Can I get your order?

Gwen is doing some work at Crescent Burger getting ready for the pending invasion of Yamato.

Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

War is coming and Gwen seems to be acting as normal. Or is she? there seems to be some work going on with the Resutant while there's people here there's far less and someone might see some crates being hauled out of the diner. Gwen is in the 1950s diner waitress outfit taking a few orders as she does so. Taking a moment longer to look at her might give away something is indeed up with the 6 4 bundle of energy.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider has come into the Crescent Burger for one last actual burger before the War with the Palace Landers. He comes in, smiles to Waitress Gwen, and takes a seat; he asks, "A burger and fries, please?" Looking over the goings on, he wonders, "So you guys holing up here and battening the hatches, or boarding it all up and falling back?" He's not sure what the overall strategy is for dealing with the Palace Landers. He's way too low on the totem pole to get unformed of that before it happens. He's curious, but he's a mushroom.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen comes on over.

"Whatcha want on the burger?" She has a pad of paper or something close to one out and will tkae down the order.

"We're making some plans for what we have to do. I'm having a lot of the supplies moved out of here. I have plans for it, I'll bring it up later. I just don't want them getting their hands on it. On the other hand...."

There's a very unkind look on her face. "I have some other ideas even if I have to take pages history."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider hrms about which burger, and consults the menu more closely. "The Zen burger," he specifies. So called because it's the one with everything. He arches a brow at Gwen looking unkind, but nods. "It's wildly inconvenient. If they didn't like us, they could just have said stop coming over. They seemed to have been planning the betrayal for a while, too. Part of me wishes I knew why, but I don't get the impression that they'll listen to reason. Nor the impression that this is some kind of planned event."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen writes it down for a moment. "I can think of reaon to be hostile to us."

She pauses

"The waves."

She notes for a moment and will go to fetch Schneider's order and will come back with it.

"Why would a world have a planned event? We'll find out what they want. Though I doubt it's going to be good for us."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider shakes his head about the Wave. "That was an excuse," he says. "You don't get an army like that up and moving in the time the Wave indicator appeared and to the right city from clear across the continent. Those armies were already mobilized. That sort of timing is good for a /modern/ army, with trucks and radios and cargo choppers." He takes a bite from the burger, sighs happily. "Why would a world have a planned event? Why would it lock us in here? Why anything, at this point. It's all a huge mystery. I dunno if we'll ever learn anything. I don't think we have in the last year. Or if we have, no one's told me."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen says "This world has a long history right? Who knows there's something erlse we might not know. Could be bad blood right? We'll find out one way or another in time but the question is do we want to. I'd have been happy just running here and my shop honestly. We'll have to deal with it one way or another but I have a really bad feeling ... about this."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider nods, he has a bad feeling also. "They had a war with their original players, too, didn't they? I think I heard from someplace? So maybe they just don't like players?" But that's as much speculation as anything. He nods about the long history, having researched parts of it, himself, and he grumbles, "It's as tangled in lies and misinformation as real life hostory. I would totally believe this is some manipulation or misunderstanding."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen says "That could be it and think about it. Undying super powered fighters..." She doesn't like ot think about it. "We'll have to find out one way or anotehr but it wouldn't shock me if we had to go after the Palace Lander Nobles to get them to stop in the end. I'm just wild mass guessing at this point..."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

"As if we didn't have our own problems to concern us," complains Schneider. "Undead armies, pirates, who knows what else, and now NWA has agitated a whole server against us. They have a lot of nerve complaining about Scale." He grumbles, finishes his burger, drags fry thourgh ketchup, eats. "This was good, though, thanks. I haven't had a burger in /ages/. Before joining the game, to be sure."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen looks at Schneider for a moment thinking. "It is what it is. Lot of the NWA want to stay here." That's all she's got to say on that. "Why do you think we opened this place? You know they will keep in your inventory for a bit if you want an order for the road or your friends."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider nods about people wanting to stay here. "Doesn't mean they've got a right to hold us here," he laments. "But yeah, it is what it is. The game is cool and all, I -like it-, and I'd play it a lot. But I'd like to get back to real life, also. I'd like to go to school, and find a job, meet a girl, and all that." As far as ordering for friends, he says, "Nah, we've got menu food for the long haul, and we can hunt in the Tower, which the Palace Landers seem to avoid, so ..." he shrugs.
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen looks at Schneider "There's the possiblityu one person gets out and it drags everyone else out. If this is actually still a game they might just pull the plug on anyone who doesn't want to leave." She'll leave it at that. "I understand having goals. Well thank you and hopefully you can come again."
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider ehs about one person leaving forcing everyone else out. "That's ... well, I would say that's silly, but it's as silly as us getting stuck here in the first place. My roommate in school would've pulled the helmet off to get me up in the morning if I was still attached to it, so ... who knows? But if there's no way home, we can still play the game, right? I mean, it's a world, it's got dungeons and challenges and such. May as well have something to do while smart people figure things out,"
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Gwen shrugs for a moment "We'll have to live with it right? I think figuring things out is going to be a very long process regardless right? Oh is there anything else I can do for you?'
Carmina Gadelica Marina - Crescent Burger

Schneider nods agreement about having to live with it. "If it's a hundred floors, and it's taken us over a year to get to ten, then we're looking at ten years to get to the top, where the rumor says the exit is. So, yeah, a very long process." He pays his tab, rises, and says, "Nothing else for me, thanks. I need to get going."