Operation Hat Get

Llyn and Jayu talk about a plan to save some Crownless from captivity.

Camp Wrath

It was early in the morning... Or was it in the middle of the night? It was hard to tell underground... But that didn't bother Jae Gu none. He was hard at work, at all times: no XP wasted. He had been spending most of his time nowadays helping the rebels of Camp Wrath fortify their location, and on his off time, he was either training, eating, or sleeping.

Currently, Jae Gu was doing the second option. It was sort of a ritual for the people at Camp Wrath. Every day, Jae Gu would take off his magic hat and produce a feast worth of food, which greatly decreased the supplies necessary for the running of the facility and increased morale to boot.

At the moment, Jae Gu was sampling some Beef Wellington, thanking whatever gods actually existed in this game that his soggy cracker days were over for good...
Camp Wrath

Llyn should really not be in the Palace lands with her kingdom affilatiob but she can't keep away. There are other people suffering the same fate she did after all. Still she was here and would pop in behing Jayu.

"I smell food! I smell a lot of food tell me you are sharing!"

She's not clinging to him after all Jayu is clearly CLAIMED and his lady is very scary if she's angry.

"So hungry."
Camp Wrath

Jayu is of the same mentality. He himself was recently saved on a rescue effort made by Llyn a little more than a month ago, and ever since, the number of people who could blame HIM for taking away their freedom was eating away at him. He needs to make that right, by whatever means necessary...

He waves his hand to the feast-like meal and gives gives one of his disarming, nervous smiles, "Ah, there's plenty to go around! Feel free to have as much as you like, Llyn!" Of course, Yeowang is used to seeing women TRY to hang on Jae Gu. Due to his Gynophobia growing up, most women failed at that task...
Camp Wrath

Llyn is now looking at the food she's drooling or just about ready to at the go to dig in? She's just on the food like a hungry shark. Though she's not wolfing it todown, she's cearly taking her time but clearly loving every moment of it. She nomfs away looking over at Jayu for a moment. Finally when she's not stuffing her face she speaks.

"One that is amazing, two how goes the decrowning? I had to be tossed in a sack and dragged to the statue..."
Camp Wrath

Jayu finishes the one dish before securing himself some pork ribs. As he responds to his pirate friend, his tone is somewhat less than upbeat. "Well, it's... not going as good as I would like, to be honest. What with our efforts lately, they have started to move in groups of two or more, the Crowned. So it's been hard to... ah... Isolate them. Especially since MY decrowning. They've gotten too cautious."
Camp Wrath

Llyn says "It was only a matter of time till the buddy system came into play if we're being honest but if we could pull them off we should start looking into those involved who are not hiding in the cities. Though our fellows first, right? Any leads on anyone yet? Sounds like we'd need to pair up if we could stage an ambush, make use of traps to seperate them..." Nomf she eats some more trying some of the ribs now.
Camp Wrath

Jayu is only lightly picking at the food before him, his thoughts focused on the topic of conversation, "I've tracked down a few of the people I Crowned, but I am not being as good at it as I think I should be." He frowns, "As much as I said I would fight to save as many Crowned as I can... I... think I have been a little to cowardly at it. I am not really taking as many risks as I could be. As I SHOULD be. I'm..." His hand starts to shake a little, and his fork clinks on the plate once or twice before he stops it with a sigh. "I'm still scared. Of that Church. Of what they DID to me."
Camp Wrath

Llyn says "They got my best friend, I had gone back for her to get her out..." She pauses "I'm just making her uncomfortable as it's fun!" Yes the trolling oh the trolling there.

"Look lets focus on the plans you got every one we free is a double win, they get weaker, and people against this have one less person to fight. We should free who we can when we can sooo lets stick to ambushing smaller groups?"
Camp Wrath

Jayu forces the smile back to his face, though it's not the brightest, "You're right. If we concentrate our efforts, maybe we can knock out two at the same time. I mean, we won't be able to save any high profile targets, but... Save as many as we can, right?" He looks off in the distance, to the east, in the direction of Rosenheim. He seems to have been affected quite a bit by his trip to the Church Drowning Pool...
Camp Wrath

Llyn says "So let get to i have some some area maps. Hey the more we remove from their hold the better. You ever hear the story about the boy throwing washed up fish on a beach back into the sea? An old man said you can't save them all. Why bother? The boy replied it mattered to the ones he saved and kept throwing fish back in."

Llyn couldn't have had that pulled on her being an undrine and had to be hunted down she pauses.

"They got you in the Chruch didn't they..."
Camp Wrath

Jayu snaps back to paying attention when she says the C-word, "Oh. Ah... Well, yeah. The drowning..." He gives a nervous laugh and smile, "I... was a little unlucky. I probably should have picked Undine, huh? Well, you know. Yeowang's younger brother built the character, and he said this one was... uh... Optimal. So... I guess I just got unlucky, huh?"
Camp Wrath

Llyn winces. "Yeah, I do intend to find the landers who were in on that. They are going to die for what they die. Too many ... people from our server has been killed by the Landers....or worse." She sighs and looks back to the meal. "We work with what we have and honestly i feel great like this. I was so generic looking my eyes would be hidden if I was in an anime..."
Camp Wrath

Jayu gives a smile, "That seems hard to picture, but I believe you. More or less, I looked like this. I had a lot lighter hair than this, though. I think the black hair is a spriggan thing? I... Did a body scan, so everything is the same... That helped me with picking up the martial arts of this world."

He clears his throat, "Right. Ah. So. Knock'em out, put em in a bag, head back to the statue. Any nuance to that, or....?"
Camp Wrath

Llyn says "Not really unless we get someone on board who can break them that's the plan. I know I'm a rogue agent who knows a lot about their navy so getting their mits on me could work or I could try to seduce them." She winks. "Whatever works to get them freed right?"
Camp Wrath

Jayu gives a warm laugh, "I could see you succeeding at that, Llyn! If you distract them, I can knock one of them out, and you can knock the other one out when they turn to look at what I just did. Does that sound like a plan?"
Camp Wrath

Llyn grins "That's the plan I had in mind. We're going to press gangf them into freedom and that does sound like a plan to me! Also I think you and Yeowang are cute together."
Camp Wrath

Jayu turns red as a beat, scratching the back of his neck with a shy blush, "I! Ah... Well, thank you. I am sure it's mostly her. She IS amazingly beautiful, after all. I... think I got lucky in that I was just one of very few fish in the sea... Heh..."
Camp Wrath

Llyn says "Don't sell yourself short." She notes as she goes back to finishing off her food. "I have some maps and intel we can go over who we can try to free." She notes musing on this for a moment.
Camp Wrath

Jayu nods with a serious look on his face, "I have been doing some intel gathering as well. We can share what we have. We'll save them all yet."