Missure Fisher (AKA - When You Fail, You Still Need To Heal)

Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    The mission on the fifth floor didn't go to plan. While Setsuna, Schneider, and Xander were able to discover the place was nothing but one massive goblin nest. They didn't get much on the actual boss.

After ambush and ambush, a near hair razing escape, and more debuffs then one can shake a stick at (probably cause some mage threw to many fireballs, someone forgot their indoor voice, and a particular tank Salamander just failing to forget he has a tail), the group managed to get themselves down to the third floor, where Xander was able to get a room in the town of Zumfit.

It would be here that the three would rest, but more importantly, Xander was going to do what leaders do; Worry about his team under him.

    Once they do arrive in the room, he has to lean against the wall. His teeth gritting, as the status effects just play hell with him. He motions to them with a slight wave of his hand. "Sit or lay on the beds..." Xander's hand falls by his side. "We-- will get some rest here... and then after a bit of recoving continue our way down."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Stumbling in, the human takes a seat in the first chair he sees, letting the third companion take the bed. Setsuna pulls away a torn piece of robe on his chest and looks at the gash in him and winces. " I am so happy for the pain reduction now." He winces as he says it as if it is still not enough before leaning his head back. The poison wasn't helping him either but first concern was absolutely the bleeding. " So we got out alive, I guess that is something. I still say we should of charged the other way and gotten an attack list off the boss in exchange for 24 hours in the isolation chamber they call death. " So they die, its not like anything permanent happened. Taking a moment he adjust himself in the wooden chair and looks at Xander as if waiting for something.
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    "I made a promise to Amalthea..." Xander says, as he listens to Setsuna, "That we would come back /alive/." His draconic tired gold eyes look over to the human. "Just because we can come back from death... It is not something..."

He pauses in thought, his eyes look distant for a moment, before he continues with soft words. "... it is not something anyone should ever experience..." He closes his eyes. "... no one will die around me again..." Was the next part he said even more softly.

    With a deep inhale, he opens his eyes once more. Trying to pull himself back to /this/ reality, even as he winces at the pain his body sends his way as he forces himself to stand up fully. "I... have some healing supplies on me, along with... healing magic... I should be able to patch you and fire mage over there up easily enough."

Then he goes to open his inventory and scrolls through some things, as he says toward Setsuna, "... I am glad you both came though... May have been a shit-show, but... At least we /did/ get here. Together."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Setsuna continues to stare at the man for a moment, hoping Xander is going to get the and hint, and then groans in frustation as he stands up. " Oh for god sakes man. Sit the hell down!" He points to the chair he just stood out of. "I swear you have done more then either of us and I am pretty sure you took a few more hits too." He glares at the man for a moment before he relaxes a little. " Just you don't need to carry the party , take a sit, have a drink, close your eyes. None of us are gonna ble..." Half way through his sentence Setsuna coughs for a moment before continuing, "bleed out or die from our wounds at the moment."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Xander stops looking at the inventory. His eyes move past the menu only he can see. Those eyes stare Setsuna dead on, as his tail flicks. "... and I doubt you have pharmacy or healing spells." He raises a brow. "Unless you do.. Then I will be more then glad to do as you /ask/."

His eyes narrow sharply, his voice also taking a very sharp, serious tone. "If you don't. Then sit your /ass/ back down and let me do my job. Then you can /bitch/ at me to rest." The Salamander looks back at the menu.

There was a sigh that followed, before his jaw moves ever so slightly. "... But I thank you for your concern, Setsuna... However I am the one in charge right now... so again... Let me do this-- then I'll rest."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

     Man to man, mano v mano as they stare at each for a moment. Two moments pass, maybe three. Then Setsuna takes a deep breath and sits apparently acquieses for the moment, even if his face says otherwise. He looks around the room slowly as he shakes his head. " You are lucky I don't have a heal spell." It's his way of acknowledging that he doesn't have the ability to help in this situation. "So then , what do you do for a hobby? Knit? Quilt? Maybe you make cheese?"
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    The stare down was there, but once Setsuna sits, Xander gives a gentle head nod, then walks over to him, wincing a little, but shoving the pain to the side.

The Salamander then starts to work on those debuffs and bleeding. Using not only his magic, but also herbs he has from his old healing kits he made after the release of the expansion.

"In life? Do things in video games I can't do in life." He explains, glancing at Setsuna, before focusing on what he is doing once more. "In game? Use to be challenging other players for their gear." He laughs, carefully though. "After the expansion... Just keeping my combat skills sharp." There was a pause before he then looks at Setsuna dead on once more. "... You?"
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Allowing the healing to continue Setsuna continues to stare at the wall, he may have been upset he didn't win the fight. However the stacks of debuffs are reducing and the pain is fading at least. " Lately I hike, I guess. A lot of walking around here and there." He tilts his head back and forth as if thinking for a moment. " I don't know. I used to have hobbies, now I have distractions to keep me from my hobbies." He is vague a bit as he continues to keep eye on the status window. " So no staying up late, collecting stamps or something like that for you huh? Perhaps you should consider it."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Xander snorts softly. "I'm old, but I'm not that old." He muses with a smirk. Though once he that is done, he goes to take a step back. "There.. Now your body can just... normal regen without everything holding it down."

He runs his hand through his hair, before he goes to rest his hand on the back of his neck. Closing his eyes as he once more tries to shove back the pain the game as sending his way. "I mean... Before things happened in my life. I didn't even /play/ video games. I was to busy with training, if not training, I was with my brothers at the local bar. Hittin' up on ladies. Staying up /way/ to late. Then sneaking back on the compound after curfew before having to rise n' shine at four a m."

Xander shook his head a little, before a gentle, but sad smile found his lips. "We did some stupid things back then... It's amazing we..." Then he pauses, "... doesn't matter anymore anyways." Then he goes to focus on the other member of the team.
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Setsuna listens to the past as Xander explains it , " Brothers can be great. " He says his own voice having a since of loss in his voice. As Xander deems him a clear bill of health he stands and exits the room while the healing is going on. He then returns a few moments later with a few cups of what is supposedly hot tea. He sets them on the small table and gesures to a cup towards Xanders. " It all matters. It matters because it happened. At the end of the day its all we have of the outside."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    When Setsuna comes back with the tea, he will find that the Salamander kept his word. Xander is at last sitting down, looking exhausted and ready to catch his own cat nap. Though an inspection will show that he has /not/ healed himself yet.

Xander takes the offer tea and looks at it. Ponder silently something t himself. He doesn't respond to Setsuna's comment, though his eyes do grow distant and the look is not one of 'joy' to the statement. When he does speak up he says softly and simply, "Yeah..." Before he takes a sip of the tea. "... and thank you." Raising the cup up gently.

"... We will probably get an hour... maybe two nap in... Then continue our way down. We can get some full rest once we are out of this place." Xander says before he takes another sip of the tea.
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

     Setsuna nods his head as he sips his own cup. " That is reasonable." He takes another sip before asking, " So when are you healing yourself? " It was a fair question, everyone else had been healed. However he could see Xander limping all the way back to the first floor and then spendig a week poisoned before finally doing something about it. " I mean unless you are just hoping those wounds turn into scars. If you are then don't mind me." The human would move over to the corner of the room and sit with his tea in hand. Looks like he wasn't debating who got the floor.
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    "I'll probably get ahold of Uta once I get out of the tower..." Xander says, "Or make Doc do it." There was a grin there. "... Need to check on our agreement anyways." then takes another sip of the tea.

"... By the way, when we spared..." He looks over to Setsuna, "... I think you brought up something about a... Kid? I mean, unless I heard wrong.... or getting you mixed with someone else." The Salamander looks at the cup in his hand. "... The noggin sometimes doesn't work on all eight."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Another sip of tea as if to prolong his answer for as long as possible. Setsuna looks at the cup for another moment before he takes a deep breath and says, "Yep a kid, though maybe now he want to be called a teenager now. Who knows. " He goes to sip again and he's out. Tea doesn't last long here it seems, or maybe its when one is using it to fill conversation gaps. " Anyways I suppose I should be happy he can't make it up past midnight or else he would be here instead of me. " Setsuna says but there is some form of sadness in his voice.
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    "That was... Going to be my other question, since I know for a few I've spoken too... They fear their family is trapped in here as well." Xander admits as he goes to get a bit more comfy in the chair, taking another sip of the tea.

"Never knew if I really wanted kids myself..." The Salamander admits, before he does a soft laugh. "Not that my life now will ever let me have that choice." He takes another sip of the tea. "I'm sure when we get out of this mess, your kid, or /teen/, will be glad to see you again."

"Hell, if my old man was still alive, I know I'd be glad to see him again, cause man... There was days I missed him... Still do... and its been nearly ten years." Xander looks over to Setsuna. "But we will /all/ get out of this and back home."
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Setsuna listens and sips an empty cup as he considers for a moment the answer being given. " I have never regretted having my kid. However I will admit he may prefer that I stay trapped in here. Our relationship wasn't the best." He admits as he drinks more of nothing, drowning his sorrows in air. " Anyways if we are going to leave in two hours we should sleep." He adjusts in the corner and stretches a little before making himself comfortable. " You will have to beat me in another game of chess if you want to hear more. "
Aincrad Tower: Zumfit

    Xander chuckles, though winces a little. "Is this just going to be our thing now?" He muses at Setsuna. "Beat up one another to get answers to our /deepest/ burning questions?" There was a playful smirk there, before he goes to finish his own tea.

"But yeah, get this cat nap, then get out of here. I'll-- handle the report work... But for now." He then tries to get himself comfortable. "Rest."