On The Night

Merek meets up with Tenko to have a meal and to talk about the world.

Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    Merek had invited Tenko to come by, he had been quite busy with things since the Wave, taking the time to eventually finish up. It even kept him from going in missions, but it was important. An important duty, all the same he makes a way into the shop while he waits for his friend, who he sent the chim link to. He seems to be wearing his casual attire, dark that it is, along his features, settling in with what looks to be a bit of local meat with tea.
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

It had been a while since she had recieved the invite. But that was the nature of the kitsune. She was always wandering. She could never stay in one place for very long.

She pushed the door to the shop open, wandering inside, taking a look around at the various potions on display, and being careful to keep her tails in check so as to not knock anything over with them.
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    Merek looks up when Tenko would begin coming into the shop, with a smile offered. It's not often he smiles, then it's back to the neutral expression, while he walks that way. He seems to still be looking in rough shape, at least tired if still in full health. The man looks to the shop then to the kitsune, "Hey, it's nice to see you. I made you something to eat, I figured you were away on your journey for a while. The Wave was pretty rough to deal with, been a long week."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

"You look like you need a long rest." Tenko says, as she returns the smile, even if he cannot see it with the mask on. She really insists on wearing that thing all the time, huh? Though the offer of food may get her to take it off, if only to eat briefly. Though she can probably eat with the mask on, it's not like it covers her mouth, "Thank you for the food. What did you make?" She just hopes he has the cooking skill..
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    Merek does not have that cooking skill, though he does know to make simple things, at least. "I made a bit of meat sticks along with tea, it's all I could manage, I did import some fish and potatoes, from the local eatery," he notes. The man finds a place to settle in at the nice couch in front of the table while he sighs, "I perhaps do, but I need to keep on working to protect people." There's a look to the kitsune, following the tails, though he does look to the mask, "You look nice today."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

"Thank you." She replies, as she considers for a moment or two, before taking a bite of some of the meat sticks, after sitting down, "You cannot save everyone. I have learned that the hard way."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    "I know, it does not mean that I can't try," Merek notes then to Tenko, while he watches the woman. There's a look to the side in thought, while he sighs, "I don't know. I'm trying, I didn't fail once during the Wave, and managed to keep an Adventurer from being killed. Still, I feel a bit useless." The man moves to settle with the kitsune, if she permits.
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

She makes no move to stop him, though she does seem focused on the food. It has been a while since she's eaten anything besides trail rations, "I think you hold yourself to too high of a standard." She says, "Then again, I think a lot of us do." She muses, faintly, "I was forced to kill someone today who had, for all intents and purposes, once been a Lander. They were a monster now, a vampire. But I do not believe they will be able to return, as some monsters do."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    Merek seems to think about Tenko's words, while he nods a bit to the woman. There's a thoughtful look to the whole of the place while he takes a bite of the meat, then follows that with a little sip of his tea. "I don't know, I mean... I don't want to have to fight Landers, but I've had to before, and people from another world, I don't know, it all makes little sense." There's a look to the food while he thinks about it, "I don't know, I keep fighting, and I'll keep fighting. For as long that it takes."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

"I don't really know much about that." Tenko replies, as she considers for a moment, "I read the report. But the whole situation is...Above my head. All I know is that we are from another world as well, are we not? Even if we do our best to mesh with this world.."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    Merek looks then to Tenko and nods a bit, "Well, we are. All the same," he seems thoughtful while he looks to the food, "Either way, I am worried about it all, I think there's a lot we don't know. And, with the sword," a look to the demon blade, while he thinks, looking distant while he tries to focus elseplace. "Well, I think there's a lot more which is at stake than we could possibly imagine."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

"What is the deal with the sword?" Tenko asks, "I know you cannot unwield it, that much you have made clear.." She muses, "It is most likely related to an important quest, if it's an item as powerful as that.."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    "It belonged to a King, there's a Queen of his that wants the weapon to apparently take full control of the lands, so... Ya," Merek nods a bit to the sword a little, "It... Erased part of this... My own, data. And it used it to become powerful, it was not an experience I would like to know again." There's a look to Tenko, "I think you coming by is one of the few times I actually get to relax even."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

"Oh, well." Tenko muses faintly, "I think that may be related to the group we fought then." She frowns faintly, "Didn't hear anything about a cursed sword. Just a knight who's extremely dedicated to his queen." She considers for a moment or two, "I've never encountered this kind of thing before, it's quite long and complicated.."
Carmina Gadelica - Elixir Emporium

    Merek nods a bit to Tenko while he seems to think about it, then he looks to the food while he takes a drink of the tea. "Aye, well it was probably a little related. I am at the moment looking to do a few Merchant projects to assist people."