Girl out of the Dojo II
In which Wist again tries to get all eight thousand cuts in one day and is likely interupted by people who aren't obsessive gym rats.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria in human form is outside the Scale Emblem Alliance's castle again. The tall albino girl with the black neck tattoo that stands out so vividly against her white skin and white hair. She's shuffling forward, and shuffling back, after each scuff scuff of zetta on stone she swings her sword. The same cut each time. Shuffle shuffle slash, reset to guard, shuffle shuffle slash, reset to guard. Over and over.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Up on the rooftops, there's a streak of red and gold. It's not entirely common for a Certain Salamander to be running around near the Scale headquarters, so it might seem like a bit of an odd thing to glimpse in the corner of the eye to those who mostly frequent this area of Alne. But the sight down below is a curious one, and it's not long before there's a light *thud* of something landing on a nearby light pole.
"Heeey," calls a cheerful voice, and when Wisteria turns to look, she'll see a red-haired and -scaled, tall Salamander hanging upside down from a light pole by his legs wrapped along it, peering curiously at the bunny-girl. "You're Mizuki's friend, right?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
It is at seemingly random that a stone, roughly the same size as a beanbag would be, comes tumbling across the grounds. It rolls to a stop eventually, and a few moments later a tall Salamander lady walks up to it. Vertina wiggles the tip of her toes under the edge of the rock, gives it a light flick into the air, and catches it atop her foot. It's not until she looks up from it that she notices the albino werefang and the hanging other salamander. "Oh. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt anyone."
She rolls the stone back and forth a few times on her foot then kicks it into the air. As it comes down she meets it with the opposite knee, and starts bopping it back and forth, up and down like one would a hacky sack.
She rolls the stone back and forth a few times on her foot then kicks it into the air. As it comes down she meets it with the opposite knee, and starts bopping it back and forth, up and down like one would a hacky sack.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki could only watch Wisteria practice her swings for so long. She joined in practicing moves for awhile but got bored of that. Eventually, she just curled up and went to sleep nearby. There is a blanket of soft, warm fur between her and the world at all times -- she can sleep anywhere, even on stone!
Such are the benefits of being a cat.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria is currently in human form, but the black tattoo that looks like a geometric bunnyhead is a pretty big give away, she's also the only Albino she knows of in the area. And there's a Mizukichi RIGHT there snoozing. Despite the weather she has a sheen of sweat on her face and her bangs hang limply. She looks up at Atif and smiles "Yup... I'm... Wist...eri...a..." she doesn't stop her shuffle shuffle cut, routine, isntead each sylable comes out in the out breath of each strike, where the kiai would come in competition.
When the second salamander chimes in she nods her head. "It's...fine... just... get...ting... in... my... cuts..." she says of course in the 'real' world she could never really expect to get more than two full sets in, and she'd have taken a break between... possibly even done a thousand in the morning and a thousand at night. Working her way through her fourth thousand just today is something she hopes will make up for the fact that her body isn't excersizing back home.
When the second salamander chimes in she nods her head. "It's...fine... just... get...ting... in... my... cuts..." she says of course in the 'real' world she could never really expect to get more than two full sets in, and she'd have taken a break between... possibly even done a thousand in the morning and a thousand at night. Working her way through her fourth thousand just today is something she hopes will make up for the fact that her body isn't excersizing back home.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Atif's tail perks up (except upside down...) when he notices the blonde Salamander approaching. He doesn't seem to see a lot of other Salamanders besides Xander around these parts. "Oh! Hey there," he calls towards VErtina cheerfully, thus, before he uncurls his legs from around the light and lets himself fall down. THere's a quick flip on the way down so that his feet land on the curb instead of his head, and he lifts one red-scaled hand with a wiggle of fingers. "Hi, I'm Atif!" He provides, for both Wisteria and Vertina alike. "It's nice to meet you!"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Yeah, same.... Well, the practicing part." She took martial arts classes, she recognizes the aspect of repetitious training even if she doesn't know what style it is Wisteria is using with her sword. The rock goes up, and down, and up again. Foot, knee, foot, knee, one side and the other and back again. While she's still conversing. Her eyes are on the stone she's using like a kicksack the whole time though. "Hello Atif." She pauses a moment as she lobs the stone extra high into the air.
Then spins around to intercept it's descent with a roundhouse kick that makes an audible *KRCH* as it impacts and sends the stone hurtling high and far. It's breaking apart as it sails away though, so it's not going to do more harm then minorly annoy anyone with some dust falling on them.
She finishes the turn and plants her foot to restablize herself, and then bows towards the other Salamander, pigtails bobbing a bit with the movement. "Name's Vertina. Vertina Ketobasu."
Then spins around to intercept it's descent with a roundhouse kick that makes an audible *KRCH* as it impacts and sends the stone hurtling high and far. It's breaking apart as it sails away though, so it's not going to do more harm then minorly annoy anyone with some dust falling on them.
She finishes the turn and plants her foot to restablize herself, and then bows towards the other Salamander, pigtails bobbing a bit with the movement. "Name's Vertina. Vertina Ketobasu."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki's ears perk up at the chatter, and she opens her eyes and peers around.
Oh fudge there are PEOPLE here besides Wis and she's napping like a cat. How potentially embarassing! Wait, just play it cool. Act like it's normal and they'll probably accept it as normal as long as they're not Proteus.
Mizuki rises on all fours, streeeeetches, and yawns, then stands up, smiling. NAILED IT.
"Hi guys! Atif, haven't seen you in awhile. And...?" Vertina introduces herself, and Mizuki holds out a hand to shake. "Nice ta meetcha! Mizuki. I didn't come up with a last name. What's up?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria keeps slashing. "I'm" she says as she keeps shuffleshuffle cutting. "Hey... wana... hit... the... osen...?" she says as she keeps working she's got a couple hundred cuts left. "And...get...snacks... when... I'm... done...?" she asks between cuts. The albino girl will need a bath and Miz knows she prefers the osen to using the 'clean' command. Besides it's only a couple hours walk through monster infested grasslands, what else do they have to do today the floor boss got beat and they haven't really started poking around floors one and two for secrets yet.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Hi, Vertina!" Atif returns to the other Salamander, with a rapid nodding ohis head. He watches her play hackysack with the stone-- right before she gives the impressive kick to it, and his eyes widen a bit when he 'ooohs' at the sight of stone-turned-debris flying into the sky. "That's *good*!" Eyes sparkling and everything, fists giving a little pump when his face snaps back to looking to Vertina, wild red hair swaying with the quick motion.
"Hm?" He hears a familiar voice however, and he gives an energetic wave to the source of it. "HEY! Mizu! I didn't realize yo uwere here!"
Something WIsteria says causes his tail to perk upwards, however. "...Osen?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina grabs the offered hand in a firm grip and gives it a few shakes. "My primary martial art is Taekwondo, so kicking is something I'm very good at. But skill doesn't last if you don't practice using it," she explains, answering both the question of what's going on, and the impression her final technique made. "Plus a lot of things make good projectiles if you kick them hard enough."
Then her attention turns back to Wisteria. "Wait, there's actually an osen around here?" She ums softly, tail giving a subtle twitch as she rubs the back of her head with one hand. "And here I was going out to find a river or something. Well, there was the well, but there seems to be an issue with slimes with it repeatedly."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wanna hit the onsen? "It's a bit far away... I don't feel like eight hours of fighting monsters with a chance of gnolls..." Mizuki almost sweatdrops. ^-.-^; She does nod to the Salamanders though, elaborating, "There's an onsen in the Town of Beginnings. A hot bath would be nice on occasion... But I think if we want one here we're just gonna have to fill a tub or barrel with hot water... at least that much water shouldn't be too hard to heat with magic..." She shakes her head at the mention of bathing in a river or lake. "It's /freaking cold/. I tried to bathe in the lake once. Not pleasant.
"I took a martial arts class in college but it was only basic stuff... I have way more experience using daggers in the game, at this point."
Mizuki blinks. "Wait, Vertina?" She looks between the salamander girl and an interface only she can see. "You're in the Knights? How have we not met before..."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wanna hit the onsen? "It's a bit far away... I don't feel like eight hours of fighting monsters with a chance of gnolls..." Mizuki almost sweatdrops. ^-.-^; She does nod to the Salamanders though, elaborating, "There's an onsen in the Town of Beginnings. A hot bath would be nice on occasion... But I think if we want one here we're just gonna have to fill a tub or barrel with hot water... at least that much water shouldn't be too hard to heat with magic..." She shakes her head at the mention of bathing in a river or lake. "It's /freaking cold/. I tried to bathe in the lake once. Not pleasant."
"I took a martial arts class in college but it was only basic stuff... I have way more experience using daggers in the game, at this point."
Mizuki blinks. "Wait, Vertina?" She looks between the salamander girl and an interface only she can see. "You're in the Knights? How have we not met before..."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria "We could get there in like six." she says stopping what she's doing. Introdcutions to new people... that can be done while practicing. Convincing your besty to fight monsters for hours so you can have a hot bath... that takes concentration. "As long as we avoid the gnolls." she says "If we stick to the roads, I dunno can we like rent some Peko's and we could be there in like four." she says running her fingers through her sweaty hair and shivering a bit now that she isn't working so hard she sweats more.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"...That soudns like kind of a long way to go for an onsen, still," Atif points out to WIsteria, with his palms breifly pressing up together and scaled fingertips tapping against each other. A bit of a red briefly flushing over his tanned cheeks, too, while he peers off away. "...You'd probably have to go there without me anyway. Ahem."
Still, he gives an excited nod to VErtina again. "You practiced it in real life then?" He asks, though he probably figures he knows the answer then. "That's really cool. I didn't even think about using rocks like that either... Mmh." His hands briefly rub at his chin. "I'll have to think on that..."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Sometimes you want a cold bath." Vertina smirks a little, then strikes a pose and clenches her scaled hands into fists and causing them to ignite in fiery auras. "Not that fire is a problem when I need it. Actually quite useful this time of year." Seriously though, if the onsen is over there she might have to travel more before excersizing. Cold doesn't bother her too much thanks to fire magic but it'd be nice not having to heat her own bath in the wilderness, too. "I was up to Blue Belt, as well as played a lot of soccer. Until... stuff happened." She doesn't go into greater detail.
If anything Mizuki gives her another track of though to keep focused on instead. She looks at the cat woman, and shrugs. "Sheer coincidence? It is a pretty big world, after all. Probably a lot of people I've not meet personally and only seen in passing."
Katherine Tanzer
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Clack, clack, clack goes the hooves on the cobblestone ground. From the crowd making her way toward the S.E.A. HQ is this female imp that's skin is mountain blue slate in color, with glowing lavender eyes that shimmer like fire.
Her figure is hidden by the robe she wears to keep her warm this cold night, as winter seems to refuse to give up to spring. She stops by a stall and places down a few coins for a flower or two. She gives a warm smile to the woman at the stall, saying with gently words, "Thank you, my sweet dear. These will do wonderfully."
Then her fingers carefully pluck up the flowers, as she continues on her way over to spot the group, who are all doing different things it would seem. As she gets closer, a warm smile crosses those lips of her, before he speaks out to the group, with one claw playing with a flower petal. "Why hello there, everyone. Such a wonderful evening is it not."
She shifts her weight every so slightly, "By chance, would any of you... Mmm... be members of the Scale?" Her head tilts ever so slightly.
Her figure is hidden by the robe she wears to keep her warm this cold night, as winter seems to refuse to give up to spring. She stops by a stall and places down a few coins for a flower or two. She gives a warm smile to the woman at the stall, saying with gently words, "Thank you, my sweet dear. These will do wonderfully."
Then her fingers carefully pluck up the flowers, as she continues on her way over to spot the group, who are all doing different things it would seem. As she gets closer, a warm smile crosses those lips of her, before he speaks out to the group, with one claw playing with a flower petal. "Why hello there, everyone. Such a wonderful evening is it not."
She shifts her weight every so slightly, "By chance, would any of you... Mmm... be members of the Scale?" Her head tilts ever so slightly.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki's expression remains the same. "Four hours of riding and dodging monsters, and then four hours /back/ after... Do people usually take such long trips all the time in Japan?"
And then, an imp approaches! One of the more exotic-looking ones too. And scantily-dressed. How is she not cold...? Mizuki looks over her, then back to her face at the question. She turns, and looks at the castle behind them. Then back to Katherine. "...Yes. Why do you ask?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria turns and looks, sword still in hand. "UHm Hi there, this is the head quarters." she points her free hand's thumb at the big castle gate. Then turns her attention back to Mizuki "Mizuki-chi, back home the bathhouse is like a block away... but I've had two days of cuts, and a boss fight, a talk with the king, AND a dungeon this week. I've earned the osen." she pouts
Katherine Tanzer
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
The imp continues to play lightly with the petal on the flower. Ever so careful with it to not harm the delicate skin on the beautiful plant. "I wish to hear how fares the Tower of Aincrad and I know the best source to ask, are those who," She looks at each of them, before her eyes fall on Mizuki. "Handle such matters."
"After all," Her smile brightens, "Only such brave heroes would travel into the dangers of the tower and I, for one, wanted to meet some of these... Heroes." Her eyes do roam over to Wisteria as she picks up on what the woman has done and seems to wish for a trip for the hot springs. "Perhaps I should have bought more flowers," The imp says softly.
"After all," Her smile brightens, "Only such brave heroes would travel into the dangers of the tower and I, for one, wanted to meet some of these... Heroes." Her eyes do roam over to Wisteria as she picks up on what the woman has done and seems to wish for a trip for the hot springs. "Perhaps I should have bought more flowers," The imp says softly.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Atif gives a sympathetic look to VErtina at the mention of 'stuff happening', though he only nods at it otherwise. It's perhaps best not to dredge all that up sometimes. "I used to practice kempo," he offers to the other Salamander, however. "So I do a lot of kicks too. Just... not in the same way. I don't know if I can do them that powerfully, either." He gives a meaningful look up to the sky briefly, before looking back to her, eyes sparkling hopefully now. "Do you wanna teach me sometime?"
AN unfamiliar voice is heard, and the red Salamander looks over towards the source of it. He blinks curiously while looking the Imp over. "...They are," he offers with a quick gesture to the others, and then falls quiet. Listening to her speak to them.
"A lot of people outside them try to do their part too from what I understand," He notes after a small moment, giving a quick, idle scratch at his cheek.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Someone has had a busy week," Vertina comments. She smacks her fist into the opposite palm, causing the fiery aura to flare briefly before dying out as she dismisses it, and grins toward Wisteria. "I am going to have be on my game big time to match that kind of activity." It's clear she's seeing that as a challenge of some sort. "As for the Tower, it is... the first two floors that have been beaten, isn't it? Each floor takes time to get through, too."
Her attention turns back to Atif. "Honestly, raw power helps, but it's mainly about timing and precision. Doesn't matter how hard you can kick if you can't land the blow accurately, after all."
Her attention turns back to Atif. "Honestly, raw power helps, but it's mainly about timing and precision. Doesn't matter how hard you can kick if you can't land the blow accurately, after all."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria nods her head "Yah we took down the Taruian king and his pillar men yesterday." she says "And precision is what it's all about. That's why I do so many cuts." she says to Atif "I was just explaining to Mizuki-chi the other day that a lot of my strength isn't in my arms for swinging the katana, it's in my wrists for STOPPING the katana." she smiles at Vertina "Been skipping your kicks?" she says with a chuckle "I did at first, but now I've been trying to do at least two thousand cuts any day I'm not busy. I still do a thousand cuts every day, if secondary school couldn't stop me this won't." she says "But before and after the boss fight I've managed four thousand cuts... well okay I'm at like three thousand fourhundred and sixty three... but Mizuki-chi isn't jumping at the idea of the osen and so I HAD to stop." she says a bit defensively.
Katherine Tanzer
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Such as you, my dear sir?" The imp's head slight cants to one side, to look up at Atif through her bangs. "Are you... Perhaps another I should thank?"
The woman listens to those around her. Her tail under the robes, moves ever so slightly. Her eyes look over to Wisteria, "The second floor boss has already been slain? That is very impressive!"
The imp then goes to move every so slightly closer to Wisteria, "Alas, I only bought two, but I think for one who trains so diligently as you and seems ever dedicated, then I do hope you accept these flowers as a gift for your courageous efforts."
The woman listens to those around her. Her tail under the robes, moves ever so slightly. Her eyes look over to Wisteria, "The second floor boss has already been slain? That is very impressive!"
The imp then goes to move every so slightly closer to Wisteria, "Alas, I only bought two, but I think for one who trains so diligently as you and seems ever dedicated, then I do hope you accept these flowers as a gift for your courageous efforts."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki blinks as Katherine mentions the tower. Then she grins and points to herself with her thumb. "You haven't heard? We cleared the second floor yesterday! Looks like the third is some kind of forest, we've only just begun exploring it."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"I have noooot entirely..." At first it seems like Vertina is going to get defensive, but then she trails off for a moment and simmers back down. Pigtails jostle as she shakes her head with the admittance. "I've been pacing myself, redoing much of the lower level activities to get myself more familiar with things... Like the increased immersion and awareness of these bodies now. Most of my body is my primary weapon. Got to be sure I can wield it properly." She sighs, but then smiles a little. "I may be brave, brash and a reckless hothead of a tomboy, but I'm not FOOLISH enough to not at least learn what I'm now capable of doing first."
A scaled foot is stomped into the ground with determination. "But I'm definately going to be working on being ready before the next boss is tackled!"
A scaled foot is stomped into the ground with determination. "But I'm definately going to be working on being ready before the next boss is tackled!"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Merek takes the time to put on his equipment, that dark attire adjusted about the waist with a beltcape, in addition to a shirt, pockets upon it all interwoven with special material for defense. He wears a hood which covers his features save the golden eyes of his along with the fact he wears a sword upon the back. The man comes upon the SEA HQ, while he offers a wave, "I'm selling potions!"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Uh..." Atif blinks rapidly at Katherina, and then gives an akward cough. "I haven't... been there recently, no," he confesses with a low rumble in the back of his throat, glancing off away and elsewhere briefly. "I wouldn't feel right accepting thanks for that even if I had been. It's all a group effort, right?"
He nods in time with Vertina's words, pumping one scaled fist in front of him. "Yeah! THat's the spirit! I'm not Scale, but I'd like to be able to help, too."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina reachs over to pat Atif on the shoulder. "The Tower may be big and challenging and important, but it's not the only problem that needs to be dealt with. Far from it. You find where you can help the best for you."
Then turns her attention to the newest arrival to the random gathering. "What kind of potions?... This isn't any of that cactus juice I've heard rumors floating around about, hopefully."
Then turns her attention to the newest arrival to the random gathering. "What kind of potions?... This isn't any of that cactus juice I've heard rumors floating around about, hopefully."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria smiles "Uhm thanks I guess... I'm just doing what I can. Mizuki-chi is out there taking big hits too she keeps going too." she says. She puts her sword away without the flourishes she uses in combat. She gives a smile to Vertina "Well it's good that you're practicing and yah I have to do all kinds of training with my swords when I get to enchanting so I can make sure I still know what I'm doing with them properly." she smiles and then without notice puts a hand on top of Vertina's head and shoops it over finding she's three or four centimeters shorter. "Hey... mind if I ask if you scanned?" she peers at the scaled woman.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Merek looks to the potion belt which he wears, then checks on a few, "Well, we've got healing potions, we've got magical potions, we've got poisons we've got oils for a bath, we've got potions that will bring animals to you, we've got potions that will keep them away. And, for an investment, you will get a special consideration for new potions we're making that will expand your mind!" A look from the golden eyes to Vertina with a little smile, then a look to Wisteria as well as folk being about their way with a little wave. "I'm Merek, Westelande's own potion maker, Fire Dancer, and Spellblade."
Katherine Tanzer
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
The imp peers over to Mizuki and seems very impressed by what she has to say, "Really?" She places her free hand toward her chest. "That is incredible!" The imp then raises one shoulder slightly as she lowers her head ever so slightly, "Well, I hope you all have continued luck hunting those dangerous monsters."
Her attention moves back over to Wisteria and gives her a slight hand motion of 'oh please'. "You should give yourself just as much credit, my dear. There is nothing wrong with a little, hm, pride." She says moving a few loose strands behind her elf-like ear. She then looks over to Vertina, "With such a powerful form, I would hope so, my dear. I am sure that boss won't know what hit them." Then her attention moves over to Atif.
The mountain blue slated imp gives him a once over, before she smiles softly, "A group effort indeed, but you should always be willing to accept a thank you. After all," She gives the red Salamander a playful wink, "You never know how it might be offered." As Merek shows up offering potions, she walks by him with her hooves clacking against the stone ground. Her eyes go to catch his and gives him a friendly smile, before she continues to walk on.
Moving easily into the crowd and ruffling a little Lander's hair as she passes by one of the children, before she seems to disappear a few moments later.
Her attention moves back over to Wisteria and gives her a slight hand motion of 'oh please'. "You should give yourself just as much credit, my dear. There is nothing wrong with a little, hm, pride." She says moving a few loose strands behind her elf-like ear. She then looks over to Vertina, "With such a powerful form, I would hope so, my dear. I am sure that boss won't know what hit them." Then her attention moves over to Atif.
The mountain blue slated imp gives him a once over, before she smiles softly, "A group effort indeed, but you should always be willing to accept a thank you. After all," She gives the red Salamander a playful wink, "You never know how it might be offered." As Merek shows up offering potions, she walks by him with her hooves clacking against the stone ground. Her eyes go to catch his and gives him a friendly smile, before she continues to walk on.
Moving easily into the crowd and ruffling a little Lander's hair as she passes by one of the children, before she seems to disappear a few moments later.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Atif gives a smile to the other Salamander at the squeeze to his broad shoulder, and his tail briefly lifts up if only to thump right back down onto the ground. It's almost like a tailwag of a dog, except... lzrd. "Yeah. I just like trying to make myself useful to others, you know?"
He does manage a quick, surprised blink at Katherine just before she heads out, though, over her words. "Huh? What--? Uh--?" ANd suddenly, his entire face turns red, and he *mysteriously* finds himself unable to look in the general direction of the departing Imp. His face probably remains red for a good bit, too.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina emits a whistle. "That's quite an impressive variety. Do you make them yourself?" One hand rests on her hip while the other cups fingers along her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe I should inspect crafting skills a little more closely..."
Her consideration is interrupted by Wisteria prodding and her head and it takes her a moment to realize the albino is measuring her height. "Actually, yes I did, I'm well above average height in the real world too. I think most people assume it's the randomizer, because you're the first one to ask in some time." She shrugs and smiles, though if one looks closely there's a brief hint of sadness to it. "For my original reasons of getting into using VR it... would of been foolish to not be similar to my own body.. though now it -really- feels like it more than ever."
Her consideration is interrupted by Wisteria prodding and her head and it takes her a moment to realize the albino is measuring her height. "Actually, yes I did, I'm well above average height in the real world too. I think most people assume it's the randomizer, because you're the first one to ask in some time." She shrugs and smiles, though if one looks closely there's a brief hint of sadness to it. "For my original reasons of getting into using VR it... would of been foolish to not be similar to my own body.. though now it -really- feels like it more than ever."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Merek seems to think about the conversation, and nods to the people, while he then would begin to speak. "Yes, I make them, though many are the stock. Will be making new things when I can." He's definitely not a Lander, while he seems to consider, "Not sure what to do about my body, as a Beta Tester, CC probably stocked it away someplace to do experiments, knowing the government. Though, have we considered a possibility that we really are here and who we are."
The man nods a bit to folk while he then smiles to Katherine and waves. A look then to Vertina, "What do I call all of you? I work for Grandeur," he then offers a Friend Request if people wish to accept it. "Pleasure, anyway." A mystery man in a way.
The man nods a bit to folk while he then smiles to Katherine and waves. A look then to Vertina, "What do I call all of you? I work for Grandeur," he then offers a Friend Request if people wish to accept it. "Pleasure, anyway." A mystery man in a way.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria almost tears up "Mizuki-chi she scanned!" she says and suddenly she's a few decimeters taller (if you count the ears. She's shifted into her Caerbannog form the fluffy albino bunbun girl throws her arms around Vertina and hugs, and hugs and hugs. Weirdo girl... who nearly cries and hugs someone just because they're tall?
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki-chi looks UP at the tall Salamander, slightly amused at Wis's antics. "There /are/ tall girls in the world, you know." She pats Wis's shoulder.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina blinks a couple of times and emits a surprised little sound as she's abruptly hugged. It's both touching, and maybe a slight bit creepy just because of what kind of bunny the Were Fang is. Even a friendly Caerbannog is still a Caerbannog. "That's not quite the response I was expecting..." But then Mizuki provides a bit more context. "Oh!" That gets her to chuckle, and hug Wisteria back. "I see. I know that feeling."
Then adds over her shoulder for Merek's benefit. "Vertina Ketobasu. But just Vertina or even Vert is fine."
Then adds over her shoulder for Merek's benefit. "Vertina Ketobasu. But just Vertina or even Vert is fine."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Merek nods a bit to Vertina, "It's a pleasure," he states. Then he notes the people and offers a little bit of a smile along to them with a little wave. "Nice to meet people and all of that."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria sniffs and stands up wiping her eyes. She wasn't crying, you were crying, kendoka don't cry. Miz has seen full breakdowns but that's different Miz is Miz. "Sorry.. just... most of the tall girls I run into seem to have rolled and.. uhm.." she shrugs "I scanned too and well..." she smiles "I'm Wisteria." she says to Merek.
"So uhm... osen yes? We rent Pekos and we can be there in like... maybe four hours? I duno never done it with pekos... but we can run it in eight if we hit monsters maybe six if we manage to dodge them on the road." she grins, all those ragged razor triangles she calls teeth on display but her expression seems to be purely happy. Her comment addressed to ... well it's hard to tell if she's trying to convince Mizuki still or drag Vert in on it or both.
"So uhm... osen yes? We rent Pekos and we can be there in like... maybe four hours? I duno never done it with pekos... but we can run it in eight if we hit monsters maybe six if we manage to dodge them on the road." she grins, all those ragged razor triangles she calls teeth on display but her expression seems to be purely happy. Her comment addressed to ... well it's hard to tell if she's trying to convince Mizuki still or drag Vert in on it or both.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"I must confess, I don't understand the pains of a tall girl." Mizuki admits. She sighs as Wis keeps pushing for the distant onsen. "That's still eight hours round-trip! Can't we just fill a barrel with hot water or something?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina laughs as Wisteria resumes badgering Mizuki about the osen. "I don't think she's going to stop until you give in or come up with a reasonable alternative. Not that I couldn't go for a hot bath myself, one way or the other." She jabs a thumb in Merek's direction. "Plus he did say he had bathing oils."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
"Yes, all kinds of things for sale, and oils offer a benefit to recovery," Merek mentions, with a nod along to the people gathered about. The man smiles.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria tips her head "We could get a hotel... or we could run some duties in the city... or something to make the trip MORE than just baths." she says. She's not whining your whining. "If it was just about getting clean then I'd use the menu." she says
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki sighs. "The inn beds are crap on this island. You may as well just take advantage of your fur and sleep anywhere." She knows about Wis, so doesn't read into her word choice in a weird way. "I get that it's that soaking in hot water feels nice, it just doesn't feel eight-hour-round-trip nice. Would soaking in a tub or barrel of water heated by magic be that different, though?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina didn't think of 'get a hotel room' like that... and honestly, has probably heard all the possible jokes anyways because of family business... No not like that get your mind out of the sewer. "I would ask if it's really that hard dealing with bedding... But I already know, because my family in the real world ran a coastal inn and tavern." She makes a face. "Tourist complain about the most trivial things sometimes."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki looks at Vertina. "They haven't invented box springs, let alone memory foam. And proper down-filled matresses are probably really fancy and expensive; the beds in the inns are basically lumpy sacks in the shape of beds. Have you not tried one yet? Where have you been sleeping?"
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Merek nods a bit between folk while he seems to think about it, "I apologize if I'm keeping people," he mentions, along with a little smile, taking the time to yawn.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria pouts... fangy mouthed bunny pout... horrifying or horrifically sad... you decide. "It isn't the same." she says "It isn't just the hot water soaking, it's the whole bath house. It's the smell of herbs, and the hot water, and the steam in the air, and spending time with friends, and just not wanting to get out." she knows it's hard to explain the comunity peice of osen bathing to her western friend but it's there "I'll run whatever dungeon you want? Uhhm... I'll enchant you an accessory? OR put something on your knives?" she wheedles. "I look for the hotels that have futon." she says "Or the closest thing..sometimes they're lumpy but if you beat them up you can lay them on the floor and they're fine." she smiles at Merek showing ALL those ragged razors she calls teeth. "Ohh it's okay we're just debating what to do tonight." she says
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Mizuki stretches. "Alright, alright, not like I was doing anything else tonight. You don't have to do all that... although I was thinking about getting the daggers enchanted. But what with? I guess we can talk about that on the way."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Vertina was apparently thinking the same thing because her her first response was "A few good stomps will flatten out most of the lumps. Really, bed being lumpy is the least of my concerns," she smirks a little at Mizuki. " 'Tall person problems' " IE finding a position your feet aren't hanging off the end. Stuff like that. "Hey, that's good. Conversation will pass the time."
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Merek nods a bit, "Ah, fair enough, I don't do a lot besides all of the hunting myself, and fishing," he notes.
Alne - Main Square
Alne - Main Square
Wisteria digs into her inventory pulling out some coins "Okay bath oils!" she says "Something that smells nice and not just something that gives like a stamina boost or something." she says that smile was made for haggling, who wants to lose a perfectly good face over a few copper?