Meeting the Landers: Gilgamesh

Baroness Wake meets up with King Gilgamesh in order to gift him an item of great importance.

Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

The great palace of Carmina Gadelica. The 'Kingdom' of 'outcasts'. In truth, the King holds reign over the city, and the port. His military is not considered as large as those of the other Kingdoms, nor as powerful. He doesn't hold vast ships, vast farming lands, or special magics. He is, by all means, nothing but a human man. Yet, still he holds this island, after hundreds of years. The longest living Human known to the Yamato Region.

The old bearded man tilts his gaze forward as Baroness Wake is permitted entry into the great halls. The light streaming in through various stone portals that direct the sun in such a way that it always shines upon him, his golden armor, and his golden throne. The man who reportedly once defeated the Tower. His wrinkled hands lay upon the throne's armrests, and his gaze rests upon her.

There is something imposing about the man. Not oppressive, but rather this sense of great power. No doubt, the fact that his individual power as a warrior is so great ensures this fact.

Baroness Wake has been told to kneel a certain distance before his throne upon arriving, and to lay the gift before him, and not to speak until spoken to. No doubt giving the man a chance to size her up himself.
Baroness Wake
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Baroness Wake has been to the city many times, and it occurs to her that she's never given considered it part of her political web to dance across. The King's reputation is a positive one, and regardless of reach and military, she puts more stock in how he acts and treats others than how many forces he can send to the field of war.

    The Right Clothes are a gown fit for the occasion, a pale blue with the Rose of Eas emblazoned about the waist of it in gold filigree. It's a pattern she's grown quite fond of.

    As she comes to the designated distance, she slips into a curtsey, then glides effortlessly to her knees. The Stone of Enkidu is then set, as directed, before the King.

    Having no idea just what to expect of this gift, the Baroness simply braces herself for whatever might come. The gift of King to King makes her expect to be surprised. Hopefully in a good way.

Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

The old man's head shifts as the gift is laid out before him, at the base of the throne's raised stone multi-step 'podium'. The mans brow lift a bit, those big bushy brows finding new reign just beneath his golden headpiece. "What is this?" He asks curiously at first, as he slowly begins to rise.

With slow but intensely firm steps he makes his way towards Baroness Wake. That aura of strength moving with him as the old man travels down. His red mantle flowing with each step until he stands close enough to properly recognize what it is. "Oh... oh my old friend."

The man holds out his hands. "Please, lift the stone so I may hold it." The King refusing to bow or kneel to pick it up. And once she's given it to him, he gingerly takes it from her by placing his old hands beneath hers so she can safely lay it to his palms.

Bringing it closer to him, he runs his thumb along it, shining the object. "Speak. Who gave this to you?" The King finally asks, as the object begins to glimmer in faint blue.
Baroness Wake
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    There's something.. different about King Gilgamesh. Wake had expectations, but having met nobles before she expected the same experience. Something about the King is more, well, awesome than she had imagined. For a time, she is rather distracted by her own reaction.

    "Is it the Stone of Enkidu, King Gilgamesh," she explains.

    She's pleased that her hands do not shake as she carefully settles it into his hands. Now that it comes to it, perhaps she's more nervous about this than she even allowed herself to know.

    "The King Potimus, from the Palace Lands, asked me to bear this to you. No one else has been allowed to inspect it or touch it."

    The Baroness is so curious what it's for, but she will not ask. Ultimately, as long as it pleases the King to receive it, that is enough. She was sent to deliver something, after all, not to understand it.

Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

The man lets out this low long old man tone of thought as Baroness Wake speaks of King Potimas. "You bring with you more than just one old Relic, if Potimas Harrifenas is still alive." The old king remarks with a bemused rasp, before turning and taking his time to return to his throne.

Once there, with two hands to the sides of the comfortably made golden seat, he lowers himself with a bit of a grunt and then turns over the Stone of Enkidu in his hand. "Two names I did not expect to hear. Certainly not upon the same day. I thought Harrifenas lost to the Tower's rebirth."

There is a deep sense of melancholy tone to his voice. "But instead, he made his way home..." He pauses for a moment, before motioning a hand towards Baroness Wake in a moment of weakness. "Please forgive this old man a moment of remembrance. I appreciate the gift you have brought me." He offers, as his thumb once again slips over the stone.

From the light, something is born, glittering before him, the figure of Potimas Harrifenas, standing before King Gilgamesh. A magical communication method, it would seem. "It seems you have received my gift, old friend." The man's voice rings from the stone.

"Indeed I have." Gilgamesh answers, after breaking the short moment of surprise at this revelation.
Baroness Wake
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Baroness Wake listens, but has little to say. At least not yet. It's clear, at least, that the two Kings share an affection for each other. That is a great relief. Wake is always wary of carrying around diplomatic parcels. Especially when she can't safely inspect it for trickes, curses, or the like.

    Just as that relief is working through her system, the voice of King Potimas rings out in the chamber. Her eyes reveal shock for a moment, before it is swiftly hidden away again. She shouldn't be so surprised, stones for communication is hardly an idea she hasn't heard of. She is in a Guild with June, after all.

    Wake does not stare, exactly. She's able to watch King Gilgamesh without being rude about it. And if her gaze should linger here or there, well, it's a lot to take in, with him as radiant in the light as he is and her in the presence of not just one, but two kings.

Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

Gilgamesh shifts a bit in his throne, before noting that; "You are as young looking as when I last saw you, Potimas. It seems the years have done better for you than they have for me." The human king offers up. To which he gets a firm smile from the Pooka lord himself. "Yet here you are, still alive. Though I was surprised to hear that you have laid down your arms, and are working with these Adventurers now."

The Pooka's tone almost seems a bit accusatory. Gilgamesh glances through Potimas to Baroness Wake for a moment, then back to Harrifenas. "Hrrm, they are powerful allies. And the keep this old man quite amused." The King admits.

"Yes, amused. But Yamato is once again suffering because of them. So desperate to go home, they would destroy the people you protect, and those around you." Potimas pushes back. "Over a third of their members looking to destroy what we rebuilt from the ashes."

To which Gilgamesh suggests; "We Landers have become weak, Potimas. Hiding behind the walls of Root Cities, instead of going beyond them and making a true name for ourselves. The Adventurers wish to go home. This isn't their world. And as far as they are concerned, they are being held against their will. Kidnapped by that selfish Deus, the Goddesses, and whatever came from Beyond into Ezzo. You and I both understand the desire to return home. To take back control of our lives."

Potimas sighs. "But at what cost, my old friend."

To which Gilgamesh looks down at the stone, running his thumb along its body. "You didn't used to be this bitter. What happened?" He asks, slowly looking up. "I know you. That wound you carry on you, it is not the old one you were left with."

To which Potimas doesn't answer and looks away.

"Let us meet again soon, and speak more in private, King Potimas." Gilgamesh suggests finally. Something Potimas agrees to, bowing to Gilgamesh. The old king sliding his hand across the stone to gaze upon Baroness Wake.

"I do believe being permitted to remain within these chambers during such a rather private moment, shall be enough payment. Do you not agree, Adventurer?"
Baroness Wake
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Wake looks down as she comes back under King Gilgamesh's scrutiny. It's an interesting comment he has directed her way, and it takes her some time to properly parse it out. It seems to her that King Potimas is less pleased than he seemed with the adventurers. She cannot argue against his point.

    Finally, she replies and there is a light in her eyes. "I came here to keep a promise I made to King Potimas. I need no payment, and therefore what I have heard here shall be as close to forgotten as I may keep it. I am pleased, though, that two friends have been brought together again by my efforts. To me.. being entrusted with this task is payment enough."

    The Baroness has not been dismissed, yet, though, so she remains as she is. There's the slightest shift in her posture. Perhaps the very suggestion that she needs or would seek compensation inspires more steel than even her normal near-perfect posture demands.

Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

The old man smiles with a bemused rumble to Baroness Wake. "I had heard the 'Baroness' of Eas was an interesting noble. Though it would serve you to be more viscious and selfish if you wish to make more progress within the sharktank that is the Fourland Dukedom." Gilgamesh offers to her. "No doubt, you have already noticed the... unusual traits of some of the Kings and Queens there. Most certainly, they are all watching for what you will do going forth."

The man then quiets and motions his hand. "Please, leave me. And may this day fare you well. I have much to consider for the next time I speak to my old friend." He suggests to her.
Baroness Wake
Carmina Gadelica - Main Square

    Wake glides once more into a deep curtsey and holds it there, as if gravity simply didn't apply to her. The way King Gilgamesh speaks of the Fourland Dukedom brings a smile to her face. She pauses a moment, thinking carefully.

    "The irony is that by staying true to my beliefs I may well keep them utterly confused," she replies gently. "I bid you health and peace, King Gilgamesh, for many years to come."

    At last she rises and takes two steps straight back before turning to go. She has much to think of as well, but if the sharks around her are worried about her growing strength already it is so much the better. Perhaps they all might finally come to agree on something for once.