A Uta Visit/Uta comes by to catchup with Gwen.

Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

The door to the Chain Mail Bikini +1 opens and in walks a certain Spriggan musical kung-fu nurse. Unusually for her, she's out of her newbie clothes, wearing the more MMORPG-y attire Gwen made for her (but still inspired to her original gi/nurse's-uniform getup).

"...Chain Mail Bikini...", mumbles Uta, as she enters, gaze lost towards the ceiling while her (gloved) index finger taps her lips. "...I never paid attention to it before, but now I wonder... does Gwen own a whole chain of mail order swimwear shops?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen would find she has a guest and the towering woimen turns about at Uta for a moment "What's that Uta? Do you want an actual Chain Mail Bikini?" Gwen's eyes are lighting up. "It's also good to see you my friend! I still need to pose for that billboard ad too thank you for reminding me, Uta!"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta looks confused. "What would I do with a chain mail bikini?" She scratches her head, but eventually smiles at Gwen. "Oh, you're posing for billboard ads? Nice! I didn't know we were getting billboard ads. Must be a Mercantile Strange Mood. Or Artisany. Not sure which. Still, innovative! Who's the artist who's going to paint you?" She looks out of the window. "Where are they hanging the billboard? Oh, MAN!" She clenches her fist. "When they paint it, I get to boast 'Hey! I know her! She's Gwen! We go waaaay back!' Well, just after the Apocalypse, technically. But still!"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "Wear it to show off your good looks?" She smirks for a moment "Yeah and I'll be in one for it. As for who? Kita." She grins again and thinks for a moment "Oh just on the shop itself honestly. I'm not sure when I still need to contact her. Well far as this goes here we do go way back, you know you are going to end up adopted by my folks right for all the good and bad of that. Just like Shiruba was."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta doesn't really address the suggestion of wearing a chain mail bikini to 'show off her good looks' in her reply; her blushing in embarrassment and whipping out out a squishy red ball which she squeezes and releases multiple times while breathing slowly might be a telltale sign that she might be doing this on purpose. "...I might need some light armor at some point in the future, but maybe something more substantial than that. Oh! I know Kita. She's good. She has given me a great picture of the Girl from the Menu, although I have no idea why she'd decide to draw that particular subject... and yes. Yes, a billboard for the shop is perfect. I think- wait, adopted?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen does not press it, she might try to get people to try certain thing but she won't push too hard, they might run away for good otherwise drive them off. She nods a bit at uta. "I can do that but it iwll be to order I was just making a suggestion and .. girl from the menu?" Gwen looks confused at this. "Yes adoptd like Shiruba was before we even ended up in this world!"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta waves her hand in dismissal. "Nevermind the Girl from the Menu. It's a long story. OH! Which reminds me. I might not be ready for a chainmail bikini yet, but- I'm going to need a monster handling outfit. You know, uh, whatever it needs. Gloves, hat, jacket, apron... uh... that's what a monster handling outfit entails, right?" Uta scratches her head. "...I don't know, to be honest. I'll have to trust you on that."

Finally seeming to realize there's been an offer for adoption, she looks pleasantly stunned. "I mean, uh, that's... that's really nice. I... I..."

"...I wouldn't want to be a bother or a nuisance," she says, unsure of what else to say.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "So a functional cowgirl outfit. I can do that, you could say I know such things quite well I'm fron Texas after all." She beams "It just kinda of happens Uta but don't worry about it and your not. Though do watch out for when Morri gets fashion ideas..." Someone's ideas that makes Gwen run?! "So do tell I got the time ot hear about the Menu Girl."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"Oh, right! The girl from the menu! You know how when you navigate the menu and you have the examples for... is it equpping? I am fuzzy on the details. Might be the actual menu. Might have been back in character generation. Anyway. You know how the game shows you your outfir on this example avatar? Spriggan girl? Extremely marketable? That one. The Girl from the Menu. Must be the game mascot or something."

"You're from Texas?" Uta asks. "Oh, cool! Didn't know that. That explains-"

She stares, and thinks.

And thinks.

And thinks.

"...actually, I can't think of anything that is explained by that. But I suppose I'm in good hands! Oh, yes, I'm also told that I'll need to have the outfit enchanted afterwards, so- wait. Morri's ideas scare you? What... what kind of ideas does she- do I even want to know?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen looks at Uta for a moment and pauses at this "I don't remeber that I only saw what my avatar would end up looking like when I did made my form for this world." Gwen just peers at Uta for a moment and nods. "Oh I guess I hid things better than I thought. Not enough Yeehaw I guess. Gwen may have missed Menu girl though when she thinks about it.

"Yes she has idea... even I find shameful."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"So, long story short I came here for-"

Pause. Head scratching ensues.

"...why did I come here again? Probably food. Food is always a good reason. I have been eating far too many literal soggy crackers of late, that's not healthy. I need better food- OH, and yes! I came to check how your training is going!"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "Cowgirl outfit for monster handling maybe some lining to help protect you sagainst slime's that could be a good idea also food. What can I take you for? Why do you do this to yourself food will keep in your invenotry like a fridge...It's going but I need to get some new hunting grounds I think to push myself harder..."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta's jaw drops at the revelation of the menu pretty much freezing food in time. "...THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING!", she exclaims.

"OH! Training? I know just the thing!" She reaches out to grab her much taller friend (now adoptive sister?) and drag her out of the shop. "I've learnt to pick up slimes without suffering damage! I'm going to toss slimes at you, and you try to parry them... deal?"
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen Says "Wait what does food does Uta and yes you have a spot? Well why the hell not It sound like something out of a shjow but it might just work with how our new home worlds! Come on lets get you some food shall we?"