Insatiable an Appetite

Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    It is the morning and the Tournament is underway. Wake has done her daily duties of official nature, receiving dozens of Landers. It's a mix of people, really, who pay their respects, and each is given their due. But there is time now for a break in business. To focus on, well, personal concerns. Which really is just more business, most likely.

    Today, she wears a form-fitting gown of silver, upon which pink Roses of Eas have been cunningly embroidered. The Right Clothes have somehow elevated their game beyond anything previously seen.

    The Baroness waits near a panoramic window that overlooks a garden, now barren but made beautiful by glimmering hints of ice and snow that cling to the still stems and leaves that will be restored come spring. Perhaps.

    She waits here for a friend she hasn't seen in some time. While chimlink certainly works for communication, it cannot make up for a real meeting.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta walks in, wearing -- the same outfit she's been wearing almost every day for the last six months, pretty much. a gi/nurse's uniform which, if a step up from her starting gear, is still nowhere close to the level of elegance Wake can boast.

"Lady Bombast!", she greets, with a polite bow as she enters. "How long has it been? We haven't met in /ages/! It's so great to finally have a conversation face to face!"
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    The Baroness turns from the view to regard Uta evenly. Smoothly she slips from the sill upon which she had been seated to stand. For a moment she just looks Uta over with a growing smile.

    The distance between them is covered swiftly and Uta is gathered-up in an affectionate hug.

    "Uta, dear! I'm so happy you are here! You have been so busy as of late! I trust I'm not drawing you away from important work." Her tone matches the warmth in her embrace, and though she does eventually release that hug, she appears set on clasping Uta's right hand in both of her own.

    "I can't wait to hear of all the things you have been working on!"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta is a bit confused at the hug, at first. She doesn't resist it, mind you, she even returns it, but one as skilled as Wake in picking up the slightest cues can tell that she's been caught by surprise -- a hint that Uta, as a Japanese, might not have hung out with many Westerners in her previous life, nor have been close enough to anyone to be on hugging terms. Her being quick to slip into the routine once conscious reasoning has had that tiny amount of set-up time to kick in, though, means she's aware and not completely unfamiliar with the custom, she recognizes it for what it is, and willingly decides to embrace it.

Pun not intended.

The same happens with the hand-clasping. She doesn't quite seem to flow 'naturally' into the movements, she kind of lets Wake lead here, takes a moment to realize and process what just happened, and then, once again, the willing commitment to the gesture of closeness.

"Oh, quite the opposite," Uta says. "I need to reach out to someone who's taking part to the tournament, I would never have forgiven myself if I hadn't at least paid a visit!", she says, with a big smile. She hesitates for a moment, and puts one hand on top of Wake's other hand, to create a double hand sandwich of sorts. Is that how you do it? She seems to remember it is. So she does it.

"I'm-" A pause. She frows her burrow. "-I'm not sure what I was doing last time we met, to be fair. Let's see..." Silence. Though. Concentration.

"...maybe it's better if we work our way backwards from what I'm working on right now, and you stop me when we hit the last thing you've heard about? Let's see... I have captured a Manticore for my first Important Customer as a Monster Handler, I have undergone basic training in elemental Water under Jazz, I've been training Rylen in Negotiation to help him in his duties as a foremost member of Crescent Moon, uhm..." A pause, where she stops her counting on her fingers, which she resumes shortly after, "...we're starting a Slime Rental Business with Yeowang to market the slimes I've discovered while working on my Slime Encyclopedia- oh, yeah, have I mentioned I've written and I'm working on publishing an Encyclopedia of Slimes?"
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    Wake gives Uta time to process. She has not forgotten, but is working on setting customs for Eas that will hopefully draw people closer together. Though it may be perched upon a mountain and subject to chill winds throughout the year, this will be a land of emotionally warm and welcoming people.

    Hearing so many achievements, Wake can only respond with smiles and a healthy mix of, "Wow!" and "That's amazing!" throughout. She knew Uta was quite busy, of course, and has from time to time aided in what ways she could from afar.

    "I'm delighted that you are putting your knowledge in an encyclopedia! Perhaps you will inspire others to focus their attention and share with others. If you need any assistance, please let me know. This is exactly the kind of thing the world needs more of, after all."

    Wake relaxes the clasping of hands, but still holds Uta's right hand with her left. She gestures to proper seats no far from the garden window, where the view can be enjoyed comfortably and leads the way.

    "So slime rentals, books, and a manticore! That's truly a remarkable set of adventurers and achievements. Have you found any time to rest along the way?"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Once again, Uta lets Wake lead this dance of hand holding, but her uncertainty is almost completely gone by now, and the intertwining of hand flows more naturally. She seems to be getting the hang of it pretty quickly for someone who was so uncertain at first, a testament to this world's strange mechanics where people who possess the correct concept (like Etiquette, in this case) seem to learn the relevant skills at an accelerated rate.

She follows Wake and sits where shown, and even takes some time to admire the garden's beauty, where verdancy has been replaced by glistening crystals of ice.

Uta's eyes defocus for a moment at Wake's question. She blinks. And blink again, her brain seeking to gain traction.

"...Oh, I've been to the Palace Lands, even if I was not part of the /very first/ group of pioneers. Followed a little later on. Traveled the Thor Kingdom, reached Dol Dona, saw the Hybrid Animals they have over there, brought back a ratcat slime... Uhm... what else... looking for ways to make a few more phonographs for people and- and-" Once again, she loses focus, stops counting on her fingers. Another couple of blinks. "Oh, resting! Uhm." Silence, as she thinks.

"...I sleep at night, if that counts?", she asks, uncertain.

She shakes her head. "But that's enough talking about me. Let's talk a bit about you!", she asks with a smile, diverting her gaze from the vista outside the window to look straight at Wake. "What have /you/ been up to?"
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    A gentle laugh is Wake's response to it all. Her gaze goes from garden to Uta's face, watching her friend closely as the news is shared. She gets the impression that Uta has been treking her way all over the world.

    "Phonographs as well as the Palace Lands! Did you meet the king? He seems most kind, and his people as well. Their city, as well! It is so lovely, with its lanterns and magical creations. We have so much we can learn from them!"

    The Baroness has been there herself, though she doesn't want to call too much attention to it. As pleasant as the meeting was, keeping some of the members of the team from fighting each other is a memory she'd just as soon allow gather some dust before considering it again.

    "As for me, well.. nothing too terribly exciting, I suppose. Helping here and there as other pursue their dreams. Merek was expanding his work with herbs and I put forth considerable efforts in aiding him. It's such important work! Of course the Dome of Stars, as you can see, has been furnished and the Sleeping Knights finally have beds of their own."

    Wake laughs again, "The Tournament, as well. The opening ceremonies went very well. Yuuki was late, as expected, and Kauchemar brought the music for us. Everyone seems to be having a wonderful time."

    The Baroness, though, sounds a bit restless, though. A slight frown curls her lips. "And yet.." she begins, trailing off into silence.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta does show interest and admiration at Wake's projects -- with one small deviation: she looks down at the mention of the meeting with the king, and a hint of a shadow passes on her face.

"I did not get to meet the King, unfortunately," she mumbles. "I seem to miss all the cool stuff going on in the world."

It doesn't last long. Her gaze returns to be her usual one, lost in the distance, contemplating who knows what or, perhaps, being receptive of anything that might appear on the horizon.

"...That might be the reason why I keep myself so busy. Striving to create my own cool stuff to make up for..."

More thinking, more tapping of her lips.

"Oh, which reminds me!", she says.

Uta will reach for a satchel at her side using her hand which isn't currently being held by Wake's. "There's been a lot going on of late that we risk missing the important things." She extracts a little wrapped parcel, about the size of a brick, but not as thick -- it's about as thick as a deck of cards.

"Happy Bonded Hearts Festival. I would never have forgiven myself if I hadn't brought you something."
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta tilts her head at Wake, as if picking up on something only now. "...and yet?"
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "Hmm, it seems we are alike," says Wake softly. "There's.. a discontent in achievement. A yearning for more. I felt it in life until I met Tae, and I feel it here. My prayer is that when we marry I will no longer be burdened by it. Ambition is dangerous to stir. And fear not, I will introduce you to the king someday soon."

    Wake doesn't mention that she has to bear a message from the Palace Lands to King Gilgamesh. That probably wouldn't improve Uta's sense of missing things. Instead, she focuses on something else entirely.

    Before all of that, though, Uta offers her gift. With a smile, the Baroness accepts it. Letting go of Uta's hand with care, she focuses on opening the present.

    "Forgive my urgency, I simply love presents. And you have caught me off-guard. The present I have for you is sitting in my chambers. We can go there shortly.."

    Even as she works at opening the gift, though, she has the 'and yet' matter to address.

    "I am making another step to elevate Eas and to bring prosperity and joy to her people. I am planning to dedicate a theater and art museum to the Beautiful One. At its center shall be fountains and a great statue. Aqueducts will carry water to the fields and music and plays will delight the people and inspire them to dream!"

    Wake laughs then and adds, "That is, if I can afford it. To make the most beautiful theater in all the land will take considerable resources. I will need a great deal of help."

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"Perhaps," Uta says, gaze lost in the distance once again. "In my case it feels more like..." Silence. Reflection. Lip tapping. "I've never felt so alive before. So many possibilities, so many opportunities... nothing like the dead end life I was leading before. I feel more like a kid in a playground. After guzzling down the whole contents of the candy store."

"Well, I thought- what can you give to a Baroness who has everything, and is building a whole city which aims to dwarf anything else that came before? Not an easy undertaking..."

Once unwrapped, the parcel reveals a framed sheet of parchment. Hand-brushed ideograms in cursive script trace a poem about friendship.

"I quickly came to the conclusion that if you wanted something that was out there, you could have obtained it far more easily than I could get it for you. Therefore, the only choice was getting you something which didn't exist already." The poem, in fact, carries Uta's personal seal as an author at the end. "Plus, I think that being something so personal, it fits the nature of the festiv- wait, you got me a present?" Her surprise sounds genuine. "Aw, you shouldn't have!"

She perks up at the mention of the theater. "...Theater? Art museum? The Beautiful One?" The three words make something click inside Uta, and she shifts gears to full determination. "Say no more, let me know what you'll need, and I'll provide all the help I can."
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "The woman who has everything? Is that what I am now?" Wake laughs again, shaking her head. "I hope, someday, to be the woman who has what she needs and has the wisdom to know it in time to hold it tight."

    The poem, though, is perfect. Her face changes slowly, and then a single tear falls onto her hand. "Thank you," she says gently.

    The silence is allowed to hang in the air, undisturbed for some time. Wake glides a fingertip tremulously along the edge of frame. She reads it several times before raising her eyes again. There's a tenderness in her expression and in this moment, she is simply Wake, the curtain drawn back to reveal a woman both energized by and nearly overwhelmed by the weight of her dreams.

    "Actually, Uta, my dear one, there are perhaps two gifts. The garden, as you can see, is a vast space. Though it is lovely, there is something lacking in it. Roses are our symbol, you see, but I was thinking, perhaps, your gifts might reach new heights here, if you are willing."

    Holding the poem in one hand, Wake directs her attention to the garden. "Have you ever considered that the slimes might be themselves the most beautiful complement to a garden?"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"Not exactly the woman who has everything," Uta corrects, "The woman who can obtain anything we both have access to, except more swiftly, stealthily, and leaving an undetectable trail of shattered polygons in her wake if the need arises."

Pun not intended, but there is a certain tongue in cheek playfulness in Uta's comment. Wake's reaction is not lost on her, but she mantains a quiet composture. One smile, one nod.

"I keep telling people," Uta replies to Wake's proposal for filling a garden with slimes, without skipping a beat, "But the Landers give me puzzled looks and Adventurers-" Silence.

She places her hands behind her back, and walks slowly towards the window. She looks out, "They called me a fool when I suggested using slimes as a decorative elements, but I'll show them, I'll show them all! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA"

She launches into a mad scientist laughter, her current medical attire not helping with the vibe she gives off (or /does/ help, if you think the mad scientist laughter is a good thing); she even curls her fingers to resemble gnarled, grasping hands, while she arches her spine backwards.

Thunder never strikes.

"Nah, I'm just kidding," she finally says, flicking one hand in dismissal. "I never really-" She blinks. And blinks again. "What... what were we talking about again? Oh!"

Something seems to flick inside her brain. Her pupils grow wiiiiiiiiiide, and her eyes glaze over. "Sliiiiiiiiiiimes!"

She presses her cheeks and two hands against the window. "Sliiiiiiiiiiiimes....", she squeaks. "Slimes everywhere! It's gonna be- squeeeeeee!"
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    Wake watches Uta slowly move from hearing to understanding what she's suggesting. "As a fan of spy novels, I have to admire your mad laughter. Have you been practicing in front of a mirror?"

    "But yes, slimes and roses shall dominate this garden, if you can help me, slimes flowing about in channels, tended with care and hopefully enjoying themselves more than any other slimes in the world!"

    Do slimes have fun? The Baroness hopes so. Perhaps from the slime perspective, it'll be like living in a waterpark.

    "Can slimes flow.. upwards, Uta?" Wake asks curiously.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta blinks back to consciousness as Wake starts talking again. She looks confused and then mildly worried at the grease prints she's undoubtedly left on the glass, and quickly turns to check Wake's reaction. She doesn't seem to scold Uta (not for now, at least).

", I don't really practice in front of a mirror," Uta mutters, looking down and away. "Not the mad laughter at least." Lip tapping with eyes lost in the distance again, "But I did some theater before the Apocalypse, so..."
"Slimes can climb, although the exact relationship between the angle and their power of traction still remains to be investigated...", Uta trails off, launching into a discussion of slime locomotion.

"I wonder if we can make Rose Slimes," is what gets the discussion somewhat back on track. "I know one cannot make /rice/ slimes, but..."

Trailing off.

And then she shakes her head and laughs. "Well, I guess that this is... a mutual present? A single project that works as a present to each other. Very fitting for such a festival."
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "This is an opportunity for us to work on something together," Wake says warmly. "And enjoy the best cooking the world has to offer." Being constantly spoiled by Tae has so many benefits.

    The Baroness turns her attention back to the moment, "Now.. the other gift. I think it best if I get it now while you wait and consider the possibilities." It is a large garden, after all.

    The Baroness does not take long to get to her chambers and back. She's followed by a fretting servant who seems to be struggling with the idea that her mistress went and got something /for herself/. The scandal! Wake very gently sends her away. To fetch something else. Which she doesn't really need.

    The box Wake presents is bound with a silver cord, tied neatly. It took her a few tries to get it just right. Fortunately no nails were broken in the attempt.

    Inside the package is something new for Uta to wear. The form is similar to the usual gi/nurse's outfit. It is a white fabric, decorated at the neck and along the back in flowing lines that curl themselves into slimes of every color of the rainbow.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"Although, hm," Uta starts wondering aloud, when Wake leaves. Hopefully Wake can still hear her (knowing Uta, she might also be chimlinking this, to keep the conversation going while Wake is in another room). "One thing that it's important to keep in mind is -- Slimes are monsters. People without the proper training in monster handling /are/ in danger around them."

Hand behind her back, she once again turns to scan the garden. "It's like trying to make... I don't know, a terrarium with snakes, or a swimming pool full of alligators. Without appropriate protections, they would be rather dangerous. One would need elevated catwalks, or proper fences, or... some other way to keep visitors protected from the creatures. Otherwise- oh, you know how I've mentioned I'm expanding the Slime Lab? Same thing. Yeowang came with a proposal to rent out the two new types of slimes I've discovered -- Heal Slimes for healing purposes, and Scrubber Slimes for cleaning surfaces, and the whole business plan involves renting them out only to trained monster handlers /or/ contracting out trained monster handlers ourselves, otherwise... oh, which reminds me. You could really use some Scrubber Slimes to keep your palace clean. They work kind of like a slime Roomba, they're amazing..."

Uta drops her rambling when Wake returns. There is a package! She accepts it with the excitement of a kid on Christmas, takes some time to admire (and compliment!) the wrapping (she even casts a quick glance to check for nail damage), pulls the silver cord, and-

Uta takes some moments to look at the present, speechless, her reaction inscrutable for the first moments.

"It's... it's got sliiiiiiiiiiiiimes!", she squeals, as her eyes go wide again.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    Wake is keeping track of the conversation, even on chim. It's not her usual. She and Tae keep things very normal in communications when they are both near the castle. Which is to say.. most of the time, really.

    "You are right, of course," Wake replies. Well, once she returns she replies. Old fashioned, it seems.

    "It'll be a garden, but with the same manner of safety concerns as a zoo. Perhaps we can use glass to give people the ability to come close and yet stay safe. Honestly slimes need the safety as well. I'd hate to have someone panic and harm them."

    Wake might have more to say on the matter, but Uta's opening her present. And squealing. The head of a guard pokes around a corner in the distance, surveys the situation, and then pops back out of view.

    "You like it? I hope it fits, I mean.. well, it will certainly fit. It's Gwen's work." The Baroness and Tae just gave direction on the design and (of course!) the end result exceeded their vision.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta would confirm that zoo-like protections are appropriate and, in fact, exactly what she was going to suggest. She would further point out that slimes in a pen also need protection from lowbie adwenturers looking for an easy way to farm some XP. She would furthermore commend Wake for her interest in the safety and well-being of slimes. However, presently, there is a more important discourse that needs to be shared with the world at large:


Apparently, that answers the question about whether she likes it or not.

Knowing Gwen, the outfit will fit to a tee, but even if it didn't, the first time a piece of gear is equipped through the menu it automatically adjusts to the wearer, so there's a further fallback.

Uta places the dress around one forearm, and begins to navigate through her menu, "I suppose there is only one way to find out?", she says, and after the final button is pressed, her whole self shimmers.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "It does suit you," Wake says. "Gwen's work never misses the mark. Which is why we always turn to her." She steps back, giving Uta a thorough study. "Yes, the waist is good, the back, the designs are even better than we hoped. It's a great match for you."

    The Baroness then clears her throat and intones gravely, "Slimes. Slimes, slimes, slimes."

    "Beyond all the doing of things, though, dear, how have you been feeling? Have you been surrounding yourself with close friends and having fun?"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta takes some time to check her present herself -- although she seems to ignore such details as the waist or back. She just focuses on the designs, the only thing that seems to capture her interest. "Slimes! Slimes! Slimes! Slimes!", she chants back!

Another blink, and another one. Silence and staring, and she finally shakes her head. "What- what were we talking about ag- oh, right! Well, yes!", she says. "Surrounding yourself with friends is vital," she points out, as she moves back towards the Baroness. "That's exactly why I've come here today, right? I've even made new ones. I don't know if you've met Fukaziroh already. You should, she's interesting. We've been researching together if we could find the source of the Babylon signal in the Palace Lands. Sadly we had no luck up to now. All we found out, for now, is that the interruption in the translation effect that we had in April last year took place over there in the Palace Lands as well, not only in Yamato. I found suspicious that the tower there was called the Tower of Babel, and that the signal that allows us to understand each other is called the Babylon signal, originating from Babylon. Add to that that Hestia thinks that the Babylon signal is an invention of the Alv and is located in the Palace Lands... and... hm."

She taps her chin. "Speaking of which, last time we spoke on Chims, you had mentioned you had reasons to believe that getting to the top of the Tower would be a Bad Thing(tm), but refused to give more details on a public channel, reserving further details for private talk." She leans over. "Well, private talk is here, and I'm all ears."

As a Spriggan, she manages to flick her pointy ears to stress the point.
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "Ah, yes, well, I heard some mention of that, and the tale of the Tower of Babel is a legend weaving its way across the religions of Abraham in the world that was before. So it didn't shock me to learn of its relationship to this, though I don't know much of it." Wake shakes her head. There is simply too much to know.

    "Ah yes, the towers. Well, now that we know there are more of them. It is my understanding that at the top of every tower is a means to break this world. Perhaps it will open a way back to the world before, that I cannot say much about. But I have confidence that we are best not toying with these powers until we find a way to agree upon how they should be used. And yet.. events have outpaced me again."

    Here Wake stops and looks about. A shadow bends around her and Uta, obscuring them from vision. Whatever this concerns, it is enough to merit caution beyond even the towers.

    "Have you been in contact with Merek lately? Has he told you of his new power?"

    Even cloaked like this, her voice is barely a whisper. At the edge of their conversation, Wake has summoned just enough lightning to create a constant crackling, further ensuring there will be no eavesdropping.

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta may not always be the most perceptive of people, but at this point Wake can notice that her eyes dart to attention. As a Spriggan, she is very aware of the Darkness and Sneaking goin on, and she whispers back, "Oh, he has been chimming me some information about it. He has acquired a 'new power', and The Bandit King apparently granted him an Alv phrase he can use to activate a relic. I know he has to be careful because his power can theoretically break Cosmospheres. Sadly there was no explanation given of what a Cosmosphere is, but from anecdotal evidence..." She stops to collect her thoughts. " breaking sounds like a very bad thing." She sighs. "Sadly, I don't know anything else. I have also been researching the language of the Alv myself, of late, and... well, I think we got kind of sidetracked discussing the Alv language and how Adventurers pretty much left Dol Dona to move North, and even their respawns in the Church tapered off as they left."
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "He can kill adventurers with it, Uta," Wake says simply. "The Data Drain can reach into who we are. It's the most dangerous power we've ever discovered. If one has it now, soon many others will follow." The crackle of magic grows louder for emphasis. It's not a thunderclap, but it's effective enough.

    "It changes everything. We can't flirt with war as if it were some game to play. The end of our immortality is upon us." Wake slides a finger along her forehead before cradling her head in a hand. "I am going to figure something out, though. I came this far for many reasons, and it may be that I've arrived here in the very nick of time. Either way, it's going to be another matter to address and we can't do it in cover of darkness forever. It's a matter of timing. Merek will no doubt be chatty about this with many people... Prophylaxis, Proteus, Rylen.. anyone else I can gather to discuss our growing powers and the line we walk. We need to come to terms on the Tower. It's the wolf we hold by the ears."

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta keeps silent and stoic across all this. Even the emphatic crackle.

Eventually, she begins to hum something. A chant, ominous. An incantation

Darkness begins to seep out of her, and soon, the Spriggan is but a black silhouette, a living shadow, something that looks like you're catching with the edge of your vision even when you're looking directly at it.

"We already suspected our immortality was an overstatement," Uta replies, barely audible. Between her whispering being barely audible and her shadowy appearance, the whole experience is vaguely reminiscent of sleep paralysis.

"Remember that discussion on the Alliance chimlinks? When we started suspectin that dying too many times might make you vulnerable to being turned undead, and how someone mentioned that we might have a 'limited number of lives', somehow? Vague hints, but they were there." A sigh. "And yes. We knew that Tri-Edge at least could perma-kill people. So it was a thing."

There is more silence.

"But yes, its' the first time, as far as I know, that one of /us/ gained this power. Then again." She quirks an eyebrow. "I somehow have reasons to believe that this particular power has been bestowed on us for our own good."

A deep, whispering, almost raspy sigh. "And if you want my opinion..."

The darkness evaporates, revealing the white-and-ranibow clad Uta, her voice now back to normal, her appearance no longer unsettling. "Our secrecy and strife is exactly what is ruining us. And I also think that the Otherworlders are specifically using the Waves to sow discord among us." She squints, and looks in the distance, "And maybe as, /perhaps/, a massive misdirection, to focus our attention away from what they're /really/ doing..." She pauses, then shakes her head. "But the last part has no foundation. It's just me being paranoid..."
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "There are times for secrecy, and times for truth," Wake responds. She appreciates the very tangible demonstration that Uta delivers.

    "There is time still to gain advantage with it. If we act properly and swiftly enough. The challenge is to bring us together and focus our efforts on something we can all agree on, before we become so concerned with what we don't hold in common that we lose the opportunity forever."

    The mention of paranoia draws a laugh from Wake, "It's not paranoia if they are really out to get us. And quite frankly, they are. You have a point, though. It's time to be open with each other, at least, and perhaps-very carefully-with our Lander allies. I had hoped to see many others at the Tournament. They have not yet arrived, though. If they do, I'll have drag them to the Dome of Stars and we'll get everything out in the open. And yet.. I must also attend to several other duties. If they come, I will be ready, and if not.. well, if one can ignore a Tournament, surely they cannot ignore a wedding invitation, right?"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"They /are/ out to get us, no doubt about that," Uta agrees, sitting sown. "But... I don't know. I may be biased because I've never actually /been/ at a Wave, but the way people have described a couple of them to me, they sounded very..." She takes some time to look for a word. "...flamboyant? As if... they were more of a big show? Exciting narrative. Impossible foes show up, coincidentially /right where Olympus built something/, of late, and but our heroes manage to drive them back through great effort by putting all their eggs into that specific basket." She sighs. "I know, I know, I haven't been there myself, they told me stories, and this impression might be an artifact of the stories I've been told. Still..."

She shakes her head and stands up. She takes a few steps, places her hands behind her back, and takes a few seconds to looks out of the window.

She then turns to Wake. "Oh, by the way, who's getting married?"
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    Wake nods at the description of the Waves. "Though not always at a site of our work. They clearly don't care for our progress. Which is a bit odd, really. A steamboat is a far cry from a fireball on threat level. But regardless, they are a spectacle and cause great harm, often to Landers. Rarely to us. As one who used to do this sort of thing, I have to critique their methods. Which makes me wonder if the timer is a real part of the game, or something they specifically have made. If they have made the timer.. color me even more suspicious. It's time for some investigation."

    When Uta asks about the marriage, Wake laughs suddenly. "Wow, I really need to do a better job of this. Here is the invitation." She holds out an envelope bearing Uta's name. "The Castle Eas is done. It's time for Tae and I to get married at last!"

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

Uta accepts the invitation with both hands, with an appropriate bow. "Oh, wow," , she says, cheerful. "Congratulations! You finally made it!"

"I-" She frowns. "...I don't think I've ever been to a Yamato wedding. Uh. Much less a noble one. So many firsts." She turns to Wake. "I will have to read up a /lot/ on the Etiquette of the circumstances..."
Baroness Wake
Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

    "It's going to be a normal Japanese wedding," replies Wake. "With the customary multiple parties, lots of wardrobe changes for Tae and I, and a few unique touches. Music, dance, good food, drink. Probably some business chat but nothing too serious. I hope."

    The Baroness sighs softly, "But.. I imagine I am overdue for something, or will be soon, Uta my dear. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see you! I hope you can stay and enjoy the festival, and we'll be expecting you to join the wedding, of course! Don't stress over the etiquette. I want my guests to be comfortable and at ease."

Castle Eas - Dome of Stars

"It's been great to meet you too!", Uta exclaims. "We should have these get togethers more often. Admire the gardens. Exchange gifts. Make the Very Darkness Crackle and turn into figures worth of sleep paralysis. Seriously, it's good fun!" Uta exclaims, as she waves and heads outside the door.