Trio Of Trouble

Yamato - -42 - 9 - 0

Midnight. The twin moons are wan, thin slivers that hang, low in the heavens, nearly outshone by the brilliant stars that glitter in the black skies. What little sickly red-and-green light they provide offers little in the way of vision, the trees and rocks barely-resolved silhouettes.

One of those silhouettes belongs to Robert, who leans against a convenient tree. He's even gone to the trouble of wearing a cloak, if more for flavor than anything else. It's certainly not part of his normal wardrobe. But there he waits, alone, arms folded across his chest and gaze tilted upwards, though his attention occasionally flickers towards any stray sounds.
Helena Lethe
Yamato - -42 - 9 - 0

    Robert may hear a giggle first, then another. He may see something move, but it was to quick; Hard to focus on. It wouldn't be much longer after that, that he may feel a gentle, soft touch on his shoulder, before a soft, warm female voice in his ear, "... Robert..."

But when the man goes to look, there is nothing there, beyond a bit more giggling. Yet with the games played, the triplets make themselves known, standing there on the roadway. Still in there elegant, belly dancing clothing with golden chains that hang off of their outfits and gem stones the catch the light easily by the twin moons.

    "You wanted to see us again, Robert?" Asks Selina first, the one in the red.

"We are here ask you asked." Says Grace, before then Destiny speaks up. "Though you do realize... Night is our hour. Was this really so wise for you?" Before motioning to him with her index finger.
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SpritesHero half-startles at the first touch, hand instinctively slashing towards his own shoulder. Fast, but not quite fast enough. Not enough to catch a vampire in her element. But as those familiar tones speak, he relaxes, straightening from his lean. He approaches, pausing some six feet away from the trio, and inclines his torso forwards in a bow.

"I assume that was you, Grace," he observes, warmth lurking about his lips in a half smile. "Selina. Destiny. A pleasure."

The warmth fades at Destiny's question, though, in favor of a devil-may-care helpless sort of shrug. "It's probably not wise at all," he freely acknowledges. "A bit silly, really, if I'm to be honest. I assume, based on your confidence, that you've already ascertained I am alone?"
Helena Lethe
Yamato - -42 - 9 - 0

    "We are creatures of the night, silly." Grace says with a smile. Destiny flips the bangs of her hair. "And we are vampires. Servants to our lord and master Felix Nightshade." Then Selina shifts her weight as her hand comes to rest on her hip. "He was the story teller you were so admiring. Hiding you see. He," She looks at the other two, "Knew if he showed his face, there are those who wouldn't hold back an attack."

"Unlike others in the service of the queen, Felix doesn't like to get his hands dirty." Grace further explains. "Many of us were part of the original carnival that came to visit the once grand capital of the queen and king." Her eyes then close, "But when 'events' happened, we all changed." Her eyes open once more, they almost glow in the darkness now; At least for a moment.

    "However," Selina then speaks up, "The game is changing and Felix has to get more involved. More than he would like... He would just sick the Jester on villages and towns, but that makes things... Messy."

"Felix /hates/ messy." Destiny says, with her arms crossing over her chest. "Sadly, this also puts our agreement in... a bind. Felix... has a way to make people-- talk. He has a... Natural ability to look into an opened heart and see their desire..."

"And their lies." Grace says softly. "I'm sorry, Robert."
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SpritesHero's gaze transitions, with curiosity, between the sisters, and he holds his silence. It is true that one eyebrow does slide upwards, by a fraction of a centimeter, but other than that his expression betrays no sign of horror, registers no hint of being wounded by what appears to be imminent betrayal. His gaze drops, he studies the ground at his feet in thought, before he glances up once more. His hands lift, then, settling upon his waist.

"It seems you've seen many things, then," he observes, gaze sliding towards Grace. "But what I don't understand is how any of this is problematic. Grace, if you would be so kind, please explain precisely what is meant. I've come here in good faith, as promised. I sincerely hope that you will at least return that with honesty, regardless of how unpleasant your words may be."
Helena Lethe
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    Grace looks at the other two before back to Robert, "Felix has asked for us to kill you." She says firmly. "I-- tried to convince him we would rather have you for a pet. Mayhaps, even taking you to the Queen herself for a boon."

Grace lowers her head, looking to her hands that clasp together in front her. "You asked a simply favor of us, to learn how we do what we do. How we can hypnotize a person with our voices."

Selina then speaks up, "But it is not something we can simply just teach. As we did not have this talent, until we were changed into what we are now."

Destiny then takes her turn. "We don't even know if those such as yourself can even /gain/ this skill. After all, we don't even have permission to make more like ourselves."

Grace shifts her own stance. "Well, Felix does. The Queen has granted him that power, but he is-- picky. He only changes mortals into vampires that he sees talent in. Talent and... useful skills."

Grace looks at Robert. "But we are willing to let you run, we all agreed to that... but yet..."

"Yet," Selina says with a sigh. "Felix will know. He /always/ knows. We are puppets on his strings, just as he is a puppet to the Queen."

Destiny then shakes her head, "And her majesty Helena Lethe is mayhaps a puppet to an individual that we only caught a glimpse of in passing. A man with shades, a suit, and a scorpion tail. They speak, make deals, we can only guess that he is, even if never said, the real on in charge."
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SpritesHero's gaze sharpens still more, then, as he files the information away for future reference. His hands remain on his waist, though it might be noted that tendrils of tension flicker through his fingertips, tension which is (slightly) eased by the tap-tap-tap of those fingers against his waist. He approaches, then, at an easy pace, bee-lining towards Grace.

"Thank you," he answers, pitching his tones to be low and quiet. "Though I do think there is a misunderstanding. I have no intention of your teaching me -how- you do what you do. I wanted to explore how far it can be pushed. Specifically, I am interested in whether it can force me to do things I am otherwise incapable of. At a technical level, not a moral level, I mean. I..." He exhales on a sigh, pausing just in front of Grace unless otherwise restrained. "I'm starting to feel my limitations. I need to find something that changes the way the game is played. But I doubt any of this changes what needs to be done." He pauses, then, brow furrowing, lips tightening in a frown. "This afternoon. Did he hurt you?"
Helena Lethe
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    The other two don't stop him, but they are keeping an eye on him as he moves up to Grace. She looks him in the eyes, her eyes softly glowing. "No... He didn't. He just-- can force us to speak. He has that ability. To get in your head." She steps up a little closer to him. "Maybe we all do."

Grace then lowers her eyes. "We can hypnotize people with our songs. Lure them in, so we can feed. However, it doesn't always hold long and we can't force them to say, kill themselves." She looks back to him. "I am not sure what else you may seek, but please-- Go. We don't want to fight, but soon-- we will have to if you stay here any longer."
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"And then what?" Robert queries, left hand lifting to, unless stopped, brush its fingertips across Grace's forehead. "He will know, yes? What then?" The fingertips trail downwards, palm pressing to her cheek.

"If we fight, you'll win," he continues, the words targeted at everyone though his gaze remains fixed on Grace. "And perhaps you'll manage it without casualties on your end." A shrug. "Perhaps not. Accidents happen, even to the best. In our world, we have a story of a famous warrior who died when a roof-tile fell on his head. But when I die, I come back. You, probably not, unless you have figured out how to respawn. As such, I admit I'm a bit confused by your master's instructions, but I suppose he must have his reasons."

"A counter-proposal," he suggests. "We continue until we are finished, and then I let Grace do what she has to. No risk on your part. What say you?"
Helena Lethe
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    "If we die, we do not return. We do not have such abilities as you adventurers do." Grace admits. She closes her eyes to his touch, but then she steps away.

She looks to her sisters, before back to Robert. "Felix won't hurt us. Maybe punish us, but not harm..."

Selina closes her own eyes in thought, falling silent as Destiny speaks. "But what else could you want from us. You already know our power can not push you further. We have probably shared with you more than we should have..."
    Selina then speaks softly, "Or we have shared everything mister Nightshade desired for us to share. It seems he wants the mortals to know the story and means he has his own grand scheme..."

Grace looks over to Selina, "You think it involves the coming wa--" They both shush her. Grace slumps her shoulders a little as Selina looks to Robert. "It seems we are all pawns right now... Which means Felix is watching right now if that is the case. So, you have a choice hero. Either you strike and we must defend ourselves, or you walk away and pray next we meet, it could continue to be on... peaceful... terms."

"Or we could just hypnotize him again, take our fill, and leave him her to wake on the side of the road as the sun rises." Destiny off handedly says with a wave of her finger tips. Grace peers at her, "That is just cruel!"
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"It -is- a bit cruel," Robert opines, stepping away from Grace until his field of view encompasses the trio as a whole once more. "-You- evidently don't feel the cold, but -I- do. And I didn't bring any blankets." There's a momentary flash of a grin as he lifts his hands in a gesture of surrender, though he's already backing away, step by slow step.

"I had a second motive in coming here tonight," he confesses. "You spoke of dangers, you..." he glances meaningfully at Grace, "speak of war, and curious individuals wearing clothes that should not exist. Not here. I'm not asking you to spy on your masters. But you will see and hear things that may be of mutual benefit. Or that may benefit your master if we Adventurers were to hear them. I would ask that you relay any such messages to me, if it should be in your interests. If so, would you know how to find me?" A pause, a momentary wry glance towards Destiny. "I might even be convinced to offer a delivery fee."
Helena Lethe
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    "That delivery fee better be your blood." Destiny says openly. "We are a hungry sort and we don't get much in the way of food.. The best is in the castle, where the cattle is kept."

Selina and Grace give Destiny both a stern look, who simply shrugs her shoulders as she says. "He knows what we are now, why continue the game? I think Felix was possibly hoping for a little cooperation. Even if it may not live long. After all, if all the mortals are killed off... what we will we feed on? Seems the queen is more interested in letting the world burn, than saving specs of it."

"And the adventurers will see us burn." Selina hisses back at her quietly before Grace just-- shakes her head. Grace looks to Robert. "For now, I think this may work How long? I dare not know. Perhaps when Felix gets bored, perhaps if the queen finds out and gives us direct orders. Either way, we will continue to provide what we can, how we can... But be warned-- It is hard to say how long this game will continue."
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"Deal," is all Robert says to Destiny's warning. It would appear that he can appreciate forthrightness. He almost, almost smirks, but suppresses it at the last moment. He's been pushing his luck tonight. Best not push it too much farther. He does indeed know what they are, though how much of the interaction is a game versus something else, even he cannot say. And so, blind and deaf, what else is there to do but simply ride the currents, hoping to avoid smashing into a rock?

Grace receives his attentions next, expression softening once more. "I understand. I thank you for your warning, Grace, and understand your constraints. I will not hold against you anything that is outside your control." A pause. "Chin up, eh?"

Finally, his gaze shifts towards Selina, even as his form begins to become shrouded once more in the shadow of the forest. "Adventurers will burn the world, whether they wish it as a whole or not," he agrees. "It's likely in your interest for us to leave as soon as possible." For a few moments, there is simply the crunch crunch crunch of booted heels against leaves. But speaking of pushing luck. "Your name's a bit of the odd man out, isn't it?"
Helena Lethe
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    Selina hears Robert's own words and goes to say something, before Grace takes her arm. "We should go as well. Come. The Merchant Blades will soon come down the road... and we don't want to be out here beyond 'curfew'."

"Or to be questioned even /why/ we are out here." Destiny adds, before the Trio makes their own way.