A day in the life

Of crazed slime slaves and zombie masters

Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    It was a day of rain, that good spring time shower thatt leaves everything smelling like that artificial rain smell. This of course meant monster barn was packed, well with monsters. There is a dire wolf, a cerberus, a giant wyvern slime, a skeletton, and well somewhere in it all is a single person moving hay about between the stalls. Even with winter ending the wettter weather meant fresh hay was sitll needed. One day though Setsuna would promote out of this role and the damn rat would be doing this, and that damn tabby slime too.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider has ducked into the Monster Barn to get out of the rain, and he calls out, "Hello?" as he enters. Dire wolves, cerberuses, wyvern slimes, oh my! is Schneider's first reaction, but then he spots the figure of the fellow slinging hay and calls out, "Hey." That's how you know that Schneider is a guy. His dad jokes are already coming in, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend. "How's it going?" he asks curiously. "Any explosive slimes?"
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Miho liked the rain, the sound of it on the roof of the forge. The heat of the forge felt so much better on days like that she mused to herself. She would be here as she had delivered an order of various riding-related things. She would find herself in the barn to keep out of the rain and didn't mind. "Hello! I didn't think anyone would be in here. I was waiting for the rain to pass."

Her tail swishes a bit giving away she's in a good mood.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    Setsuna looks up from a hay pile and notices Schneider, "They are in the other room, I am sure Uta is petting it or something. Then again I haven't really seen her since that day. " Tossing more hay into the wyvern slime's stall and sets the pitch fork aside for a moment and stretch before looking at the new entry. " Sure , find a stall I will have some hay over there in a moment. " It's really all he says before he goes about what he is doing. Meanwhile Miho would find several of the monsters all watching her, including a skeleton knight.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider looks over to Miho, smiles, wonders, "So, do pekos wear metal shoes like horses? Only they don't have hooves, so you couldn't nail them on, could you?" He hasn't seen them wear any shoes, but he's not an animal handler by a longshot. He nods about explosive slimes in the other room, explains, "I'm wondering if there's anything to learn from their exploding, you see." He's apparently working the Avatar angle of trying to learn Explosion from things that explode.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Miho says "Uta does love her slimes, that's true I wonder how does that happen. She eyes the monsters but knows Setsuna at least has them under control right though the knight brings back memories. She needs to use that bone in a Katana idea she has for later. She does look to Schneider for a moment at his question "No but they do sometimes get armour for their talons upper side and claws. Bridles are also a thing too."

"We load the slimes into a cannon and fire them at the assholes from the waves the next time they poke their heads in."
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    Setsuna listens in as he gives a click of his tongue and calls over the skeleton, tthere is some clicking back and forth as if they were arguing with each other before the skeleton sttarts to move the hay for Setsuna while he steps closer to the others. " Probably not going to blow up any slimes around here. At least not intentionally. Ottherwise one of you can explain to Uta what happened to the slime." There is a momentary pause as he considers it before adding, " Now it is possible that the gel it produces is explosive by nature. However until we can make more we are avoiding experimentation. "
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider ahhhs to Miho as she explains, nodding slowly. "Peko barding. That makes sense," he agrees. To Setsuna, he assures him, "Oh, I don't want to hurt them. I had understood that them exploding doesn't hurt thrm, just costs them some mass? Like fission?" He ohs as Setsuna explains about the explosive slime goo, and murmurs, "That makes sense." Though suddenly he's curious, and asks Setsuna, "So, this is a Slime Lab on a Peko Ranch. Do you have Peko Slimes? It seems logical, but I haven't seen any, so I wonder if there's some resaon?" Tangent time, it seems.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Miho tail swishes again as she's a bit lost in thought. "That could be it I wonder if the gel could be used as forge fuel somehow." She's musing at this for half a second.

"Aye good barding can be important. Though I admit with slimes? I'll just leave it to Uta to handle. Yes, it is from what I know and I wonder... we'd have to ask Uta about this when we get a chance. I dare not experiment with slimes I'm a Smith first and foremost after all!"
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    Setsuna nods his head, " Its an idea I have had if I ever break out the chemistry kit. Does the goop of the slime have properties of the slime itself. Is the fire slime goop flamable, etcetera etcetera." He gestures with his hand for a moment before looking at all tthe slimes around him, " I am sure she has them out and about , it's raining maybe she is a off recreating the storm race from last year. I think it's like having a model train track for her. " Meanwhile the cerberus is out and about sniffing people now, all three heads sniffing three different places at once.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider is reminded of Uta on a slime in one of the Peko races last season. For some reason, he's been participating in those a lot as well, to the point where he won a very cute peko riding hat, which doesn't go with his current look at all. Which is a shame, because it's actually an amazing item, for how silly it looks.

He nods in agreement with Miho about leaving slime handling to Uta. "Yeah, I wouldn't even know about where to begin to start with that. On the other hand, I -really- want to up my game, fighting-wise. I am not up to where all the heavy hitters are, firepower-wise." He sighs a bit. "That's why I'm looking for every edge I ca get." Weaponizing explosive slimes? Maybe? "The slime gel you mentioned before, does it explode on contact with air, or is it triggered by something?" He ahhhs as Setsuna mentions racing her peko slimes now, and nods slowly, and is about to comment when the cerberus comes snuffling aronud, and he freezes. "Uh, is this safe?" he wonders.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Miho says "That is something to test yes hopefully it will be useful in the end. I'd not hazard to guess what Uta could be doing. I suspect it would be wilder than whatever I could think up. That Woman is one of a kind." She grins a little at that.

"Now all I can see is Uta with an Engineer's cap on, Setsuna."

Miho laughs and looks to Schneider and then to the Cerberus for a moment not sure what to do or react to it as it starts sniffing about.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    tThe three headed doggie continues to sniff, which to call it a dog is definately only in general reference. It is currently siting somewhere between a malamute and a mountable dire wolf, which is to say it's getting up there in size. However one could definately tell the muscle hasn't fully come in yet, still with that lean puppy look. Setsuna doesn't seem to be paying to much attention as he is watching his knight to make sure it hasn't gotten side tracked. " No one can guess with her, however yeah looking in to such a thing is an idea. It is also said Schneider that martial artist learned there techniques from the animals, perhaps you need to go find monsters to learn from. "
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider seconds Miho's assertion that Uta is hard to predict. "Still, it's interesting perspectives. She doesn't think like other people." To Setsuna, he says, "As far as learning from monsters, the explosive slimes are really the best choice, for learning about explosions. Also .... I'm not sure this is a good thing?" He will attempt to critch the cerberus on one of its heads, in case it likes this. Hopefully he will not lose a hand.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Miho is not hostile to the monster she's just watching it with interest for the moment she'll also end up trying to pet it as well, she's being dangerous here but dog. She has a dog back at her forge after all.

"You are a cute trio ain't you?" She says with a grin. Though once however that plays out Miho frowns. "I'm afraid I need to get going I have some more things to deliver."
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    The cerberus is content with the atttention as two of the three heads get pets, and that middle head well he begins to try to shove the other heads out of the way as they continue to do there best to each get all attention. Eventually this would end up with them snipping at each other before the Dire Wolf comes over and towers over the Cerberus before grabbing it at nape and dragging it away. Setsuna just sighs for now and nods his head at Miho, " Stay dry." Looking back at Schneider, " Maybe, maybe not. There are the bomb wyverns, the red peko, truth be told we have seen a lot of explosive monsters in the last six months."
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider nods about Miho departing. "Take it easy," he says with a smile, which relaxes as rhe cerberus is dragged off. He hrms at Setsuna's comment, and pulls out a Red Peko Feather to contemplate it. "That's true, though I certainly wouldn't want to encounter one of /these/ one-on-one." It took a whole raiding party to put down the one. "The bomb wyvern," he murmurs, pulls out a horn and examines it, but is not finding what he'd like there. "I think the bomb wyvern was more metaphorical," he says finally.
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    Setsuna looks out of the barn window to the Peko barn, " Well the red peko, is a peko. I think it was there to save us from that damn baphomet, or somehing similar. It may not be naturally hostile to us. Also I heard someone had a black one, so maybe there is a way to raise or evolve the Pekos into such an explosive variety." Taking a pause as he gives more direction to his skeleton he looks back, " There are also explosive spells, if you got favor with the mage tower there may be a book on it."
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider doesn't actually remember what all happened when. It's in the past, and Schneider doesn't remember well unless it's written down. "Maybe there's a way to breed pekos the way Uta breeds slimes," he wonders. "If you could breed a peko with an explosive slime, maybe you -would- get a red peko?" That'd be interesting. And perilous. "The mage tower again. But they hate players, I thought, and wouldn't trade secrets with us for anything?"
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

    Setsuna nods his head slowly, " Yeah usually except..." Fiddling with his inventory he withdraws an enigma piece. " They were wlling to make a deal for these. You could make a deal the information for these and see where it gets you. You never know they may just make that deal, if you need help take Rob with you. He has some luck with negotiations it seems. "
Quick-Feather Peko Ranch - Monster Barn

Schneider is, perhaps unexpectedly, not an awful negotitor. Well, humans are good for that. "Well, I guess we will have to see what happens. I'm all full of plans, and I can't see where any of them will go, yet, it's too early."