Friends Give Flowers and Meat

Sassaral gives Mikage a flower crown. Mikage gives Sassaral an armful of meat. Oh, and they talk about life inside and outside the game. You know, important stuff.

Overworld - 5 - -2 - 0

Mikage has had a lot on her mind these past few days. Ever since Cyrus had proposed gathering a group to leave the Isle of Beginnings, she had been left mulling over her own uncertainty. She hadn't been particularly kind to the Cait Sith, and that weighed on her. Enough to drive her to wandering for a time, staying away from the usual places within Alne or the Town of Beginnings.

That is how she finds herself here in a field of flowers. As she walks, her fingertips reach out to touch the petals. Rama seems less bothered by his master's mental distraction and goes bounding through the tall grasses, causing small insects to take to the skies.

It is a matter of happenstance that she stumbles upon Sassaral, though the wolfy Cait Sith is actually the exact person she needs to talk to at the moment. The Ranger approaches through the grass, not particularly trying to be stealthy. Rama, afterall, is making himself more than well known. In fact, at one point, he ends up running right towards the wolf, holding one of the flowers in his muzzle.
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    You bet your bippy Sassaral Hana is out here in the flower fields.... she's no bar fly; she's not the one charging into raids. No no, she's either along beaches or in flower fields and she's happy as a //lark// as a result. This is a Safe Place, or so it feels; perfect area for a regressed-to-level-one Adventurer to wile away hours. If one is to be stuck in a virtual reality, why not make the best of it?

    Outfitted in her typical flouncy, sleeveless dress -- this one a sort of periwinkle number -- with the barest fluting of fabric along the shoulders. Hair is piled up on high, cinched with a ribbon, the shock of it free from auburn-furred ears that pivot and cock of their own volition. Body language positively smacks of happiness, and this is how Rama finds her.

    As the lynx comes forth bearing a flower, Sassaral turns and studies the animal.. recognizing it immediately and looking tickled at the sight of the flower. Her basket is set down and she kneels, holding a hand out, "Is that for //me//?" She asks, sing-song. "Thanks, Rama! Where's you---oh!" THERE'S Mikage! Golden eyes widen with friendliness that is genuine and not forced, "Hello Mikage! Fancy meeting you in this random patch!"
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It's hard to tell if Mikage has trained Rama to deliver flowers like that, or if the lynx picked up the trait at some point or another. Whatever the case, the lynx seems pleased with himself and begins a circuit around Sassaral's feet, purring his enjoyment at the attention. The little cat was like that with almost anyone who seemed friendly enough.

"Hey Sassaral." Miki offers, lifting a hand in greeting. "I've been following Rama for a bit. It's possible he caught your scent and has been leading me." It makes sense. The lynx likely doens't run into familiar scents when on walkabout very often. "We needed to get out of Alne for a while. Stretch our legs, that sort of thing."

She glances around then, her expression faltering a little as she seems to be checking the area for others. "You... haven't seen Cyrus around recently, have you?" Uh oh. The way her voice shifts suggests that something happened between the two and it likely wasn't pleasant.
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    Slender fingers reach out to accept the bloom and the smiling Cait Sith tucks it behind an ear, more than happy to pop any bloom willy-nilly onto her person even if it doesn't quite match. Sassaral beams and once she is sure Rama is ok with it, she will move those deft fingertips forth to deliver delicious scritches behind those tufted ears. They're just //begging// for scritches! However if/when the lynx makes Do Not Want sounds or movements, the wolf woman will intuitively stop.

    "It's very nice to see you." Says Sassy, her smile softening peacefully, "It's always nice to step out of the main hubs... sometimes it gets really, //really// cluttered and I feel underfoot. When I'm not needed, this is honestly where you will find me. Without fail. Rama knows the drill."

    Reaching into her basket with her free hand, Sassy pulls out a long, thick green stalk with a bunch of blue flowers at the tip. Tenderly she removes the blooms, leaving the stalk and a cluster of leaves at the end... look! Inpromptu cat toy! As she tries to coax the lynx into playtime, her soft eyes watch Miki. She //catches// that note in her tone and her brows furrow, "I haven't seen him lately.. is everything ok? Did something happen with the two of you?" Asked worriedly, her tail slowing it's sway.
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If there is anything that can be said about Rama, it is that he is a glutton for attention. The deft fingers moving around his ears have the little cat purring and butting his head against Sassaral's hand. "You're going to spoil him rotten, you know that, right?" Mikage laughs softly, the sound carrying an almost musical quality to it. It seems to ease some of the emotional weight she is carrying on her shoulders.

The cat seems to watch her with fascination as she turns the flower into a cat toy. The moment it is waved in front of him, he begins to try and bat at it, completely enthralled. It is at that point that it might become obvious that Rama isn't fully grown yet. His paws are almost like large mitts, a little oversized for his body.

"I'm not a fan of the crowds, myself." Miki offers softly, taking a few more steps closer to the wolf girl. "Between Alne acting as the hub for Scale Emblem and the Town of Beginnings working as the respawn point for the Outcasts, it's likely to always be a bit crowded here."

That seems to tie in to her other thought. As Sassaral catches on to the shift in her voice, Miki raises a hand and rubs it sheepishly on the back of her neck, just over the strange Were Fang tattoo there. "Has he talked to you about his plans for leaving the island?" There is a moment of hesitation before she continues, "From what he told me, he was thinking of inviting you along. He wants to go visit the other kingdoms."
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    "You're just a youngling, aren't you? You're still growing into those paws!" Sassaral chimes, and her happiness felt in-turn sets her realtime heart to beating. Wherever it is her player rests, is being monitored... etc.... there is certainly a 'happy' reaction. Again: that heightning of heartbeat. In life, Sassaral loves cats... and so, too, does she in this world. A swish swish, a swat; golden eyes drop to watch the lynx swat and pounce with those mitts. "Just you wait, world, until this one grows into his paws...!" A bright giggle, then she looks up again. She looks pleased at Mikage's response as well, "I promise not to have him ruined.. he's really having a ball, isn't he?"

    As Miki eases in closer, Sassaral eases back to seat herself upon her rump, the hand not moving the stick reaching down to smooth her skirts, over which that fluffy tail curls and rests. Her coloration is //almost// like that of a fox's... only she is clearly lupine. "I'm glad there's lots of fields then. I can look from afar." Said with a little smile, from one not-a-fan-of-crowds sort to another. Silence now as she observes Miki's body langage, perhaps noting a hint of that tattoo. "He actually brought it up once... I'm a bit nervous, but you know? I... I kinda //want// to try it out. We're here for goodness knows //how// long..." This is spoken matter-of-factly, not disparaging. Sassaral... //wants// to stay here. "I'm all for it... were you asked? Surely, you were? You're friends, yeah?" Asked innocently... Sassaral wants to see //everyone// be friends!
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"He was just a cub when we found him." The girl's voice takes in a quiet tone. "We were up in the mountains in Fourland territory. I'm not sure if he was supposed to be part of a quest or just some random creature spawn but... there he was. No parents, no siblings." The way she tells the story paints a vivid picture, a team of young adventurers stumbling on a mewling kitten lost in the wilderness. "My guildmate, Eli, helped me train him. It was something we all worked on together, but... he bonded to me."

The lynx continues to play, occasionally giving challenging little growls at the new toy. Miki comes to crouch near the two of them, explaining, "I'd always wanted a cat. My dad promised me a million times, but it never ended up happening and as I got older, I gave up on the idea." Her expression is a little sad at that memory. "I guess he figured that if things got worse..." She hesitates, glancing at Sasssaral, clearly holding back on what she wanted to say. "Well, I guess he worried I wouldn't be able to take care of it."

It is at least some relief that she wasn't alone in being asked on this expedition of Cyrus', but there is that uncomfortable expression there. An expression that grows that much more uncertain when she is asked if the Snow Leopard is her friend. Miki's arms sort of wrap around herself at that question, squeezing at her own upper arms through her jacket. "Not really?" She hazards. "I mean, I'm not really sure I have any real friends here. Maybe Xander but... that's complicated." Her brows furrow as she looks towards the wolf-girl.

"Yeah. He asked me. And I wasn't very nice about my response." She sighs, and then all at once, flops herself down onto her butt and rubs at the side of her head. "I'm really, really bad with people. I know he was trying to be nice and everything but... he said he wanted me along because he thought he understood me, but... he doesn't know /anything/ about me." She pauses then, uncertain, "Almost no one does."
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    The wolf girl just has that //way// of listening, where one can be assured that she isn't missing a beat. The furry halo of her ears has a lot to do with that too, cocked forth and twitching occasionally. She listens to how Rama came into being and her smile widens a bit, "I bet he was a random spawnling.. but you know, the way I see it.... and how this world //was// and is even moreso, it's.... they're not //just//.. background creatures. They have minds... and... well, just look at this." Sassaral chimes, but pauses again as she senses and ultimately hears something poignant.. or what //would've// been. Mikage was just on the precipice of disclosing //something// but it's held back, clamped down. She tilts her head gently, considers something. Who //is// the face behind the avatar, anyway?

    "Worse...? What--ah, I mean.... I don't want you to feel as if you have to share anything. IF he were worried about you not being able to handle a kitty, those worries are groundless... this place //feels// so real, and this cat obviously loves you..." She trails off, realizes she's rambling. The conversation shifts back to the sore spot and Sassy listens. Watches. Body language speaks //volumes// here and she doesn't even flinch as Miki flops down to seat herself closeby.

    "It's //hard// to get to know people sometimes.. I mean.... I won't sit and say that I understand. I was always ok with people until everything... ah, //happened//... but..." She continues, gently, "Would it hurt either of you if you let him understand, even just a tiny bit more? Give him something? He seems really nice, as a player.. he means well. I'm not saying lay out all of your cards, you have the right to pick and choose but.. it's okay to let some out, even a little bit." A reassuring little smile. "You may feel 'bad' when it comes to meeting people, but you're not a bad person because of it."
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As the two women talk, Rama seems to settle down a bit. He rolls over onto his side, but stays just within range of being able to bat and occasionally mouth at Sassaral's tail. It's all kittenish play, and he doesn't even use his claws. Miki, absently, scratches at his flank, then looks up.

"I was younger then, back before even Elder Tale Offline." Mikage explains, still seemingly hesitant. It's hard to feel quite as guarded around the wolf-girl, because she just seems so genuine on the surface. Still, she clearly struggles with sharing the truth behind the Were Fang she is now. "I'm glad to have him, regardless. He's been my companion even when I didn't have anyone else."

The prospect that Sassaral offers is one that Miki has clearly been considering. "I wish the world was a better place. But the one thing I've learned is that people will judge you on what they know. I'd rather people judge me on who I am here, not who I was." Her brows furrow, as if she were struggling to explain. "I guess, I feel more alive, more myself when I'm here." Looking down at her hands, she flexes her fingers, her lips pressing together with that same lingering uncertainty.

"The only reason I told Xander was because he told me first. So I figured I'd return honesty with honesty. But he's just as judgmental as the rest of them, just in different ways." Miki sighs, obviously having struggled with this for a while. "And I know Cyrus is... well... normal. Not like me, anyways. So I'm not sure what good it would do. It's not like someone like him could ever really understand."
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    The little wolf woman watches the lynx install himself between the pair of them, availing himself to her tail. This does not bother Sassy in the least and she gives the appendage a little wriggle. It's a full brush of a tail; no wonder Rama sees fit to go after it. She watches the cat for a time until Mikage speaks again, and by then golden eyes flit up to watch as well as listen. She notes the other Adventurer's hesitation and gives what she hopes is a reassuring smile.. it's not easy to open up sometimes, in-game OR out!

    "I'm following.." Sassaral offers softly as Mikage falters, trying to find the right words. Maybe it will help if Sassaral offers up something personal -- IRL personal -- ... just to show that she is trusting, too. One heavy admittance for another. "I... I really understand //that//. I do. Here I feel so bright and happy, and excited to greet another cycle... or day, if you wanna call it that. It feels //right//... it feels like life before it exploded." A sad little smile, and the sweetest shine in those eyes. "I'm... really sorry if it's personal.... I say this as one player who had things //really// go sideways only to find reprieve here... is it the same for you? Was... u-uh.. //is// life hard for you too?" Asks Sassy as she takes up some flowers from her basket and begins weaving them into a chain, though her eyes don't leave Miki.

    "I'm.. really, //really// sorry you had some trouble with another player. I swear I won't judge or hold anything against you, or even needle you for things you don't want to disclose. As for Cyrus..." She looks down briefly, tying stems, "I get that image too.. I like imagining who's who behind the avatars. I think he's normal, maybe a bit uprooted but he seems.... okay? Settled? But that doesn't make him someone to avoid or push away. From what I could see during our duties, he really values your presence. Even if he doesn't understand, he //wants// to."
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In a world like Elder Tale Online, it comes as little surprise that there might be other people out there using it as a way of escape from the reality on the other side of the VR visor. She knew very well that for a number of people, it offered the only way of reclaiming some sense of themselves.

Her blue eyes look to Sassaral with an echo of that same sort of sadness, but in that expression there is some measure of hope, too. "It's not quite the same." Her brows furrow, as if searching for the words to explain. She could shoot out medical terms, but none of it would make sense to most anyone. Instead, she raises a hand and just hovers it in the air, allowing her hand to remain there, perfectly still. "This... this is how a body is supposed to work. You tell your hand to move, it moves. You tell it to be still, it's still."

She closes her fingers into a fist, then lowers it to rest atop her leg. "In the real world, my brain and my body aren't connected the way they should be. My nerves don't fire right." There is some uncertainty in admitting this, knowing all too well that it is a crack in the illusion, showing through the person behind the avatar. "In the real world, I can barely walk, much less run. But up here..." She reaches up and taps at her head. "I'm still me. But that version of me is trapped in a failing body that I can't escape."

She lifts her head, looking around at the world around them. "Here... I don't feel trapped anymore, as stupid as it sounds." Her hand comes to lay over her chest, where her heart would be, "This is me. But... I'm still her, too." Miki sighs then, "It's a mess." She admits with a soft laugh.
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    Something tells Sassy, even with a lynx nomming her tail (harmlessly), something of great importance is about to be conveyed here. Inwardly she knows that she has approached this moment the 'right' way, if there's such a thing; no no, she isn't calculating or even TRYING to plot how to dredge up hard memories from Mikage. This is just Sassaral //being// and guaranteed -- just look at her -- she's not going to be spouting what she hears to others. Spying Miki's behaviors up until she made these hard admittances, she knows it could very well crush her.

    So Sassaral listens, no strings attached.. beyond being a friend. Her brows knit over those eyes, watching as Mikage lets her hand hang there and move so wonderfully... so //freely//. Hey, Sassaral -- beyond the visor -- was raised by a mother who attained nursing training in Japan, before moving and meeting her (Sassy's) father; she's not ignorant to how a human body can fail a bright, active mind. She lifts a hand to her lips and looks genuinely affected, "Is it a sort of dystrophy?" Asked in a whisper, "I am so sorry... no wonder.. no wonder you would want to //be// here. Now I get it..." No wonder Mikage doesn't want people to //know// her well.

    A bit more weaving and Sassy decides something; she picks up her finished flower-chain and if Mikage allows it, she drapes the 'crown' of orange, ivory, red and violet around the top of the white-haired woman's head. "Thank you for trusting me to share something so difficult. I //understand//.. and just between you and I? I //never// want to leave." Spoken in a whisper as she eases back.

    "Here, people don't leave forever. That don't //truly// die. THat's why I'm here." Sassy admits with a sad little smile.
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Maybe it is because Sassaral is so genuine that it is a little easier for Mikage to dredge up reality. It's something she's been separated from for almost a full month now. All of that time, she hadn't gotten even a single hint of muscle weakness, tremors, or anything else that acted as tell-tale signs of her condition. She had a month of feeling entirely healthy and whole.

"Yeah." She confirms, pressing her lips together. "It's degenerative, so..." The expression on her face is far more telling than words could manage. Down the line, she would lose more and more of her ability to move, to take care of herself, to live. "I'm on good meds, or at least... I was." No one is really certain of just what sort of fate has truly befallen their bodies outside the game. "Still... time is my enemy in the long run."

Her eyes follow the motion as the flower crown is set upon her head. Her lip quirks ever so slightly, her eyes slightly reflective with a hint of moisture there that doesn't actually fall. "We need to be able to trust some people in this world." Though she manages a soft smile, it still has a sad edge to it.

"I get it, though. There's... lots of reasons not to want to go back." It's at that moment when Rama crawls over, nudging his head under Mikage's hand. Her fingers hide into his fur, an absent motion. "I was working on trying to develop dive-technology treatments for people like me, or those effected by the Flash of Death. So at least if we do end up going back, there's some purpose to it."

Miki still flexes her fingers, shaking her head. "Though I would miss this."
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    Interesting. People monitoring the 'locked-in' Gabriella may very well see a tiny glimmer of... //something// at the corners of her downcast lids. Very subtle, very small; in wakingshe was a very feeling, empathic sort. ALL of this is poured into her Adventurer and in this online world, Sassaral's eyes moisten in earnest. So Miki's player, also 'at rest' with her body being sustained with medication, is in a race against time? Time does not stop when one's body is at rest, locked into a deep dive game. "I'm so sorry..." Sassy says softly, "I don't even want to say that... to sound as if I am pitying your situation just.... I am //sorry//. I folded at the f-first sign of massive hardship in my life.. I can't imagine..."

    However, Mikage doesn't balk at the flowers on her head. Sassaral's lips quirk at their corners gently, "These colors suit you... I've seen few builds with white hair, like yours.. I wasn't here long before... //everything//. So I haven't //met// many but... it's a really nice color, to match flowers. For what it's worth Mikage, you can trust me... so..."

    Now, the situation with Cyrus.

    "... if //I// agree to go on this adventure, would you feel better about coming along too? I think it'd be great for the both of us, and whomever else is asked along. He means well, he really does." She segues briefly, before pausing again at the gravity of everything. "Well, let's enjoy everything we can get here. We may be here for a long, long... //long// time." And that's ok.
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"No reason to be sorry." Her voice is soft when she replies. "I've got time enough." Though no one really knows how much time they have left, she doesn't seem to begrudge her situation all that much. Mikage has likely had quite a long time to get used to her bad lot of fate. "It wasn't always easy. We all have dark times." Miki hesitates then, the last time she tried to reach out to someone it didn't go particularly well. Still, some part of her feels like it's the right thing to do.

So, her hand reaches out towards one of Sassaral's own, her fingers feeling warm and far too real. "You're stronger than you think, but give yourself time. I can't imagine the kind of loss you're feeling, but at least you aren't alone."

Then, she raises her hand, touching the edge of the flower crown. "Well, thank you." Miki has a shy sort of expression on her features. "I've never really worried much about looks. I just wanted something that felt more like... me."

When she returns the topic back to Cyrus and his idea to depart from the Isle of Beginnings, Mikage quiets a little, thoughtful. "If you go, I'll go." She seems to finally decide. "But I think we should have pekos or horses or or something. Just incase we need to get back faster than at a snail's pace." She reaches back, rubbing at the back of her neck in a gesture that she seems to do when uncertain.

"I know he means well." This seems hard for her to admit, "I just worry about trying to get close to someone like him. Guys like him weren't exactly nice to me in the real world. But I know I shouldn't assume he's like them..." She nods at the prospect of being able to stay. Despite everything, Miki is in no rush to seek an escape from this world.
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    For Mikage's sake, Sassaral hopes inwardly that their time here is indefinite. Of course there's that twinge of //pain//: she is abandoning her recently-widowed mother, to immerse into //here//. Is that cowardly of her? Or.... something else? Sassaral swiftly crushes the doldrum flat like an errant bug, but then it's //easier// to shift focus because the typically-on-guard Mikage is taking up one of her small, warm hands. It's so //real// here; even her nails are yellowed with pollen. It's nice to be touched.

    "Thanks.. really. It's not easy, but what is....? I mean.. we're all here for a reason. To escape, to cope, to pick flowers and player-kill..." A wince... yeah, there are Adventurers out there who thrive on the hunt. Has Sassy met them? She looks down briefly, "We're all getting needs met, and it so happens we're locked in.... so...."

    Mikage's hand slips away to touch the crown and Sassy's brilliant smile dawns again, "Well, I mean it. You look great with that on... it's such a neat oxymoron. I don't think it'll wither for awhile, so you can have it if you want... some flowers seem to last awhile..."

    As they otuch back down upon Cyrus, Sassy considers: "I.. I get it. I do. But to be kind to him doesn't mean disclosing that which you disclosed to me... that can happen orgnaically, in time, and //only// if you will it. You've laid you boundaries," Said as her tail sways in the flowers. "If he resepcts them? That automatically makes him leagues better than those who were cruel, in the real world. Just play it by ear.. you are in control of your destiny here." She says hopefully.
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"I'm here to live." Mikage's voice is soft, a far cry from her usual light-hearted tone. "And I plan to take advantage of every minute I have here." Her smile returns, though it still seems fragile. "I want to fight, to run, to have friends, eat good food, explore, see everything." There is likely more to that list, but it is extensive as it is. What it comes down to is simple: Miki wants every opportunity to live in a way that simply isn't possible in the real world.

"Thank you... for the flowers. And for being someone I can actually consider a friend." It's a pretty rare thing in this world, thus far. "If nothing else, we can see how long they last in this world compared to the real one."

She lightly pushes herself to her feet, the conversation seeming to have set some of her mind at ease. "You're right. I should try to be more kind to him. He isn't a bad person. I guess I was afraid." Miki doesn't elaborate on exactly what she was afraid of. Leaving the Isle? Getting to know Cyrus? Heading out into the world? It is likely a combination of all three.

"We are in control of our destiny." She repeats. "How did you get so wise?" The Were Fang offers with a murmur, "I'll talk things over with Cyrus, and try not to be so defensive this time."
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    THere's that big, bright Sassaral smile. "THERE you have it... all of the above. Good show~" She chimes, tail lifting and beginning to sway in earnest. This may be temptation in //spades// for Rama, "There's so much to enjoy and if you really imagine it, even the cracker-flavored steaks can taste like... //steaks//." OK not really but she's optimistic, "I'm not looking to max my levels and get the holy grail... I want to figure out how to crack thefood code." A soft giggle, "Make food that //tastes// like REAL food. And maybe learn... not how to get throttled so easily. But I can say in full confidence, Miki, that I would be //honored// to have you as a friend." She means every word.

    Still holding that stalk in her hand that she used as a 'cat toy', she sets it down softly. "It's.. ok to be afraid. If you're a soloist it's not //typical// to have someone like Cyrus coming up, light in his eyes, wanting to be a party. It's just a matter of... I guess... //flexing// some. It's ok to be afraid and careful, but try not to be //to// defensive--" A blush.

    "Wise...? A-ah.. wow.... I guess I have has to grow up fast.... but I hope it helps." Sassy brushes off her skirts, "Some very dear, important people... taught me how to be open, I guess..." Blush, "Go talk to him, maybe there are things about him that we can't even hope to understand or know. Struggles. Fears."
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"Well, I can at least help with that." Mikage gets fully to her feet then, giving a subtle hand motion that brings Rama to her side. Oh, the lynx is certainly tempted by that swishing tail, but he sits at the Were Fang's side as she begins to go through her menu.

A moment later, a series of wrapped meats appears in her arms. There is probably a good five or six pounds of various game meat from different animal drops. "So... some folks figured out that if you try to cook, yourself, without using the menus. Like... with a pan and fire and spices, you can make real food." Rama may be drooling at the armful of meat. "I saved these so you could experiment with it. All I ask in return is that once you get it working, I get some actual edible food."

The armful of meat is offered up to Sassaral, though she does save one chunk which is tossed to Rama. "I was never really a solo player. I just stuck with a small group up until now. The whole... meeting people and trying to make friends is a new thing."
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    Oh goodness.. oh //wow//...

    That is the precise expression on Sassaral's face... and suddenly a basket of pretty flowers is moot when faced with //this//. She's too much of a soft-heart (even if she's a wolf cait sith) to go out dropping animals, but here.... look what has been brought....!

    "How brilliant....!!" Genuine, unabashed happiness. She stands, moves to kneel and accept the offerings, giving the cuts a onceover -- even light sniffs -- before nodding. "I have a little tent closeby... I can go out in the morning cycle to forage and find herbs... build a fire and---oh!" She looks at Mikage as if happening upon the Best Idea Yet. "I can smoke some of this... especially the gamey, beef-like bits... but you can smoke most //anything// to... to make jerky. To take with us." Look at the gears turn!

    "//Thank// you... I'll experiment and if you return here tomorrow eve, I will have something made up!" She exclaims excitedly. Here's how the rest of her evening goes!