Potion Poison Play

Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Outside of the low level adventuring root town, is two tables that are placed out. It is off the main path over to the side, but the magus with demonic style in her appearance and clothing that almost shows /to/ much to be PG-13 is standing at this table.

On it are several vials of all types of alchemic potions, including some poisons for blades. Their price is reasonable and she is making sure that the sales she makes goes into a nice little box beside her.

As one adventurer leaves, she gives them a little finger wave with her clawed fingers, "Do take care and remember, should you need anything--" Katherine smiles sweetly, "-- do feel free to reach out." Before opening the box with a key she has in her possession and then placing the coin inside.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek would take the time to come to the Carmina Gadelica and look for supplies. Not to mention that he would like to build in the city. He wears a set of what looks to be linen trousers with a belt about the waist, the material comfortable and tactical. There's two boots that come to the ankles, a beltcape about the waist, and a shirt which he wears that is adjusted for local weather.
    There's an assistant with him, a simple hire that carries equipment which is still equipped. Along the head he wears a felt hat, wearing the black along with the neon blue tones, that seem to be like the night time of the city. He looks to the stalls when he comes upon Katherine's, nodding a bit to the woman.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar is just strolling through town after having dealt with whatever other reasons she was here when she notices the little market set up. She sidles over, and instead of saying much simply hunches down at the end of the table and squints at some of the vials, her eyes flinkering faintly.
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    The Imp Magus turns her attention to the two as they come up, giving them both a smile. She remember Merek from the rat cellar and she is sure she has met Kauchemar before, but either way both equally get the same sultry smile and gleam in her glowing lavender eyes. "Welcome, welcome to you both." She says.

Her extends then extend out over the potions of all kinds, "Please /do/ let me know if you have any questions on my wares. I will be more than happy to answer any and even bargain, should you ask nicely." She follows this up with a playful wink, before one hand comes to rest down by her side, while the other resides at her hip. Her imp tail slowly moving side to side behind her.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek would begin to work on the equipment to shift the color along, then he nods a bit to Katherine. "I thank you," he notes, then he begins to examine what all's for sale. He does look to Kauchemar, nodding a bit to the woman. "I am just browsing about."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar stands and gives a brief nod towards Merek before she walks around to the other end of the table. "And I'm just curious~" she idly picks up a bottle and peers at it, tail flicking idly. "Do you just use herbs and such, or more estoic materials? I wonder what someone with the right knowledge could do with, say, slime from slimes."
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Katherine gives a gentle smile to Merek, though her attention moves over to Kauchemar. The Imp hrms and taps her chin thoughtful with her claw as she thinks over the Nightmare Werefang's question.

Her body weight shifts a little on her hoof feet before she answers. "I would imagine yes, though I have yet, myself, experimented with such alchemic properties that are found within slime."

    The Imp's tail flicks thoughtfully, "Though I would be more than glad to see experiment with such ingredients to see what the result could bring. Including perhaps even adventuring forth back to the grand library to see what books may be found on the subject." Katherine then smiles lightly, "Given right now, I am exploring the realm of alchemic properties of another substance... So, it would not be to difficult for me to also research further into your-- question."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek looks over to Kauchemar, "Well, it might be useful, I'm still working to buy my own alchemy shop, will likely be either here or in Breg Epona," the man notes, while he nods a bit to the two, and looks to Katherine. "I'm looking into perfumes, perhaps a bit about brewing."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar nods at the replies as she sets the bottle back down amonst the others. "The slimes I summon often have poisonous or other chemical-like properties, so the thought had crossed my mind. But I lack the knowledge of actual alchemy so I'm more than happy to pass the idea along to others than can perhaps pursue it with interest." And thus her work as Muse is done.
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    The imp looks over to Merek, "Sadly, I do not know how to brew, though I must admit, I wish I did." Katherine says with a bit of a pursed lip, before her eyes shift over to Kauchemar. "I will /indeed/ look into it."

"Should I be so fortunate to find out and make a proper potion from it." She flicks her hair gently with her finger tips. "I'll make sure you are the /first/ to know and get a few free bottles."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek looks to the two and nods a bit in thought to the words noted. "Well, it seems like a good enough prospect," he states. The man then looks to the city in full, "This seems to be the best place to find newer folk that need to find such things."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar flashes her viper-fangs in a smile as she finger-guns at Katherine. "That's the kind of business acumen I like to hear. And when you need actual slime, keep your eyes open. There's a duty that pops up when too many slimes populate in one of the town sewers."
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    "I shall keep that in mind." Katherine says to Kauchemar, "Thank you." Her lavender eyes then look over to Merek, "That is why I placed my table here." She pats it gently. "It is also hopes that I can make enough coin to one day, well," She laughs gently, "To one day get me a little vardo so I can conduct business anywhere."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek nods a bit to Katherine, while he thinks about it. "Well that could be useful, either way I would like to come visit eventually. It is nice to spend time with new people," he notes, while he then looks to Kauchemar. "I am Merek."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar nods again. "Gypsy wagon. How quaint and classical. The original mobile home." She chuckles a little (yes it does kind of sound like a horse nickering), then turns her attention to the man with his brief introduction. Drapes herself forward in an elaborate bow in return. "Kauchemar Tenebrae, Midnight Muse of Music and Monsters." It's mid-day, one would presume the 'midnight' refers more to her species and the dark shades of her coloration.
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    "I know Merek, knows whom I am, but in the spirit of introductions." Katherine says with a smile, before her hand comes to rest close to her own bosom. "I am Lady Magus, Katherine Tanzer of the Outcasts. I am /sure/ I have met you both at some point, but," She admits with a soft sigh. "Many faces I've seen, so do forgive if I have forgotten yours." Her eyes looking to Kauchemar.

The imp then shifts her focus to Merek, "By the way, earlier you said you desire to create your own store. Is this correct? How is such planning coming together?"
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar gives it a dismissive wave with one hand. "Think nothing of it. I did use to be much more... secretive in the times before the Cataclysm." The Outcasts tend to be more a loose network of connections that an actual nation, anyways. "Nor do I alway wear this face." Being a Were Fang and all that.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek looks then to Katherine and nods a bit, lifting his brow at the word which Kauchemar would use, although he does offer a little smile for both of the two, while he thinks about it, "You are a wonderful lady," he notes to that Alchemist.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar has gone back to her own musing. It's a rare time she's standing mostly still, though the occasional swish of her tail gives away that she's not entirely idle in her thoughts. "Once upon a time... though these days being a solo operator really doesn't suit one's survival."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek nods a bit to Kauchemar, while he thinks about it, "I usually keep to myself though I still work with people," he notes, a nod offered a little bit to the woman.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

"Indeed, indeed." Kauchemar rests an elbow in her palm so she can thoughtfully tap a cheek with a fingertip. "But there's just too many threads and mysteries in this world to investigate everyone on one's own. A network to gather and share information is much more proficient. We all benefit from knowing more about our situation here."
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Katherine was busy closing down for the day while the two talked. Very carefully placing her potions away in boxes. Her eye brow raised a little as a 'network' was brought up. "Do you speak of creating by a chance a merchant's guild?" She asks looking at the two.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    "There's already one, unless you mean to make another," Merek notes, while he nods a bit to Katherine and to Kauchemar.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar waggles her finger. "There's already one of those. I'm just talking about the passage of information in general. I am a Messenger as well as Muse, after all."
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Katherine hrms softly and shrugs a little. "Well, a messenger always has uses. Be they good or bad! Having such information being passed along to the public would also be good."

The imp Magus then snaps her fingers and all the boxes she has packed up begin to float in the air with ease. "Perhaps outside of giving you a free potions, should this slime create a higher tier of poison... Mayhaps," She gives Kauchemar a smile and looks the Nightmare up and down for a moment. "I'll make use of your-- services."

Then she motions the boxes along with her magic. "Either way, I should be making my way back to my little inn room. You two have a fantastic day!"
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

Kauchemar admires the bit of levitation magic with a snicker. "That seems like such a simple magic, but people underestimate just how useful it can really be." Then bows briefly to the Imp once more. "It would be my pleasure as well as profitable."
Katherine Tanzer
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Katherine looks back over her shoulder at Kauchemar with a tail flick. "People always underestimate the power of magics. They are to wrapped up in the once dream world we are now free from. Wanting to place those boring logics to a land /full/ of possibilities."

The imp then looks away. "If they learn to just let go and embrace this greater world that we all thrive in... We all be much happier in our lives." Then Katherine walks off. Kauchemar also may notice a friend invite sent her way.
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

    Merek nods a bit to the two while he seems to think about it, "You all take care."
Carmina Gadelica - Town of Beginnings

"Right then. Keep in touch." Kauchemar gives a short wave as she turns to wander on her way as well.