The Crownless Cup: Opening Ceremonies

The Crownless Cup is upon us! This is a ceremonial scene which will then move into an open social. Highlights will include introducing the fighters (as a group) and the tournament sponsors and organizers, and is otherwise a low-commitment scene which will go on as long as people continue to socialize.

Shibuya - Main Square

    The tourney grounds of Shibuya are admittedly somewhat rustic compared to the fighting rings of larger cities, or of lands dedicated to the dueling arts. A great deal of obvious effort has been made to make everything look good though. The decorations are top-notch, the grounds are generously spacious, and the stands for the crowds are sturdy and comfortable even if they lack the private booths one might normally expect for visiting VIPs. The air is full of festive spirit, the crowds cheerful and likely at least a little rowdy, considering the martial nature of the competition to come. Food and drink is in abundance considering the time of year, and the vendors are doing brisk trade in all sorts of merchandise.

    When the moment seems right to make her appearance, Fuka steps forth onto a podium, elevating herself so others can see her over the crowd. She?s wearing something a bit different. It looks like the formalwear of an Eastal noblewoman, a long and rather clingy dress of Eastal green that?s not at all like the coat and armour she normally wears. To the observant eye it?s even more than that. The fabric seems to cling, and yet she strides boldly in it, somehow not tripping herself in the dress despite her dangerously-long steps. As if the fabric of the dress, rather than being silk or velvet of the Lander nobility, is something ... more. Something new to Yamato. Something that brings to mind the term elastic.

    "Good evening one and all!" Fuka calls out, her magic-amplified voice carrying through the crowd and bringing the murmurs of conversation to a halt. "Welcome to Shibuya, welcome to the Crownless Cup! Many of you are here to enjoy an exhibition of strength, of skill, a competition of strategy and might. Some of you are here to BE that exhibition! I hope many fine stories of burning passion, beautiful skill, and blind luck are born here in the days to follow. I hope to tell some of them myself!"
Shibuya - Main Square

Shiruba is really, really glad other people took it upon themselves to be MCs. Fuka has a much better stage presence anyways. She's just here because it would be silly for the New World Alliance to be sponsering a tournament and not have at least one showing made by the head moderator of their main combat arm. Even if her combat was more experienced with monster and dangerous locations than other Adventurers. She'd make do as she needed to.
Shibuya - Main Square

Goldenblade has made an appearance also. She's not a centerpiece of the show, but a sort of celebrity guest, here as a crowd-draw. She'll have a role later in events, and probably helped with any construction that was needed because she liked to stay busy and doesn't sit still well. Unlike Fuka, she also does not clean up nice. Or at all, from the look of things, showing up with her chainmail shirt and leggings, with swords on her belt, and basically the same gear she wears in dungeons. Well, if monsters attack, she's got to be ready, right? That'll probably happen. That's the sort of thing that happens.
Shibuya - Main Square

Among those lingering around the stands is one Mikage Yurei, the Were Fang duelist leaning against the wooden bleachers along side her lynx companion. Those who haven't seen the pair in a while might take note that Rama seems to have finally grown to full size, though that is still not particularly large compared to most big cats. She has never been one for the spotlight, despite having won the last Tournament.

Instead, she lingers to watch, keeping to herself for the time being.
Shibuya - Main Square

    As Fukaziroh speaks, standing behind her as one of the representatives of the New World Alliance, wearing his most formal of Lizard wear as he listens closely to the words being said. Arms crossed infront of him as he looks out at the crowd of people, perhaps a little intimidating. Still though, he is more focused on the situation ahead of him, as he will be facing off against one of the other alliance representatives in just a matter of time. Still though its not like he is up there giving a speech.
Soujiro Seta
Shibuya - Main Square

Soujiro Seta is here because Soujiro loves combat and combat accessories. He has a big smile and can practically feel the excitment in the air for the opening ceremonies. With him he has brought a small crowd of Lander Ladies, Junior Adventurers, Cluck Clucks, and a single mallard. Really he ends up with his own section. Gotta support a fellow tea partiest. Never Tea Alone!
Shibuya - Main Square

It's the opening Gwen is not yet going to give away her match costume, oh no. She will have to make the world wait before she Taki's that issue. She made a lot of merch too for this and is even sponsoring things. Hell it seem she got her parents both Morri and uther selling snacks in teh stand right now, and she will join them shortly. For once she won a bet with them both and is reveling in it as she perched in her armos wartching as everything goes out. Fuka does a really good job at running thing already.
Shibuya - Main Square

    Merek walks down to Shibuya from his place in the city of Carmina Gadelica. He is wearing his dark attire, hair back in a spiky ponytail which he wears. The man seems to be thoughtful while he looks about to people, beltcape with his waist while he wears an insignia of Eas. He seems to be looking formal, while he waits for the ceremonies. Then he notices Soujiro Seta and waves.
Shibuya - Main Square

    "The Crownless Cup is many things. A competition, certainly. A spectacle. To me however, what sets this apart is what we stand for. Some of us wear crowns, as do some of our allies. But here and now, today, we are crownless. We stand together as equals!" Fuka calls out, voice strong and with a hint of fire to it. "War has been forced upon us, and everywhere we look, we?re reminded of the war. Shibuya itself was recently reconquered from the enemy, and it stands strong as a symbol of resistance and resilience. Looking forward however, I want it known that the Crownless Cup stands for our resolution as well. That we will not stop fighting until NO ONE is forced to wear a crown! We stand together with our crownless brethren and sistren, and we stand apart from those who would force servitude on others. Tomorrow we duel. After that we FIGHT!" she cries. "But tonight we celebrate being together among equals!"

    She pauses, waiting for the crowd to cheer, to mutter, to shout agreement or disdain. Then she continues in a somewhat calmer tone, voice still carried by magic through the crowd. "The New World Alliance brings this tournament together for everyone, and we will be putting the profits from the tournament directly into the war effort. Celebrate here and now, relax and enjoy, knowing that this is a lull in the storm to come. Let this tournament stand as a symbol, both for our friends and our enemies, and let no one be forgotten!"

    With that, Fuka gestures to the crowd. "You're not here for me and my speeches though!" she grins impishly with self-awareness. "I'm just a hostess, and not what you're here for! I want to hear from you all as well! First, I'd like to introduce a purrson of feline character, skill and wit, my co-host Nyanta! I imagine he has a few things to add!"

    When she finishes speaking, Fuka starts to make her way towards the crowd, though not to join Nyanta. There are others who deserve a chance to speak about the tournament and possibly the war. Her co-host can take the focus for a time now, but soon it will be the turn of everyone else. This tournament is, after all, about equals.
Shibuya - Main Square

Nyanta's Outfit: <>

Attention now cuts to Nyanta, who is dressed in a full suit, complete with tophat and red corsage. He is currently in the stands with a contraption that looks suspiciously like, but is not exactly, a microphone. "Thank you for that purrfect introduction, Fuka. I shall do my best to meet your expectations, nya."

He gives a bow, letting his trademark smile fade as his face becomes very serious, taking his top hat off and bringing it to his breast, "Freedom is at the heart of what makes us adventurers, nya. In every record one can find on adventurers, one will always see the stereotype of the free spirit desiring not to be tied down. Be that known, it is with a heavy heart that I cast my thoughts to those adventurers still in the Palace Lands, shackled as they are."

"This Tournament, the Crownless Cup, is an event to celebrate the Freedom possessed by all those in attendance, and we look to our future, in hopes that all, adventurer or lander alike, should eschew bondage, no meowter the form. As each duelist fights, know that they have CHOSEN to be here, to wield their sword or bow or staff for their own purposes, exhibiting the Freedom that this event represents."

Nyanta shifts tone quickly, giving a smile to the audience which presents his best fang, "The Crownless Cup is an event that took many working together in order for it to be held to day. With that in mind?" While the auto-translater does perfectly translate the meaning of the message to those non-japanese speakers, "This program is brought to you by the following sponsors," those native to Japan have been hearing the following statement from their television from the first time they witnessed one. (Kono bangumi wa goran no suponsaa no teikyou de okurishimasu!)

"Chainmail Bikini +1: Why settle for basic when you can have it +1?"

"Pelapuff Cafe: Where Sweets are MAID."

"Atelier Nox: An ENCHANTING place for jewelry, rings, and more."

"The Land of Eas: the Cultural Heart of Yamato."

"Always Faithful Arms: who provided arms and armor for the tournament."

Nyanta's fang catches the light of the setting sun perfectly, "But aside from our sponsors, many Tournament Goers are here to suppurrt our duelists today, nya! Everyone has their reasons for being here, whether it is to suppurrt the war effort, to suppurrt a specific duelist, or even just to have a good time, nya!"

Nyanta turns to one of the attendees and holds the makeshift microphone-like technology up to Goldenblade, one of the adventurers in the crowd, and asks, "What brings YOU to the Crownless Cup, Nya? And what does the Crownless Cup mean to you, nya?"
Shibuya - Main Square

Goldenblade is surprised to be singled out for a question, nevermind that she's a celebrity guest, and there are a few people that even cheer as she's called upon. Westelanders, by the look of it, and she /is/ someone important in their military, something like an officer-emeritus.

She ignores the microphone-like things, speaks loudly, used to addressing people outdoors unaided by a public address system, shouting across a construction site is not to different than making herself heard here. She's a Legend, she needs no PA system in any event. "People of Yamato and the Palace Lands," she calls out in a crisp, clear voice. "I am here today to celebrate the unity of purpose that has brought us together. Villains beset us from all quarters, but we stand tall and overcome them. Many of us are strong, and so we can all grow stronger, we train and practice every day!"

"The Crownless Cup is a statement that we will not buckle under the oppressive heel of -anyone-! We are strong, we can overcome anything. And at the end of the Tournament, we will crown a champion who has overcome the strongest that can stand against them and has provem their strength before all, to defeat the forces of evil wherevre they lurk."
Shibuya - Main Square

When it comes to events like this, Syx is in his element. Win or lose, he's always ready to show off for an audience. The Salamander fighter has been pacing back and forth a bit with energy since they gathered. He's waiting for the inevitable fighter introductions that will come. That's when he gets to shine.
Shibuya - Main Square

Shiruba chuckles a bit at Goldenblade just raises her own volume instead of using the thing Nyanta harasses her with. How very foreman of her. But that is a very solid sentiment on the matter. Part of the reason the name Crownless Cup was chosen. To display their strength and resiliance .... under the safety of the Duel System so they don't hurt themselves needlessly in the process, of course.
Shibuya - Main Square

A silent laugh shakes Mikage's form as she watches the start of the festivities. Fukaziroh and Nyanta are certainy a pair, and they are more than capable of stealing the attention of so many of those in attendance. Even Rama is transfixed, the Lynx's bob tail twitching behind him with enthusiasm. The cat looks from those speaking, to his companion, and back again.

"No way, buddy." She crouches next to the cat, ruffling his big ears. "You know me, I'm not exactly the spot-light sort of person." There is no way Mikage is going to volunteer, so someone may have to corner her into making a statement if it comes to that. For right now, she just remains in the shadows of the bleachers, content to watch everyone else enjoy the festivities.
Soujiro Seta
Shibuya - Main Square

Soujiro Seta gives cheering in the form of a warm smile and a big 'woo' for first Nyanta and then Goldenblade's announcements. He has fought and trained with both of them and he likes to fight. This is a tournament. Fighting is in tournaments. Simple sword saint samurai of scale getting those feel good vibes of a ramped up crowd.
Shibuya - Main Square

    As Fukaziroh steps away from the podium Rizadoman would intercept her merging into the group, "Good job out there, well said." His head swivels to track Nyanta and Goldenblade but continues to speak to Fukaziroh, "So when will the traditional show of strength begin, followed by of course the traditional sacrifices sanctifying this land on which the battles for championship will be had." Somewhere in the back of Rizadoman's mind he has memories of being a young hatchling and witnessing such things.
Shibuya - Main Square

    "I know the traditional thing to do now is to introduce the fighters." Fukaziroh observes, her slightly shrill voice making its way up from somewhere in the crowd. Given she's quite a bit shorter than the average person present and she's not on the podium any more, she's most likely heard and not seen by most present. "Those who know me know I'm not exactly traditional though! So I think we have the fighters introduce themselves!" she calls out, pitching her voice to cue the crowd to react, presumably with cheers and encouragement.

    Rather more quietly, she addresses Rizadoman, grinning. "The traditional show of strength? Any moment now! But the only thing I'm planning on sacrificing is grilled cluck cluck! And speaking of show of strength..." she grins wickedly.

    She abruptly bellows, her voice clearly a shout and not the carrying voice of a trained speaker. "We have here Rizadoman! A fierce warrior I've fought beside a number of times, and I'm sure he's here to compete! Riz'daman, what say you? Why are you here?!" she asks, then uses her lack of height to slip away, cackling merrily and searching for her next victim.
Shibuya - Main Square

Once her speech is done, Goldenblade looks back to Nyanta, and in a more conversational volume, asks, "Was that OK? I'm not good at pep talks, really," she explains. "Or talking up an audience. They have to see it how I see it to get properly pumped up, so I just gave them my view, and they can do with it as they will." She watches as Fuka introduces Rizadoman, in that sneaky way, and leaves the spotlight on him as she slips away. "Hah."
Shibuya - Main Square

Nyanta chuckles softly to GB as he mutes his not quite a mic like contraption, "So you say, but you commeownded the attention of the entire area with nyaught but your own vocal cords. One day soon, you shall have to accept the fact that you are nyat the inexperienced adventurer you were when you took my paw those years back, nya..." He grins, "Would that you were also fighting in the Cup, I am sure it would have been a sight..."
Shibuya - Main Square

Gwen is just enjoying the show honestly her time to get on the stage is later she's grinning widly as the sponsorships come up and she knows somewhere shiruba is hearing that too. Goldenblade is doing quite well with things as well. She's just enjoying the show and plotting of all the dolls and more she will hopefully sell from this!
Shibuya - Main Square

    Rizadoman staands there for a moment blinking at Fukaziroh as he processes what is going on, it takes a few moments but he figures out what is meant.

     Stepping forward as he bellows for all to hear, "SHIBUYA! HEAR ME! As has been said, I am Rizadoman of the Moon Tree Guild. I come here today to test my strength. The strength that I will need to use to free those who have been unjustly imprisoned within their own bodies. I look forward to using all of my strength in the upcoming competition against my fellow guild repressentativve Shiruba and promise her a lack of mercy only to honor her strength. I hope you will all come out that day and enjoy the event. Today we fight for honor, tomorrow we shall fight for FREEDOM!"

     Rizadoman finishes his speech but before he finishes up he throws his head back and a pillar of fire erupts from his jaw into the air, a truly spectactular display for all.
Shibuya - Main Square

Goldenblade watches as Rizadoman shouts to the audience, also without a mike. She nods approvingly.

Goldenblade shrugs to Nyanta's comment, shakes her head. "I can fight monsters. But fighting other players, there's a knack for it I lack, I think. Maybe my heart's not in it, or I dunno, but I've got things I need to get done, so I wouldn't be able to focus on the tournament anyhow. I'm still working out how to generate electricity. I feel like I'm close, now, but I've been working at it for almost /a year/ and nothing yet." She sighs. Has it been that long? "But I can't give up on my goal, can I? You taught me that also."
Shibuya - Main Square

    Fuka couldn't have asked for a better self-introduction than Rizadoman's. It was a spectacle, it was energetic, and it called other fighters out! Every bit what she was hoping for but couldn't demand. And she got away unscathed! Now, who to pick on next. Shiruba... well, Shiruba got called out. Maybe Fuka will have to go visit her later and encourage her, but maybe not. Instead the little sylph spots another wallflower and homes in with all the instincts of an extrovert who loves to see introverts get excited over things they love.

    "I absolutely love your lynx." Fuka says in a voice not meant to carry, appearing near Mikage and Rama. Her expression is sincere, the rapt look of a true animal lover who would happily lose fingers to a fierce murderfloof, but she keeps her distance, for now. "Sorry about this." she adds.

    Then she bellows once again. "I see a former champion, here to... well? What are YOU here for! Everybody wants to know!" she cries, drawing many eyes to where the voice comes from, which of course means a whole lot of people suddenly looking at Mikage.
Shibuya - Main Square

Wolven ears perk at hearing her name bellowed by a familiar voice... but after a moment relaxes when she realizes it's not a callout for battle right this moment. Her tail swishes a few times. She doesn't have the volume some of these people do (other than howling and that doesn't help right now) but she does have Wind magic so she holds her hands up alongside her mouth and uses a bit of that to help her voice carry a bit more. "I WILL GIVE YOU THE SAME HONOR OF A FIGHT IN NOTHING LESS THAN MY FULL POTENTIAL!" She yells back. She may not fight many other Players much but she understands how less than your best can be considered insulting.
Shibuya - Main Square

At first, Rama gives a yowl. It's hard to tell if somehow he understands Fukaziroh's comment, or if it's just the nature of the cat to appreciate praise. And then... poor Mikage is being thrust into the spot-light she'd been trying to avoid.

"Uh..." The magical microphone gives back one of those awkward blasts of feedback, as if just being in the physical proximity of someone who struggles with public speaking. Mikage is not someone with the charisma to stir armies or light a fire in the hearts of the pepole. However, what she does have, is a genuine and soft-spoken nature that may resonate with some.

Rama nudges against her legs.

"We... The one thing I treasure most is freedom. Freedom for each of us to be who we are, our best selves." She starts quietly. "Freedom to experience everything this new life has to offer to us. Freedom to live. To love." She takes a sort of unsteady breath, obviously nervous. "This was taken from our fellow Adventurers in the Palace Lands. The stronger we become, the better our chance to give them that chance."

Then, uncertainly, she asks, "Is... that okay?"
Shibuya - Main Square

Nyanta turns his not 'actually a mic but it is kind of like one' back on. He CAREFULLY wades through the waves of fan girls around Soujiro Seta, his friend and fellow Tea Party Member. He offers the swordsman the 'kind of quasi but not really a microphone' to Soujiro, asking, "I have heard, Soujiro Seta, that you are also participating in the fighting. What is your purpose for competing in the Crownless Cup? For what do you fight?"
Shibuya - Main Square

    Asuna is not far from Soujiro. And nobody told her she'd have to introduce herself. Sure, the Flash isn't intimidated, but she didn't prepare anything for this kinda thing. Having Yui in her lap, though, she is pretty laid back. She knows she has her friends and her daughter in her corner, so it won't matter, anyway!

    Still, Asuna tries to think of something. What she fights for is pretty simple. Nothing cool or anything. At least not to her.

    "Do you talk next?" the little Lander girl asks curiously. Asuna... isn't really sure about that, actually. Maybe if she just stays put they'll forget about her! Wouldn't that be a shame?

Shibuya - Main Square

Nyanta locks eyes with Asuna from across the stands. His eyes shine. They say, 'I am coming for you next, nya.'
Shibuya - Main Square

Gwen is watching she's litening and something hits her she knows she's going to get ended up dragged into this one way or another. Meanwhile in another part of the stands. Uther is out selling things still as is Morri.
Soujiro Seta
Shibuya - Main Square

Soujiro Seta is all smiles as Nyanta approaches. He is /individually/ speaking to each one of his fans when the fellow Tea Partiest approaches. The samurai looks quite natural to speaking as he is handed the microphone. "Thank you, Nyanta-san, and everyone coming out here today to show your support. I really appreciate you coming to cheer us on." He sparkles at his fans as there is a roaring response before he can even continue. Like he just told every one of them 'You. You complete me.' at the same time.

The roaring finally dies down.

"I like combat," Soujiro says to his catte friend, "it is fun and one of the things I am good at. When I see all these fighters assembled here today I can't but think 'This is really cool. We all found this thing that we like and can share it with each other and with everyone else in the stands'." There is a pause as he looks over to Asuna and to Yui, "And they can see that hone this craft of ours day in and day out so that they can feel safe." He looks back to Nyanta, "And that is why I fight here in this tournament and all other days. So when I am out there, watch me, I'm fighting for you!" Sparkleessssss~
Shibuya - Main Square

Goldenblade looks over as Nyanta dashes away to grab the super-popular Soujiro, and she laughs. She'll simply join in the cheering, using her influence with Landers to psyche them up, as if they really needed more psyching up. The crowd's pretty revved up as it is, but she can get things going with the right combination of blue-collar sensitibity and basic human connection, she'll cheer as loud as any of Seta's groupies though she calms down when they do, to let him be heard. And when he finishes and fades to sparkles, the shouting is like a wall of sound.
Shibuya - Main Square

"Man he's so cool." Syx says from his seat as he watched the interview with Soujiro. He doesn't even know how that guy manages to be so effortlessly cool like that. Syx has to work hard to be cool.
Shibuya - Main Square

Once her time speaking is done, Mikage does the left-right look of someone seriously considering practicing their stealth by disappearing right in front of an entire crowd of people. Some part of her even wonders if that would be enough to draw the goddess' attention and put her into a strange mood.

No such luck.

Instead, she just seems to try to sink further back into the shadows around the bleachers. Rama sits in front of her though, as if he were her small, fluffy guardian. Protecting his mistress from the evil that is... social interaction.

The horror.
Shibuya - Main Square

    Fuka's grin is fierce yet sincere as she flashes a thumbs up at Mikage. Sure, words could express her pleasure in the warrior's words, but sometimes there's just no need. It was perfect, all the more so for being sincere and unique. Besides, any words she might say would be lost in the noise right now... and if she were to move closer, she's not sure she won't be mauled. Whether by Rama or Mikage, she's not sure.

    It's certainly easy for Fuka to make her way through the crowd, even wearing the clingy green dress. Really, it's wonderful. And speaking of the dress, well, she spots someone she needs to embarass!

    Gwen might notice her approach but she'll CERTAINLY hear Fuka's voice bellow out as the little sylph steps up onto a nearby platform to show herself. "And BY THE WAY EVERYONE, the maker of this unique and lovely outfit is RIGHT HERE, and she's a competitor too! If you want a piece of her, I can't blame you! Gwen, say a few words!" she calls out, having activated her vocal enchantment once again. Sure, it's a drain on air mana, but she's just about done official duties so why not use it to embarass a friend further?
Shibuya - Main Square

Nyanta gives Soujiro a warm smile as he speaks quietly out of the 'not actually a mic but it really looks like one', "Thank you, Soji-kun." He turns his gaze to Asuna. She knows he's coming. He smells her fear. His half-lidded eyes and cat-like smile are on her now. He moves with the litheness of a cat balancing on a fence as he weightlessly traverses the seat backs to approach Asuna. He is coming for her. She cannot run.
Shibuya - Main Square

    Asuna may smell like fear, but she is actually ready for her turn. When the moment comes, she remembers her training. She rises, gently setting Yui in their seat. Breath in. Breath out. Eyes narrow.

    "A samurai is a blade," she begins calmly. "We begin as raw materials: iron sands and charcoal. Our training, like the first flames of a forge turn us into Tamahagane. But we are not shaped by a hammer. We are molded by the intensity of battle. Each time we lock wills with an opponent, we fold ourselves into something new. We remove impurities and become stronger. It is for this purpose that I am here. To become better than I am."

    She turns her eyes to look at her daughter, her expression suddenly gentle. She will then look back to Nyanta. "And further, I do this for my child, so that she can know that conflict can be healthy. That we must sometimes face things that we fear. That is the only way to be brave. I look forward to learning from all of my opponents." She punctuates this with a deep bow, then returns to her seat, putting Yui back in her lap.

Shibuya - Main Square

Nyanta smiles with a nod to Asuna before turning the 'not actually a mic its something else' to the little girl on Asuna's lap, "And what brings you here today, little miss (Ojou-sama)? Are you hear to watch the sparring, nya? Are you purrhaps a competitor as well, nya?"
Soujiro Seta
Shibuya - Main Square

Soujiro Seta gives a proud smile to Asuna. Training life is best life! The three samurai shall find their place upon the field of battle. Honorable. Yes, yes.
Shibuya - Main Square

    Asuna gives Nyanta a look for putting her daughter on the spot. There may be words about that later. And yes, the little Lander is quite shy. But she wants to be brave, too. So she sits up and answers as clearly as she can.

    "I'm here to see people duel! I want to be a samurai someday, too! I'll compete someday."

    Asuna really hopes not! She'd have a heart attack. She has years to work on that, though. Somehow she has to convince Yui that working in Pela's cafe would be the best possible career. Free cake for life!

Shibuya - Main Square

    Rizadoman has made his own way to the back of the crowd, the benefit of being a rather tall lizardman is he can watch over most peoples heads. He still has this unreadable face of sterness a she lsitens to everyone telll why they will fight. Beneath the mask of sternness the lizardman is rather happy, these fights will be really good.
Shibuya - Main Square

Gwen thinks it's about her turn and she'll pose for a moment with a grin on her face. She'll take a moment pick up Fuka. Like someone taking great care with a Puppy or a Kitten. She will deal with any protests or struggles if they are serious but when it's all over.

"Glad to be here Fuka, why am I in the tournament? It's a chance to show off to everyone that combat can be an art as tournament fighting is as much for the audiance as it is the fighters. It's our job to give all of you wonderful viewers a show you will not forget!"
Shibuya - Main Square

    Given that Fuka for once isn't wearing heavy armour, she's pretty easy to pick up, especially for someone like Gwen. She squirms, laughs, but her protests and struggles are no more than token. Somehow, and possibly by accident, she manages to maintain at least a modicum of decency despite wearing a clingy dress and being womanhandled by an amazonian sylph. Fuka does cling though, not wanting to be dropped. "Hey, you can show off ALL your art now!" Fuka insists, possibly meaning how she's being held up to the public. Or maybe she means fighting. Honestly it's hard to tell just what Fuka means sometimes.
Shibuya - Main Square

Goldenblade has basically faded into the background at this point. It seems counterintuitive that someone with her legendary status should fade from the public eye so easily, but it's not so much that as sharing the spotlight with -all- of the partricipants, all of the magnificent fighters that are here to test their mettle. She continues to help keep the crowd charged up for everything going on, cheering for Gwen as she promises a show no one will forget! She's here and there throughout the crown and wherever enthusiasm wanes, she'll spark it up again. Japanese society is much more in tune with getting psyched up than American society, what she remembers from when she left, and the crowd here is losing their minds in the excitement, which she draws energy from just being a part of.
Shibuya - Main Square

Gwen gris at Fuka, how is she taking who knows she is Morri's daughter after all.

"That I can all of it to everyone who comes and see the matches and I look forward to giving them a good time from that!" She's beaming but as she does so she's walking towards Stx with Fuka on her shoulder it seems she thinks it time for Syx to get his own promo. The man is a wrestler he needs to get this even she knows that much from watching it rarely with her dad back in the day.
Shibuya - Main Square

Yes they're finally coming over to him. Syx has been practically vibrating with anticipation. When they finally get to him, Syx gets up to his feet, and takes the microphone or whatever passes for one, "Well you know something Fukaziroh?! What'cha gonna do brother when Syx runs wild on you!" He starts pointing at random folks around the stands, "This tournament is a long time coming and I've been training super hard for it this year! Last time I thought I could just show up and fight, but this time is going to be different."

He continues to hold onto the mic as he turns and points out into the crowd, "But I'm here for each of you, you deserve a champion who you can be proud of, and I intend to be that champion!" No doubt the crowd reaction will be a bit mixed, because Syx IS, well, Syx.
Shibuya - Main Square

    With the excitement over the donkey, Asuna realizes it is about time for little one's to sleep. She fears she'll have to deal with protest, but Yui is blinking a bit sleepily. She scoops up her little girl and explains, "It's time to get to bed for us. Hm. After a snack, maybe." Pela's treats! Their siren call is impossible to resist. And Asuna may do some window shopping nearby. Atelier Nox is very much on her mind. For. You know. Reasons.

    Disappearing from the action, she makes her way off to find a treat and then get to their beds. Her duel is tomorrow, so she's got to be ready.