Merek and Schneider

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Schneider will draw Merek aside as we postfight the scene, cleaning up and helping the victims as much as can be done. "Hey, Merek, have you got a second?" he asks, leading him off to one side, away from ears.
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    Merek will look to Scheinder and nods a bit, while he takes the time to relax a bit, "I do, what do you need?" he asks, with him making pretty sure that the people they protected will be safe.
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Schneider phrases his words caerfully, because he's not sure, himself. "You said something during one of your attacks, something about the Bandit King," he begins. "And then something kinda strange happend, I don't know quite how to describe it. But I think it might be related to something I have going on."
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    Merek looks then to Schneider, "Ah, I didn't think that anyone actually heard me. I still voice it occasionally to try and get the wording through. It's an access code given by the Bandit King to give me access to Data Drain. The ability to pull information from targets."
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Schneider nods slowly, "I couldn't hear /anything/ clearly during the fight, but the brain usually fills in based on the shapes your mouth makes." That's how lip rading works. "Yeah," he says at the mention of data drain, and pulling information from targets. "I've been trying to research something like it, myself. But I've heard there are dangers. The bandit king was mentioned in relation to those dangers, so I thought you might know more."
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    "Ya, it's pretty dangerous. The power can probably corrupt and damage Cosmospheres," Merek will note to Schneider, "That's what I think from what I'm told by the King. He seems to know a lot about it. If you're looking for that kind of power, well... You'll need to work to it, there are methods to do it. It's also dangerous to the people using it."
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Schneider nods about dangerous, though he wonders cynically, "More or less dangerous than being trapped in an MMO?" But he nods about being told by the king, who seems mostly reliable in these things. "Work at it?" he wonders. "And methods?" As far as dangerous, he nods, "I'd like to mitigate the dangers as much as I can."
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    "The dangers seem to come from using it too much," Merek will note to Schneider. "That and I would try to not use it on Adventurers." Then he's thinking, "Methods. Well, I know there are people that can grant it, and it seems to be inherant to objects as well. Mine is from the strap the Bandit King actually offered to me. It was made by the Blind Goddess personally. If you want to find your own way, you will need to look around. Enigma Pieces grant the power to people, though that seems to be... Well, only one use."
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Schneider nods about enigma pieces, explains, "I've been collecting them, and studying them, I;m trying to use that to work out how to make the power work without burning out the pieces each time. As far as using it, I don't know that I'd need to use it super often, but I think it would have been nice on that glitched floor tem boss."
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    "That's true. I will tell you this, if you experiment with it, be careful. I already know that overuse carries unique danger," Merek will note, then he thinks about it. "I will see if I can learn anything for you, if you need to find more pieces I would ask about looking at the Mage's Guild Tower. They seem to keep generally a few ancient relics."
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Schneider admits, "I have a few pieces already, I was going to start studying. I was wondering, though, were you attacked when you used the power before? I noticed you weren't this time. Other than by that monster."
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    "Well, I don't know. I haven't been, though it's possible that things might try to come and protect the place. These things break the Law of Alba. Which is like a set of laws that control reality probably," Merek will admit, while he takes a bit to relax.
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Schneider nods slowly. "I will try and use the power as sparingly as possible, then. Thank you for your time."
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    "Well, thank you for coming to me and learning. You be safe, if you need anything, feel free to ask me," Merek will offer, with a wave.
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Schneider nods gravely. "I will contact you if I learn anything more."