Duty Session 378: Bun-Bun Festival

Once a year, the Bun-Bun Festival brings with it a sense of cheer to the peoples of Yamato. The Landers prepare for a huge banquet, asking Adventurers to aid them in the task. It's bound to be a hopping good time. Right?

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None

Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Seems like whenever there's a Festival, there's a party to go with it. And when there's a big party, there's a need for things like food, and likely the main reason Vertina is here, drinks. Of course it never hurts to have a few Adventurers around when things inevitablly go astray from the initial party plans, and that's why she tried to round up a few others to try and help things go smoothly.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Party?... party... PARTY!!! Allynna LOVES fesitvals, they are so fun, and people dress up, and there's food, and dancing! Of course, the 'Big Bad Bun Tank(tm)' is tuning up her Lute, as she plans on performing a few songs for the party goers.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Schneider was just told there was going to be a feast and free booze and eats, so here he is, enjoying some time here in this video game where he's found himself for the last year. This part of it feels strange, but with just the Landers and the village, it feels more like going to some backwater town festival than a swords-and-sorcery video game. Oh the other hand, he's an Exploder Wizard, so that sets part of the tone also. Okay, technically he's a rune knight, but he thinks of himself as an Exploder Wizard. Hence the name.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Vertina can't get rid of Syx no matter how hard she tries. Not that she's trying very hard anyway. Syx has shown up in order to party down before the festival ends, however, "Alright! Lets get drunk and make bad decisions!"
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

And there it is. The someone needing help just as the event is about to get started. Vertina shakes her head a little, mostly amused at the inevitable, and gets up from the barrel she was sitting on. "I suppose, the sooner we get things done the sooner the actual party can start." She picks up some of the herb plants... but she knows more about using them than she does planting. Oh well. Maybe she can make use of her earthbending abilities in some way. Actually, that's probably a better idea, so she passes the plants back off to someone else. "I'll see about softening up the ground." Which will mostly involve punching it.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Allynna tries to use her earth magic, by siging abit, but of course, she is to in tune wit hbeing happy to actualy play the right pitch for earth magic. "Oh well" She says, not taking this seriously because it's only a festival quest.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Syx is the only person in Scale Emblem who actually has a farming skill. Being aware of this fact, he actually is extremely effective in planting the herbs, it clearly looks like he knows what he's doing. Of course having had that skill in the real world too doesn't hurt either.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Schneider hrms as the Landers come forward asking for help, but it seems pretty common a thing: ask adventurers over to a festival, have a crisis, adventurers solve crisis. At least they're usually grateful afterwards. But this time it's not so much a crisis as taking part in their planting festival. Schneider's never planted so much as a Chia Pet, and has no spells for this. The best he can do is summon a small Earth Golem, which rages around looking for enemies and not helping with the planting at all, until finally running out of magic and crumbling. So much for that.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

In the end it just matters that the job gets done, be it by actual farming skills or just taking advantage of earthen abilities. And then here come peter cottontails hopping down the bun-bun trails

"That... is a lot of Bun-Buns," Vertina murmurs as the rabbit-like beasts seem to appear out of every nook and cranny around the farm lands. "They're not gonna... y'know.. do that thing?" She gestures vagely with putting her hands together. "You know, the thing people say big groups of them do acting like one entity?"

Maybe not, as these farmers seem to be prepared for the matter. ".. okay then?" Welp, Vertina really only has one technique when it comes to handling animals... And that's literally handling them. Snatching up Bun-Buns has to be easier than wrestling a Grunty into submission, right?

... Right?
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Schneider is not the best bunbun captor, but there's not that much to it, is there? Stick the cage down, grab a bun, shove it in. Or chase some til one or another runs in there, thinking it's cover. He's not great at it, but he's successful enough that he's at least contributing to the bun incarceration efforts. This would be so much easier with a fireball, but apparently our goal is not roast bnn-bun.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Allynna doesnt even sing to capture the Buns, because she prefers to see the roam free, so she makes a half hearted attempt, and even 'accidentaly; bumps into a few landers to mess up their captures. "Oh.. so sorry!"
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Now Syx is able to do something a lot of folks might not expect from him. He hops up on the far back end of one of the pens, and he starts singing. The lyrics don't make any sense, but they don't need to. Because it seems the song is having the effect on the bun-buns that he wants, luring them in like the pied piper as they march willingly into the pen he's standing on.

Once it's full, he flips backwards off of the fence and allows the Lander to close it.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Apparently it is a bit easier, as Vertina is quick enough to grab a couple of Bun-Buns and plop them in a cage. "Check it out guys!" She holds the cage over her head. "Jacked rabbits!" The Bun-Buns... do not apppreciate the humor, as one somehow pushes an egg through the cage bars to bonk the Salamander on the head. "Ow!.. What the..." "That is what we attract the Bun-Buns for." "But how.." The farmer quickly shakes his head. "Don't question it. You'll ruin the mystique for the kids." "Oh, right... Okay then." Vertina hands the cage off to him. "Let's find some eggs!"
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Allynna raises a hand as she casts her sanctuary song, singing as she walks along the grass and scoops up eggs into a bright pink basket she found... self proclaimed toughest tank in the New world alliance... with a pink basket.

"Little bunny foo foo walking through the green field, scooping up the bun eggs and put them in the basket..." She sings with a happy tone.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Schneider seems to be using a Detect Egg spell of some kind, his hands glowing, and when he gets close enough to an egg, it glows as well from its hiding place. This allows Schneider to uncover many hidden eggs that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. Into the basket they go, and he's on the hunt for more. This seems a bit like a foreign festival he's heard of...
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When it comes to Syx, his idea of using light magic is really more using fire magic to create light. He throws a ball of flames into the air in order to create a burst of light, and uses the shadows created by that light to find the eggs. Boy this would have made Easter so much eaiser in his childhood if he could shoot balls of flame.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Vertina picks up the egg she was bonked with and stares at it intently. There is a flickering in her eyes, and then she turns and points off to some thick brush. "Over there. That's where I caught the Buns." Several kids run in that direction, and sure enough find several eggs in the foliage. Which gets her to smile, seeing the Lander children enjoy themselves.

What gets her to smile even more is when someone comes asking about helping with preparing the banquet. "I'm not a cook." She eyes the bubbling concoction. "But I do know what I'm good at." She strolls over to inspect, dipping a clawed finger in and then licking it. "Mmm. Not bad, but your heat is a little low, and it needs a bit of... zing." She takes a couple of vials out, mixes them together, and after some vigerous shaking pours it into the kettle. Which starts to bubble and fizz with even greater intensity in shimmering pastel colors to match the event's athsetics.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Allynna makes a ham dish, then a chicken dish, then a rice dish, and then a fish dish... delish fish... A carrot dish, an apple pie, a pumpkin pie, and even some sweet potatos with marshmellows on them. " I think americans call them 'Yums?'" Yams.. she means Yams...
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Schneider has no real idea how to do any of the tsaks these Landers want done, but he'll take a crack at preparing the game for cooking. He's kind of heard what ought to be done, so he takes a knife and begins, and ... wow, that looks about right? Who knew? Luckily nothing complicated happens, and he's able to prepare a bunch of meat, getting lucky and getting the meat drop from almosr all of them. The RNG is with him today!
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Syx primarily uses his fists to function when he's fighting, but that doesn't mean he's a slouch with a knife!

It shows when he really goes to work on some of that food, slashing and slicing through it and getting everything cut to perfection. When you grow up on a farm, you pick up stuff in order to be able to help around the house.

Despite his reputation he's shown he's more than just some dumb musclebound jock who can fight and not much else.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Vertina is right at home ladeling the colorful liquid into mugs and glasses for the kids... and adding something a little extra if yoo know what I mean for the adult Landers. With food and drink and merriment the festival is in full swing now.

Until one of the kids sees something emerging from the woods. Herrrrre's Bunny! And he looks hungry. People panic, grabbing kids and running for the far side of the farmland. Vertina turns her head slowly to see what has caused the sudden change in atmosphere.

"Oh. Hell. No." She hangs the ladle on the kettle and wipes her hands off. Pulls on her battle gloves. "No one is ruining a party on -this- brewmaster's watch! Especially not some chungus wannabe."

She picks up the barrel she had been sitting on earlier. "You look like you could use a drink." And swings it towards the Were-Bun. "Bottoms up!"
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"Wist.. wait... you arent wist.." Allynna says as she gets angery and charges in fter Vertina tosses the barrel at the were bun, and then Allynna decides to slip around the were bun and turn it around. "You like Music chongo?" She says before she nails the wherew bun in the chin with a little diddy of her own, called her right boot, the sound it makes is like a loud crack as she tries to send the huge beast realling back. "SUCK IT!"
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

Schneider looks up as the floppy-eared monster rages, threatening to ruin the Landers' feastday. But of course Schneider's not going to let that happen, and those who know him pretty well know what's coming. They duck. He chants,

"Kaizard, aruzard, kisk! Hansay Glossik!" Even the building aura feels dangerous and unsettling, nevermind the words, which probably mean something awful. "Unleash total destruction! Sage of Hades use the seven keys to open the gates of Hell!" Schneider strikes a damatic pose, becaise of course, and gestures to the bun, shouting, "HALLOWEEN!"

And then armageddon happens. Or at least a wildly intense explosion, which comes with an intense feeling of malaise, implying something really bad just happened, as if the inferno of roiling fire and intense flame wasn't enough. "That ought to cost him a few HP," Schneider mutters.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

It's time to finish this. Syx moves into position in front of the were-rabbit, and then thankfully for him, Allynna and Schneider set the were-rabbit up for him.

Burning brightly in at least the most literal sense he can manage, Syx launches himself through the air, using his Buster Gauntlets to propel himself by channeling fire through them. It's not TECHNICALLY flying by the rules of the game, so he can get away with it. He sails through the Helloween and into the freshly superkicked were rabbit, hauling it up into the air, and twisting around in order to drive it back down (away from the feast naturally), impacting the ground in a crater making explosion. Only one of them is going to walk away from that, and it sure as hell won't be some monster.
Yamato - 0 - 1 - 0

The giant were-bun tries to chow down on the abandoned food. But keeps getting interrupted. First by a barrel being thrown into it's head to daze it.

Then getting kicked away from the upturned table, looking confused at WHY IS ANOTHER RABBIT KICKING ME?! Not that it gets long to ponder that irony before it is cast into flames and something more suitable for the holiday at the other end of the year.

Being dosed iin fire does not stop Syx from tackling the monster, heaving it into the air, and then slamming it to the ground explosively.

Nope, the monster did not walk away from that one.

Vertina grabs the toppled table and flips it back onto it's legs. "Alright people, you can come back and get the feast restarted!" No giant bunny party fouls ruining this festival.
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Schneider looks around, but the big evil bunny has disintegrated into pixels, so it's a job well done. He will join in with the feating and merrymaking and drinking and meerrymaking. He works hard, too, and deserves a break.
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Allynna smiles as she takes out a towel and dusts her boot off. "I didnt even need my tanking gear for that." She says as she moves to the table and takes a huge chunk of pie and shoves it into her mouth.. but why though?

Because there is still unfinished business as she walks up to the pens where the captured buns are and she looks at the two farm hands who are guarding it, her cheeks expanded as she them slaps BOTH her cheeks and spwes half eaten pie all over them, before releasing the buns in a fluffy avalanche. "Be bree my bretheren, let this be a lession to you all, buns are friends!" She says before running across the table, tossing coffetti everywhere and flipping off the table and dashing into the forest with her powerful bun legs, laughing like an insane siren the whole time.