Duty Session 46: Still Water Bandits

With the increased trade between the various cities and kingdoms, the Lander traders have also been reporting an increase in Bandit activity. A group that calls themselves the 'Still Water Bandits' has begun raiding caravans and ships. This has caused a slowing of supply lines, as well as damage to the lives and livelihoods of the traders. They are seeking help from capable Adventurers to help clear out a number of bandit camps.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Increase in trade route efficiency

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    Wist nods her head "Alright, lets go make merchanting safe! Then maybe they'll sell good food." she says as she heads off to the newest report of bandits. When they spot the camp she grins "Hey Mizuki-chi! Pirates! They might have more stuff for your outfit." she says brightly.
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    Mizuki has indeed changed into her 'pirate' armor. "Heh!" She smiles back, "It's not that I especially like this armor, it's just the best I've been able to get at this level for my class!"

    She looks at the guards. "Well, this looks easy enough. Nin nin nin..." She sneaks off, but doesn't actually become as undetectable as she hoped. Oops.
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Jazz doesn't have to change much. She has her feather duster out. She's definiotely following up after thge other two, and when they reac the camp, she's just left staring at it. There is a sigh and then she murmurs to herself, "Embrace me with your abyssal shadows, o darkest ocean." It seems to work. The air around her seems to... darken with a faint shimmer, leaving her to be able to sneak by the initial wave of scouts more easily. She's in the camp! Unnoticed! So far!
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    Wisteria pulls darkness around her, cheating enchanter types. She follows along with Mizuki, luckily standing between the ninja kitty and the lizard man guards. She smiles as Jazz uses mighty maid magic or something to pull off the same trick she did with her enchantments.

    When comming upon the low level mook monsters she grins wide showing fangs and gives a wave. "Hey... wouldn't suppose you..." and then they attack charging. She grips her katana, fight it is then.
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    Mizuki blinks at Wisteria's use of Dark magic. "Woah, since when can you do that? I've never seen you do much but sword skills..."

    The scouts aggro immediately, forcing Mizuki to fight! She summons up stone armor, but with too many enemies attacking at once for anyone to tank properly, she's battered and has lost some HP by the end of the fight.
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"Probably since always," replies Jazz to Mizuki. "We're all learning how to use our p--," and then they've been detected in the camp and she lets out a sigh. "Well, balls," She says.

She does her level best to shield herself from their attacks, but gets battered anyway when they're pierced, stabbed. Painful flesh wounds, blunted by her efforts but just not enough. Her wand -- yes her wand is a frigging colorful, purple feather duster -- does some injury to them but it's going to be left to thge others to carry some of the fighting, despiter her efforts to do her level-best-enchanty-buffing.
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    The bunbun girl grins and throws herself into battle, she dances from monster to monster, vicious slices of her katana dropping them one by one. Then she notices her friends in trouble and dives in, taking some more wounds as she helps finish off the mess of scouts. Once the last monster drops she sighs. "Oooh didn't I tell you? I'm a Shadow? I'm like... uhm a magic samurai." she grins showing lots of teef and laughing. "I'm an enchanter bladmaster." she shrugs.

    They walk through the camp and find the kobold and his bar. "Well sure lets see." she says and she pulls what looks like a jewlers loop out of her inventory and starts investigating the drink.
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    "Ah... wait, you're enchanter primary? Huh."

    And then the next challenge is... "A drinking competition? Aww, but I don't like alchohol, it tastes terrible!"

    Once someone reminds her that they can't taste anything here, she just uses Appraisal to find which one of the kobold's drinks has the lowest effects, and drinks that.

    "How would a drinking competition even work in game, anyway? Wait, can we get drunk?!"
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Jazz, battered, staggered along with the others when they're ... challenged to a drinking contest. By a kobold.

"...video game logic, man, they be weird sometimes." She pinches the bridge of her nose, smiling. She'll have a drink, all right. No problem. Sure, the glass'll be amazingly watered down byu the time she's done with it, something eagle eyed companions might be able to notice, but she seems more than capable of handling her liquor on the surface.
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    Wisteria downs the weakest drink she can identify. "There." she sticks her tongue out at the kobold, vanishing her loop. "Which way to the boss, we drank your drinks." she says to him and grins showing oh so many teeth. The kobold points out the way, he doesn't want a fight and they did win 'fair' and square.

    As they travel on most of the lower level monsters seem to 'not notice' them, sometimes going so far as turning around and walking off whistling. There there is the bard... spoony-est of the spoony. It's little song has a hook, and he seems to be looping it... "Quick shut him up!"
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    First a drinking contest, and now... a bard battle?!

    Damn, that song is catchy. Wait! That's it!

    Mizuki points dramatically at the bard. "No! I use COUNTERSONG!"

    She stomps a foot in front of her, then starts to bounce slightly to the beat of something else:

    "Ma-ee-a hee! Ma-ee-a hoo! Ma-ee-a haa! Ma-ee-a ha haa!" She starts rocking back and forth and making snapping motions with her fingers.

    "Ma-ee-a hee! Ma-ee-a hoo! Ma-ee-a haa! Ma-ee-a ha haa!"

    She skips straight to the bit everyone remembers, because SHE sure doesn't remember the whole song in a foreign language. She dances and claps with the beat to drown out the other bard!

    "Fleiss a blesht arr, numa numa yay, numa numa yay, numa numa numa yay! Kee pull tau, shee, dragosta din tei, non impressed, de oh, kee flei-ei!" Well, it's still catchy!
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"Is...is he singing at -- " Jazz is cut off by the ear-worm inducing quality of the song and she just winds up staring for a long moment. Then she raises her hand, crystals of black ice forming in to a snowball in her her grasp that she just hurls directly at the songster.

"NOPE," she tells him loudly. "NO!" It's definitely an interruption and she is just DONE with this.
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    Wisteria shakes her head now there are two ear worms going...do you know how BIG her ears are? She grips her sword and without moving any closer she slashes out in a quick draw. Dark energies gathering on her blade and slashing out to stun the bard leaving him reeling. She stomps up to him, takes his junk lute and smashes it over his head knocking him out. "Ooh thank the spirits THAT is over." she says shaking her head.

    They head into the next room and it's a lizard pirate captain. Sounds good to her cause this looks like a fight and not a terrible assault on her poor bun bun ears.
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    Song, ice, and el kabong put the kibosh on that bard! And now they face... a lizard pirate!

    She points and grins with pointy teeth. "Let us see which of us has the better hat, nya!" She waits for Wisteria to draw aggro, then goes all-out on DPS! Spitting fireballs until she's out of MP, then throwing her daggers, then pouncing the pirate boss from behind to claw and rake him!
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"...a lizard man? Huh. Well, okay," says Jazz.

She reaches into her coat pocket, produces a jar of ... something. The cork is popped and it emits a deeply foul odour. She spits into the jar, shakes it a few times, and then *throws it at the lizard man*, who is left violent rretching after its impact.

"Huh," she says.

"It worked!" She bounces excitedly on the tips of her toes for a moment, pleased with herself. Of course, this just makes her absurdly cute and it is abruptly ended once she realizes this.
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    Wisteria doesn't just dive into the battle, it's a boss fight... this takes strategy. "Come to my call spirits of the earth, entagle and bind, scourge my foe!" wicked green light flows from the bunbun's hands shooting into the sandy ground. A moment later thick vines covered in wicked thorns whip out of the ground and start binding the lizard captain's legs and arms leaving him open for more attacks from Mizuki-chi. The potion smashing at his feet gives him a nausiated debuff making it that much easier for the ninja feline to fireball, slash, and stab him until his health fails.

    As the lizard man gives his last speech about his master coming for vengance. "I wonder does that mean a pirate king? Or queen? That'd be cool." she says as she starts splitting up loot.
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    Mizuki reaches for the pirate's hat, but it explodes into polygons with the rest of him. "Ah well, mine's fine anyway."

    She picks up a weapon shard, then stands up straight. "Yeah, these quests are new... I wonder where they're coming from?"

    She looks at the distant ship. "Perhaps this 'master' is there?" Then she looks over the camp. "More importantly, we 'faught' only a handful of dudes and killed even fewer of them. Is this REALLY going to put that much of a dent in bandit activity? Ah well..." She scratches her head, then hugs Wisteria. "Thanks. Going out on this quest together was pretty fun!"

    She nods to Jazz, who doesn't like hugs. "Thank you, too."
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    Wisteria hugs Mizuki-chi warmly. "Hey it's good, I'm glad we were able to do it." she says "Thanks for joining us Jaz, dungeons and events are super punishing for duo's." she sticks her tongue out and gives a goofy smile. "And it's nice having you around."
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"Yeah," muses Jazz quietly.

"...yeah. Not like I can do these things on my own, eh?" She looks thoughtful for a moment, then her face scrunches up (cutely) and she lets out a sigh.

"Come on. Let's get back home." She turns and goes to head back towards Aine.
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    Hugs are nice! Although Mizuki breaks it off once Jazz starts walking, and winces at her choice of words. "Home... is this game 'home' now?" She scratches her head and sighs. "Man, I wasn't really thinking about it that way but now I feel like a homeless person. Sleeping on roofs or getting temporary use of a tent for the night at the Scale Emblem camp..."
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    Wisteria shrugs "I'm outcast." she says "So I mean I guess like I could build a cabin or something? I figure we'll clear floors in the tower and setup rooms like I hear them talking about folks use to have with some of the guilds." she puts an arm around Jaz without getting too 'huggy' about it and pulls Mizuki-chi in on the other side. "Come on we'll get home." she doesn't sound like she means back to the city.