Down By The Bay

Carmina Gadelica Marina

The Marina for the Island of Beginnings may not be very big compared to the primary kingdoms, but it was no less the busy. The new era of Adventurers being here 24/7, and the loss of the Chaos Gates, meant the docks were almost always active in some way as ships left for or returned from one of those various capitals. It was late enough in the morning that the more frivilous and surly of Lander workers were finally dragging themselves down to the docks.

" o/~ What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning o/~ "

And that is exactly why Kauchemar is playing what she is, the bard nickering to herself in amusement as workers scatter at being reminded what sort of pranking might happen to them if they don't get off their butts and back to their jobs, hung over or not.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade is turning in a newbie fetch quest here, and collects her silver with a smile. It's not much, but she takes it seriously. Perhaps because she hasn't quite got a grasp on the game. Hearing the strains of the tune, she will pause to give a listen. It's not like she's got any pressing business anywhere. Another couple fetch quests and she will have enough for a supper made of food with actual taste. This is her primary goal. But she has time, supper's not for a while.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    Morning! Wonderous morning. Blue skies, white clouds, bright sun, surly sailors bumbling around after a night of drinking, not realizing that it's Monday and work came calling early. Music rings out, boats start to slip about, and one in particular is carrying a small group of adventurers back to Aincrad island.

    One of these adventurers had been away for a long while, seeking other lands to find resources, grind materials, make some rings, sell them off, and come back with some cash. And that's just what Tenix had accomplished! While she isn't strapped with visible cash, the 'phoenix' were-fang is stepping off with at least two bags that may be meant for coins, but are carrying rings instead. Items she plans to sell off just as soon as she can get back to the central town on Aincrad here. "So nice to be home~ "
Carmina Gadelica Marina

With her little morning 'motivation' serenade done Kauchemar sets her lute at her side and leans back against the stack of barrels waiting to be loaded onto some ship. Or might just be part of the scenery props. It's honestly hard to tell at times. A brief wave is given in the direct of the familiar figure handling her turn-ins. "Hello Goldie."

But the newest string of arrivals from a ship is quick to draw the equine's attention back down to the docks. "Huh." Don't see many avian werefangs. She can only think of one other, and it's very clearly a different species of avian. Pekos are hard to mistake, even when humanized. And that new one is definately not a Peko... Unless you want to insult them for some reason.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade smiles to Kauchemar, calling back a "Hello," and wonders, "Up to anything interesting?" She follows her glance to Tenix, then looks back to Kauchemar, offering a shrug. "-Everyone- is strange," she offers. "I'm probably the weirdest one here, for picking human. I feel like I'm not playing the game right, or I missed some important memo."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    The redhead starts and stops a lot, chattering with a few different folks coming down off the ship. Lander or not, it didn't really seem to matter to her. In fact, one adventurer offers up a bit of gold which results in a ring being handed right back over to them. Did a lot of people even HAVE rings, necklaces, or otherwise yet? Everyone was still grinding up levels since the Apocalypse. Maybe the avian found a really good niche to fill? There's smiles and a handshake before the two part and Tenix has a seat not far off. Menuing, map peeking, trying to see where to go next, looks like. She doesn't even realize she's being talked about.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Kauchemar chuckles a little. "When you think about it, a lot of people probably didn't want to play as something they already are." She's watching the little exchange though. "Curiouser and curiouser." She grabs her instrument and slips it back into inventory as she stands, and strolls in the direction the redhead woman has found herself a seat. The clip clop of hooves on the boardwalk planks is a bit hard to miss.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade shrugs to Kauchemar, guesses, "I suppose trying something different is a draw, too? This whole game thing is different enough for me, so I guess I was at my limit for new and strange? Does it feel different than being human?" she wonders. Goldenblade will follow Kauchemar over toward Tenix, raising a hand in greeting and calling, "Hello!"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    It can be, but as a 'phoenix' were fang, she's seen and heard a lot in her recent travels. Mostly since a lot of people were curious, and a lot more were interested in what she had to sell. Jewelery was hard to come by! Or at least, it sure seemed like it to her.

    Still, even as she's making a small inventory check, she does infact glance up to the couple approacing. Things are tucked away before she gives a wave to them both, "Good morning!"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Well it does -now-," Kauchemar replies to Golden. Followed by her usual smiling, which has it's cheerfulness offset to a degree by the sharp viper-like fangs that show when she does, to the redhead greeting them as the duo approaches. "Hello there miss. Couldn't help but notice you've got an interesting bit of aquisition on you there."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade is thinking about how different things might be, but is a bit puzzled because she's not familiar even with recent gaming history. "Now?" she wonders. "Was it different before, then?" Though she doesn't really know when 'before' was, either. She's quite curious, being entirely new to the VR gaming thing. She follows along with Kauchemar, offers a wave to Tenix, but lets K. do the talking for the moment.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    Something about Kau seems vaguely familiar, but with how she rushed out into the wilds after seeing what she had in the guildbank (basically nothing!) Tenix probably saw a lot of Olympus folks but had no real chance to meet any of them. The same goes for Goldenblade. Eh.

    As Kau wanders up, making it clear she saw the transaction a moment earlier, the avian gives a smile, "Mmhmm! Jeweler by trade, and I can't say I've run into any others! Seems like once people find out they get pretty eager to fill up slots, er, get more gear they didn't think about having before. Probabl didn't realize they could get it so easily. I have a lot of stuff. I'd show ya but there's a -whole- lot. I have a pretty good mental tally of it, though, so, if you need something I can rummage around and try to find it."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Oh ho, that would explain it! Yes, it would seem most focus on the crafting of armor or weapons, or alchemical things." The nightmare leans against a dock post so she can see both of the others easily. "Probably because of the notion that it's mainly mages and such that need Accessories to make up for lower armor levels."

"There's things you only really get aware of when you can't discon after a few hours of play," Kauchemar replies to Golden, continuing that conversation as well. Though gives it a dismissive wave. "But if you weren't playing much before then you probably wouldn't really notice a difference."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Gwen had been making a deal for supplies from a lander merchant and with that done was heading back but two things, one a guild tag of one of her own. Shows up and it's Tenix who also mentions her job. Somehow she seems to come out of nowhere behind Tenix with a grin on her face.

"Jeweler?! I may have some business offers for you then!"

Gwen hasn't changed at all while Tenix has been away.

"So since you haven't shown up at any of the churches I take it things went well for you. We have a HQ now and a burger joint."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

When stalking prey, one must be careful not to be seen. Which is the reason why Kasai is currently lurking on a rooftop near the docks. The cait sith had finally receieved a contract, apparently there had been reports of someone who needed a good stabbing, and they were last seen lurking around near the port.

They weren't a lander, or an Adventurer. The client had made that clear. A beast-man who had gotten good at blending in. But with all the cait sith and were fangs and everything else around, it wasn't impossible to think that a beast man could slip in and out without being noticed. Of course, most of the time they weren't that smart. Which made this one particularly dangerous.

Now the hard part was going to be picking it out of the crowd.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade hrms, nods to Kauchemar, "I see." She nods about not playing much before. "Well, so it was my first time, and at first I just thought I didn't understand the game properly. Finally someone explained that the game was broken and no one could log out." The thing about accessories goes mostly over her head. "I was wondering about the crafting things," she admits idly. "I think I might know how to do it, but I don't really know. I just, you know, with the menu, like with food. Make things."

She, at least, can't be mistaken for a beast man. She doesn't notice Kasai on the roof, she doesn't generally even look upwards very often. The game has been very 2-dimensional, for her.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    The avian gives a nod to Kau, "Yep! I had no idea, really, when I decided to take on the job. I just like working with my hands, but with so many smithies I wanted to do something different! Besides, who doesn't like a little shine with their gear, right?"

    Tenix hadn't really been using her menus and inspecting people a lot. It's something she forgets about a -lot- because she was so new when the Apocalypse struck. She's been handicrafting almost from the start, without even realizing she could make things in the menu! Lucky her. "Oh wow, Gwen? Burgers?! That's great news! I hope it paid a bit. Offers though? Eeeeh. Can it wait until I get back a bank? Or.. an HQ. That really is great. Thing is, I just have too much on me as it is and heading out into an area with a lot more people already has me nervous."

    Well at least the lurker, Kasai, wasn't after all the trinkets Tenix had. Not that she knew there was anyone up there... or an easy way up there. Damn sneaks. Just blend into the crowd! It's less conspicuous then getting spotted on a roof!

    The avian's emerald gaze slips over to Goldenblade, "Oh, you're new like me, hmm?" That gets her curious. The rest reminds her of the menus which she starts poking around in. Inspecting! "Blade dancer, eh? Lemme see.." Now what is she up to? After a moment she tugs a small bronze ring from one of her pouches with a bright green jewel in it, "It's a minor agility boost, but I figure this can help with a Blade Dancer." She offers it over, free of charge. "A little help early on goes a really long way, so, here. I'm sure you'll make good use of it."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Hello Gwen," Kauchemar simply nods to the tall woman, being in her equine form she's tall enough to look her face to face. Of course the greetings are followed by pitching the new HQ and it's resturant. But that's okay. It was a good thing to have one of the associate guilds stationed in the Marina. "You will also be happy to know that there is a crafting facility established on the beginning island now." One hand is gestured back towards the other towns on the small island. "Operated by Hwyaden but open to any for use. As long as you're willing to share and help with others." Then reachs over to give Goldenblade a nudge. "You could probably find someone to help you figure out what you can do, too."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

No, Kasai is not after Tenix's trinkets. But you know who might be? A certain sticky fingered beastman.

The movement catches Kasai's eye, and he drops down off the roof, pulling his hood up and vanishing into the crowd as he does so. He just needs to get close enough without alerting the target. Tenix's trinkets are a good distraction, as the satyr that Kasai is tracking plans on picking her pocket, like he's been doing to Landers and Adventurers throught the port.

Tenix and the others may spot the guy, but he's doing his best to remain stealthy as well. It's a game of cat and mouse. Or really cat and goat but who's counting.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade peers at the ring Tenix offers her, murmurs, "I'm really new, yeah. Ah! Thank you," and as she takes it and peers at it curiously, she wonders, puzzled, "Agility boost? How? It's a ring, right? I mean, my grandsons wear shoes that make those sorts of claims, and while I honestly doubt them, I can sort of see where it comes from..."

She peers at Kauchemar, and nods. "I think I can make things, I'm just not clear on how. I'll head there and ask them, I guess. I'm helping with a steel smelting project, so I'm hoping to get some good quality steel out of it." She still has not spotted sneaky people, sadly, she is a bit oblivious.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    "Magic, silly," is Tenix's simple reply. They were in a world of high fantasy, so of course magic was the reason for anything like that. She does make note of Kau's notice. A crafting facility? That could be useful, depending on the circumstances that allow people to use it. Something to look into later. Back to Goldenblade, "Even if you're still -super- new, you should still be able to use that. Once I have a bit more skill I can upgrade it later, but for now, it should help a good deal. I just like helping folks like you out. We were all new once, especially me." Multiple times, false starts, couldn't settle on a character for the longest time, let alone class, profession, title, and everything else. She's better now!

    As for grumbling goats being sneaky-sneaks, well, she's not aware of that, or the one hunting the hunter. At least Tenix was pretty aware of her inventory since she was actively checking on it, and now, starting to put it away again. It should give Kasai some time while the Satyr waits for the avian to 'forget' about her stash. ... Poor naive goat. If Kasai doesn't get him, he's in for a rude surprise if he sets a finger on one of those trinket-bags.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Gwen looks over at Golden for a moment "Have you checked your profession or picked one yet I might be able to help you find someone who could teach you. Also, I have some outfit ideas for you too Golden. o/~"

She is distracted by Tenix for the moment thankfully.

"Well I can't make accessories but you can and I have a shop up and running. I'd like to see what you can make and expand what I'm selling there if you are interested. Yeah best to travel light these days with all things considered. So give our guild's home a look around though my shop's in Alne."

She looks to Kauchemar.

"That's good to hear."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

You don't main Bard without mastering the art of keeping track of your group, even if you look disinterested.
You don't DJ a nightclub without knowing how to keep an eye on the crowds, picking out the new faces that might need the right music to join in... Or the ones that look out of place entirely.

Lavander eyes narrow just a twidge at the goatman lurking nearby, but the nightmare doesn't say anything. She like everyone else in the group appears to be paying more attention to Tenix and her profferings. "At least here you don't have to worry about figuring out sizes. Everything fits itself just right." Because video game appearance logic.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

It seems that the goat man is about to reach for one of those pouches when he lets out a bleat of surprise and then shatters into sparkles. Standing right behind where he had been a moment or two before, Kasai's hidden blade slides back into the armored gauntlet, and he offers a bow to Tenix, "I hope you don't mind, miss. Your trinkets made for wonderful bait for my quarry."

He looks up after his bow, and looks at Kauchemar, "It seems no matter where I go I am running into you, Kauchemar. I'd say you were following me, but I would know if you were."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade ohs about magic. That's a sort of convenient answer, but it -is- the answer for so much here. It is because it is. "I see," she says, and while she sounds skeptical, she clearly believes enough to try the ring on. "Never really wore rings much before. It's not smart when you work construction. I've seen some of the accident videos, it's pretty gory when your finger gets caught in something with a ring on."

"Profession? I'm a blacksnith, it said," she explains to Gwen. She doesn't remember picking it, but there's so much of chargen that was confusing. Which is why she's female with a name 3 lines long. "Outfit ideas?" she wonders. "What for?" Yeah, she definitely doesn't get it.

Ten some dude just standing around, she thought, bursts into sparkles. "What?" she gasps, looking around. "Are we under attack?" she peers left and right.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

    Of course, Tenix is a bit distracted. She was trying to help a fellow adventurer out, so yes, it's a good time for the satyr to make their move. "Well, try it on, it should be-" Bleats and sparkles cause the 'phoenix' to dart to her feet, the blade in at her back in hand, held horizontally from her shoulder with both hands, in such a sudden moment that many folks may have missed it entirely. One dead satyr, one adventurer Cait Sith, and one inspection later gets Tenix to heave a sigh of relief and slowly put the weapon away. "Ah, phew. Thank you! ... Kasai?" From inspection. "Bait? meh. They wouldn't have liked trying to get into my inventory like that," she informs, holding up a scaled hand to point at a bright red metal ring with a matching ruby. "It's trapped. Still, good looking out. I had no idea."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Kauchemar simply leans back a bit to not be caught by surprise movements as Tenix leaps to her feet. "Hah! That got his goat good! Nice gibbing, Kasai."

She pats a hand on Goldenblade's shoulder. "Not now, so relax. Just some stray monster trying to play thief. But the only thing stolen was his life. Your name may not be Annie but you're okay, cuz this one was not a Smooth Criminal."

She watchs the sparkles of dead monster flicker and fade as they fall to the floor. A beast man learning to prey on population within a town? Interesting, indeed, very interesting.

"We both have a knack for trouble finding us," she replies to the assassin with a shrug of a shoulder.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade tries Tenix's ring on belatedly, hrms, doesn't really notice any big changes. Small changes? Maybe. She hrms, watching the others react pretty calmly to the thief struck down. Well, it seems to be OK. She nods to Kauchemar about relaxing. "OK." The Smooth Criminal lyrics go over her head, that era of Micheal Jackson was after her kids' time and way too young for the grandkids to know.

Carmina Gadelica Marina

    With the beast dispatched and calm taking back over, Tenix settles against the barrell she had taken a seat on earlier. "I'm gonna have to reward you for that, buuuuuut," she glances up, then back at a map for a second, "I need to find some stuff for food, and then I have to hike all the way to the HQ, so..." she taps her beak, clicking inside once, before she seems to get an idea. "Kasai! Since I'm a little worried about what I'm carrying, and how much I have, can I hire you for a little additional protection on the way back? I'll give you any ring I have or you can make a request and I'll see about getting it to you, asap! Either way, think about it. I'll get some food and wander back this way in a few minutes." As for Golden, "Wait until you get in a fight with something! You'll notice the results then." As for Kau and Gwen," I'll see you two at H-.. well hell I'll probably see all of you back at HQ at some point. See you~" Off she goes.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

"Very well." Kasai replies to her, realizing that she's already setting off. The cait sith quickly follows along side her. After all, if he's being paid for protection, in this instance it's probably best to be seen in order to make sure that nothing messes with her.

Mentally he hopes for some kind of mount system in the game eventually, because running everywhere does get tiring after a while.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Gwen says "Well you can't wear that if you are going somewhere cold, and it is /winter/ right now."

Gwen notes.

"Swing by my shop later and we can talk about it in more detail."

She calls out to Tenix as she departs.

"We'll have to talk later about business Tenix! I have ideas."

WIth that Gwen too heads off.
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Kauchemar resumes leaning against a post. "That's probably a smart move you two. Monsters wandering into town shouldn't be taken lightly." Or unscrupulous players. There's some of those lurking around too. "See you guys later!"
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade nods slowly to Tenix about waiting to get into a fight. "Thank you very much," she says solemnly, bowing, and then a bit deeper as Tenix heads out. "Have a good day," she bids, including Kasai in the bow and farewell. And Gwen's leaving, too? "Can't wear what?" she asks. And then, "Shop?" But Gwen's gone, too. "Uh, see you?" She peers at Kauchemar, "What I'm wearing seems OK for winter, doesn't it? If it's cold, I can throw on some furs and all, but the leather and undercoat make this armor decent enough...and the boots are solid, if a bit gaudy..."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Kauchemar mmhmms. "I think she was talking to Tenix, to keep coaxing her into visiting her shop, and trying to give her a job." The Nightmare... well, she's a nightmare. She's got enough fire essense to keep warm. And a cloak. Even if the cloak looks like it's too small for her were fang frame. It's mostly for her human form. "Being a little chilly is the least of some worries though."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Goldenblade ohs to Kauchemar, "I thought she meant me, because she mentioned outfit ideas before. It's hard to tell sometimes." She's got perhaps a surprising amount of fire essence, herself, which might be why the cold doesn't seem to bother her much. Well, that and a heavy mail coat and the appropriate padding and under-armor-wear. "Anyhow, I ought to move along as well. Getting hungry, so I need a bit more cash, or it's another night of menu for supper."
Carmina Gadelica Marina

Kauchemar makes a face at the mention of menu food. "That is exactly why I helped fund putting a resturant in Crescent's HQ. Take care, Golden."