What an animal!

Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Plans are underfoot. Well no actually, boot soles are underfoot, and Fuka's plans have nothing to do with boot soles. Aside from probably requiring a lot of walking. But that's not why she requested Uta to join her at Gwen's shop, no! Partly the little blonde's hoping to also recruit Gwen. Not necessarily because Gwen would be useful in the plans, but because Gwen's a friend and it'll all be fun. Not the least of which is all the discussion that Fuka expects will be rather... easy to misinterpret!

    That, and of course Fuka loves accessorizing and looking good. She's not particularly interested in peacocking, but fashion is a matter of personal pride for her. And Fuka is nothing if not prideful! She's busily going through scarves at the moment, waiting for friends to show. Some of which were even invited!
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If the Chain Mail Bikini +1 is one of those shops with a door chime, the chime would ring. If not, it doesn't, simple as that. Unless, well, one considers the possibility of enchanted door chimes, whereby one could have customized sounds when the door is open. That would be pretty cool, actually, has anyone already made or Strange Mooded one of those?

This is what going through Uta's head as she crosses the threshold into the store, looking as distracted as she is prone to. Something, all of a sudden, seems to attract her attention. She flicks through her menu, selects an option, twists her mouth, and touches one of her thigh-high white boots.

"...No wonder it was feeling a bit funny, I think the durability is getting a little low." She looks up and away, and, one finger on her lips, she trails off, "...They're getting a bit old..."

"Oh, hey, Fuka!", she blinks and smiles. "Fancy finding you here! I was supposed to meet you at the Chain Mail Bikini +1, but I got sidetracked by my boot soles needing some repair, so I thought I'd swing by the Chain Mail Bikini +1 on my way to meet you at the Chain Mail Bikini +1, and..."

She frowns for a moment, as if to try and grab the reins of her runaway train of thought again. "...here I am, I guess?"
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    Fuka grins in unfettered delight at Uta's arrival and rambling remarks. "And here you are indeed!" the little Sylph calls out happily, holding out her hands which currently hold a scarf. She sets her fingers in a frame encapsulating Uta as if taking a picture, completely ignoring the scarf's presence. It should be clear, to most people anyways, she's not offering the scarf. "Model for me! That's right, spin around, show off some leg. Maybe a bit of skin, hm~ Excellent, excellent! Show me some passion! Now show me some heated blushes! Oooooh hot hot hot!"

    Never mind Uta's probably not spinning around, showing off skin, or anything of the sort. Fuka isn't actually out for that. This is just her being weird.
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The 'model for me!' part has Uta snap out of her distracted state; not to full attention, more like a student caught daydreaming and trying to figure out what class they're attending.

It also seems to trigger some instincts, because the order to spin around is followed with surprising automatism, as if she was on autopilot.

It is around the part about showing off some leg where she immediately retracts the lower limb she had already started extending. "FUKA! NO!", she exclaims, flailing her arms and wings, as she is prone to do in these circumstances, while she tugs on the hem of the skirt of her gi/uniform combo to supposedly cover more leg (but we all know this is a temporary measure that lasts only as long as it's kept pulled). "That's taking advantage of years of ingrained reaction after modeling for Gwen!"

It's unclear whether her blushing, already quite red, deepens because of Fuka's comments or-

...ok, ok. It's -definitely- because of Fuka's comments.
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    "Years of ingrained reaction?" Fuka asks skeptically, then shakes her head. "But it's so natural, so ... so you!" she exclaims. Especially the blushes and flailing. "Magnifique!" she adds, touching fingers to lips in a chef's kiss. Then looking down at the scarf she just kissed, frowning slightly in puzzlement. Uta's not the only one reacting on automatic it seems.

    The puzzlement doesn't last long though. She shrugs, then puts the playful grin back where it belongs. "You know I'd never take advantage of you. Gwen's training is another matter entirely. I'll take advantage of that forever!" Fuka adds, waggling eyebrows suggestively. "I'm trying to pick out some accessories for a trip. Only I'm not sure if I should go to the mountains and should pick out something warm, or if I'm going to the jungle and should pick out something cool. Care to help me out?"
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"You are training Gwen? In what?", Uta asks, curious. Seems like the flailing is all gone in one moment as her train of thought jumps tracks. "No kissing the merchandise," Uta adds, "Gwen might not appreciate."

Uta frowns in thought at the accessories Fuka is going through, even scratching her chin for good measure. Once she's done deliberating, she declares, "Mountins, definitely. You can always add another layer in case it gets cold. Can't remove any more layers once I AM NOT GOING THERE CONSIDERING WHO I AM SPEAKING WITH."

She clears her throat, and continues, "Unless you stick to specific times of the year and parts of the jungle where you know the temperature will be manageable. In which case, definitely jungle. It will afford you more freedom of movement. It's especially important for us Godhands."

After a moment of consideration, she adds, "A trip? For pleasure?"
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    Fuka gives the question, and all the advice, due consideration. More the question than the advice admittedly. The advice helps, but it doesn't really resolve anything. More fodder for the decision, and perhaps she'll have to elaborate. And perhaps the elaboration will be an opportunity... for fun!

    "Oh yes, definitely." Fuka agrees roguishly. "Oh hey I never told you how it went with your advice to seek out Ryguy! It was... mmmh, it was pretty amazing, to be honest. Great advice, and I enjoyed the experience a lot!"
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"Oh?", Uta asks, perking up with a smile. "Really?", Uta asks. "I have to hear everything about this. How did it go? What did he say? Did he suggest anything in particular? Did-" She stops, and looks around. "Hang on-"

She darts left and right all over the shop, until she finds an unused stool, likely there to help people who need to try on boots (with soles) or something of the sorts. She brings it where Fuka is, and sits down.

Now finally able to see eye-to-eye, she leans over and continues, "Where was I? Oh, yes. Did anything interesting come of it?"
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    Setting the scarf aside for the moment, Fuka shrugs. "Gwen won't mind. My kisses are priceless! She can probably sell the merchandise for even more now!" she muses, waiting for Uta to settle.

    Once she does, Fuka begins to answer the barrage of questions. After giving some consideration as to exactly the story she wants to tell, of course. Fuka's a gifted storyteller, and her gift is a chaotic one. "Well, I did go to see him of course. And told him how I was missing something in my life. A void that I wanted to fill. You know, maybe even something like loneliness, not that you and my other friends aren't absolutely delightful but sometimes you just want a special something that's just a little... more. Right?" she asks.

    The mood properly set, the stage revealed, Fuka leans in herself. Eye to eye? More like right in face to face! "He asked me what sort of companionship I was looking for, and offered examples. One of which was... well, I almost blush to admit it, but one of which was himself!"

    Yeah right, as if Fuka has shame enough to blush.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta meets the first of Fuka's comments (about scarves now being some sort of prized collectible) with a slight frown of skepticism.

The rest of the story, conversely, is met with an ever-increasing widening of eyes and slackening of jaw. "...you...he..."


"I mean, I know he's flirty... and... and I thought he was very, very taken... but..."

Panic creeps in. "...now that I think about it, I haven't seen Xander in a while..."

"...ohno...", she whispers, soft, quiet, pale.

"I thought the discussion was about something else, but... Were his intentions... serious?"
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    "VERY taken? Well he's pretty easy on the eyes that's for sure. I'd very take him!" Fuka lies cheerfully. Well, it's not entirely a lie. He's kind of her type, but she read his flirting as like her own. Something meant for fun, not to be taken seriously. He's fun, he likes animals, and he's gorgeous. But then, much the same can be said for Uta and while Fuka has no real limits when it comes to her friends, she has no real interest in pressing those limits either.

    "I don't think I've met Xander. I didn't realize Ryguy was into BLT without the tomato. Not that that should upset anyone worth anything of course." Fuka claims. "As to him being serious, I think he takes flirting as seriously as most people take anything!" she grins. "I'm considering meeting up with him in the Palace Lands for ... adventure." she adds, before taking pity on Uta. "To find animals for trade, and for me hopefully. He suggested I'd probably like a raccoon-crow, and I guess that means he's remarkably smart for such a pretty man!"
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"...What is a BLT?", asks Uta, confused, followed by a prompt "And what's a BL?" and a delayed, "...do we even have tomatoes?"

But the questions give way to an upwards ramp of concern, gasping, and wing-fluttering.

Until, that is, the final reveal. "...Oh. OH. A raccoon-crow. Yes. Yes, that is an excellent idea," she nods. "It's very you. Clever. Mischievous. Tiny. Adorable, in a jocularly criminal sort of way. An inspired choice," she confirms. "Rylen truly is a Beastmaster."

"So... is that why you're planning to go on a trip? To capture one?" Looking up and away, she begins to tap her chin, pensively. "Hm. In that case, I suppose that the choice of destination, be it mountain or jungle, should be left to someone with the Capture Animal skill." Turning back to Fuka, she asks again, "Have you discussed this detail with Rylen already? Has he left you free to pick which of the two?"
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    "Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato? Though here it'd probably be a GLT for Grunty, but that ruins the reference." Fuka explains, without actually explaining BL. Probably for the best.

    She grins as Uta explains the similarities between her and a raccoon-crow. "Curious, intelligent, adorable, mischevious..." she adds, repeating the parts she especially likes. "I see what you did there with adding tiny!" she adds with a pout of annoyance so clearly fake that it should be obvious she's not at all bothered by the comment, finding it far more amusing than anything else. "And Ryguy could master my beast any time! But yeah, he offered to help. I'm not sure about capturing though. It feels like a bad idea to start a relationship with kidnapping, don't you think? I'd rather find one and convince him to join me. Bribe with treats and shinies. You know, things that attract Fukas and Fukalikes!" she grins. "Maybe there's one that's not very popular with the other raccoon-crows because it's a bit too weird? And we can bond over our willingness to be different! I'm actually kind of hoping the game skills will help me get this across to one of them, othrwise... well, it could take a long time to tame one enough to convince it to leave whatever group it's in. What do you think? A murder? A... what's a group of raccoons called? A bin? A nuisance?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"What did I do right there?", Uta asks, confused.

The comment about taming Fuka's beast is met with, well, wingflailing of course, "I admit I probably am being a shame to my race," begins the Spriggan, "but I have no idea of how to start a good relationship with a kidnapping." Shame has indeed crept into her words.

At the description of the weird, unpopular raccoon-crowd, Uta stands up abruptly, sending her stool to skid backwards. "Do not sell yourself sh-" Pause. "Do not underestimate yourself!", exclaims Uta. "I cannot believe you could have been unpopular outside ETO, and I cannot believe you are here! In fact, I think... I think..."

She frowns, and as she announced, she thinks. The issue is, when Uta thinks, her thought process is bound to spill all over the place.

"A group of crows is called a 'murder'. A group of raccoons is called a 'gaze', or a 'nursery'. So... a 'gurder'? A 'murderous gaze'? A 'nurder'? A 'murdery'? Or perhaps a 'nurse-murder'..."


"No, no, let us not go with the last one," she says, with a serious frown that means business, and flicking her hand in dismissal for extra effect.
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    Fuka's actually rather touched at her friend's staunch defense of her. She considers explaining how she grew up in a rather starkly conservative space where her weirdness ended up driving people away, unlike how it's probably somewhat more attractive among fellow gamers. Indeed she's far from unpopular here, in all fairness. But if she were to explain that, it would end up re-tracking Uta, and Fuka would much rather follow the derailment.

    Fuka grins at the last bit, her expression peak playful without directly acknowledging nurse-murder. "I quite like Murdery." she says instead. "Murderous gaze is pretty nice too, but I wonder if people might misunderstand! And you can still say I'm selling myself short, you know. I have a friend outside with a height complex, but I *like* being this size here! I love being cute, and seriously it's *such* a relief knowing I don't have to take anyone seriously when they try to hit on me! You probably have no idea how bad it feels to have someone take an interest in you for your looks, then start backing away when they realize you're not a 'normal' girl!" she explains, packing derision into the word 'normal'. Okay, so she did end up explaining it, a little.

    She sighs. This is a bit heavy, and she doesn't really want to get into it too deeply. Enough to put Uta at ease about teasing perhaps, but no more unless her friend wants to go further with it. It's not really something Fuka talks about, being about RL, but this is Uta, with whom she willingly shares even RL things. "Anyways that's only one possible trip, and one I do intend to take and get Ryguy's help, so long as he's willing. Or others too, of course! The other trip is to the mountains around here. I'm also thinking of exploring my soulbond with Kirin, and that means going where there's lots of exciting thunderstorms, right? I have some ideas about how to protect myself so I won't actually die from touching her."
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"Why don't you have to take anyone seriously?"

The question is genuine. Uta seems to have no clue about what's going on there, what the context is. "And, well, uh... I have to confirm. No, I cannot say I know what it's like. I mean, probably because either nobody did, or, perhaps, me being me, I never noticed anyone taking interest in me or my looks in particular before the Apocalypse, or... or... where was I again?" Silence. Blink. Narrowing of eyes. "Oh, yes. Elly gave me... The Talk. You know, about how about I look attractive now, and should start being careful about people hitting on me because of that."

After some thinking, Uta scratches the back of her head, and mumbles, looking away, "It turns out people have been hitting on me, and I had missed it completely."She returns to look at Fuka, "But either way, well, both before the Apocalypse and After, I don't think it takes long for people to find out I'm not 'normal', so..."

"Murdery it shall be."

"I cannot think of anyone better than Rylen to have in your party for such a journey," Uta confirms. "And... uh... why would you die by touching a Kirin?"
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    Fuka laughs at that, bright peals that probably draw attention. "Anyone can find me cute, nothing wrong with that!" she claims, delightedly. "But anyone hitting on me? Well, they're either just having fun like Ryguy, or they like little girls a little too much!" she claims offhandedly. Yes she knows she looks like a child. Well, that's not entirely true. She has curves. If someone actually looks, they can surely tell Fuka's an adult. But someone attracted by first glance? Yeeeeah skeevy. In any event, Fuka's not nearly as casual about some things as she suggests. She'll do pretty much anything for a friend, or *to* a friend for that matter, but she's completely uninterested in intimacies without friendship first.

    She just nods however, accepting Uta's explanation in the spirit of friendship. And with only the slightest tinge of disappointment. Part of Uta's charm, like with Karen of her past self, is their obliviousness to just how amazing they are. Attractive too, of course, even if that's the least of their best features. Fuka doesn't express the sentiment aloud though. There are limits to how to poke at shy friends. "Aunt Elly gave you The Talk?" Fuka eyebrow-waggles. "Honestly I can't imagine you not being cute. And I'd totally be okay with getting to know you if we ever somehow return to our old selves. Especially if you're not normal! Normal is boooooring!" she snorts.

    She pauses to consider the final question. "Well, you know, divine beast of lightning." Fuka explains. "I mean sure, it probably wouldn't kill me with a single touch even if she wanted to. I'm pretty tough! But while I'm okay with the risk of getting hit by lightning, I get the idea Kirin can't control having all that electricity. She could control the strength of it, but not the effect, and I know she didn't want to hurt me that time when I approached her. When I approach her again, I want to be able to reassure her she won't hurt me unintentionally. It seems like the right thing to do, and really who else out there has put in as much effort into studying the channeling of lightning as I have?" Fuka asks, bragging just a little. Also, Fuka doesn't actually know the Kirin is female. Yes, she's assuming its gender. How hurtful.
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"Oh. Oh... OH!" Uta exclaims, in realization. "I... yes. The way you look here. You mean first impression and all that. Not knowing you're actually tall and all that." Silence. "Or... -were- tall, depending on what happened."

At the eyebrow waggling, Uta flails her arms (and, of course, wings). "YES! Minus the medical part. She trusted I knew that one already because, you know, nurse. So, no birds or bees, due to having Pharmacy aplenty and zero Animal Handling skills." Silence. And then bursts into laughter, shaking her head, "Well, there's an outside to go out to, and we end up meeting there, you'll see for yourself. And- uh- well, you... you already know how normal, or not, I am. I mean, that part has nothing to do with appearance."

"Makes sense. I suppose you could set up some sort of... I don't know, grounding wire on your gauntlet that runs along your sleeve and reaches to your feet, where- hm. But I wonder if grounding the Kirin is a good idea. Will it hurt her?" Seems like Uta blindly rolled with a female Kirin, blindly trusting Fuka there. "I mean, I know kids do look pretty hurt when they're grounded. I suppose more research is in order and- wait, what am I saying?"
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    Fuka's not really sure what she thinks about Uta being warned over people who find her cute. It's a bit smothery really. "You know, one girl to another, I don't think you need to be afraid of people finding you cute." she offers candidly. "Just... you know, people who'd use you for your looks then throw you away after, or those who are drawn in before they know who you really are. Not so different from me I guess! I haven't found it all that much of a problem here though." she adds. "When it was a game, that sort of thing happened all the time. Now that we actually live here and there are consequences though, I find that sort of thing a whole lot rarer. People misbehave when there's no consequences, that's just being people I guess. But there are few enough people I find really... well, people not worth being around, if you know what I mean."

    There, Fuka's done her big sister act for the day. Now time to share some geekery. "Actually been thinking about it. I think I'll design an enchantment that allows me to activate grounding in response to excess lightning. I have my earth defensive shield magic of course, and that's purely defensive so the Kirin won't be bothered by it. But a magical defense that can trigger if things get out of control? Well, I mean I don't want to hurt the Kirin and she knows that. Or she did when we met before. But she doesn't want to hurt me either, so this is only to help with that! Anything else, well, we'll have to see how it goes. Get to know each other!"
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"Well, it was more like...", Uta begins in response to Fuka, not without a blush, "...uh... the importance of proper communication, not sending wrong signals. How being eccessively friendly like grabbing a random Gnome's hand, dragging him into your traveller's wagon, and taking him on adventures all around Yamato without further trusted friends around might be taken as an encouragment to a romantic relationship. Which, as you may aware, it wasn't. You know, that sort of thing." A story about non-consensually taking a someone's hand-holding virginity Fuka may be familiar with.

"But yes, it more or less boils down about what you say."

"...Enchanting sounds so fascinating," Uta states, quietly, the way one would speak in a church or temple: slowly, keeping her voice low. "If I hadn't my hands full with musical martial medicine, I think it would be a fascinating field to pursue." She smiles. "But, hey, that's the good thing. If I ever need any kind of enchantement, I can always ask you!"
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    Fuka is of course familiar with the story of gnomish non-consensual handholding, and is a good enough friend to pay the implications no mind. Embarrassing your good friend is one thing, but it should be done teasingly, not by poking at a tender spot. Fuka might call Uta a heartbreaker, but not quite in this context.

    "Enchanting is like tennis." Fuka agrees. Not that the parallel is obvious in any way, or for that matter even slightly rational. "Or martial arts. Or healing I guess! Like, anyone can dabble, but it takes a lot of time and effort to get good at it. And it's very rewarding when you do!" she shrugs. "Priorities. None of us can do everything. I would of course be thrilled to enchant you. Enchant *for* you, I mean, of course!" she grins playfully. "Just like I know I can count on you when I need you there, Songbird." she adds. Perhaps a little realer than intended, but she doesn't regret sincerity. Much.