Happy Hour at the Isekai Ryoken

Where in Hifumi hosts folks

Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Hifumi is working behind the bar as often he is, grilling yaki and making plates while his bartender pours beer and harder drinks. One of the waitresses greets Yeowang. "Did you wish to sit at a table or at the bar?" she motions one way then the other.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang nods to the waitress, and says, "At the bar is fine." She'll take the seat offered, and she smiles cordially, if a bit coolly. "Good evening," she greets Hifumi, and places her order for supper. To drink, she says, "Water is fine, or tea if you have it?" She looks around curiously, though her expression is approving.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi nods "What can I do for you? Yaki? Grilled Eel? Something more filling less snacky? If you want a drink the old man will be happy to pour you something." he nods at the old Fox Cait Sith. "You just eating or you gonna want a room too? Haven't seen you about." the chef is obviously chatty and the smell of food and drink is strong in this front room of the IR.
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang admits, "I am .... new, I suppose you would say." Not new to the game, since we've all been stuck here, but she explains, "I'd been trying to push past some of the game's limits. But finally I decided I should get on with things." She nods about something more filling, "A late supper, then yes, if you have rooms, that would be welcome."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi nods his head and gets a dinner menu setting it on the bartop. "Let me know what you'd like I'll be happy to get you fixed up. We do have some rooms available." he says with a smile. The man running his fingers of his right hand against a rough bit of metal banding on the bartop. "Stuck in Ezzo? Or just doing your own thing outside the aliances?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang shakes her head about Ezzo. "Luckily for me. But no, I suppose it counts as doing my own thing. The game's not as ... responsive as I'd like, I suppose you would say. I was trying to overcome that, but I think I've just resigned myself to playing at the game's speed."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi nods his head "Yes well, I suppose it's something we've all got going on." he says, as a small dragon made of flowers and leaves lands on his shoulder, claws made of thorns digging into his jacket. "At least things like this still work." he says sweeping his hand at his resturant and bar area. "Nothing like a good meal and drinks with friends to help bring the world into focus."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

There's a small tic at the corner of Yeowang's eye as Hifumi mentions friends, but she settles her expression as she says, "Yes, that's certainly the case. This world definitely could use a bit more focus, I would say. I'm not sure you have enough spirits and food here to accomplish it all, either, though that's a measure of how strange the world is, moreso than how much you might have on hand."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi shrugs alittle, Snapdragon fluttering it's leafy wings. "I have food, I have drink, I have rooms. The Isekai Ryoken is a place for Adventurer and Lander alike to take succor and solace."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang nods gravely. She says, "And it's indeed a very nice place. I was thinking about my situation outside the game, I suppose. Though it seems it doesn't matter at this point, and I should proceed on with just the things that matter in the game." She sighs, says, "I shouldn't complain, I suppose. It doesn't help, nor does it get me anywhere. Perhaps it's just so that my opinion on the matter is noted."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi "Well, I do understand. There are those of us who I suppose just find this a better life." he says rubbing his right hand along that rough bit of metal. "And so, we just live it. A padded jacket is an acceptable gift, even in summer." (Japanese proverb, equivilant to don't look a gift horse in the mouth)
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang nods to the proverb, though she says, "I am fairly certain that we are simply copies in any event, and our players only connect from time to time. What we are now is what is left over when my player is disconnected." That's her theory, anyhow. She can't imagine her family would have left her stuck in the game for so long, if she really was stuck. "Still, cogito ergo sum." I think, therefore I am. "We must treat ourselves and our companions as real, because this /is/ real. To us."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi shrugs again and takes a plate from the gap between kitchen and bar. He sets the plate down infront of Yeowang. "Yes well, I don't know, if I am a copy I feel bad for the bastard." he says and shakes his head "If he died, I suppose I would mourn him, if I am myself well then, I've been given a gift."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang smiles as the plate is delivered, bows her head respectfully, and murmurs, "Thank you." She shrugs and says, "I do not think any of us are dead. I think that would have created a huge crisis and the machines would all have been shut down." She murmurs, 'Itaidakimasu," and begins to eat, shrugging at her own theory of what's happened. "In the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. We must deal with the world as we find it, yes?"
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi nods "Well that is one way to look at it." he says and smiles "I'm happy to just live my life as it is here."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

Yeowang has, perhaps, an unusual outlook on our condition. Of course, it's only speculation; that's all most of us can do. She's no computer programmer. She smiles at Hifumi being happy with how his life is, and says, "Then you have achieved a higher emotional state than many people. I congratulate you." She takes a bite of her food, chews it, clearly enjoying. "You are also an excellent chef."
Dun Loireag - Isekai Ryokan

    Hifumi laughs "I should be, dedicated my life to it." he holds hishand to the side of his mouth like he's telling a secret. "Even took the Maid profession because it was the only one that let me cook in game before we got stuck here." he winks