Idol Buger

Reika now free of her old guild seeks out a new one to join.

Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Who knew life inside a video game would get so busy? But that's okay, Shiruba doesn't mind being busy. As long as it's her decision on what to be busy with, which applies to pretty much everything this days. But as she was about to head back to the Dominion lands in search of things to help with the New World's latest undertaking, there was something else she needed to do first.

Stuff her face with some real prepared food before she has to eat the bland ship rations while sailing over to Dun Loireag. Since she wouldn't be able to get similar until then and she stopped at Hifumi's inn on her way back into the wilds.

So that is why she comes strolling into Crescent Burger with her usual energetic anticipation.
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Gwen has taken to life here, heck Gwen has taken to it maybe too well. Either way, Gwen seems far happier than when she was on Earth. So far as Shiruba can tell at least she may be one of the only ones who cold after all. She was not working today and she looks over to Shiruba calling out.

"Hey! Come join me have a burger we have onion rings now!"

She has what might be a sketchbook she's working on fashion design on while she noms on a burger herself.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Reika enters only a little after Shiruba. It's her first visit in the Cresmoon Moon HQ... so she is a little surprised when she sees it's a restaurant. Well, that works out, since she is pretty hungry as well. Finally, tasty food has spread enough that she doesn't have to worry about filling her belly with toothpaste. "Smells good in here." She notes, as she walks over to a table. She had a different reason for visiting of course, but there's no rush.

She stops behind Gwen for a moment though, noticing the sketches "Fashion hm? I didn't know you worked in that." Being a model, she got exposed to that world too after all. She waves to Shiruba, noticing her as well.
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Gwen barely gets to finish 'onion rings' before Shiruba is right at the table and dropping into the opposite seat. "I didn't know we had onions here even! But now I know what I'm ordering."

She did notice Reika coming in after her and waves, before leaning over a bit to peer at Gwen's papers. "Whatcha doin'?"
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Gwen looks to Reika for a moment.

"I am the owner and operator of the Chain Mail Bikini +1."

She notes with a very wide grin.

"So how are you and others recovering after your ordeal? You found a home of for yourself? We had a few of them sign up with us."

She smirjs a little bit.

"Bringing American food to a whole new world. Oh this? Working on a few new outfit designs even some for myself. I mean summer is comming!"
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Reika taps her UI, showing she's still aligned with Hamelin, although it's mostly just for show at this point, since it's all but disbanded, and it's not like she has any access to the coffers either. "Not yet, I should probably just do the jump though, there's nothing left for me there after all. All of the players are safe..." She looks a little crestfallen though. She still believes the situation is in good part her fault, for doing the recruitment.

But that will come oson. Right now though, her attention is put back on the drawings. She hmms "So you have a shop. You wouldn't need someone to model or try them out for you, would you?" That's what she knows to do after all. The fighting in this world really is just a necessity.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Shiruba peers at Gwen for a long moment, with that look of the long time friend that knows the sort of things you're plotting. Then points a finger at her. "I'm still not wearing a bikini, no matter what you name your shop after." Then eagerly points at Reika when she offers to model. "See? There's other people much more willing to pose in skimpy glamours for you."

Then she turns to wave down one of the other members since Gwen isn't working, and order some food. Including the new onion rings. Which she knows what they are already mainly because of Gwen in the first place.
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Gwen says "It's a waste Shiruba with how you look and I think you'd enjoy it. You know I pay well in both coin and food too."

She leaves it at that and maybe a onepiece would work Shiruba better, she could work with that.

"I always have need of more models we can talk tha tover in detial if like. Also if you need a place to hang your hat feel free to join my guild we are an actual newbie helper guild."
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A new guild AND work that suits her skills? Only thing missing is food, which is coming shortly too, she hasn't forgotten. She smiles softly "As long as you don't mind me, with, well, the mess I did with Hamelin." It doesn't go well on a resume at least, recruiting for a scam guild, and turning traitor and stealing information. It might have been justified, but it's nothing to be proud of in her book.

The modeling though is a different story, she's quite happy of helping out with that "I'd love to. I've done modeling and gravure, so I'm comfortable with just about anything, as well as singing and commercials." She had a rather busy year after all.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Shiruba tries not to get flustered when Gwen points out her looks, but that's not something easy to ignore. Especially when her tail usually gives it away by twitching a bit at the compliments. Not a full wag, but it's enough to be obvious. "Just because I have a bust now doesn't mean I want it hanging out for everyone to gawk at," she retorts, cheeks puffing a little in an effort to at least try to look annoyed as she sits in her chair.

At least Reika is there to provide an alternate topic. "You were tricked just as much as anyone else was by them. No one is really going to blame you for it. Well, unless they're jerks."
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Gwen grins for a moment at this. "Well then if that's the case? Welcome aboard Reika." She'll fire off Reika an invite to the guild and thus the alliance. She looks back to Shiruba for a moment and smiles even more about this.

"Yeah they were using a lot of people. I'd hate to be them now and well the one guy I caught has been put to work modelling..."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Reika sees the pop up appear, and happily accepts it. Gwen was one of those that knew about her position and actions, so she doesn't need to explain herself anymore than that "I'm still going to do my best to make up for my actions. Helping newbies is what I wanted to do in the first place. I thought that's what they would do. What they did... was abuse of them instead."

She tilts her head though "You mean the one you wrapped up during that fight? Is he really modeling material though?" She then looks to Shiruba "Modeling is not about if you have it or not, it's all in the attitude. They need different body sizes for different people after all."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Shiruba just stares at Gwen. "I know that look. What did you scheme up now?" But Gwen deflects suspicions by bringing up the 'punishment' she gave one of the Hamlein guys instead. "Hah. Serves him right. At least now he can actually help people properly."

And then her food is brought. That's enough to distract the voracious wolfgirl from any farther dastardly plotting her fiend may be doing. Of course one of the first things she does is pick an onion ring and bite off a big piece of it. "Mmmm.. having familiar food around here is definately nice."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen says "He hates it so it's punnishment enough for him." She grins widely out in another city is said man stuck in a mascot cosume outside the shop. "It was better than the other options he had." She notes for a moment and she looks to Shiruba. "There's another place I hear that's in another root town with actual food too. Though it's pretty much Japanese so I don't see them as a rival to what we're selling here. As for that Reika I expct to see good things from you and yes they do though if you menu equip anything will fit right."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Reika thinks about that for a moment "Ah right, game physics, I forgot about those. Not much use for ready made. Makes it easier on the making of them, you can focus on the design, instead of the sizes."

She finally sits down, and orders up some food. She goes for a simple burger and friends, nothing too fancy. She's jsut going to enjoy the taste, after all of those soggy crackers. "I don't know how summers are in this world, but having a swimsuit would be nice if it gets hot."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

"Yeah, Hifumi's place is mostly Japanese cuisine. And an actual Inn. Plus being in another city. I don't really think you can call it competition. I'm sure most people appreciate having a real food place at either end of the sailing route between here and the Ninetails capital." After her answer, and approving of the onion rings, Shiruba starts working on the burger.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen says "It's good from what I hear but having a wider array of places to eat is good. Oh totally hope more open on the network we'll have to wiat and see though I wonder. What the Lander merchants are thinking of us or the obles." She muses as she eats her food. "Also Shiruba? At least I'm cooking up outfits for ytou and not Morri."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Reika smiles as she listens to the two "Looks like you're getting roped in no matter what, hm?" She muses amusingly.

Waiting on her food, she feels like she can relax... A weight off her shoulder now that Hamelin is behind her, in every way. She can put it behind her. Not fully though, mistakes are not meant to be forgotten, but learned from after all.

She gets her burger and starts to eat, hmmming happily~ "I'll have to go visit the japanese food places soon."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

"Like Morri needs any help!" Shiruba retorts between bites. She may have a voracious appetite but she has the manners to not talk with her mouth full at least. Followed by a sigh, a roll of her eyes, and a bit of a nod to Reika. "She will find a way. She always does. But if I didn't resist she wouldn't have a reason to, you know, have to think of something more than pure force to do it." Then resumes working on getting through that burger. Clearly these two have known each other for some time.
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Gwen laughs. "You tend to enjoy it and I keep to the no flannel rule, don't I?" She grins even wider. "We haven't gone camping here yet we should sometime!"
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Reika giggles softly "Well if you end up modeling we might end up working together then. I could show you the ropes of modeling." She eats delicately, but she was hungry, so it's not going to last for long. She picks at the fries as well, looking over "Do I need to work on the restaurant too, as part of the guild?" She wonders. She could easily advertise for it too.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Shiruba pauses mid-bite to give Gwen another flat look. "What do you call having to stop for the night on the long travel routes then?"
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen says "... I hate it when you are right like that." She's foiled Gwen for now.

"You can work here if you want to and if your working on cooking it's a good place to do so."