The town square of Dun Loireag has transformed over the course of a week into a festival dedicated to games of chance and skill. Everything from paying to food and drink to winning carnival prizes to ending up the next subject of the dunk tank is up to the whims of fortune. The only overarching rule is that each game is preceded by a binding oath of 'Aschente'... and that getting caught cheating is strictly not allowed. This isn't necessarily bizarre in and of itself, but the identity of the one sponsoring and organizing the whole thing /is./
That person: the Doctor of Tolbana, Prophylaxis.
What mischief is he up to? Will Alicia Rue lose it all in a game of strip poker!? (Probably not, rating is as rating does) And most importantly, who will go home with the mysterious grand prize!?
Find out here!!
(Scene will be full of games of chance (and skill(?)) in the style of carnival shenanigans. You might lose your shirt. You will probably lose your dignity. But it's all in good fun, probably.)
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
The kind that can make a prince out of a pauper, or vice-versa, in the course of a single dice roll.
One of the Root Town's squares has been converted into a makeshift outdoor casino. Games of all kinds are arranged in booths like the outer pockets of a giant roulette wheel. The 'center' of the wheel is home to a trio of larger games. One is a meandering maze where the goal is to reach the end within a certain span of time. Another is a draft grunty race, where enterprising gamblers can bet on how fast grunties can haul piles of goods from the north end of the plaza to the south. The third is an old fashioned arena for that evergreen distraction of betting on two people pucnhing each other in the face with sword or spell.
In all cases, there is a simple rule. Once you place a bet, you seal your word with a declaration of 'Aschente.' Win or lose, you accept whatever comes.
...Of course, this is all just a trial run of a much more complicated sort of thing, so the worst you can do is lose your money, and the best you can do is to win prizes put together by local entrepreneurs. Generally, this means foodstuffs or booze.
And of course, none of this would have been possible without... Prophylaxis of the Scale Emblem? What's a doctor doing running a gambling den? And for that matter, 'Aschente' is a rule native to Lumina Cloth, so what's it doing being used here...?
Mysterious. Truly mysterious.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
She is all for sharing cultures rather than trying to force them upon others through conquest, but she's curious as to why it was 'Aschente' and the concepts it followed the good Doctor chose to embody in this gaming collective.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Fuka is, perhaps surprisingly to some, not exactly a heavy gambler. She's a bit of a devotee of The Blind One however, acknowledging and relying on luck as much as she enjoys scheming and preparation. And she doesn't mind losing money, because money doesn't mean much to her other than as a way to have fun. And festivals, unsurprisingly, are fun!
She's currently over by the grunties, attempting to channel her in-depth affinity for animals to give her some kind of advantage in the grunty hauling contest. It might be easier for Fuka to pick up a grunty and haul it herself, but that's not exactly the sort of fun she's looking for. Now if there was greased grunty wrestling... but no, that's a different sort of event!
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Daiyu knew Llyn they knew what would happen in a place like this she was going to go very wild. She also sensed something with the Lumia cloth sealing of the gabling deals. What was Proph up to? Well one way to find out as she goes up to a old shell game and will try to guess where the coin is.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Draft grunties weren't necessarily going to be the best tasting ones, however his experiments had shown that there was a good chance that the size could be used to help narrow down the breeding stock. Syx did not seem interested in betting, yet. Not until he had inspected each and every grunty in every way he had learned how over the last few weeks of work.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
After a moment of silent reflection, he reprises, "You know, when I look around this place, the first thing that comes to mind is- what is wrong with Gwen Pendragon? Why hasn't she come up with casino bunny outfits yet?" He crosses his arms, pulls back, and narrows one eye slightly, as if for critically appraising the scene. "-Definitely- not enough casino bunnies around." Top-hat flicked slightly forward, he starts towards a very specific direction. "I need to go talk to the Doctor about this- but first!"
"Are those grunties? Are they racing? Is that guy going overboard in trying to determine the winner?" He squints at Fuka. "Are they letting minors play?"
Without waiting for an answer, he heads over there, and places his own bet on an animal. "Aschente!"
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
There is, in fact, another rule to the Aschente system. That is, if you're caught cheating, you automatically lose.
...If you're caught.
Llyn is having similarly bad luck. The cat-eared cait sith running the shell game has blisteringly swift hands, leaving the choice of cup ultimately up to the whims of fortune. And this time, it seems she's struck out. "Ooh, better luck next time," the hustler says. "Wanna go again?"
Meanwhile at the Grunty Pitch, two people are busy trying to inspect the animals-- for various reasons. Fuka is /pretty sure/ this iron grunty (an invention by the Scale, in fact) is the stronest of its fellows, considering how big and bulky all of that armor is. Does she take into account the fact that it'll be hauling all of that metal with it during the race...? Syx, meanwhile, is getting a bit more... in-depth in his inspections. One of the grunties, a big, shaggy-legged bull with long, pronged horns is certainly sizable enough to be of interest. Lot of meat on that one, its handler says proudly. Muscle stacked to the sky. Perhaps this is some kind of Longhorn Grunty? Or maybe a Clydesdale Grunty? Either way, if it's size (and pulling capacity) he's looking for, it's a good choice.
...But maybe not the best for the tenderness of the meat.
Shenmi, meanwhile, is able to pick out something... odd-looking. It's like someone fused a grunty with a snake. Its body is almost all muscle, but it's smaller than all the others too. Still... a low center of gravity can prove useful.
Soon enough, the race begins. Draft Grunty Racing is a messy thing. Each grunty is lashed to a sled piled high with crates and barrels While Fuka's Iron Grunty is certainly the most stable of the lot, owing to the fact that its metal-clad body gives plenty of opportunity to secure its cargo to, it just doesn't quite have the speed. Shenmi's pick of a Snakey Grunty (notably a Dun Loireag staple!) crushes at getting momentum going. It's small, but all power-- and all of that power drives its sled forward like nothing else. But as it crests one of the many bumps in the rough track, its slight size causes its sled to lose stability. A crate comes flying off, resulting in a crushing time penalty.
Right behind it comes charging the staggering hulk that Syx had picked out. It had a steady start, but its momentum just kept on building as the race went on. Eventually the Longhorn Grunty crosses the line just after the Snakey Grunty, with all of its cargo intact.
His winnings...
Consists of a package of premium Grunty Steak, and a slab of Grunty Brisket. Useful for someone working on the Ultimate Grunty Meat, if he can figure out who's responsible for these cuts. The others win smaller portions-- in the form of meal tickets for grunty sausages, grunty burnt ends, pulled grunty sandwiches.
It's a little twisted, racing grunties to win the opportunity to eat grunties. But that is the sad fate of the grunty. Both a beast of burden and a delicious meal animal, it is.
...Meanwhile again, nearer to Daiyu, a certain Doctor finally makes his appearance. He looks... haggard, like he's been running all over trying to get a festival together or something. "Ah, good to see you," he says over a cup of steaming tea. "I was hoping you and the others from your neck of the woods would make it. Well, what do you think so far? Not bad?"
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
"Why yes i'll go again, high this time!" She grins more and slaps the coinage she's betting down on the table. Daiyu you know what Llyn's like...this could be bad.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
A pause. "And I hope you reminded the game operators that -they- are suppose to follow it as well."
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
"Hey, Proph," he calls, approaching, and he boggles at the Doc's appearance. "Oh, man. You look like you've been through the mangler. You OK?"
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Fuka's pointy ears perk at hearing things. First the comment about casino bunnies. The little sylph is intrigued, and can definitely think of a few bunny girls she'd like to see! Or bunny guys, for that matter. She's not exactly picky. She's about to approve and engage positively when she hears a comment about minors. Turning around in mock irritation, she glares at Shenmi, missing the actual race itself. "Hey! Oh it's YOU!" she glowers. "After you begged me for drinks that one time too!" Fuka claims. That, of course, never happened. It was food, not drinks, and there was no reason age would have come up during that.
She huffs, shaking her head. "Whatever. I'm not going to take this sitting down. ONWARD!" she cries enthusiastically. She heads over to the maze. Okay, let it be known, Fuka has bad luck with mazes. Notoriously so. But will that stop her? Hell no! "Aschente!" she calls, despite having no clue what the contest is or what her odds of winning are. Boldness will win... or not!
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
For the time being he packs away the meat in his inventory, he'll need to get it to Asuna or Vertina soon for them to cook it up. For now, though, there's a lot more games of chance to be had, and Syx goes wandering out into the area proper. Maybe he'll try his hand at the combat arena too..
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Shenmi scratches the side of his cheek while trying to remember. He's begged so many people about so many drinks in so many circumstances and in so many states lying somewhere on the continuum between sober and drunk that he has trouble pinpointing the exact scenario Fukaziroh seems to be referring to. In the end, he decides it's probably not important, and moves on without saying a word about this particular part.
"Well, look at this. Meat," he comments as he collects his prize. Into the inventory goes the ticket. The devouring shall take place later.
Devouring of the cooked meat, that is. Not the ticket itself.
Heading over to rejoin with Daiyu, he remarks, "I am glad you decided to spread some nice Kallamore flavor to Yamato, Doctor. The games, the atmosphere, everything is as reminescent of home as we Adventurers can hope to." Shenmi has learned that, alas, recreating something akin to Lumina Cloth is beyond current Adventurer capabilities. "I've also heard rumors that someone is building an arena somewhere off to sea... an atoll or something..."
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Though there's probably still a way they're enforcing the rules... Probably.
"Strange mood," he says again to Schneider. "I've been keeping myself medicated, don't worry. Ahaha."
He sure looks bushed though.
"I figured that Dun Loireag was a good a place as any to test things out, considering how much money moves through here," he answers Shenmi with a nod. "And it seemed poetic for a place run by Cait Sith to be the first to trial the system."
Meanwhile, at the maze...!
"Aschente!" The Maze Master answers with a nod. "The rules are simple. Make your way through, no going over or under the walls, no peeking. Make your way to the other side in ten minutes or less, and win a prize!" Fuka manages to get a good deal of the way through after doing some mental mappematics, but unfortunately gets stumped at some kind of awful seven-way intersection right near the end of the labyrinth. Soon, a buzzer goes off and a ninja-looking snakeman pops out of a hidden passageway. "Time's up! Looks like you couldn't make it. Want to try again? I'll carry you back to the start lickety split."
Over at the shell game, Llyn is again unlucky. "Too bad. I think next time is going to go your way though!" This time, she was able to track the movement of the cups a little more easily. She might be getting used to the way this dealer is shuffling the coin around...
Not far away, Syx is busy making connections with the local farmers. It seems some of them may be interested in cooperating to aid in the development of Ultimate Meat... as long as he's willing to share breeding stock down the road, of course.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Her tails flick a few times, and she steps away from those gathering near the Doctor. "I think I shall take a stroll for myself." Adjusting her parasol as she wanders into the crowd.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Fuka's cross look at Shenmi is probably spoiled by the grin that spreads irrepressibly across her impish face. Either because she enjoys the banter or she's anticipating the food she receives as a consolation prize for losing a good chunk of money betting on the grunty race. One or the other, surely. "You are SO lucky Bao is cute." she says threateningly. "Just keep in mind he's the cute one and you get by on sufferance!" she explains before heading off for her next adventure.
Said adventure being an excursion into a maze, where her prize seems to depend on just how long it takes her to make it through the maze. She considers cheating, but only briefly. Sure her new relic could possibly help her solve the maze quickly, but it's cheating. And while she has no particular objections to being sneaky and devious in general, she's more interested in good competition and fun than she is at winning. Besides, if she cheated and got caught at it, well, that would just be embarassing.
With great enthusiasm and energy and not much actual skill, Fuka attempts the maze only to get caught up in a tangle that seems purpose-made to defeat maze solvers. Probably the entire maze is simplified just to make this particular intersection incredibly time consuming unless you happen to pick the right exit early. She's disappointed but not really upset. "I'll solve it!" she insists to the lizardly one. Meanwhile considering if she knows enough about the maze to make for a faster try the second time around. Assuming, of course, the maze doesn't have partitioned walls that can be changed between attempts. If SHE was setting this up, she knows she'd do exactly that.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
He gives Proph a big slap on the back, "Anyway all I'm saying is tell me how I can best help you out." He does pause and look at the fight ring, "And I hope it involves that."
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Returning to look to Doctor Prophylaxis, he knits his brow, and asks, "I am sorry... 'Strange Mood'?" He seems to be unfamiliar with the term.
"Now, that was low," Shenmi comments to Fuka with narrower eyes. "But I wasn't expecting anything else from the likes of you."
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Daiyu soon disappears into the crowd-- perhaps off to a game of her own. Or maybe just a quiet nook where she can get away from all these people?
"It's appreciated," Prophylaxis answers Syx with a nod. "Indeed, it's not a pleasant experience. But that's what support from one's alliances are for. For now though, all I ask is that you all just enjoy yourselves. Still, if you want to get in on the fighting ring, please feel free. I'm pretty sure there aren't any rules about betting on yourself."
"Aschente," he answers Schneider. "It's a means of declaring a verbal contract that is legally enforceable. Breaking the terms of an agreement signed under Aschente puts someone at risk of being sanctioned by the Guardians of the Root Towns. It's a rule that's used in Lumina Cloth, but for various reasons, I think it would have benefits if brought over here. Though for that, I need to convince the Kunie and political players of its merits."
Hence the festival.
"A strange mood is... A fit of madness brought upon by the World. Players are compelled to pursue a single goal above all else. Upon completion of their work, they gain renown in that area of expertise-- as well as an increase in personal capability. Useful, but a headache." There's a beat and a shrug, "I was thinking of bringing this to Carmina Gadelica first, but I figured that Dun Loireag was a better fit. And I'm a member of the kingdom, which makes getting certain things done a bit easier."
Fuka's guess is right on the money. The walls of this maze are modular things, capable of being moved around between attempts. But the overal dimensions of the maze haven't changed-- and she can spot some well-hidden but telltale marks where some of the walls have moved. Altogether, her navigation is much more rapid this attempt, and by the time she gets to that damn intersection, she has enough time to try several of the paths, until eventually...
She gets to the end right before the timer hits zero...!
"Congratulations on making it through in time!" The same SnakeNinja as before reappears with a bundle of tickets for food and drink-- and a big, soft, stuffed snake pillow. It has a little flicking tongue. "Our mascot, the Search Snake, is yours to keep! As well as some food and drinks on the house. Please come again to our next labyrinth. We hope you had an a-maze-ing time!"
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Of course, he will not -try- to get caught. And if they don't catch him, hey, it's a -realistic- simulation. He -has- to keep silent. There is no choice.
This is the Way.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Fuka's tickled pink at her victory, coming as it does from successful analysis of the problem and cleverness rather than lowdown dirty cheating. And of course the prizes. Food and drinks are great, and the oversized Search Snake is a delight. Fuka's enough of a girl at heart to love animals, including of course stuffed animals, and carries it around as a living testament to the event itself... no doubt drawing people in to challenge the maze themselves for a shot at the prize. All according to plan!
She wanders away from the maze after thanking the Search Snake - both the plushie and the live one - in search of other amusements. Only to spot Proph and Shenmi talking before Shenmi drifts off to play at cheating cards. So she ambles in to watch. "Prof. Baoman." she greets, waving the Search Snake in greeting and probably distraction.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Shenmi, in the meantime, sneaks away to a game of cards. It's blackjack, and there are many ways one can cheat at blackjack. Unfortunately, he goes for the most blunt force one possible-- right where Fuka might be able to catch him doing it. "Fuka. I see you're enjoying yourself," Prophylaxis says warmly. It seems he's too knackered to catch Shenmi in the act, himself.
Syx has wandered off to go punch some people in the face for fun and profit. It's probably for the best that he doesn't keep feeling up more of the grunties. One might think he was obsessed.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Once again, a demonstration in case he's caught. Not that he plans to while extracting one card from his sleev-
"AUGH! WHAT IS THAT THING!?", exclaims Shenmi, toppling backwards, arms crossed in front of his face to protect himself from the terrifying-
-...Plushie Search Snake?
Lying on his back on the ground, painting heavily, and, apparently, having sent 'sleeve cards' flying everywhere as he was scrambling to protect his face and keep his balance, he looks up at the little pillow creature.
He does not look amused.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Llyn has a much better time of it. Figuring out the layout of the maze and mapping what she sees against the overall dimensions helps to eliminate many of the false paths and switchbacks. She even manages to negotiate the seven-way intersection with little trouble! At the very end of the maze, the Search Snake appears and claps his hands slowly. "Well done, and on your first try too! Your prizes!" In addition to a Search Snake plushy and some food and drink coupons, it seems that winning on her first try has won Llyn a commemorative Search Snake hoodie! Its hood looks like a snake's head. It's... adorable? If you like snakes.
Meanwhile, Shenmi is caught red handed in the most embarassing way possible. He didn't even really get a chance to TRY cheating. The dealer makes a face and whistles loudly. Soon a couple of burly guards-- in Guardian Cosplay, it seems, pick Shenmi up by the arms and cart him off...
...To the Grunty Race Stables. The whole place smells of... fresh manure.
He's... handed a shovel. The punishment for cheating here is, apparently, to do some really dirty jobs. "After this," one of the guards says, "You'll be sent to the dunk tanks to clean off. Maybe you'll think twice next time and clean up your act too...!"
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Fuka is indeed enjoying herself, immensely in fact. That's more to the cause of the festive atmosphere and food, of course, as opposed to the actual games... but she's not objecting to the games either.
"Heya Prof." she greets with a broad grin. A brief flash of something shadows her expression for a moment, then she lightens up again. "I'd like to talk with you sometime about a few things, but it should wait for later. This is a festival after all! We can catch up later." she muses.
Fuka peers at Shenmi as he startles, spraying cards about. "Baoman." she greets again, extending a hand. To shake, or to help him up perhaps. "Are those cards SUPPOSED to fly everywhere like that?" she asks with a playful grin. "Is this a magic trick? Oh hey are you going to pull the queen of hearts out from behind my ear?" she asks, both drawing attention to his act of blatant cheating and offering an excuse. That he was trying to pull something is obvious and nothing she can do would change that. But ... well, she's not going to be a dick about it! Or pass up an opportunity to mess about either.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Daiyu isn't bothered by Llyn beating her, she knows the pirate woman has certain skills that would of added her more.
After that positive reviewing, of course she is going to try again. Now she has to figure out the right way.
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
Dun Loireag - The Highland City
On her second run through the maze, Daiyu has a much better time. She's more used to how a Classic Search Snake Labyrinth is laid out, and even the shifting walls don't throw her off too badly. Soon, she finds her way to the end, where the Search Snake is waiting for her with prizes in hand.
"Well done, honored guest! Please, take your hard-earned rewards and do come visit one of our other ventures the next time we set up shop!" Like Fuka and Llyn, she comes away with a snuggly Search Snake mascot plushy and several food and drink coupons. Not a bad haul for a fun trip through a maze!
Schneider meanwhile ends up at a table for, of all things, a simple high-low card game. Though it's got a bit more skill involved than pure luck.
"Of course," Prophylaxis answers Fuka with a nod, "We'll chat some other time. Please enjoy your time at the festival!" It seems he's too tired to notice the-- whatever that is, that flashes across her expression. But he seems genuine in his wish for her to have fun. What a suspiciously friendly guy!
Dun Loireag - The Highland City