Goldenblade and Jazuhanzu meet in Carmina Gadelica Marina

Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade is headed out from the central area where the Crescent Moon guildhouse is under construction, though she's not dragging a cart or a wheelbarrow this morning. Clearly, there is another purpose for her presence, and so early in the morning. She's dressed in her usual way, though she's got her bow in hand and is peering critically at it, as if trying to work something out without using the interface.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

It's that Undine again!

She's communicating with some Landers over there, actually, down near a boat. Trying to make arrangements, perhaps, but they donb't appear to be quite grasping what she's talking about. Communicating difficulties, you know.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade peers over to where Jazz is having a failure to communicate with the Landers, and heads in that direction. Since her Guild is under construction nearby, she's got a vested interest in keeping the Landers positively inclined towards players, so she calls out a greeting, "Hello, Jazz!" and she attempts to smile helpfully. "What's up?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Oi," says Jazz, giving a bow towards Golenblade in greeting when she's close. This is Japan, after all.

"Nothing. We're just running into roadblocks since they don't go off script so well and I'm trying to ask them about a qride to a specific spot and we're at loggerheads over it." She shrugs her shoulders. "We'll get there." She waves the Landers off with a smile.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade ohs! Recalling the conversation from yesterday, she suggests, "They probably don't understand crossing the desert in a boat. Or have you got new information?" She considers the Landers, and asks Jazz, "So they won't charter or sell the boat, either? How big is it? If it's not too big, maybe we could just make it?" GB does like building things. It's a quirk from her RL.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"I'm ... not crossing the desert in a boat. I'm *going* to the nearest port in the desert in the boat," remarks Jazz, giving Goldenblade a wry look. "It's more a charter. But they're used to their route, I think." She shrugs her shoulders. "IT's all right. It woin't be a problem in the long run." Her tentacle-tips twitch as she regards Goldenblade.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade ahhhhhs as Jazz explains. "That does make more sense," she agrees. "Do they have the charts and things they need to get where you're going? Do they need someone to navigate there? A lot of places have strange rules for navigation, or else have weird laws like requiring a local pilot," she observes, though her knowledge on that subject is limited to a few half-remembered conversations with sailors back in RL. She nods about it not being a problem in the end, and she says, "Will these guys be the boat captain as well, or are they just agents?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"The just work for the captain," remarks Jazz, glancing over her shouders as heralmost-lambent eyes observe the landers at work.

"Mostly, they navigate by landmarks and by well travqelled routes as I undertand it. I'm no sailor." a shrug.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade is no sailor, herself, though she does have a knack for negotiation, she's found, more than before she came here. She nods about the landmarks and known routes, and asks Jazz, "So, do they actually know how to get where you're going? Maybe they're not comfortable accepting a charter to a place they're not familiar with?" She rubs her chin, wonders, "How big a boat are you talking about, anyhow? How many crew? And how long a sailing journey?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"It's en route, it's the 'stop there, instead of the usual place', that they're stumbling over," explains Jazz, "It's just .. one of those things that comes with them not being ..."

She gestrues vaguely, "It's strange, I guess." She shakes her head after a moemnt, tentacles flipping as she does.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade nods slowly, ahhhhs. "I see." She thinks a moment, then suggests quietly, so the Landers won't overhear, "How close to shore do they sail? You said they stay by the coast, if they're navigating by landmarks? Maybe you could jump ship in a dinghy if it's on the way, and just make your way ashore on your own?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"I mean, it's a possibility," admits Jazz, "But I'm not really all that good a swimmer and everyone else with all the supplies we'll need... not so workable." She lets out a breath. "We'll figure it out. And I still have to determined if I'll dfry out."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade wasn't thinking of the supplies, nods slowly. "Well, okay. How far is the normal destination from where you want to go? Might they have a charter there to where you're going?" She seems determined to explore all the possibilities. Like a dog with a bone. "I mean, I'd like to help if I can, though I don't know much about deserts or boats or exploration at all."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Well, if you want to help ... do you know much about mining? Have much earth magic?" asks Jazz, curiously, of Goldenblade. She's observing, now, with interest.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade ohs! "Well, I can ... well, I /could/ help with mining," she says, but hedging. "Only I'm kind of helping someone else with some mining currently, so I'm kind of tied up with that. But when I'm done, I can definitely help. I mean, I can dig, obviously. I don't know any magic, but I kind of have a sense of earth, yeah. Not as much as I have of other things, but ..." She shrugs helplessly.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"...mmn. All right. WE'll see. If you're busy when it goes down, you're busy. No big deal." Jazz gives a loose shoulder shrug at this, seeming non-commital about it for the tiem being.
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Goldenblade nods to that. She can't help if she's busy. But she says, "If I'm not busy, I'd definitely like to help. This place is a bit more interesting than I'd first thought, and so I like to help out where I can. We can definitely make this place really nice, if we work at it."
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Tipping her hat, Jazz sdays agreeably, "Yerah, okay. Sure." She glances back towards the boat. Heaves a sigh.

"Well, I really ought to get back to it, eh?"
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Goldenblade follow's Jazz's glance to the boat, then looks back to Jazz. "I don't guess there's much I can do to help right now?" she asks.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"...prrrrobably not," replies Jazz, thoughtfully. "I mean, I just need to get them used to the idea and that's just gonna take some time. Patience. You know." She waves her hand. "Besides, aren't I taking up plenty of your time as it is?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade looks disappointed at not being able to help. As far as taking up her time, she laughs. "Time? That, I have in abundance. It is not an infinite resource, of course, but I have a great deal of it, I find, and not so much to do with it that its full up. I was going to go hunting this morning, though I'm not sure I have much talent for it. I may, we shall see."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"...who says we have infinite time?" remarks Jazz, casually, to Goldenblade.

"Still, if you're good with a sword, you can still come with to Westland. The mines are frequently abandoned and full of terrible thigns."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade shrugs to Jazz about infinite time, and says, "We may, we may not. But I feel like I'm twenty again, and I -remember- twenty, and it was a very, very long time ago. So I feel like I have a great deal of time ahead of me." She ohs, nods about coming to the mines in Westland. "That sounds interesting. I do seem to know my way around a sword here, so I'd be happy to help."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"...yeah, I wasn't a spring chicken either as the saying goes, but it feels weird to feel so ... " Jazz looks down towards her hands. "I was only approaching my forties, if I'm honest, but I don't much like how that felt as it was."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade laughs at approaching forties, and wipes her eyes, "Ahhhh, I remember approaching my forties. That was quite some time ago as well." She smiles warmly, "You've got half your life /ahead/ of you, at that point, though I appreciate it doesn't feel that way at the time. If you didn't like forty, you're going to -hate- sixty," she confides. But we're both twenty, here, so perhaps we should focus on that. After all, we're both stuck here for the forseeable future, at least."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"So you're that far ahead of me, eh?" says Jazz. Her hands go up and clasp together behind her head.

"I didn't mean to imply older wasn't worse, just that, you know, I was already feeling it setting in and didn't like the thought of going a lot further. Inevitably is the grantest horror, don't you think?" She looks mildly amused.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade winks, and says, "I'm a bit further than that, in fact. And the horrors of old age are offset by the fact that you're still experiencing them. There's those that aren't," she says somberly, "and so you can take a little joy, at least, in the realization that you're still upright and taking nourishment. It's all gravy at the end, of course. So, this was supposed to be a way to fill my spare time, after I'd retired, and it has turned out to be exactly that." She shrugs about the aches and pains and problems of forty, or seventy five, and says, "I don't have any of that here, so I'm not even going to remember them. Doesn't do me any good."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Mmn," says Jazz.

There's a pause from the Undine as she considers her next words thoughtfully. "I don't begrudge you your feeling that. If you're that much older than me, it must be amazing to feel so free again."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade nods sagely. "Oh yeah. It's entirely liberating to be free of all those aches and pains, to be able to walk without a cane, all that. Anyhow, why be sad about something that's happening outside the game when you're not outside the game? There's time enough to bemoan your fate when you're actually subject to it. When you're free of it, cast it off!" She laughs, and does something like a twirl that an ice skater might do.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"I don't know. There's a number of things, of people I miss outside the game. That alone is reason enough to be sad about things. Besides, I don't know how much freedom there really is here." She looks up towards the sky in thought. Deep thought.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade thinks about that, and nods slowly. "Oh, I miss my friends and family in the real world as well," she agrees. "When I first moved to Japan, I felt pretty alone, too, but I made new friends there. And so I'm making new friends here in the game." Seems GB is one of the gregarious types that meets new people easily. "But I miss my wife the most, and getting out of the game won't bring her back, so I don't have that reason to want out very much. My kids have families of their own, so I'm happy if they don't have to worry about granddad."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"... ah," says Jazz, "But they may well be worried, you know. It could be. But if it keeps you going to put all those things aside for now, you do you." She gives a quick bow to them.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade ohs, "I expect they're worried. But there's nothing I can do about it, is there? Wisdom is knowing what there is that you can affect, and things that you can't affect, and accepting that if you can't affect something, you've got to work with it." She shrugs. "That doesn't mean giving up on it, not at all. But until I learn what I can do to help, I'll keep on as I am."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"I suppose," replies Jazz, letting Goldenblade finish the thought before bringing her hands together in front of her. "People day their's no point to dwelling in the things you can't change I'm not sure I agree.
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Goldenblade recognizes that point, so she's quick to point out, "There's a catch there. That's that you have to have a way to know whether you can affect something or not. A lot of people that say not to dwell on things you can't change are just preaching sloth or inactivity or laziness. But if you keep beating your head against a problem you can't solve, that's not a good use of time, either. So the key is to solve the problems you can, and at least try hard on the others."
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"Mmmmn," replies Jazz.

"Dwelling and obsessing aren't the same thing, however," she points out. "Anyway, I should get going. Things to do." An airy, nebulous gesture.
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Goldenblade bows her head to Jazz, nods. "That's true. And yes, I should get moving as well. I hope things work out for your mission. Take care," she calls, and will resume her original quest, somewhat delayed.