Life Read Between the Lines

Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    It's a quiet night in Eas. There are many quiet nights lately. Elly, as promised, has greatly limited her travel. There are no regular absences. She doesn't rush off to the latest dungeon. She has come to settle into a routine and is started to love her home far more than she ever imagined she could.

    This evening, she is sitting at a table in her quarters. Tae is already curled up in bed. She was reading, but has drowsed off into a comfortable sleep. Promises were made to wake her up when Elly gets into bed. For reasons that need not be detailed.

    "Hmmm, I wonder if we have enough lumber stored up for this project. I wonder how we can transport enough materials..." She's talking to herself. But that's hardly unusual.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Jazz has rarely been heard from as of late in the wider world, as of late. It isn't because she popped out of existence or anything, but rather, she's been chasing solitude.

... though her friendship with Wake and others, such as Uta, has prevented her from truly going off to find it.

"Mmn?" she says. She hadn't peen paying attention. Her eyes are down on the map she's very laboriously sketching on with her quill and ink.

"... need someone to reinvent the fountain pen," she mutters.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "Hmm? Oh. I will add it to our list."

    Because of course Elly has a list of things she wants to see recreated. This is just another one. This one gets added at the bottom of her rough list. She'll add it to the priority listing later, when she has time to analyze where it fits. It's likely to involve advanced materials. She thinks that requires extremely strong metals to make. She heard that somewhere. Tungsten? Someone will figure it out!

    "What are you working on, Jazz?"

    Elly shifts her focus from her notes to her companion. She looks over Jazz thoughtfully. There's something she wants to say, but not yet. There is a time for most questions. This one can wait a moment or two.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"Don't bother, seriously, it's not that important," says Jazz with an eyeball of her quill. "If people can go centuries using this, I can go a few years," she muses. Then she raises her head, tentacles twitching.

"...updating a map. I've been ... lax." Her head tilts at Wake, curious, eyes resting lambently on her.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "It may be really helpful in getting more children access to writing," replies Elly calmly. "So it's a good idea, basically, even if you can handle it for a while longer."

    She eyes the map for a time. The silence stretches. She can hear the soft sound of Tae's breathing from the bed. It makes her feel comfortable. It makes her feel focused.

    "I notice that you have been around here a lot more. Are you happy here, Jazz?" It's an innocent enough question, really. But it does invite exploration that might be more challenging.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"Happy," repeats Jazz.

" do know who you're talking to, don't you?" The wryness in her tone suggests she's well aware of her reputation for bringing down the spirits of others.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "You do know who you are talking to, as well, right?"

    Mother to orphans, priestess of a goddess of love, and genuinely admired leader of her small land. It is a pretty nice set of features. In short, she is something of an irresistible force for joy. She does not give up.

    "So, I repeat, are you happy, my dear?"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"I don't know what that is anymore," remarks Jazz, thoughtfully, shaking her head.

"But I've been .. better lately. I think I just needed some time." A glance towards Tae, curious, then back to Wake. She's not strictly speaking comfortable with interrogations about her *feelings*. Eugh!
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "Well, forgive me for being a problem, my dear, but I shall endeavor to remind you! One way or another. And patiently, as well. These things take time. It is enough to know you are feeling better lately, though. I know there have been some challenging moments."

    She notices Jazz's attention towards the bed and smiles. "She had an early day. When it is time for me to get to bed, I will wake her up for a proper goodnight. I promised." That word comes up a lot lately. So many promises. What is most interesting to her is how easy they are to manage. But each aligns with her values quite well. Thus far.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"You? A problem? You don't say," remarks Jazz, the wryness remaining present, even if there's no smile. She is not known to smile.

"I am doing better. Not as ... well. You know." She gestures nebulously. Depression is t he black beast hovering around her at all times, after all.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    As more than just a student of psychology before and now with the skills intensely related to it here, Elly knows very, very well. It is odd to her, being perhaps the most skilled healer of the mind in this world. System checks augmented by Legendary enhancement. She wonders at times what that means for those she cares for that have these kind of challenges.

    She does not dwell on that for long. She is smirking, instead, at Jazz's response. "You know very well that I can be very... persistent." And then some. She is not pushy per se. She just never stops trying new things to achieve what she wants.

    More seriously, though, she goes on. "I know, of course I do." She reaches out, and if allowed, will place her right hand over Jazz's left. "Tae and I will both stand by you. Always. Every step of the way. We will march into that darkness together, and do all we can to keep a guiding light in your view. Because you are wonderful and we would have it no other way."

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"That is how you talked me into staying for time in the firset place." She looks down towards the hand, though, uncertain. She's never been one for casual touching, after all, but she tolerates it.

For the moment, anyway. "I appreciate the words," she adds, eyes closing tightly for a moment as she focuses on some distant memory.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    Not pushing this too far, Elly withdraws from the touch. It is not abrupt, but feels natural. With her level of poise, everything is intentional, careful, expressive of exactly what she wishes to express. This level of control is a blessing. It is also a burden.

    "So... would you like to go for a walk with me? When we get back we can wake Tae and hear about whatever dreams she is having."

    Tae is a very frequent dreamer. Elly is notable for her lack of dreaming. Elly is also notable for being truly interested in hearing about dreams just for fun. She thinks it must be fun to have strange or pleasant dreams.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"I was getting restless anyway," remarks Jazz. She begins to roll ujper her scroll and places it in the case she carries wit her, slinging by its strap over ehr shoulder. She gets to her feet.

".. I should learn if I can produce ink with an art," she mutters.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "I think a lot of people are interested in ink for one reason or another. So if you did expand our knowledge of it, many would be delighted. It sounds like a fun thing to learn."

    She rises smoothly and leads the way out to the garden. She has no fear, even in the dark. However, with both moons near the full and many curtained windows still showing light, it's easy to see. The garden is lovely in the dark, and dew is thick on the grass and on the petals of the closed roses.

    The priestess is in no rush. She's got no planned course, either. She goes around the garden fountains, listening to the eager chirping of crickets, the cry of a few nocturnal birds, and a few other creatures that Elly isn't quite sure of. She is no master of animals, even if she delights in their presence.
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Neither is Jazz. She sees no reason to hurry anything at all. She's ready enough, though, eyes on the moons. "To walk under the same stars but with such a different sky," she murmurs.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    It is a quiet walk. There are times where Elly considers taking Jazz's hand, but she thinks better of it. She has, after all, made it clear that if Jazz wants that, she can reach out at any time. She also hopes to keep Jazz as comfortable as possible. This is patience, nurturing, a deeper affection and care born of love.

    The path eventually pauses at a fountain, but then the two walk on. Finally, they return to the place they started. Wordlessly, Elly leads the way back inside. After Jazz enters, she shuts out the night behind the door. A short while later, the light in the bedchamber goes out.