Checking On Gwen

Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta did not trust Gwen's chimlink assurances that she's fine. Rule one of Gwen Club is, you do not trust Gwen club. Rule two of Gwen Club is, you do NOT trust Gwen club. Rule three of Gwen club is, if you are still reading the rules, you clearly haven't gotten the first two points, right?

    So Uta made her way to the Chainmail Bikini +1. "Gwen! Gwen! Look what I've found!", she will announce, holding the chitinous plate from her spider duty over her head like the trophy it is. "I was meaning to get you some spider silk, but... think you can weave this into something as well?"

    The first thing Gwen might notice (or might not, depending on her state) is that Uta's hair is far, far shorter than it used to be last time. It's pretty much been reduced to a pixie bob. A voluminous one, but still far shorter than the down-to-mid-back style Uta had going on before.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen is upstairs and will call down. "Huih what? What did you find?" She pauses and actually will get up from where she's working and come down. She pause as she sees uta has a pretty cute pixie cut and she'll pauses. "New hair style. Oh this ... gives me ideas."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta looks a bit stunned at first. She recovers quickly, and segues into, "...good! Good. Get ideas. Yes. You do the normal Gwen thing. The normal Gwen thing is good. And here, looky!" She waves the chitinous plate over her head, and extends it for Gwen to examine. "I got this from Spinner's End. Think you'd be able to make something out of it?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "Thought I'm not sure where I'd get the right materials to make a body suit." She humms throwingf the idea away for now and she looks at the silk. "Oh yes I used some of that on the project I'm working on right now. What might you want made?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta looks confused. "Body... suit? What... what even is a body suit?" She throws the idea away shortly after Gwen does, and is caught unprepared. "...I have no idea to be honest." She knocks on it. "It would be a cool material to make an armor out of, but... it looks like there's not enough of it for that. Maybe... I don't know, decorations? Buckles? A helmet? Or a hat. I think Mikage said hats are important at some point."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen just grins at Uta about that ans does not answer. "Or weave as part of it if we could buy more silk from other people that have ran there I bet I could make oyu a full pice of amout out of it."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta exclaims, "Oh, that reminds me. When we cleared Spinner's End, there was a runic message saying that there's something that's been unlocked. "Spinner's Deep", it is called. Something about level-gated content. Maybe we can get more stuff there?" She looks down at the chitinous plate. "My problem is that I'm a hand-to-hand fighter, and can't wear armor that's too heavy. I need to be able to move freely. I guess I'm starting to understand the part where they explained that defense is not my strong suit..." She knocks on the plate. "...But you're right. This material is light yet strong. It might actually do the trick."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta, after saying that, extends the plate for Gwen to hold and examine.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "Yeah I got that it was level locked the last time I did it. Sounds like it's time to get to the root of things with it." She notes with a grin on her face. She looks it over. "Let's see whgat we have hear yeah I csan do something with this, we should try to get some more for this and then I can get to work but it will have a bit of a delay though..."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta, with her hands now free, discreetly flicks her menu and inspects Gwen for status effects that might need assistance. "I understand, Gwen. Don't worry. Just... you know, I thought I'd drop by, show you things, and -- Oh, by the way, thank you for the desert outfit. It really did the trick on that quest where we cleared that copper mine with Jazz." As much as Uta found it embarrassing (but she won't tell Gwen tihs), she had to admit that it was perfect for keeping reasonably cool in the hostile climate.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen grins at the mention of the outfit. "I made one for myself and Shiruba as well. I should make one for Jazz..." Desert Rangers ho? She then gets serious for a moment. "Your a good friend Uta I'm glad I have met you! Also keep an eye on Jazz she's got umm a project of her own..." Gwen actually pulled herself away long enough to cook a few things for Jazz, if Uta ever pesters Morri or Uther about that.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta remains silent at the words, but looks touched. "You're a good friend too, Gwen," she says. "I'm glad I've met you, and I'd like to keep doing so. Take care of yourself, okay?"

    And then the bomb is dropped. Jazz has a project? "...oh no...", she mutters, going a little pale.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "I'll try to I just got to get this done. This is the most amazing thing I have ever worked on in my life." She admits. "It's hard to get it out of my head for long. Don't worry I sent her some food already!"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    Uta was glancing at her own menu and displays, invisible to others, just as Gwen mentions 'The most amazing thing she has ever worked in her life,' and what follows. She goes dead silent, staring at what to Gwen must look like thin air.

    Her jaw drops.

    She looks at Gwen with admiration, no, awe. Downright awe.

    She snaps her mouth shup in a quick motion. "...sorry, I had one of my moments there," she says. "I... I am glad you are feeling fine, but now I really have to go. You take care, okay?", she says, waving and heading for the door.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen pauses at Uta's behaviour there's a concerned look on her face. "Okay, are you all right?" She pauses for a moment as she watches her friend leave. "Well take care yourself."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

    "I am fiiiine!", replies Uta's voice from outside. She's running somewhere. Or is she running away from something? Or is it both?