Chasing Another Stormy Idea

Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Shiruba opens the door to the Ironworks and sticks her head through. "Miho, you in?" Not that the wolfgirl Cait Sith waits for an answer before stepping inside. "I heard you finally got through your last surge of creative moodiness." She wanders up to the counter to wait and see if the Salamander smith is actually about.
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho is working away in the forge on some order, not weapons todays it seem to be nails and other building realted materials. She'll pause as she hears someone calling out. She'll finish up the nail she's woking on before setting her tools aside. She bounds out he tail swaying for a moment "Yup they been delived and I'm reather proud of myself. So what can I do for you my friend?"
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

"And I am sure they will put them to good use. The Forgotten Army has been quiet lately... too quiet, some would say." Shiruba shrugs it off after the though. "But I have some ideas for modifications to work with my bow."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho says "I don't like it. They have ot be up to something. Oh you wish to have me build further on my creation do you?" There's a big shit eating grin there. "So what do you want to have me do to it?"
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Shiruba laughs softly at the ethusiasm. Then reachs into her inventory and pulls out a couple of almost mechanical or magitek looking pieces. "You ever work with components from an Elemental Machine? I've got a few of those..." She sets on the counter and goes back to pulling from her inventory. "I've also got... ah." She takes out a piece of broken lightning rod and sets it down. "This conducts electricity really well, if you could recreate the alloy its composed of."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho perks up at this, her tail goes up straight at the words. "So you got some very interesing thing to work with. I could attempt to do so but it could take a lot of work and we'd need access to the right thing to replicate it. It's not going to be easy and I can't promise I'll succeed."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

"If there wasn't a chance of failure, what would be the point in trying?" Shiruba replies. "Besides, I have faith in your metalworking skills as well. And even if it doesn't work you might learn something." Her tail wags a few times, but she pulls out a giant needle for lack of better discription. "I also have a spine from that Orb Piercer. It's really sharp. I was thinking if you could make something similar to what that rod is made of, and shape it after one of these, it'd be able to penetrade armor or barriers." She sets it down with the other things. "I was thinking, that shape combined with the machine parts to increase the arrow's propulsion would dig in, and then discharge the lightning they're charged with to hit good and deep."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho listen iwht intrest tail swishing as she goes thinking. "So your suggesting I turn the bow into some sort of Tessla bow? I think I could try this though we might need to bring in a few other people to help. When do you want me to get started on this?" She seem pretty happy at this challenge that has been l;aid befoire her. "Wait ... a Rail Bow..." She beams at this and humms the Metal Gear theme for a few bars...
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

"Something to that effect, yes." Shiruba's tail wags a few more times. "Thundersnow can already produce lightning blasts, but they tend to fizzle against heavier defense. But if we can increase the bow's driving power, combined with an arrow that can pierce those defenses..." She nods her head, and scoops most of the materials back up. "You want help, I can get you help. I wanted to float the idea past you first, you're not the only smith I know but you are the one that actually knows archery. In the meantime, you can keep that rod to study, see if you can figure out the alloy."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho says "Right I do need to get to the Land of Dragons at some point I have a forge to get set up at the landing. A Proper one... Auto Hammer and all." She sem pleased at this. "So since we done want to head to Hifumis for something to eat?"
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Shiruba figures she can at least ask Kaydon for help with the metalwork. Who else could she ... the thought is interrupted by the mention of food. "You don't have to suggest that twice. I've got some fresh kills from my hunting practice, too." She makes sure everything else is properly put away. "Yeah, they could definitely use a proper workstation. Gear wears down quickly with the level of monsters you have to fight there."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

Miho says "Come on let's go then shall we?" She'll set the item down behind the counter and move for the door. Tail swishing as she goes she stars to humm again "I want to see what the special is tonight."
Dun Loireag - Mithrilscale Ironworks

There's an equal amount of wag from the wolfgirl's tail as she follows. "Between your new weapons and the tactics I've been working on, when the undead do rise again they aren't going to know what hit them~"