, I did find what I was looking for."
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Schneider ahhhs about shots in the military. "I see. Well, it's good that you found what you're looking for. This place is a bit confusing for me. It's interesting, though," he adds. "Anything else you want I should look at?" he wonders.
Tolbana - Clinic - Foyer

Kaydon gets back up, and grins, "Thank you again. I hope treating me was able to help you get things sorted for yourself." He shakes his head to the second question, "Should be good at the moment."