Shopping at Chain Mail Bikini +1

Baroness Wake
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Just a few minutes prior to noon, the door opens and Baroness Wake enters. While her normal calling card is to sneak up, that seems rather rude when patronizing a place of business. She has added a warm cloak to her usual outfit to ward off the chill. It's not very warm out! At least not by her standards. Once she has fully entered the place, she stops and looks around, surveying everything that is there with interest. She walks up to one of the displays and smiles. There are warm socks there. "Tae would love these," she whispers faintly to herself.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

There's all sorts of clothing a lot of earth style things here. socks, men's and women's small clothes. Day to day items like pants, simple dresses and the like. There's also a fair bit of leather and cloth armour for sale here as well too on various displays and Baroness Wake would behold something.

A towering Sylph woman with purple hair, clad in a french maid outfit today.

"Hello welcome to the CChainmailbikini +1 how can I help you?"
Baroness Wake
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

The Baroness is directing most of her attention to remarkably mundane things. Warm, cute socks seems to be high on the list. She's just reaching out to make a few selections when her attention is diverted by the greeting. She turns to face the Sylph politely. Wake's expression is best classified as placid, with a small smile. She dips gracefully into a curtsey, "Thank you for the kind welcome. I am Baroness Wake. I was just looking for some warm things for my dear who is back home. She deserves the best, and I have heard many good things about this shop."

Rising with practiced ease from her curtsey, the Baroness gestures to the socks, "Do you have things that are soft like this, that one might wear to stay warm at bed time? I would like to make a care package for my love that will keep her warm and comfortable and remind her that she is ever on my mind, even though I am away."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "I am Gwen Pendragon, the owner of this shop. I was one of the first if not the first place selling proper basic clothing. I don't know about you but after a few days I was sick of medieval Japanese undergarments."

"So what you want a tracksuit made out of those?"

Gwen thinks for a moment "I should be able to do it but Summer is indeed coming. However, who am I to argue with what a customer wants! Is there anything else you might be interested in Baroness?"
Baroness Wake
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"Yes," replies Wake. She considers Gwen very carefully. "It is good to have more normal fashions, certainly," she begins, her tone growing rather serious. Before she goes on, she draws closer to the Sylph and leans in just enough to make it clear that she has a more private request on her mind.

"Might you also sell, or perhaps I could order through a surprise gift for the one I love? Something she can wear on warmer nights. Something beautiful. Her skin tone is slightly different than mine. A bit more yellow, you might say, so perhaps a red garment? I have not seen anything that catches my eye yet, but I was hoping to find a night gown. Something beautiful, mind you, not too revealing. She is a proper lady."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "I was sick of bindings myself."

Gwen smirks a bit at this as she looks at the other woman for a moment. Gwen gets this face, a look that would send Shiruba, Uta and Jazz running for the hills if they saw it. "I think I can do something like that, something like that? I don't get enough requests to keep that sort of thing on display and I don't want to scare some people off."

SHe notes. "It might take some time but I can produce such for you."