Caits in a Bar

Cyrus meets with Sassaral for the first time.

Alne - Hostess of Fertility

The Hostess of Fertility. A place that supports newbies and shows a friendly face to all who come here. It is a shame that the food here all tastes the same. All the food... everywhere... tastes the same.

The Cait Sith, Cyrus, luckily has figured out that fresh and untouched ingredients taste fine. So he's gotten into the habit of asking for fresh fruit and vegetables. It's not much, but it gives some color to the world.

The thick-tailed snow leopard Cait Sith remains seated at one of the warm looking brown tables, tail coiled around the chair, his both arms leaning forward against the the table. Staring at the porridge he has sitting - ready to deal with the 'hungry' status showing on his UI.

The place is somewhat empty. Most people only use Alne as a thoroughfare. Though with the Olympus Alliance and Scale Emblem alliance looking to create patrols, things are likely to get busy in the future.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    A certain Lupine Cait Sith comes here frequently, and more often than not it's not //just// to eat. No, no; a thoroughfare this may be for most, but those who linger prove to be interesting fodder for one so curious as Sassaral Hana. She's just the sort who would take that 'bland' commonplace fare graciously and eat it without complaint. In life and in game, Sassaral is //not// hard to please. (More and more, it's 'in game' that is beginning to matter the most to her... but that's a thought for another time.)

    So upon arrival, the little wolf in the bright dress is briefly saddened to see a fairly empty bar. As she walks into the establishment, carrying upon her person a basket of herbs and flowers, Sassaral gives the room-at-large a quick onceover to see what's what. There appears to be at least one other here (not counting 'staff') who seems to be gazing raptly upon something in a bowl.

    She may be gentle and mild, but interestingly enough Sassaral is not shy. Coming up alongside the table at which the Snow Leopard ruminates his porridge, the young lady twitches and ear and gives her floofy tail a lazy swish, "How is it today? Is it the apple cinnamon flavor or..." A wince, "With raisins?" She asks Cyrus, smiling kindly.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

The round-eared Cait Sith tilts his head up at the sound of the feminine little wolf. 'Cyrus' is his name, according to the in game INSPECT function. He notes the basket of herbs and flowers with an inquisitive look. It's not often he sees people who actually specced into gathering. Certainly, Elder Tale Online had its crafters. But many did not enjoy the gathering aspect that much.

"I am afraid it's the same as always. It tastes like soggy crackers. /With/ apple if I just eat the chunks of apple at the same time." He notes while glancing at a cart next to him. It's not that busy at this time, so he gets to take it inside. It's got a bunch of apples sitting at the top.

The youth motions across the table. "Want an apple?" He inquires.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    Oooooh she's a hardcore gatherer. Sassaral is //not// someone you want in your raid party! But here she is, hours' worth of time spent exploring the grid, digging through bushes and dug holes and beaches and... yeah, you get the picture. One look at her and you //know// she isn't a combat build. Her pretty golden eyes soften with mirth, "Apples and soggy cracker. Mmmm." A tail wriggle, a quick smile. Seems the absolute //blandness// of meals doesn't even seem to touch Sassaral's countenance much. Encountering other Cait Sith seems to fascinate the heck out of her and she rips her gaze away from that coiled, ringed tail and back up to the youth's face.

    With her moniker easily discerned as 'Sassaral', the wee wolf looks positively enthralled at the offered fare. "I love apples!" She exclaims, her basket of roughage trembling slightly. Assuming this to be an invite, she will sheepishly lower her slight self down to take a seat, "How fare you, today?" Asked outright as she sets her basket down. There's a plethora of colorful blossoms in that basket, along with berries. She looks cute and eccentric.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

"I don't know how you can smile about that one, but I'll take the company." He remarks, leaning down and grabbing an apple. He rubs it over his sleeve and then throws it her way in a short and tall arc - easy to catch. It's easier to move in this world, it always seems. Easier to catch things. Easier to do what the mind wants to do. No doubt this is part of why Sword Artes and the like function.

Or at least, that's Cyrus's mind on things.

"I'm fairly well. I've largely just been trying to restock on basic potions. Now that everyone's near level 1 again, a single potion goes a long way. And it's my duty to keep people safe." He explains. "I still don't trust what might happen when we die. I heard the last person claimed it 'hurt' to die. Which is..."

He trails off, shaking his head, silver eyes glancing away as if his mind was trailing off right along with those words.

"I suppose it is what it is." He decides. "How about you?" Compared to the most cynical cat, she looks bright and sunny. A clear contrast drawn between the two of them.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    "I smile at the kindness!" The waif-like Cait Sith exclaims as she catches the treefruit deftly and sinks animal-white teeth into the flesh, biting with relish. A happy sigh as she gnoshes.... whoever is 'behind' the Adventurer that is Sassaral, she must savor the 'simple things'. That apple might as well be a filet mignon because she's happy with it in her palm, ears cocked forth just barely to signify interest.

    Munch much swallow; talk when done. So much politeness. "I've never encountered you before." Said simply, observationally; golden eyes peer up to once again take Cyrus into account. Talk of being reverted to the ghastly 'level one' does not seem to phase the little wolf in the least. "I haven't done a thing to prepare myself." Said frankly in her sunny little voice, "Greenies like me depend upon people like you to keep us safe... so.." Taking a bite and chewing upon the sweet flesh --- this does NOT taste like cruddy saltines! -- Sassaral eases forth to pull out some sprigs of berries from her basket and she sets them down before Cyrus. "These are lovely and you can //taste// them. I've tested them myself and I didn't suffer... but oh, the taste. Here, have some." Is chimed next.

    A tiny little moue of worry at this talk of 'feeling death'; Sassaral ups her sunniness a bit. "I am well... really. I've been out all day just... looking around. Mine is a simple existance," A glance to that coiled snow leopard tail. "Your markings are very lovely."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

"You're welcome. I'm not much of a gatherer myself. But if it's this, or the bland flavor... I'll go out of my way for some apples." He explains to Sassaral while leaning aside just a little. He watches her, eating her food. There's something tired about his expression. Not physically... more mentally. As if he's tired /about/ something. Uncertain. Listless.

He leans back on his seat, pushing it back, leaning it onto its back two legs. The chairs here are built incredibly sturdily. No doubt built to handle far heavier Landers and Adventurers. "Cyrus Frost." He introduces himself, something few Adventurers used to do, what with INSPECT revealing names.

"I'm not sure how you can really... prepare yourself." He adds, motioning his hand. At her offer of berries, his hand reaches out and he takes a few, and throws one into his mouth, eating it." He then leans over and lets the pit seed fall to a plate.

The male then looks back to her. Surprised to hear her comment. "Oh?" He motions his his arm to the side, showing his markings. "Aye, it's quite amazing what the randomizer came out with." He explains. He shifts his tail, laying the big floofy thing on top of it.

"The system did quite great work with you as well." He then adds.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    Does she notice such 'tiredness'...? Hard to tell. There are some out there who are glad to be 'stuck' here (Sassaral included); others who abhor it and some who just don't know //what// to make of it...! As she finishes off the apple, Sassaral's warm golden gaze is upon her fellow Cait Sith. Yes, the INSPECT feature bypasses a lot of things but Sassaral is a traditionalist... her small palm extends to offer, of ALL THINGS... a handshake. Should Cyrus accept the gesture, wherever his real world form might rest, both snow leopard and real worlder shall feel the warmth in this gatherer's hand. "Sassaral Hana." Offered kindly, one ear twitching as one side of her mouth quirks into a smile.

    "Prepare..? I mean.. get some levels, try to get stronger. I'm really quite rubbish at all of the battle bit.. which is why I like this," She indicates her spoils. "Just this world and I, and everything in it to //find//." Sassaral muses, easing back to press her shoulderblades to the back of her seat. Even a solid kick, her slight self wouldn't be able to topple the seat. She observes the markings as Cyrus offers to show them off and her grin widens, "Yeah, you did well. Did you know that you're the first of your sort that I've //ever// come across? There seems to be quite a few of us wolfy sorts out there but you've lucked out. And--"

    Sassaral's grin widens, "Me? A-aw.. thanks... it was down to this, or a black pelt.... I don't think dark suits me, do you?" Ms. Sunshine. She picks out the seeds of the apple and the stem, eats the core. Huh.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

Cyrus isn't sure what to make of the offered hand at first. It's not typical for that the be the first greeting between those Japanese folk. He bows his head politely, then takes her hand with both and gives it a soft shake. "I fear I lack a business card." He remarks, and instead sends her a friend request. In this world, in this state, friends are going to be how one survives, he figures.

The warm hands are appreciated. His own hands feel delicate, but similarly very warm. "It is nice to meet you, miss Hana." He expresses to her.

He glances up, as if he could see his ears. "Hmm, you're largely run into Were Fangs I imagine. Or common cat Cait Sith. Some foxes... but yes, for some reason the system picked something else for me." Ear-fluff-twitch.

"Strange though, I was always more of a dog person than a cat person." He admits. He glances back to her. "Thank you." He remarks - since she is saying he lucked out.

"Hmm, no, this natural color is far better for you. I could see you either as a wolf, or as one of those red foxy sorts. Especially the way you..." Chomp.

"... just ate that core."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    Whomever is resting behind the illusion of Sassaral, they must be North American.. originally, of course. Surely, they are. Right when she worries about overstepping boundaries, her hand is taken in both of Cyrus's own and given a shake. Sassaral smiles again, the sheer brightness of it increased tenfold by the friend request. It is easily accepted, almost hastily. Sassaral //likes// friends..! Her tail puffs up, quivers with the glee of it all. She has long since realized that friendship is a boon -- a safeguard -- in these parts. "And you, Cyrus Frost." Offered in return, quite heartily. She pauses to listen to what her new 'friend' has to say, tail slowing it's twitching and lying flat upon the floor.

    "A.. a few Were Fangs. There was this one rather disagreeable sort who was.... would you believe it.... who resembled some manner of fowl. Can you imagine a monstrous //goose//?!" Sassaral's eyes widen, practically fill her face. "They weren't very friendly.. I think the powers-that-be ended up banning them... or at least nerfed them." She looks down at her empty hands, shakes her head. Two long, //long// cinched-off ponytails sway with the motion. She looks up again, smiles. "And I like cats... maybe the system is more intuitive than we could ever imagine, huh?"

    The barmaid NPC inquires to Sassaral of her proper meal choice and she picks chicken (crackers) with a side of mead (crackers) and looks sunnily back to Cyrus, "Really? Hah! Well.. I guess this is my lot in this life. Are you around here often, Cyrus?" Meaning the 'town'.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

Cyrus makes a warm and sweet expression as Sassaral shows her rather visual expression of joy. The way her tail puffs and all. She's such a sweet little cinnamon-role. He can't help but feel some of that tired sensation in his body just... be wiped away. Like exhaustion washed away by a hot shower. Raising his posture.

"Oh, I can most certainly imagine it." He expresses to Sassaral, retreating his hand and watching the expressionful girl with such interest. The male chuckles at her little story. "Hmm, yes. The system is very intuitive in some places. Almost scarily so." He points out to the wolf before him.

He rolls his shoulders for a moment and watches one of the sweet Pooka barmaids taking her order, and then watches her disappear. "Hmm, yes. I'm sticking around this bar. A lot of new players come here. And when I spot people who are clearly too new at this, I tend to join them on their first adventures." He taps his cart. The potions there-in.

"I'm a support class. And I take my job very serious." He clearly cares.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    She can see the transformation and Sassaral is glad for it, her smile not wavering. It's all part of the motions now, ordering food; if she imagines it, really tries to 'trick' her resting mind... she can almost taste it all. What it's meant to be! The roasted chicken, the earthy depths of the mead. Think hard, one can almost overlook saltines! It's a small price to pay to be apart from the world's problems for awhile... (or in this case, indefinitely.)

    Sassaral does not even recall or care about the level she attained before being nerf!hammered back down to level 1. You bet your bippy she is a cinnamon roll! She even owns the role! She knows her place! Involuntarily that tail begins to wriggle again, "That is very kind of you.. I mean to stay here to help out. If I picked a fighter build I might have done the same." Sassaral smiles ruefully, "But support all-the-way..." Golden eyes flit to look upon the cart as indicated, before sliding back to the other Cait Sith. "What are some of your most memorable adventures?"
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

"Well, maybe you could help me out - help some newbies. I know you're a gatherer. But we don't know what the future holds for us. Some levels might do you good." He explains to Sassaral. "Besides, there's stuff you can't find other places, the further out you go." He remarks. "So it might work out for you on the long run."

The young man then leans forward on the table, arms on the table. A bit rude, for Japanese standards. But with nobody judging like that - at least, the Landers not judging - it's different. Easier to ignore.

"What're your plans, for the next few days." He then asks.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    No judgement here... for Sassaral hasn't the foggiest where Cyrus -- or his 'player' -- is concerned. Why does the prospect of going out, gaining levels... //scare// her again? Sassaral blinks, gazes uncertainly even as her smile remains plastered upon her face. She's been fine with being that low-level nobody lurking in the outskirts and wilds beyond town. What is this!?

    "I would... //love// to help but I--" She falters, "I'm not strong, I would be a bit of a burden, I---" Then he's leaning forth, this pretty-patterned boy in a big cat's patterning. Sassaral gasps, rests her hands in her lap as she listens. "Plans.. ah, h-heh..." She looks down at her lap. "Pick berries, sing a song.. maybe go fishing...?" How EPIC is that!!? Her tail curls at the tip and her ears perk slightly. "I know... a bit boring, right?"
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

He leans a bit to the side as she falters, considering her for a moment. Thinking about how she would love to help, but thinks herself a burden?

"I'm support. You wouldn't be a burden." He answers her. "I get enjoyment out of people getting... better at what they do." He remarks, "I'll take some berries and a song in payment." He teases her, smiling. He's so far quite adeptly managed to get around the fact that he didn't respond to the adventure thing. But perhaps she might have caught the expression. This lion-like frown for a moment that seemed to speak bookworks.

"I won't force you of course. I'm just leaving it as an offer." He remarks, raising a glass of simple water and then drinking it. Each gulp making his throat bulge for a moment. A few rivulets of water trailing down his cheeks, down to his chin, which he wipes away after placing the cup down.

"Honestly... you remind me of what it was like to live outside of Tokyo. The small village girls always wanted to go to the big city. But that made the ones like you always stand out. The ones steeped in cheerful tradition. Who didn't mind the common life. It's not boring. It's... refreshing."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    How fascinating... and how kind. "Berries and a song.. I can do." Sassaral smiles kindly. "Do you.. know of others? Do you have a party, even one that is... kinda part-time?" Meaning: those who do their own thing but are ready to gather 'on call'. "I would recommend that if you're to tote me around. Having a tank or two." She tosses her head back and laughs brightly... none of her analyzing of self is in a //mean// way; just fact.

    She watches Cyrus thoughtfully for a time, watching him quaff the water and considering. The cup is set down right when her mind clicks into place.

    "I.." Pause, Cyrus has more to say. She listens. Sassaral rarely, if at //all//, asks others about the 'beyond'. Who they are outside of these Cait Sith and Were Fang and Undine faces. Tokyo perks her ears, "I.... live in Tokyo." She offers shyly. "But I was not born there. I-I mean, if it's not too forthright of me to ask... is that where you were born? Raised?"
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

The youth quiets for a bit as she mentions a party. "Hmm... most of my guild wasn't around when the Apocalypse happened. But I've got a few new Friends on my list." He answer. "So I think I could probably put together a part-time party." He explains to her. "I don't know about tanks. But they're nice people. Enough of a front line."

He male's shoulders shift a bit as she asks about Tokyo. Shifting, motioning, trying to get comfortable. The sound of his clothing slowly shifting around him, on his body. Louder than modern day clothing. The subtle jingle of his accessories and rings.

"No. I was raised out in a small town." He explains. "But eventually me and my parents moved to the big city. We... needed a change of scenery for a few reasons." He explains. "But I live... lived..." He isn't sure. "I have been in Tokyo for a while. Studied there, went to University, and then... got a job."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    The little wolf listens with interest, her fare having since arrived. A tankard of mead and a quarter-chicken dinner, all paid for with ingame currency, Here is where Sassaral applies the full breadth of her imagination, trying to envision how this //could// taste. Despite her behaviour with the apple -- the lovely //authentic//-tasting apple -- Sassaral is polite and careful with her current meal. Cutlery is used and barring that, her fingers work carefully and she does //not// talk and eat at the same time. "Nice is the best." Concurs Sassaral, tail swaying at the foot of the chair. "I'll take that." A bright smile as she takes up her utensils.

    Meanwhile //everything// is 'acute' to Sassaral: the sounds of PCs and NPCS alike around her, however few they may be; Cyrus's attire as he moves. Everything. Another enigma in this very immersive world... almost too immersive.

    "I... can understand. I moved to Tokyo, you see... my mother was originally from there. Some things happened.." There: the first instance of unrest ghosting her features, hastily squashed. "Then this. All I can to is just... adapt... and see what happens to us all from here." Because who knows how long they will all be //here//!
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

The young man quietly, slowly, understandingly nods. Watching her, gaze afixed to her lips as she mentions moving to Tokyo. How things happened. "Yeah, I understand." His ears shifting just a little. She can tell that, each time she speaks, those ears key in on just her. He doesn't pay too much attention to the rest of the world.

Unlike her, who is so focused in on the world all around her, he's so keyed in. Almost as if everything else in the world was too boring to pay attention to right now. But then... It's difficult to look away from the light amidst the dark chamber. She stands out.

The dark tip of his tail twitches at fair easy. "Right now, all there is, is... this." He remarks. "Best make the best of it."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    Interesting how different gazes hold different levels of intent, in this world. Fates know there is a //lot// to look at! An astute eye, further scrutinizing Sassaral, will perhaps discern an aspect of..... 'bard'... to the young woman. A certain flounciness to her attire, her very movements and behaviors like a lyric. She meant it when she said that she is //not// a fighter. Her player must have had //some// intent in her creation because seated there, eating her saltine meal.. she is specialized to the teeth.

    ... and she is ok with it.

    There is a lot to seei n the being that is Sassaral, for her hands move with her words; ears cock and tail twitches and fingers drum and move this way and that as she emphasizes her thoughts. However, Sassaral is not oblivious to how she is being studied. This is not the first time she's been curious about the player behind the character.

    Overall she is hopefully... //not//... boring.

    "I actually... //like/// this. It's... I can't evem explain it. I know it may be a bit awful for me to say so but until this is.. fixed, I guess... I can get used to this." Said as she forks her vegetables around the plate. Sassaral looks embarrassed at her admittance.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

Cyrus leans back and sighs, thinking about what she says. "I... hadn't really thought about 'enjoying' this, the way it is. I have responsibilities at my company. But, it's not like I can get out. It's not like they will expect me to come in tomorrow. I don't even know if that world even still exists."

He motions. "Until they fix the food thing though, it's going to be trouble. I don't think I can ever get used to soggy crackers and fresh fruit." He explains. "Maybe I can try raw meat. Maybe I can... have berries with meat?" He isn't sure how it all works.

"But... I supposed this could be worse."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    Now the little wolf merely wishes to reassure, and that sunny behavior is right back at the fore again, "It will be a lot harder to merely cope... I know it sounds sort of... flippant to say this..." Sassaral looks down into her lap, her plate emptied, ".. but in the meantime? We can only do what we can. I miss my mother, and my..." How can she describe Asher and Winola. Gah, not here. Sassaral perks and offers up what she hopes is her most radiant, kind smile, "Someday, maybe, it'll be fixed..." Why does this fill her with trepidation? She tries hard to mask that in how she emotes this through her Cait Sith avatar, "So..."

    The topic digresses back to food and Sassaral chimes laughter... the system has granted her a sweet, bell-like timbre, "Yeah, the food is... it's strange. Everything else is so //real// but the food programming is... we can only hope, yeah? I've ordered cooked shortribs.... //crackers/.... asked for uncooked carrots. //Carrots//. Mashed potatoes with butter.... buttered crackers. So maybe..." She eases forth, ears cocking in Cyrus's direction. "We could be onto something. Take all of our meat rare... almost blue... and have some blueberries on the side. Maybe it's good that you're part big cat." Sassaral muses playfully, wanting to cheer the young man up.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

Cyrus raises his hand. "Too many crackers." He tells her, as if stopping her from going on any further. "But yeah, some rare meat is fine. It's basically sushi." He notes. "So I suppose it's indeed good I am part big cat." He flicks his head from side to side, his ears keeping track of her position each time.

"It's not just the food though." He remarks. "I tried to craft a dagger. It's not like it used to be. They used to feel metalic. Now..." He lifts it up from the cart, and puts it on the table. If Sassaral would touch it, she'd find it doesn't feel... right. It's metal, but doesn't feel /metallic/. It has a sturdy texture, but lacks that cold, that grain.

"It's something with the Crafting System, I think. But I haven't figured it out." He remarks, shaking his head. "But some of the lander equipment is fine. I can't get my head around it." He remarks.

A little sigh. "For now, there's just this." He remarks once again. "At least there's fun things to do. Certainly less comfortable than our old ways, but more... exciting."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

The male nods his head. "I'll still gladly hear you out." He explains, his ears perking just a little at the thought of her having ideas. At this point, he could not really risk ignoring any kind of input. Because he's long since run out of ideas. His potions seem to have the same issue.

The male grabs his cane as it looks she's about to depart. The male slowly rises up, using the cane to help lift him, and comes to his full tall height with such a languid motion. When he's finally upright, he motions towards the exit. "I'll walk you to the main road." He expresses to her. "It's no bother." He adds, expecting her to reject him because of thinking she's a bother.

"I should find a place for lodging myself. I'll keep you posted if I find a party. Alright? Alright."
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    The small woman pushes to stand and finds herself... well now. Sassaral is reminded of precisely how short she is! But she's not bothered in the least; she feels safe. Support PCs have to support one another, y'know!? She smiles radiantly, takes up her basket of knick-knacks. "A-ah... thanks.." she straightens, "I would like that. Though one would have to be bored and hard-up to see me as a threat!" Exclaimed with a laugh. Sassaral seems incredibly //grateful// for the company.

    "I'd love the company.. I am never truly far from this place, I try to be back before nightfall." Explained as she prees briefly, pushes auburn hair behind one cocked ear. Despite her calm, making a new friend is just too wonderful. The tip of her fluffy tail twitches, pauses; twitches again. Aw hell, it wags.

    "Alright." Said with a wide, bright smile. Things just got //way// more interesting.
Alne - Hostess of Fertility

    The small woman pushes to stand and finds herself... well now. Sassaral is reminded of precisely how short she is! But she's not bothered in the least; she feels safe. Support PCs have to support one another, y'know!? She smiles radiantly, takes up her basket of knick-knacks. "A-ah... thanks.." she straightens, "I would like that. Though one would have to be bored and hard-up to see me as a threat!" Exclaimed with a laugh. Sassaral seems incredibly //grateful// for the company.

    "I'd love the company.. I am never truly far from this place, I try to be back before nightfall." Explained as she preens briefly, pushes auburn hair behind one cocked ear. Despite her calm, making a new friend is just too wonderful. The tip of her fluffy tail twitches, pauses; twitches again. Aw hell, it wags.

    "Alright." Said with a wide, bright smile. Things just got //way// more interesting.