Look What The Catgirl Dragged In

Of all the clothing stores in Yamato, she had to walk into this one.

Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

If the Chain Mail Bikini +1 has a door chime, it rings as a catgirl Adventurer walks through the door with determination. Gwen might recognize her as an occasional customer. Said catgirl's pulling along a rather reluctant Uta.

"Gwen," she begins. "I think you need to take a look at this."

Uta had been dragged in backwards, so Tama grabs her shoulders and turns her around.

The sight is not pleasant: Uta's wearing a white cheongsam dress with a blue floral design, one which Gwen provided Uta for her modeling gig, but it's covered in slime goo, and frayed at the hems. Some of those splotches have corroded the fabric. Uta seems completely oblivious as she appears completely engrossed in examining a slime she's holding in her hands. Ungloved hands, which means she's getting constant chip damage. "...I'm not sure of who she is or what's up with her -- but the dress is definitely one of yours." She glances sideways at Uta, who's now making little cooing noises at the slime. "...I think one of your models is broken."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

The chime goes off and Gwen takes note of her customers the Cait Sith was a semi-regular customer and she gets out from behind the counter. "What's this..." She'll state at Uta for a moment and is flashing back to when she was focused on her own project. She looks over her friend for a moment longer. "Uta...we need to get her inside now. I'll handle the rest." She will grab Uta gently and will seek to pull her inside Uta needs to be cleaned and fed. Also, she will inspect her friend in the process.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

"A class 3 poring which seems to not have undergone morphological reconfiguration. The tensile strength is a bit unusual for a poring in Alne, I wonder if it is a locally developed variant or it is some sort of intruder who got transported by other means..." Uta begins rambling in response to Gwen's "What's this", without averting her eyes from the slime.

"Thanks," the catgirl replies, darting for the door. "I'd love to stay and hear more about the story, but we have a meeting about the overrepresentation of catgirls among the Cait Sith adventurers in Yamato. Can't miss it...", she says.

Uta lets herself be led around without resistance; inspecting her reports a <<filth>> status effect, and possibly a <<famished>> one if there's such a thing, plus any others associated with self-neglect. Her HP bar is in the low yellow range, and the durability of her clothes is solidly in the red.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen waves the catgirl off and ponders she might have to call Morri and even Uther in for some help here. The first thing Gwen does after inspecting Uta is cast fairy healing on her, that's the big thing. The next thing is she's going to turn the closed sign on the door and shut it. After that if Uta doesn't fight her. "Thanks for your help with this! I owe you one." Now to Uta, who seems in no condtion to use the menu. So she'll ahve to clean her the hard way taking her to the living quarter to dump her in the tub, once Gwen fills it with water.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

When Uta's dumped into the soapy tub, conveniently frothy to hide everything and preserve decency for the younger audience, the durability of Uta's outer layer of clothes reaches zero, and shatters in a million polygons. She's still holding onto that slime, who now seems particularly interested in the water.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen looks in horror has some of Uta's clothing is lost and she'll deal with it. Once uta is pitche into the tub? Gwen get to work replacing the items that were lost and fixing those that were still savable. She's also got some food cooking as well and she'll when finish leave the clothes for Uta while she goes to fetch the food.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen eventually manages to eventually get Uta into, mysteriously, a dress identical to the one she was wearing when she entered (but this one is new and clean). It was not a straightforward endeavour, but it worked.

"Fascinating. Who would have guessed that a Soap Slime would be so slippery? Something to keep into account for the future...", Uta mumbles over the sound of her pencil scribbling down notes down in her notebook. As she does so, she hums a tune, a tune she's also been humming while taking her bath.
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen is going to make an post to the guild about Uta's condtion, now she;'ll wave the food under Uta's nose and take the pad away. "No more work till you eat you need to take care of yourself Utam if your going to work like this? You need to eat sleep and keep clean or your resarch will suffer for it."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta follows the food with her nose as it's waved. "What? I've... I've been eating! And sleeping! And kept clean! Like, I've literally just been in a bathtub!"

After the mandatory "itakdakimasu", she digs into the treats Gwen prepared, all while mumbling "...mmm. Unusual surface tension. I wonder what kind of implications this could have. I should cross-reference that with the ones in Mac Anu..." Chomp. "I fink dey nomf nomf in Mac Anomf..."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Gwen says "No you ahven't you came in flithy your clothing exploded dur to lack of durablity." She looks at Uta for a moment and she thinks for a moment. Gwen is going to get some people who work the ranch from the guild to -keep an eye on Uta when she can't. "Uta... I'm going to pack you some food before you leave."
Alne - Chain Mail Bikini + 1

Uta kind of stares at Gwen.

And stares.

And stares, until she slowly begin to go cross-eyed.

And then shakes her head. "...Did you see my slime? I had a slime with an unusual tensile strength. About this size." She cups her hands against each other, as if for holding an invisible slime. "Went soapy. Slipped away. I need to find it, Gwen! It might hold the Key!"